To restore balance...

  • Thread starter old.Gobarnachta
  • Start date


Isolate Midgard off the game :p

Well to be honest it would be nice to have some RvR fields where only albs and hibs can port in to...same ofcourse to have it equal 2 more of those where in other hibs are excluded and other albs.

top-5 is not too pretty sight nor is top-10 of single players lastweek rps...

This is flame and whine and once again pointless thread. o_O Like Mythic would ever do this and even if it would that patch would land here in year 3k.


Now that middies have had upperhand in every patch we can only wonder what new toy they'll acquire next so happy waiting for next patch all...disappointed Elf out.


Well maybe the Albs V Hibs, Hibs V mids and Albs v mids idea isnt so bad any Arena idea is intresting.

The stupid bit was.

"Now that middies have had upperhand in every patch we can only wonder what new toy they'll acquire next so happy waiting for next patch all...disappointed Elf out".


Originally posted by lorric
Well maybe the Albs V Hibs, Hibs V mids and Albs v mids idea isnt so bad any Arena idea is intresting.

The stupid bit was.

"Now that middies have had upperhand in every patch we can only wonder what new toy they'll acquire next so happy waiting for next patch all...disappointed Elf out".

Can you deny this ?

Healers at early days...zerks...savas...and now that mythic seems to favor tanks it is even nicer to bring your "balanced" groups out to play with us.


So u havent seen the zerker and now the savage nerfs then? imo they arent a bad thing but u cant say mids get the best from all the patches that makes u the idiot.


they ARE the best in all patches not GET the best in all patches ;O


hehe nice idea gob but no sane alb/hib would leave the alb/hib zone. :p


Originally posted by lorric
So u havent seen the zerker and now the savage nerfs then? imo they arent a bad thing but u cant say mids get the best from all the patches that makes u the idiot.

About future patches I dunno but I really hope you are right...and I do hope that you realize this thread is filled with sarcasm and frustration for situation atm yet you cannot deny that with healers middies have had best CC class and first realm to have usable insta-mez and after a while rat-boys ruled their time and now little quad hitting savages killing anyone they touch until very day GoA gives us new patch.

Well if u have looked what's coming and say things will be balanced then hey that would be nice but meanwhile gaming for other realms is what it is :(

I know other realms have had some advantages but in big picture midgard really is mythic's favorite child m8.


Mids have been nerfed to hell to. These "boosts" doesnt nearly compensate. And a hib saying that...well youre not exactly gimped.


interesting that on vnboards the most whine comes from middies, here it comes against middies, roflmao
go and play, stop whine
concerns all the feking whiners


Originally posted by mirak_naijmi
Mids have been nerfed to hell to. These "boosts" doesnt nearly compensate. And a hib saying that...well youre not exactly gimped.

Yes SBs have met nerfbat but really stealth-RvR is kinda different matter here...there infis rule yes but yet there is still real RvR going. I myself have despised stealth and instas from day one but have given in for that long since :-/ well I do hope you look game from other views also and think your reply again.


Originally posted by old.anubis
interesting that on vnboards the most whine comes from middies, here it comes against middies, roflmao
go and play, stop whine
concerns all the feking whiners

Everybody whines. Get used to it or don't read BW as I do most of times ;p


Originally posted by old.anubis
interesting that on vnboards the most whine comes from middies, here it comes against middies, roflmao
go and play, stop whine
concerns all the feking whiners

VN boards lol 99% uber noobs there so who cares.


Originally posted by old.Gobarnachta
Can you deny this ?

Healers at early days...zerks...savas...and now that mythic seems to favor tanks it is even nicer to bring your "balanced" groups out to play with us.

Try and denie the impact magic had in the "early" games also.
Chanter ruled static defences and before magic got toned down still did with their baseline stun.

Sheez... some people.

Just because you can't nuke everybody for 500dam+ ever 2 sec. any more all the time, but actually have to move around a little .....

it is no wonder that midgard continues to get nerfed - look at the whiners the realms players are up against.


