rvr class balance.



i like the idea of friar getting a conc haste buff, but i guess therugists would see it as a further nerf to themselves...

could make our Friar RA like an uber celerity but on a 15 or 20 min timer or something?


Originally posted by Arnor
why should only savages get tauntshout removed? and how would they pull in pve?

because they get cheap RA's, and should therefor be defined as a pure tank. pure tanks dont have taunt shouts.


pfft, someone comment on my port or i'll be forced to quote it again ><


Originally posted by Jiggs
i like the idea of friar getting a conc haste buff, but i guess therugists would see it as a further nerf to themselves...

could make our Friar RA like an uber celerity but on a 15 or 20 min timer or something?

yeah, alb REALLY needs more uber unique ra's, just be glad you dont have a fucking style that does more dmg when you are NOT using the class defining fucking feature of your class :rolleyes:


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
pfft, someone comment on my post or i'll be forced to quote it again ><

cant, dont know much about albion

what is diminishing returns:confused:


i can try tho :p

what exactly would be the benefit from ae stun? mostly ae stun needs an insta mezz to work properly in pbaoe groups. if i was an alb i think i rather would take ae root then ae stun (talking rvr not exp)


Part of using your special abilities is knowing when to use them, like RA's. If you choose to waste it beause you have a trigger happy crit mode finger, then too bad. There is never 100% coverage of the goup and if a healer survives, those 1 or 2 zerkers can cause absolute havoc, while the healer demezzes.

They already have access to purge & determination. The next thing you know, every class is going to want immunity when they're using their unique abilities. 7 Minutes is a minimal period with regards to this game.

No mezz immunity...

And yes, I think setting zerkers free in rat form is nerf to bards :p


Originally posted by <Harle>
uhm, and Warden has tu run bubble, so I don't see your point. As a matter of fact you will almost never see any Hib attacking with a dmg-add, because:
a) Warden is running pbt
b) chanter isn't specced enchantments ( and if he is he's not in that rvr-group ;) )
c) hibernian dmg-adds don't stack

On the other hand mids will always have the skald dmg-add chant in their groups and albs will 80% of the time have a Theurg/Wizard with their baseline dmg-add, so my demand to this thread would be: giv hib a common dmg-add ;)

Ok I correct my request:give albs and hibs damage adds chances like mids have :)

and no a balanced alb group won't have spot for a theurg unless as cc (gimped range).

about Crack..its almost enought to make pali don't go out of mana running 1 chant x time,nothing more.

But what Albs lacks more it's haste


Originally posted by vintervargen
because they get cheap RA's, and should therefor be defined as a pure tank. pure tanks dont have taunt shouts.

Every class has some form of ranged 'attack' for pve pulling purposes.

Just remove the interrupt componant from savage, pala, friar and sorted.


Originally posted by Arnor
ps: all tauntshouts are being tagged non-interrupt and 15sec recast or sumt soon btw.

ps: zerkers were without ANY form of ranged (cept harsh language) till like 1.52 or whatever, fucking silly


One of the things I would like to see addressed is the stacking of abilities.

Some things that are strong in themselves become way overpowered when stacked.

One example is BoF+Ablative Chant+Armour Ablative proc. Another is stacking pbt.

Alone they are nice but together they are far too much.


This is *RVR* class balance guys.. Why do so many people say get rid of focus shield out of chanter mana line? :p That many of you get focused pulled and died to it lately in emain? haha


Removal of instants taunt shout and instant attack speed debuff interuption.


Originally posted by Strapon Sally

give bards a snare castable and a spec pbaoe insta but like l49 in the cc specline so they have to spec for it

u know that bards have to put 43 points in another line to get speed5 and end5? and that line only holds 3 spells aka. songs. while all other bufflines hold 6 b00fs. xDD


Remove all aoe CC and all instants from the game.


Originally posted by Lumikki
Yes do something about thanes... not really worth playing at the moment


Aye would love to start play my thane again :)

Gifv determination btw :D


- remove that tick tick tick bullshit
- change pbaoe falloff to 100%-50%, halve the radius
- implement diminshing returns on resists (buffs and debuffs - will fix BAoD and debuff nuking)
- increase pbaoe cast time to 3 or 3.5 sec
- increase caster AF buff to 300, abs buff to 15% or 20%
- change the interrupt system so that only lull, confuse and damage > 50 interrupts, and that it only interrupts if it occurs during the casting of a spell
- put savages on hybrid RA table
- do something for thanes :eek:
- remove Pen Arrow and give archers style shots with +tohit
- make SH a timered ability
- reduce cast time of end song for bards (so it takes 1.5 sec for fully buffed bard to cast)
- give VP a travel time so there's a counter to it, halve the radius, increase falloff as for pbaoe
- remove all insta cc from the game, normalize ranges and casting times for cc

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

- remove that tick tick tick bullshit

in fact... just remove that tick tick tick bullshit and things will be much more balanced across the board.. the main imbalance atm is that 50% of the classes can't use their abilities most of the time because of mythic's idiotic design decision


Originally posted by Ensceptifica
Remove all aoe CC and all instants from the game.

