yeah, real skill is when you have 5 seconds to make a decision and you have 5 times less abilities (thus less decision options), compared to less than 1 second to make a decision with 5 times more abilities. Dorimor where did you study logics?
Those abilities are OP because noobs like you cant counter them and go cry to mythic about nerfing this and that.
I see that your posts are also very constructive, mr. pathetic liar, constructive post has to have some grain of truth in the information it provides.
Yes, you do have longer to make a decision but that by all means does not make it easier, in fact, it makes it harder. Sure, I could go in 50 RvR and as soon as I see someone casting I can spam nuke like Septina and everyone else. In 50 RvR you don't have time to think and therefore people just spam nukes all the time - this is why I believe Dyvet is dead, because 50 RvR became boring because people were just spamming damage at others. If only people had played Thidranki then they would have realised that Dyvet is worth staying with. In Thidranki, because you have more time, you need to think tactically. It is very hard to get you to understand this so please bear with me, because you are less experienced and skilled as me, I will need to explain very clearly. For example, in Thidranki, whilst someone is casting, you have the option to (say, playing an Eldritch) nearsight, mezz or nuke them. In RvR you would nuke them but in Thidranki you would do the right thing and nearsight followed by mezz. In RvR, Eldritchs only use their spec light nuke when whilst playing interupt RvR it is so much better to use the base light nuke. Little details like this is why Thidranki is so much better and offers so much more diversity than 50 RvR.
I've never cried to Mythic about this because I have never found it hard dispatching and defeated noobs who rely on their abilities, such as Septina and Grawen (got alot of RPs from them over the years). However, if two players are equally skilled, should the deciding factor be the abilities available to the classes these players play? The answer is no. The deciding factor should be situation positioning and reactionary casting. Thidranki can offer both of these, because cast times are slower and there are less abilities it becomes more about who can use the right spell at the right time rather than who can mash the nuke button the fastest.
I don't think the words 'constructive' and 'pathetic liar' can be put in one sentence on your behalf. Infact, your grammar and spelling is so bad that I am surprised that you can conjure up a sentence at all.
Arethir said:Oh noes Dori said I'm in the "leetboys"-fanclub What to doooooooo! You do realize I'm not active right? And that even if I did reactivate, I wouldn't even be playing the same realm/server as them?
I know you were trying to be funny like a 'leet kid', but I am afraid it failed.
Septina said:All that counts is that he believes it himself
I know I am not the only one who believes it. I know you know that I am right. You have been denying it for so long Septina and it is funny how you still cannot admit it. Time and time again I have owned you on the forums, in Thidranki and 50 RvR and shown my superiority to you yet you still are in denial. You know all that I say is true because whenever I make a post saying a constructive point with correct evidence you just dish out a random insult. I mean, I do enjoy reading your pathetic attempts to sound smart but you are just doing yourself harm if you can't accept the truth.
Edit: If anyone wants to learn more about Thidranki, PM me. xD