Strafe Abuse


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Mastade said:
just to see em stop up and do some /rude spam is fucking funny :D

an then report them if they do it more then 3 times :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Lollersausage said:
I'd say Caestar is one of the most honourable guys out there tbh :eek:

yes very honourable , he didnt strafe at all after pa'ing me while i was figthing another hib :)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
klasa said:
I actually think it requires more skill to land a side style on a non stunned character than landing a side style on a stunned charachter. But the way you argue it seems like you are really skillfull if you land a side style on a mezzed character......

That's just my opinion, and I've tried tha walking backward trick :) it works so mayby you could practice that.


How the fuck is it skill to hold a kite button in so someone cant hit you whilst you spam a side stun ?

Rather than your opponent be stunned and do it ?


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Blizard said:
Although i have been against stealthers who do this all the time, i think ''Regen'' is totally right here!
They wouldnt have implemented a straf buttun if they didnt want you to use it, and when you do straf, you have the same chance of not seeing your target also as your enemy does.
You get a message like: <you are straffing and cant see your target>
Anyway, this is easy to counter, just walk back and let them come to you and then you do ya thing!

The message you get is <You are straefing and miss> now and then,

As for it being just as bad for them to hit you - You still land styles, they get told the opponent is not in view.

Most people straef when they think they can not win the enemy without it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
DeadOnArrival said:
To the Many Stealther out there whom i have fought over the years....I have just been accused of using a Strafe bug off a guy who i have a lot of respect for. And for him to contact me about it must mean its a serious thing as he has been around a long time just like myself.

I have respecced to blades and i am trying to land a side positional side that stuns as i lost DB. <ice storm>

As most 1 v 1 i face people and them me, i strafe to the side and try to run through my oponent to try and land it. I havent had much use landing the style as its something that is relitively new to me. I did notice however that both of us were missing our styles when i tried to do this.

Is this classed as me Bug abusing? And if it is can anyone suggest a good way of landing a side style when your opponent is /facing you that wont interpret an abuse of the game?

When i was pierce it was easy..u either land Diamondback or your opponent does. Thanks in advance.
Strafing isn't bugabusing, it's just really annoying and irritating. Ice Storm stun (for NS/ranger) is a bug however, and if you use it you're using a bug, hence bug abusing. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
Simba said:
The thing which happened i saw you comming, I've made a perfect PA, used even empty mind because i saw that my opponent is high rr, then you started strafing and moving, and i couldn't hit in about 60% of my styles because i get the Your target is not in view message, and i was facing. And of course since i my hits were styleless because of this i got chain evaded and i got the good hamstring combo back, and i died.

If i die even after a good PA, with or without remedy thats not a problem for me, but if i die because i can't hit my opponent i think and i'm complaining about it, i think I'm 100% right.

Or maybe is should spec to DW and strafe out my enemies, and just say, sorry i wanted to use side combo because i'm dw spec now?

I think you should think about it.

omg ur rr8l4 and u havent learnt how to counter strafe?, i have a thid SB and i can counter strafe about 7/10 occasions

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
TriggerHappy said:
omg ur rr8l4 and u havent learnt how to counter strafe?, i have a thid SB and i can counter strafe about 7/10 occasions

OMG you are soo cool, can I take you to my /friends list?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
I agree it's totally out of order
I feel the same way when those pesky little casters start to kite me
FFS stand still so I can hit you next time.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Dont blame the players
Blame the game
If there was collision detection this conversation would'nt even exist, its simply the result of lazy programming

So learn to counter it and get on with it


Loyal Freddie
Nov 19, 2004
lol, some of you guys blow my fookin mind... you sit there prattling on about honour and skill, and then cry like a bitch because someone is strafing? Surely you are so skillful you can counter it? No, obviously fucking not. Personally I hate it when I get DT popped on me, and a lovely bit of FZ on my ass, but I don't cry about it, I just work out how I can get round it... some of you people just want the world handed to you on a fucking plate, and guys, that just aint gonna happen.... so, instead of bitching about how 'shit' this other guy is for not playing the way you play, try figuring out how to beat him and then rejoice in the fact that even though everyone is beautifully different, you are still allowing them to be.
And have a wee pie afterwards.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Simba said:
Or maybe is should spec to DW and strafe out my enemies, and just say, sorry i wanted to use side combo because i'm dw spec now?

