What RvR has come to - Disgusting !

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BO & PE don't organise fights, only rp farming where they share it out evenly.


oh Hi Azal :). Havent seen u in a long time. I hope we get to see u ingame soon. Unless u started and I missed it ofcourse:)


Originally posted by laga
oh Hi Azal :). Havent seen u in a long time. I hope we get to see u ingame soon. Unless u started and I missed it ofcourse:)

Well he was in our group but who knows what he feels now after this farse :)


I put 3 months on my sub to play around with my healer...what chars you playing as legs? your on my friends list and I've not seen you on when I've been online


The 4 fg hibs was a zerg. So was the 3 fg albs. Your point? Don't think it has ANYTHING to do with what I pointed out. Who cares what realm zerg? If my realmmates zerg - am I then automatically a zerger? No. If YOU zerg, are you then a zerger? Yes. The sentence 'OMG ALL REALMS ZERG SO ITS OK FOR ME TO ZERG MY BRAINS OUT' makes my eyes ache, but hey - you pay to wreck... umm play this game too.

As for my math skills, if you read the posts you'll find several people mentioning _2fg_ mids adding on PE whom were already fighting BO. BO's fg plus the adds would amount to.... 24 people.

"and about grivne being an RvR newbie..... thats one of the funniest things ive heard in a long time"

If he ain't a rvr newbie..... he sure as hell does a good job trying to make it look like he is. Whining about rvr guilds not wanting to zerg with him... haha, must be the worst thing I've ever seen.

As for people enjoying different things, well I guess that's why I don't bother playing DAoC much these days. There will always be a horde of people who find spamming a single button or two in large numbers 'fun' - I am oblivious as to why they think so. Usually I appreciate the fact that different things entertain different people, but in daoc it simply 'blows donkey balls'.

So... I still agree a 100 % with BO, your whines are pitifull and pathetic.

Have a good evening, and don't leave MTK without 4 random fgs!

Edit; like = leave.


were you at the place?

didnt think so either..

so you got the facts from this thread wich is:

gank group saying there was 2fg + them.

the rest of us who was there says 1fg + them.

So what is true then?

guesse only the gods know eh? but you cant just walk in here making seculations.

You are not more knowing because of your RPs, anyone can get high RPs, same with alot of level 50s. Base your posts on facts as i try to do myself.

"Whining about rvr guilds not wanting to zerg with him..."

If you call 2fg a zerg, well, then you havnt seen a zerg, remember the old emain 5fg zergs, that was fun, got to know alot of ppl back then, not like now with the elitist/rvr/l337-guilds around.

Get some facts or dont speak...if it would be that way, no falming would be.

And im not whining about rvr guilds not wanting to zerg with me, im whining on ppl that has a better chance of surviving leaving realm mates to die, i would do the same if it was a random group with the same kind of power that did the same. If you havnt got that by now you might as well shut up.

// Grivne Kelmorian - GM Sons of Nidhug.


Get your facts right Grivne, im starting to wonder if you were there aswell, its all ppl in our group that states there was 3 fg mids, 1 fighting and 2 that came there and your group was one of them, and 2 ppl that were in our group were not BO, hannah and azal and they both said so aswell, then we have the albs that were fighting the mids when we came there that say the same. So just hush now and let it be, you cant argue with the facts.


Give me a screenshot of it, and I'll believe your 2fgs. And even so - making it 2 fgs vs 1 fg is not a fair fight, not a fun fight, but mindless zerg-mentality. Fact? Yes. Whatever your motives might be - helping realmmates and whatnot - fact remains the same. And it's boring.

I know very well of the fact that rp isnt = experience, but to be honest - your posts don't even smell the faintest of any rvr experience. And to point out another thing - getting rr7 running in an opted group is by FAR > getting rr7 zerging your ass off - even in terms of experience. Zergers use hardly any of their characters potential. Fact? Yes.

Based on the same type of 'facts' that you believe your posts are based on. To be honest, you haven't really backed up any of your points up with facts.

I've gained about 2.500.000 realm points on excalibur - the server prydweners apparently like to refer to as 'zerg-heaven'. I know what a zerg is. And no, I don't think doing 'YE OLDE EMAIN 5FG ZERGS' was fun. I like getting a good grasp as to what my character is able to do.

I would still leave your baf-group to die, for merely ruining a good fight. Yep. That you chose to run in a gimped grp adding on good, even fights wouldn't make me pity you and accept your ruining the fun. Did BO ever express that they wanted you to help? If not - it's simple - leave them to die every time you see them loosing a battle, but don't whine if they don't appreciate your 'help'.

"If you havnt got that by now you might as well shut up."

You mean - if I don't agree with you I might as well shut up? Sigh...


RP dont show skill, only is a proof that ppl got to much spare time beeing in a rvr guild and rvring 24/7.

And having fun, yes i rvr for the fun of it and i learnt to enjoy diff kinds of rvr. the one i feel less for is gank groups so opted that you beat everything you come across. No challange what so ever in it.

More fun running in a group of friends with mixed classes fighting even groups. thos fights are more fun then one where you do the same thing every fight i.e gank group fights, not that fun i think.

But RP is more fun then a challaging fight so I have no problems with it.

This thread was about leaving realm mates to a overwhealming enemy while killing someone lower rr (i think).


