Strafe Abuse

Caylan Raal

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Righthandof said:
side styles are simply not for 1v1. as you gain a great advantage with trying to strafe(your opponent will get not in view messages 3 out of 4-5 times), its very retarded to use it.

i just use my slam to stun the enemy, and AFTER that, I can get in 1-4(depends on purge) side styles.. regular strafers should be banned imo.

So its fair for me and other players to not use our more powerful styles (and its not easy to land them i might add) because you dont want to be arsed with countering someone strafing ? Ok i wont use side styles about you dont press F6 when you meet someone in rvr ? or ...we could all use the game mechanics and play it out to the best of our ability ? its not easy to strafe and land side style - the player doing it misses more often than not.

You only get out of view messages if you stand there like a lemon while someone strafes around you.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
i could win a lot more of my fights if i wanted to use strafe, as its pretty easy to use run through and anytime levi, reason i dont is because its pretty lame thing to do (must admit i do it v warlocks though :D) but sometimes if someone is trying to strafe me, i just /stick, back up indigo/levi with diamondback, and let them perform my positionals for me.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Caylan Raal said:
So its fair for me and other players to not use our more powerful styles (and its not easy to land them i might add) because you dont want to be arsed with countering someone strafing ? Ok i wont use side styles about you dont press F6 when you meet someone in rvr ? or ...we could all use the game mechanics and play it out to the best of our ability ? its not easy to strafe and land side style - the player doing it misses more often than not.

You only get out of view messages if you stand there like a lemon while someone strafes around you.

Not easy to strafe and land side style? The side arc is huge.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Aye must agree on that! You cant say side stun is hard to land.. all ive met that have it flying around like crazy(strafing) to land it and does cause arc is huge ! And about strafing dont bother me i learned to counter it ..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Dwali said:
all stealthers i have faced with my reaver always uses strife and run through...wich is a coward playstyle me thinks...

ye nerf those backstabbing, shadow lurking rogue types :(

and @ the 8L4 inf whining about strafe, where the hell did u get those rps? manning the oil at keep fights? :eek7:


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
So, strafing to land side stun is fine.
But how about abusing the bugs in run through to avoid casters to land their spells? ;p
Thats much more annoying, and there is no counterparts on this bug. Like you cant walk backwerds since you cant cast while moving. Imo that should be fixed first.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004

Simba said:
Then all the hib strafers should spec on high cd, to have a good excuse for strafing in 1v1, or maybe is should using my flank/shadow's rain combo after i ge PA-ed. (I don't even have side style on my main quickbars, i only have a pincer on the 5th or 6th not sure, wich i only use in zerg fights).

And Caestar if you want me to reply to your private message, clean up your fh inbox or contact me on msn/icq (details on my profile)

Just a thought though, if you use face, how is he ever gonna be able to land a back/side style on you if its lame to strafe ?

I willingly admit to knowing very little about closecombat 1vs1 but I dont see how you are to beat face if run through or strafe is considered "lame" but using the face command isnt. Shouldnt face be considered as "lame" in that case ?

I can understand it beeing called lame when a bonedancer strafes vs a solo stealther (its not like its a fair fight to start with. Lifetap for the OP), since the stealther cant strafe away from the lifetap. But when its close combat vs close combat isnt it on equal terms ?


ps. Just a reflection on the usage of term "lame" etc...ds.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
none of them are bug abusing in mythic/goa's eyes afaik, apart from window-drag (i think?)

yes its lame, its gay and it all shoulda been fixed a VERY long time ago.

cant be hard to fix strafe, [if enemy=visible_on_client_screen and in_melee_range=1 then hit=1]
run-thru would be a bit harder methinks.
window drag? well they fixed it once they can do it again ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
or perhaps [if face=1 and in_melee_range=1 then hit=1] & [if face=1 and in_spell_range=1 then nuke=1] would do it ... funny how these things take 2-3yrs isn't it :worthy:

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
charmangle said:
Just a thought though, if you use face, how is he ever gonna be able to land a back/side style on you if its lame to strafe ?

In a face to face fight under normal circumstances you shouldn't be able to land a side style imo. With strafing to land the side style you are abusing the client lag and/or the poor netcode. Maybe this is not a punishable thing but in my opinion it's a lame thing and absolutly no respect to anyone who use it.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
if u loose to some1 100% due to him strafing then u are just a shite player, its not very hard to walk backwards and or /face... stop whining about stuff that is so easy to counter... not like a strafer 1 hits u like warlocks...
I guess you forgot about the time you died to a strafing greycon :<
Faril said:
Strafing really isnt that much of a problem, charge>sidestun
Tendril spam > side stun :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
aha...but hmm...

Tafaya Anathas said:
In a face to face fight under normal circumstances you shouldn't be able to land a side style imo. With strafing to land the side style you are abusing the client lag and/or the poor netcode. Maybe this is not a punishable thing but in my opinion it's a lame thing and absolutly no respect to anyone who use it.