I think you should think about it.

if you best chain is from the side or whatever, ofcourse you will strafe or whatever to try and get it in.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
If there was collision detection this conversation would'nt even exist, its simply the result of lazy programming

If there was a collision detection, some tarts could block the entrance to your capital forever just by standing in the gate. And you could bash a keep door with no more than 4 people at a time. And you could make a caster completely invulnerable to melee attacks by sticking 4 tanks around him. And you would experience red squares every time you´re even remotely close to more than 5 other people.

There´s a reason why there´s no collision detection. And it´s not lazy programming. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
i dont understand why the use of ur strafe and move buttons in a fight can be lame! i guess it would be better for the most of u do just face a tank for instance get slamed and then backstyled to death! strafe is there to be able to win vs circumstances that would be otherwise impossible to win, i dont see the shame in that! instead of moaning u should just learn how to counterstrafe like most strafers do! imo the fact that a lower rr assasin with cheap equipment can outdamage a higher rr tank with better equipment cause of strafe is called skills not lame or bugabusing or whatever shitexcuse u may come up with to justify the fact that u get outskilled simply beacause someone has actually spend some time learning how to use his movement buttons instead of pveing to get oped equipment!


Loyal Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
UriZeN said:
i dont understand why the use of ur strafe and move buttons in a fight can be lame! i guess it would be better for the most of u do just face a tank for instance get slamed and then backstyled to death! strafe is there to be able to win vs circumstances that would be otherwise impossible to win, i dont see the shame in that! instead of moaning u should just learn how to counterstrafe like most strafers do! imo the fact that a lower rr assasin with cheap equipment can outdamage a higher rr tank with better equipment cause of strafe is called skills not lame or bugabusing or whatever shitexcuse u may come up with to justify the fact that u get outskilled simply beacause someone has actually spend some time learning how to use his movement buttons instead of pveing to get oped equipment!

urgh i always thought it was the other way around, arti templ ie your stats suck with abilities down therefor u need to strafe to win. :m00:


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
Strafing in 1 vs 1 fights is reasonbly "ghey". Not quite as anoying as casters and support who strafe like they are getting down to MC hammer. You literally "cant touch this" (see what i did there m8ers!). Whats the point in being a tank when you cant hit anything.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
I haven't read the whole thread, so this might have been said before.
Personally, i don't strafe much, cause i cba with it.
I do sometimes use runthrough when i'm fighting a MoCing lifetapper though, but i try to do it as little as i can and sometimes i die because i didn't do it enough. :)
Makes me feel a little cheap when i do it, but pffff.... It also depends on who i'm fighting.
It's no worse than when a caster with a ML9 pet kites me while he abuses the water surface.

There's a difference between strafing and runthrough though.
Strafing in a 1 on 1 melee fight is fine. I don't see why it should be a problem.
If you had a fight irl, would you just stand still and swing your arms? Not try to dodge or step to the sides to avoid being hit? Not try to dance around to get in a blow to the side where your opponent doesn't have his guard up?
Strafing to get in a sidepositional makes sense. If you lose because your opponent was strafing a little, you deserve to lose.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Zoia said:
Strafing in a 1 on 1 melee fight is fine. I don't see why it should be a problem.
If you had a fight irl, would you just stand still and swing your arms? Not try to dodge or step to the sides to avoid being hit? Not try to dance around to get in a blow to the side where your opponent doesn't have his guard up?
Strafing to get in a sidepositional makes sense. If you lose because your opponent was strafing a little, you deserve to lose.

Well, tbh, if someone hit you with an axe the size of malice irl, you'd be in 2 pieces :)

But can't say I agree with the straffing, after I moved home to england, and was playing on a crappy 56k modem till my adsl got activated straffers really annoyed me, because of my connection speed i got 'not in view' messages for 60% of the fight, and if they straffed I lost the fight and there was nothing I could do about it. Something that never happened to me on my 10meg connection in Ireland.
Straffers don't bother me as much now that I am back on a decent connection, but its still something I wouldnt do in a 1 on 1, because the other poor sod could be on a 56k connection for all I know.