Read: remove the majority of casters?


Originally posted by Ensceptifica
Remove all aoe CC and all instants from the game.

remove stealthers too then.. like the only reason the instants are there imo..


Originally posted by Ialkarn
Give to clerics the change to train moblocking

Originally posted by Arnor

why just clerics? why not druids, shamans, wardens, bards, healers etc? if cleric gets mob, so does all the other healingclasses imo.


er Actually Droods/Wardens Healers/Shammy have moblocking access :p

the shame it's clerics dosen't (I wonder why)

wardens dont even have mota/moc - useless class by far :p and really booring one to play

fix skald pulse :p


Wizards are supposed to be the highest damage dealers in the game as they give up almost all utility in their spec lines but there really is not any difference in DPS between any spec damage casters damage and their own + they these other classes have more utility in the forms of CC, debuffs or insta-debuffs or a combination of these.

To increase wizard DPS:

Either give a self-cast timer buff to up their damage by 10-20%


Fire spec line insta nuke on 20s timer
Ice spec line inst add/snare on 20s timer
Earth spec line inta DoT (stackable w/ spec dot) on 20s timer


If theses would make them overpowered in PvE give them some kind of group ability akin to increased damage - i.e. some kind of group pulse/chant which boosts the magical damage of the grp, and give tankers some kind of additional weapon proc and casters +damage or up crit rate

just a couple of thoughts


skald: speed pulse, highly annoying as it is

savage: not really sure, dont want em to be useless, but they are too powerfull. meaning that it´s too hard to protect support classes against them too often (guard works like crap, cheap IP/purge, determination, evade buff, by far the class that is most hard to have any kind of control of if he is in a decent group)

chanter: heat debuff in mana line....... (hmm, think I´ll spec mana line, so I can pbaoe great and still nuke everything in case the enemy isnt close - just too powerfull)

minstrel: whats up with safe fall and climb wall? doesnt seem to make much sense for a class like minstrel, and seems to be too powerfull in keep attacks

the CC of the realms: midgaard seems to have it far easier to control the enemies than both hibs and albions (all 3 forms of CC in 2 characters, characters that are needed in what seems to be the best of mid grp´s)

thane: seems to be underpowered, I will leave it to those who know better than me to say what should be done about em to enhance them to a more wanted rvr lvl.


Originally posted by [NP]ArlaHaren
So many ppl whines day in and day out on unbalanced classes, i bet it aint easy for mythic to do stuff to please the majority, altho they make some STUPID mistakes sometimes...

So, reply, enter what u want changed on some class, and dont fucking come writing: Wtf, zerker 1shotted me once, remove wpnspecc from him.

Just think it through and answer nicely. okthxbyebye

my list:

1. Savage. Make 2h wpns hybrid wpnskill, remove tauntshot interrupt, make IP, Determination cost what they did for tanks b4 cheap RAs. ie 14 for IP 1 3 6... for det...

2. Berzerker. Do the nerf Mythic is up to, but implent mezz immunity to berzerkmode. (for a good grp this should not be a problem, just slam and pwn him up since no defence, but still a nice thing for making them wantable over savages in grps)

3. Enchanters. Remove resistdebuffs and focus shield from mana line and put it in enchantment. also take away snare effects from petnuke.

4. Bards. Give them castable single target snare, 50%. not root, but still some alternative cc that they lack, imo.

5. Thanes, Paladins, Champions. Make Acuity buff increase their piety for some better dmg on dds, better chants etc. Make them get Expensive determination.

agree with everything except that they shouldent nerf chanters that hard tbh


Originally posted by Xethron
Wizards are supposed to be the highest damage dealers in the game as they give up almost all utility in their spec lines but there really is not any difference in DPS between any spec damage casters damage and their own + they these other classes have more utility in the forms of CC, debuffs or insta-debuffs or a combination of these.

To increase wizard DPS:

Either give a self-cast timer buff to up their damage by 10-20%


Fire spec line insta nuke on 20s timer
Ice spec line inst add/snare on 20s timer
Earth spec line inta DoT (stackable w/ spec dot) on 20s timer


If theses would make them overpowered in PvE give them some kind of group ability akin to increased damage - i.e. some kind of group pulse/chant which boosts the magical damage of the grp, and give tankers some kind of additional weapon proc and casters +damage or up crit rate

just a couple of thoughts



wizzies are FINE


Originally posted by old.anubis
nice to read comments from albs
in summary "nerf mids/hibs even more, and give us more love"

remove thane class from the game completely and the game is ok

your a newb and wouldnt mind you foad.


Why Must Wizards will be the Most hard nukers? Dont forget it Midgard is the realm of Tanks.And i think they have the ones that hit hardest, and Hibernia is the realm of magic and it will have the best magic, and now it is ok. If u nerf Pbaoe from hibernia they really will not have many other ways to go in rvr.
Albion have good tanks (not the best ones) and good mages(same good as hibernia) so i think thats why albion is so poluted, just remove uberpowered things but if a chanter is better than an ice wizzi, its just bettercause is from hibernia.Arsmans hit harder and resist more than heros and they r not all day crying like u.

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