Aha oki...but hmm...doesnt that make some specs better than others ? (Obviously I have no clue about the stealther speccs hence the question:)

I just figured dual wielding vs critting were more based on position styles etc. Basically isnt it more skill using strafe to position yourself to be able to land a style rather than just hitting face and spamming away on your 1 style button ?:)

As I said before I dont have any idea of how the "good" stealthers do it but thats how it looks like from a noclue perspective!:)


ps. What I mean is that trying to position yourself back and forth at the same time as you are keeping track of attacks/targets etc feels like its more skill rather than using automatic face command. Atleast when its 2 classes that both are close combat. (with spells not beeing based on positions etc its understandable that its not considered fair for them to strafe out of range/postion etc) ds


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
1 style button? :eek:

Guess I have to remove the other 19 styles I have on my QBs


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Hehe well an understatement ofc!:)

xxManiacxx said:
1 style button? :eek:

Guess I have to remove the other 19 styles I have on my QBs

Hehe well an understatement ofc but isnt the skill in stealther vs stelather to be able to move around, getting into postion etc at the same time as handling all the styles etc and not just the: I landed a PA and blew out all my UBAH RAs therefor I won.

Shouldnt it be the playing thats the skill not the RAs/RR ? (higher stealth enabling PAs etc)


ps. Ofc the RRs will help but shouldnt most of the skill be in the actual fighting ? Otherwise whats the point with facing a higher rr stelather other than beeing rp fodder ?:) ds.

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
charmangle said:
Basically isnt it more skill using strafe to position yourself to be able to land a style rather than just hitting face and spamming away on your 1 style button ?:)

The bad thing that the majority are using it for the "not in view" side effect. Imo the "I wanna land side stun" is a lame excuse, beacuse if you purge the stun or just survive until it wears off they will be still strafing throughout the whole fight.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
charmangle said:
Hehe well an understatement ofc but isnt the skill in stealther vs stelather to be able to move around, getting into postion etc at the same time as handling all the styles etc and not just the: I landed a PA and blew out all my UBAH RAs therefor I won.

Shouldnt it be the playing thats the skill not the RAs/RR ? (higher stealth enabling PAs etc)


ps. Ofc the RRs will help but shouldnt most of the skill be in the actual fighting ? Otherwise whats the point with facing a higher rr stelather other than beeing rp fodder ?:) ds.

The most damaging styles an assassin has except from stealth styles is the from evade chain.

Nightshades use this strafing as an excuse to land their short duration side stun. The fact that they dont stop strafing after landing it doesnt count I guess :eek:

And assassins dont have any "uber" RAs to blow.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
duact said:
maby u should stop crying and learn to counter strafe ?

lets all spin around together so that the one with teh fastest connection winz! yay! :D

in my opinion strafing around like a nutter is about as honourable as installing radar.

However it doesn't seem to be against the CoC (and even if it was it wouldn't carry instaban like radar does - the latter is obvious cheating and all that, the former just abusing some crap game mechanics).

And I'm sure I've seen posts from experienced players pointing out that "just walk backwards" doesn't actually work ... QQ.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Ahaa...oki that explains that then!:)

xxManiacxx said:
The most damaging styles an assassin has except from stealth styles is the from evade chain.

Nightshades use this strafing as an excuse to land their short duration side stun. The fact that they dont stop strafing after landing it doesnt count I guess :eek:

And assassins dont have any "uber" RAs to blow.

Aha oki...that explains that then!:)

(well having purge vs not have purge/IP vs not having IP etc makes a difference I bet!:)


ps. But still one question: Why is strafing lame when face isnt when both can do it ? (as I said earlier when casters strafe I can undstand why its lame, but when both are close encounter chars why cant both just strafe and get the same effect ?) I mean doesnt it still take more skill to strafe and hit all buttons etc than just face and hitting the buttons ? ds.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Complaining about strafing when you use walkthrough vs casters doesn't make sense imo. The latter is entirely a lag based based exploit (and yes I do use it also) whereas most strafers only strafe to land positionals. Even if they are constantly giving 'target not in view' thats no more disadvantage than you have against the casters.

Casters cannot counter a perfect walkthrougher by facing, but meleers can counter much more easily. The only sure way to counter it is by having a very low latency connection, if the strafer/walkthrougher lags a lot they won't benefit, and it'll only be harder for them - you'll see them as where they are according to the server which is also where positionals count, not clientside. If you know you lag a little, then walk backwards while manually facing slightly ahead of the direction they're strafing in, this way you'll be facing them exactly from the servers POV (if you judge your own lag correctly), and they won't make it into the side arc, let alone rear arc which is the only way a strafer can force 'out of view'.


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
charmangle said:
Just a thought though, if you use face, how is he ever gonna be able to land a back/side style on you if its lame to strafe ?