OMG! How the hell can RG be in the top5 ??
I though we were TEH inactive guild! :eek:


Originally posted by bult
VN boards lol 99% uber noobs there so who cares.

yea, and on bw only 1337 dewds who scream left and right "nerf, nerf, nerf" "gifv, gifv, gifv" ^^


Originally posted by Xandax
Try and denie the impact magic had in the "early" games also.
Chanter ruled static defences and before magic got toned down still did with their baseline stun.

Sheez... some people.

Just because you can't nuke everybody for 500dam+ ever 2 sec. any more all the time, but actually have to move around a little .....

it is no wonder that midgard continues to get nerfed - look at the whiners the realms players are up against.

sheez...some people don't like to read thread before replying ?

Originally posted by old.Gobarnachta
About future patches I dunno but I really hope you are right...and I do hope that you realize this thread is filled with sarcasm and frustration for situation atm yet you cannot deny that with healers middies have had best CC class and first realm to have usable insta-mez and after a while rat-boys ruled their time and now little quad hitting savages killing anyone they touch until very day GoA gives us new patch.

Well if u have looked what's coming and say things will be balanced then hey that would be nice but meanwhile gaming for other realms is what it is :(

I know other realms have had some advantages but in big picture midgard really is mythic's favorite child m8.


oh and I still can pbae about 500dmg/2secs with gob but I get hit for 600-800 dmg every 2.5 secs (and in addition as it is tank heavy multiple by 2 or 3 as they have tanks almost for every finger) not to mention that tanks don't get interrupted (yes yes casters do have moc...every 30 mins and for 15secs!) so can give me some better replies t.t FLAME ON :p :clap: :puke: :D :eek: :sleeping:


Anyone who doesn't realise mid is by far the strongest in 8 vs 8 has a screw lose :)

Like I always copy and paste the main reasons being: pbae disease on 8 sec timer, insta haste debuff, 4 insta cc, savages.

And little things like perma ss6, ss5 in combat, no cloth wearing class, 4 out of 8 in group having det, 3 having demezz etc.


Having "Arenas" imo = bad idea. RvR is for all 3 realms to battle it out together. For the upperhand in RvR we need Relics in which the holders of relics are decided through our battles in RvR :)

At times RvR in your realm may seem dull etc.. But it takes the "realm" to pull together & fix that ..if anything having "Arenas" would make a bad situation worse. Im from hib/pryd & im sure you know we are well under populated, but we stick at it & plod on ..we win battles & we lose battles thats RvR :) No matter what realm your in atm unless your in a regular group setup for RvR chances are you will get ganked by enemy. This may sound harsh but RvR from what it was in the early days has changed alot, most noticeably with the guild grps/regualr grps. Dont get me wrong, im not saying "Dont go rvr unless your in uber grp" what im saying is dont expect to be "uber" in rvr if your not in a well organised group (usually regular/guild) RvR is down to the players, a group of organised hibs/albs would easily take out an un-organised grp of mids no matter what classes & vice versa .

There will always be /whines about different classes as there will always be a FOtM class. It would be impossible to even all realms 100% unless we were ALL same classes & lets face it, that would be pointless & worse than having FOtM classes ;)

I admit im 1 for /whining in /gu on hib/pry when our grp get slaughtered in rvr :D but we still go back for more, why? because in RvR you will always lose some battles, some grps more than others, but at the same time no matter what group your in you will aslo win battles which makes up for the times you have been ganked :)

RvR is still fun, it may have changed somewhat & will continue to do so as more classes/nerfs/loves etc.. are introduced to the game. Be happy & enjoy RvR :) at times theres no better online game for pure fun & at other times there no worse online game for ripping your modem out & getting a sledge hammer to your PC :) ..but thats RvR :)


Originally posted by old.Gobarnachta

so can give me some better replies t.t FLAME ON :p :clap: :puke: :D :eek: :sleeping:

you started by mentioning "early days"... didn't bother going into the current trend, cause there is plenty of whining about that from all. Just the fact that magic was terrible dominating in the early games didn't favor Midgard much .... so for being "Mythics Lovechild", especially looking at the way nerfs have been hitting Midgard constantly ... you better go humb another leg and see if you can pull that one.

