wow, In the middle of what i could call 1 page of several positive posts Soulja actually made 3 shitless posts. Isnt this a new record for him?
The period that we where able to play early in the evening there was zero action in agramon allready.
Anyway its no use for me to explain on FH, most ppl that hate CM just not willing to discus or talk serious.
So think what you want guys. Have fun
wow, In the middle of what i could call 1 page of several positive posts Soulja actually made 3 shitless posts. Isnt this a new record for him?
LA in agramon was a bit of a joke aswell, instadead first run then the addage started
Soulja, arent you Soulbow? You should like CM since they attacked your tower quite often
Yes and point is ???? they only attacked any fucking thing when people were asleep.
lethul point is ... that u aint any better... instead of what u claiming... since u flame other people... back to ur gaymobile and right into ur gayve! gayman!
ROFL You saying that my gamestyle was same as CM that has got to be 1 of the most idiotic posts you made.
Soulbow killed server by griefing ROFL that got to be a 1st Thanks such an accolade to be compared with CM ---------------------
im sure adding arches made a lot of people quit this server aswell.
***** whining on cocks, funny
Some 1 call Jim Henderson and tell them 1 of his Muppets are missing.
You have got to be joking rofl So now what you saying Archer classes are to blame for Dyvet servers decline ???? Are you seriously telling us that.
If Archers are to blame for people quitting as you put it WHY on earth are French/Germans servers populations are thriving then DO THEY NOT PLAY Archer classes on them or Why are US Servers populated OH Wait they don't play archer classes either is that what you are implying ?
Yea Lethul says Archers killed DAOC now.You not lent you account out to Sorin have you m8.
It would be a record for you. :<
Some 1 call Jim Henderson and tell them 1 of his Muppets are missing.
You have got to be joking rofl So now what you saying Archer classes are to blame for Dyvet servers decline ???? Are you seriously telling us that.
If Archers are to blame for people quitting as you put it WHY on earth are French/Germans servers populations are thriving then DO THEY NOT PLAY Archer classes on them or Why are US Servers populated OH Wait they don't play archer classes either is that what you are implying ?
Yea Lethul says Archers killed DAOC now.You not lent you account out to Sorin have you m8.
I didn't say archers killed dyvet, i said they most likely made some players leave (mostly assassins). The reason US/DE/FR servers haven't died is because big amounts of players don't quit cause of guilds like CM (they are everywhere not a dyvet phenomenon). They instead keep on playing.
I don't like CM at all, added on my fights way to much when playing alb and added on my solo classes 1000 times to much for my liking. They are like a leet crew turnaround (taking pleasure in adding and ruining fights).
I just think that pot shouldn't call kettle black.
No you morron. What he means his that on other servers this types of things happen as well but you dont see idiotic bitches griefing and whining on a forum about it. Instead they move on and fight back.
Just try to guess wich one you are
OP classes/ adds / different playstyles always interfered on population. Saying that CM was the cause for ppl leaving server is the same that saying that warlocks/archer classes and other OP classes at some time killed the server.
Just get some balls and grow up instead of sucking the tities all the time whining.
Dead wrong. Check the post above.
edit: in the previous page even
Mate.. have you been to avalon/lyonesse cluster? Cause franqly loosing port and taking keeps after 00:00 is the daily bread and you see the population over 1500 primetime. Even relics are taken like once a week and you dont see any type of this attitude.
So what does make the Prydwen/excal cluster any different you ask?
Prydwen crash...? Hell i got 300p from goa, happy day it was!
CM destroyed english cluster? right...its easyer to blame on others instead of facing the truth tbh.
Yes they did. The kept on with their snotish selfish playstyle that led to what happened. I'm not blaming others, I'm just stating the simple facts.
What would be the truth for you btw? Let me have your version of the story, but please back it up with facts and dates.
For once and for all, ppl need to understand we in CM play for fun. Thinking of ruining others ppl play dosent even come to mind and you would know that if you were in TS. There is no such thing as for "hey lets trash theyr realm" at least with a serious intention.
The late night takes had alot of participants, but the core of these were generally CM members. If you joined a BG or a CG, you would find that CM members were often driving and leading the whole thing. So fact remains, they were a big part of the late night takes, that people started disliking them for so much.You and others keep forgeting that CM isnt all of albion. Most of the times you lost relics we didnt even take the 3rd or 4th keep. The proof is that even after CM left server albs still did take 2/3 keeps late at night.
Mate.. have you been to avalon/lyonesse cluster? Cause franqly loosing port and taking keeps after 00:00 is the daily bread and you see the population over 1500 primetime. Even relics are taken like once a week and you dont see any type of this attitude.
So what does make the Prydwen/excal cluster any different you ask? Well for once i would say the whiners and quiters, in second a forum full of the previous things ive said. Prydwen crash...? Hell i got 300p from goa, happy day it was!
CM destroyed english cluster? right...its easyer to blame on others instead of facing the truth tbh.
I would deffenatly accept that NF really didnt help on population altho it had some positive things, some ppl just couldnt addapt to this new type of RvR and moved on.
I asked Blow over a year ago Why CM did what they did and how I so it affecting the server and that if they playtime was offpeak to when regular players were playing why not move to a server that be active for they guild.
In reply to that they were saying they actions brought life to the server and people would play more in taking back they keeps/towers/relics when they took it in off peak times I still to this day say they 100% wrong and only reason they couldn't play another server was they were that shit and could not compete.I Admit we all spent long time building up the characters we had on this cluster and end game is to RvR but in CM case they RvR was not against Player v Player but Player v Enviroment.
The server could not manage CM playstyle as people every morning would log in take a look see 1/2 they realm a different colour and think FFS why did I bother till in end people couldn't be assed and simple reason was Dyvets population could not handle the constant AC of everything unlike Kinpetix answer OH but it happens on Avalon all time YES it may do but Avalon has more of a playerbase than Dyvet infact 3 - 4 times more.When it same players day in day out retaking what was done through night people just got pissed off and looked elsewhere to get they daoc fix.
CM contributed to Dyvets downfall and so did the GM at the time Requiel.
Players didnt leave DAOC they just left Dyvet as doing and seeing same shit day in day out was in end utterly boring no matter how much fun CM had on they vent.
Fix vent!![]()
.... say they 100% wrong and only reason they couldn't play another server was they were that shit and could not compete.....
Another useless and clueless comment i might say. After being told here why CM ppl play at that time you still make a donkey out of yourself.