Dunno, I assumed people were referring to landing a side-style which stuns and then back-styling. Maybe not though.

I personally don't like strafing but hey, part of the game. :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
charmangle said:
Hehe well an understatement ofc but isnt the skill in stealther vs stelather to be able to move around, getting into postion etc at the same time as handling all the styles etc and not just the: I landed a PA and blew out all my UBAH RAs therefor I won.

As i read this whole thread it seems i'm the lame, because in 1v1 fights i'm using the /face or /stick command, istead of some l337 not in the view strafing.

And my UBAH RAs i have which is good in combat, is purge and empty mind1,
those are really I win ras.

And until this moment I thought the honorable thing was when someone in 1v1 combat weren't strafing and useing /face command instead as i did so far.

And i'm 8l4 because there are still a lot players who thinks as the same as i do, so i still meed killable in 1v1 players without any tricks/lag/strafe.

Maybe i should change my game style too...


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Just change the Ice-storm positional for rangers and nightshades to frontal positional.

Then see all peeps who moan about strafing now strafe their heart out to avoid it happening xD


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Puppet said:
Just change the Ice-storm positional for rangers and nightshades to frontal positional.

Then see all peeps who moan about strafing now strafe their heart out to avoid it happening xD

Like that´s gonna happen :)

oh wait.... It´s Mythic :mad:

oooor we could do as the patchnotes said. Change for Blademasters only ;)


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
I have no idea where you got that idea...

Simba said:
As i read this whole thread it seems i'm the lame, because in 1v1 fights i'm using the /face or /stick command, istead of some l337 not in the view strafing.

And my UBAH RAs i have which is good in combat, is purge and empty mind1,
those are really I win ras.

And until this moment I thought the honorable thing was when someone in 1v1 combat weren't strafing and useing /face command instead as i did so far.

And i'm 8l4 because there are still a lot players who thinks as the same as i do, so i still meed killable in 1v1 players without any tricks/lag/strafe.

Maybe i should change my game style too...

I have no idea where you got the idea that you are lame because you use face. No one said anything that even pointed to that...where did you get it from ?

Also as I said earlier I dont have a clue about the stelather close combat styles...I was just asking questions since im interrested in hearing the answeres.

But it seems to me that you beeing 8l4 basically autowins vs a 1l0 stealther if all he is allowed to do is press the same attack buttons you do. (same eq, etc but you with ALOT more RAs) (if that is not the case correct me ofc) So if that is the case, isnt it lame to fight him at all since its autowin ? (or is he just rpfodder ?)

And my question to you, that you didnt answere, was: Why is face/stick, hit till death more fair than: move around getting positions, both missing and hitting trying to outmove your oponent and hit styles at the same time....

I mean when both can do it with the exact same result ?

Im not claiming anything here im just asking...



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
charmangle said:
Aha oki...but hmm...doesnt that make some specs better than others ? (Obviously I have no clue about the stealther speccs hence the question:)

Yes. It's one of the reasons that Armsmen who play in group prefer two handed (better positionals), and those who play solo prefer polearm (better front/reactive styles).


Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
charmangle said:
But it seems to me that you beeing 8l4 basically autowins vs a 1l0 stealther if all he is allowed to do is press the same attack buttons you do. (same eq, etc but you with ALOT more RAs) (if that is not the case correct me ofc) So if that is the case, isnt it lame to fight him at all since its autowin ? (or is he just rpfodder ?)

Okey, he has achieved 8l4 by not (ab)using strafe, so if a 1l0 stealther encounters him he has to equailze the experience and realmlevel difference with strafing, and that is what you call skill?

Ps. I encountered a (nonstealther) brehon yesterday with my r4l9 infil, beat him to 30% with almost no hp loss, and after that he has started to strafe and it took a heal potion and half a minute to me to beat him. So he was outskilled me?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
countering strafe is really easy, and if both people strafe, it adds a lot more to the fight then just spamming styles which everyone can do.

question is, does this kinda fighting belong in a mmorpg or rather in a nintento game? :p personally i think its fun, but since people think its lame i toned it down a bit :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
The difference is that ppl that are out trying to get 1on1 fights rather have a nice duel then just win and get rps.

Those that just want rps are those that strafe,adds,zergs,leech

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
question is, does this kinda fighting belong in a mmorpg or rather in a nintento game? :p personally i think its fun, but since people think its lame i toned it down a bit :(

Yeah, I think it's basically an RPG game, not an action game (Hint: MMORPG). If you want a fight where only your button mashing skills counts play Mortal Kombat. In daoc you actually spend a lot of times to level your char, make SC, do MLs, artis etc., so if someone wanna compensate it with strafing it's very lame imo. If a stealther wanna land a side style that is less lame in my opinion but still lame, and if he continue strafing after stun purged or wore off he is nothing more than a Super Mario player who deserves 0 respect.

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