By the way - I don't flame. There is little reason to because this is text based communication


Originally posted by hotrat
Anyone who doesn't realise mid is by far the strongest in 8 vs 8 has a screw lose :)

Like I always copy and paste the main reasons being: pbae disease on 8 sec timer, insta haste debuff, 4 insta cc, savages.

And little things like perma ss6, ss5 in combat, no cloth wearing class, 4 out of 8 in group having det, 3 having demezz etc. is where u can buy a clue :)

4 out of 8 classes have deter? u mistake this for hibby who can field 4 deter class as well as 4 healing classes, u say we always run 3 healers, 1 shammie, last i looked skalds didnt get deter....

Hibby can also run without a cloth class, alb is only realm who need a cloth class.

Get over the 4 insta cc, no one actually uses them offensively, well very rarely at most. Id swop 4 insta cc for mez reduction+bolt range mezz


Having "Arenas" imo = bad idea. RvR is for all 3 realms to battle it out together. For the upperhand in RvR we need Relics in which the holders of relics are decided through our battles in RvR :)

At times RvR in your realm may seem dull etc.. But it takes the "realm" to pull together & fix that ..if anything having "Arenas" would make a bad situation worse. Im from hib/pryd & im sure you know we are well under populated, but we stick at it & plod on ..we win battles & we lose battles thats RvR :) No matter what realm your in atm unless your in a regular group setup for RvR chances are you will get ganked by enemy. This may sound harsh but RvR from what it was in the early days has changed alot, most noticeably with the guild grps/regualr grps. Dont get me wrong, im not saying "Dont go rvr unless your in uber grp" what im saying is dont expect to be "uber" in rvr if your not in a well organised group (usually regular/guild) RvR is down to the players, a group of organised hibs/albs would easily take out an un-organised grp of mids no matter what classes & vice versa .

There will always be /whines about different classes as there will always be a FOtM class. It would be impossible to even all realms 100% unless we were ALL same classes & lets face it, that would be pointless & worse than having FOtM classes ;)

I admit im 1 for /whining in /gu on hib/pry when our grp get slaughtered in rvr :D but we still go back for more, why? because in RvR you will always lose some battles, some grps more than others, but at the same time no matter what group your in you will aslo win battles which makes up for the times you have been ganked :)

RvR is still fun, it may have changed somewhat & will continue to do so as more classes/nerfs/loves etc.. are introduced to the game. Be happy & enjoy RvR :) at times theres no better online game for pure fun & at other times there no worse online game for ripping your modem out & getting a sledge hammer to your PC :) ..but thats RvR :)


Re: Re: To restore balance...

Originally posted by Pin
A couple of weeks ago it was all hibs at the top of that list (VGN, CF, LA...). With Hibs taking most of the individual places aswell.

Swings and Roundabouts.

(Though I do prefer fighting against Hibs atm ;))

Most in hib are getting abit tired of the zergs (atlast me and LA ) so many became abit inactive couse of that , but ofc soon hib will roock ur socks , if they dont do it allrdy :)


Originally posted by Xandax
you started by mentioning "early days"... didn't bother going into the current trend, cause there is plenty of whining about that from all. Just the fact that magic was terrible dominating in the early games didn't favor Midgard much .... so for being "Mythics Lovechild", especially looking at the way nerfs have been hitting Midgard constantly ... you better go humb another leg and see if you can pull that one.

By the way - I don't flame. There is little reason to because this is text based communication

I am not saying you are flaming. I am asking for it :p

Finally getting some reasonable text to answer,
Magic was better early days mostly due lack of resists. But it never was as overwhelming as giving tanks better damage than casters have had and meanwhile only adding more magic resists.

Mids did have awesome targettable aoe back then also as most of us still remember fiery spears falling down on our heads...but enough about early days...I still remain with fact that mids have had upperhand in most of patches...they've got nerfbat hitting them yes but always also something new and superior advantage.

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