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- #61
They are with respect to a typical rvr group and how they effect that group.
Now tell me why?
Now tell me why?
Originally posted by hotrat
Anubis you noob quote the whole thing not just part of it
Originally posted by hotrat
Why? (given that you have 2 shaman buffbots at mpk)
Originally posted by Rollie
Also going on this logic, would you have 2 bb clerics at atk and run 2 reju/smite clerics?
Originally posted by old.Gobarnachta
Isolate Midgard off the game
Well to be honest it would be nice to have some RvR fields where only albs and hibs can port in to...same ofcourse to have it equal 2 more of those where in other hibs are excluded and other albs.
top-5 is not too pretty sight nor is top-10 of single players lastweek rps...
This is flame and whine and once again pointless thread. Like Mythic would ever do this and even if it would that patch would land here in year 3k.
Now that middies have had upperhand in every patch we can only wonder what new toy they'll acquire next so happy waiting for next patch all...disappointed Elf out.
Originally posted by kirennia
as I've said before:
would ANY mids want to swap all their savages for either armsmen/reavers/mercs
would ANY mids want to swap all their shamans for friars? Cause we all know how good friars are at healing during combat
would ANY mids want to swap all their healers for clerics and sorcs?
The only class in a typical mid FOtM group that is not better then albs equivalents are the skalds and minstrel comparison, but then again, neither are overpowered for fg vs. fg warfare.
Anyone who can't see that or would swap them for RvR is just plain dumb...
Originally posted by Pandemic
i'd cheerfully swap all of our savages for thin air
shamans dont heal during combat
yes i'd love to have clerics for healers if u want to chuck in sorcs as well thats such an added bonus but not needed
and neither are warriors overpowered for rvr unless ur saying armsmen r 2 ?
Originally posted by old.anubis
if i was playing albion i would be a cleric
and i wouldnt cry like a baby that my class is underpowered
but 2 years ago i've started on mid (ja-ja, kill me, i'm guilty)
so what's your point i cant understand?
that healer + healer > cleric + sorc?
i think every man with a bit of brain knows it, so what?
Originally posted by kirennia
Savages > Alb tanks
Healers > Alb healing/CC
Shaman = or > frair
Skald = mincer
So mids have better CC/healing and offence.......and a lot of mids are saying they are the underdogs and the brunt of all Mythics nerf batting.
Do I really need to say anymore? :/
Originally posted by poppamies
So what would u want to nerf on the healer ?
The Insta ae mezz ? that lass for 5 sec on tanks ? or the insta ae stunn that lasts 2 sec on tanks ?
Originally posted by Trubble
Just remove the AE stun from the healers and they will be fine.
Originally posted by Rollie
Sure remove it, its useless in rvr anyhows, give us something useful instead, id happily do that
Originally posted by old.anubis
healer mezz < sorc mezz (range, radius, delve, everything is worse on mid)
Originally posted by Trubble
I said remove it, not replace it with something.
Healers are great allready, they dont need AE stun.
Originally posted by Pin
A couple of weeks ago it was all hibs at the top of that list (VGN, CF, LA...). With Hibs taking most of the individual places aswell.
Swings and Roundabouts.
(Though I do prefer fighting against Hibs atm )
Originally posted by Rollie
[Get over the 4 insta cc, no one actually uses them offensively, well very rarely at most. Id swop 4 insta cc for mez reduction+bolt range mezz
Originally posted by Jiggs
healers haste debuff getting nerfed in next pach is gonna make a bigger difference to rvr than alot of ppl realise
Originally posted by Gahldir
if you only knew how often I get insta mezzed by normal mid groups and insta stuned followed by cast mezz from the better ones.
Tho they still like to deny it.
Originally posted by Rollie
No, fixing savages and determination will even out 8v8 rvr some more as thats where one of the many problems lie.
Originally posted by Gahldir
have you played support in albion or hibernia?
imo, healers and also shammans are the real power behind the savages.
Zerkergroups would prolly still be better then any hib/alb group. And wasn't it for the fact that savages dps is much better then zerkers you'd prolly see it aswell.
Originally posted by Gahldir
I have noticed a funny thing.
as soon as both NP and/or JH(tbh, the only 2 mid guilds who actually plays fotm groups succesfully on this server, cuz they they have alot better win:lose ratio then anyone else on this server) plays actively for most of the week Midgard dominates emain and last weeks RPs(fewer mids killed and more albs/hibs killed by mids).
The horror if a few more ppl in mid learnt how to play like NP/JH(healers and shamans mainly imo), wich wouldn't actually be to hard.