Runthru on lifetappers is perfectly justified however.
Man, I love my double standards ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
It´s not against any rules to strafe but is considered by most true soloers to be extremely lame behaviour.

Its considered lame by people who cant do it. Learn how to do it and how to counter it. Its a legitimate skill, in a game where toe to toe hitting each other is just a statistical calculation, any additional skills that can be used just make combat more interesting.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Zoia said:
I haven't read the whole thread, so this might have been said before.
Personally, i don't strafe much, cause i cba with it.
I do sometimes use runthrough when i'm fighting a MoCing lifetapper though, but i try to do it as little as i can and sometimes i die because i didn't do it enough. :)
Makes me feel a little cheap when i do it, but pffff.... It also depends on who i'm fighting.
It's no worse than when a caster with a ML9 pet kites me while he abuses the water surface.

There's a difference between strafing and runthrough though.
Strafing in a 1 on 1 melee fight is fine. I don't see why it should be a problem.
If you had a fight irl, would you just stand still and swing your arms? Not try to dodge or step to the sides to avoid being hit? Not try to dance around to get in a blow to the side where your opponent doesn't have his guard up?
Strafing to get in a sidepositional makes sense. If you lose because your opponent was strafing a little, you deserve to lose.

Dead right
Dec 31, 2003
There is so many other important issues then strafing to be discussed in daoc, can't believe this thread made it to 8 pages...

class balance, anyone?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
Vodkafairy said:
countering strafe is really easy, and if both people strafe, it adds a lot more to the fight then just spamming styles which everyone can do.

question is, does this kinda fighting belong in a mmorpg or rather in a nintento game? :p personally i think its fun, but since people think its lame i toned it down a bit :(

It's not lame, brings some skill to the game instead of standing there and only let the fight be decided up on an arti or some other ability. Being able to move and position your self correct to get styles in instead of just standing still and hitting the taunt button.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
TriggerHappy said:
omg ur rr8l4 and u havent learnt how to counter strafe?, i have a thid SB and i can counter strafe about 7/10 occasions

The more you post, The more you make me think you love yourself.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I have no problem with people strafing (Do it myself alot aswell) but they seriously need to adjust the /face command because 9 out of the 10 times a BM lands his Side style (ice storm combo) while I am facing him.
They should make it so that if you face someone you always (100%) are with your frontside pointing towards the target so they will never ever get a back/side style off (would be nice to get those clueless /assist /stick /style people to actually look at the screen instead of pushing 3 buttons aswell).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
There is so many other important issues then strafing to be discussed in daoc, can't believe this thread made it to 8 pages...

class balance, anyone?

The thing is there is very little, as players, we can do about class balance, it's all in mythics hands. :mad:

We can choose however to strafe or not.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Cromcruaich said:
Its considered lame by people who cant do it. Learn how to do it and how to counter it. Its a legitimate skill, in a game where toe to toe hitting each other is just a statistical calculation, any additional skills that can be used just make combat more interesting.

Oh but I can do it and I just counterstrafe against ppl trying to outstrafe me. Doesnt change my opinion about it

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Cromcruaich said:
Its considered lame by people who cant do it.

Or by ppl who are not wanna use it.

Cromcruaich said:
Learn how to do it and how to counter it. Its a legitimate skill, in a game where toe to toe hitting each other is just a statistical calculation, any additional skills that can be used just make combat more interesting.

Ppl play this game for fun. Fighting against a breakdancer isn't fun for me, so I'll make it funnier with adding ang grouping up with other stealthers, and if they come to whine here I'll just say: skill man!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 5, 2005
Simba said:
The thing which happened i saw you comming, I've made a perfect PA, used even empty mind because i saw that my opponent is high rr, then you started strafing and moving, and i couldn't hit in about 60% of my styles because i get the Your target is not in view message, and i was facing. And of course since i my hits were styleless because of this i got chain evaded and i got the good hamstring combo back, and i died.

If i die even after a good PA, with or without remedy thats not a problem for me, but if i die because i can't hit my opponent i think and i'm complaining about it, i think I'm 100% right.

Or maybe is should spec to DW and strafe out my enemies, and just say, sorry i wanted to use side combo because i'm dw spec now?

I think you should think about it.

just walk backwards ?? qq more xD

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