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- #31
Originally posted by old.Gobarnachta
I am not saying you are flaming. I am asking for it
Finally getting some reasonable text to answer,
Magic was better early days mostly due lack of resists. But it never was as overwhelming as giving tanks better damage than casters have had and meanwhile only adding more magic resists.
Mids did have awesome targettable aoe back then also as most of us still remember fiery spears falling down on our heads...but enough about early days...I still remain with fact that mids have had upperhand in most of patches...they've got nerfbat hitting them yes but always also something new and superior advantage.
Well you might feel Midgard have had an upper hand, but whereas the rest of us, that feel the brunt of the nerfs, and have been smacked down by albion might or hibernia magic; may feel otherwise.
Much of this is in the eye of the beholder.
Also remember the small fact: more people = more money = more importent to hold content.