Originally posted by Tasos
I don't really like BO but that was pretty fair :x

and thats why? care to explain how its fair to leave realm mates?


Right, I'll just post a last one for today, I'd happily keep proving you wrong tomorrow too if you want me to, but I have to sleep as I'm off to school in the morning.

Originally posted by Kelmorian
RP dont show skill, only is a proof that ppl got to much spare time beeing in a rvr guild and rvring 24/7.

Hmm, seems I'm wearing down the word 'pathetic' when replying to your posts, so I'll use another this time. Rediculous. RP doesn't show skill, but it's a nice indicator as to how much you COULD have learned gaining them. You can easily zerg your way to rr10 without being good at playing DAoC really... your thane was rr6 aye? As for time spent gaining realm points... hehe, who do you think spends the most time working their way to the higher realm ranks? A guy running in random groups or a guy running in an opted group? I'd say your /played would probably resemble a rr8+ guys /played, given the fact that he plays in an opted group, including him idling somewhat. As you said earlier yourself, you spend an hour assembling your random friend group, how much time do you think he spends?

I've tried zerging long ago. Didn't find it fun tho. I've tried 2fgs, wasn't as bad but still not very fun. Fg vs fg is the funniest kind of rvr imo. I'm doing fg vs fg to have fun, which I bet BO does too. And what are you doing when you interfere with the fg vs fg they're having? Yes, thats right, you're ruining their fun in the same way you claim rvr guilds are ruining your fun.

As for the 'challenge' part you're requesting - BO left you to fight PE (or well, you and the other group....) - isn't that enough of a challenge?

So the people in BO and PE aren't friends? Both having opted groups wouldn't you say the fight is even? You were the one tilting the scale there. That you think running gank groups isn't fun doesn't mean other can't think they are.

Originally posted by Kelmorian But RP is more fun then a challaging fight so I have no problems with it.

Oh well, if PE and BO fight alot it pays alot of rp and alot of fun. Why settle with half of it? Right.

Originally posted by Kelmorian This thread was about leaving realm mates to a overwhealming enemy while killing someone lower rr (i think).

So you're not really sure what you're whining about any longer? Tbh, I'll let you go now. I think I've proven my point more than... well a good amount of times by now.


Originally posted by Kelmorian
and thats why? care to explain how its fair to leave realm mates?

I might as well do it for him.

Because you're ruining their fun.


Have no real clue what you are doing here. You are just here to make me look stupid. (no i dont do that good myself, others do it better)

And it has nothing to do with the topic.

Because you're ruining their fun.

K...monopoly on emain that is? I dont want to ruin anyones fun more then ppl wants to do it to me...

But I see albs killing mids, my frist thought is to help them since i dont care about RP.

Fair fight...well, get another arena to fight in so you dont get your adds instead of going emain port to albion and go to snowdonia. There you can have your fair fights and I can promis you, no one that wants anything else wont make the trouble getting there to leech off you.


Dont argue with this person - hes too young to have a point of view.


Oh well, seems like I can't resist commenting on such stuff.

I'm not here to make you look stupid, you do that well enough yourself. And it has everything to do with the topic. Topic says: BO suck for leaving us to die. I say: You suck for ruining BO's good fight. It goes both ways.

Monopoly on emain? Rofl. You mean - that because you don't interfere with one fight out of many, the rvr guilds have suddenly monopolized emain? I think not. I bet there's an alb zerg around at most times (you said it yourself, find it in Hadrians) you can go fight with your random groups. You might not want to ruin anyones fun more than they wanna ruin yours, but you're merely posting whines in stead of just leaving them to die every time you see them losing a fight.

Beautiful thought helping realmmates, had it been a real conflict. But had it been a real conflict you would be fielding the largest possible zerg at all times, outnumbering them to keep your casualties below theirs. Woohoo, zerg battles... quite a sidestep yes, but it's viable since you're the one who brought 'realm spirit' into the discussion.

As for running to Snowdownia to avoid adds... same reason could be used against your points. Why are rvr guilds ruining your casual rvr, when you could merely go to Snowdownia in your random pickup groups. You're the one monopolizing Emain atm.

It's easy if you ask me: Don't whine about them leaving you to die - just return the favor. Don't help them when they're losing.

As for Farnis, care to elaborate?

Edit: theirs~yours.


not really, I only talk with grown ups.

See I can be condascending too.


Crymore Fattroll <Faggots of prydwen>

im not being nice here but im bored sorry, i stinx a bit :(


Originally posted by Kelmorian
Fair fight? You calling a 7man strong, non opted group vs a fg opted guild group fair fight?

We were there to be farmed by BO's alb friends so that BO couse have the RPs from albs from themselfs...

I was in emain with my Hib grp Celtic Fury at the same time, we saw tons of mids and some albs fighting, we were thinking y dont nuke em away with all we got?

We run into the zerg and got blasted away our self, the funny thing is that what i saw was that all albs that were fighting (not all but it felt like it) turned their heads against me just bcuz iam holding a staff in my hands :)

Well the mids that recently was there BO, was suddenly away and all i saw was mids/hibs laying around and PE chasing my ass all around ... hmm maybe not all around ... like 2meters all i got away :)

I like the big alb/mid zerg when they r fighting against eachothers but not when all suddenly turn and kill the hibs ... and u guys wonder y we aint in emain all the time?

Cuz we'll nuke yah all away if we got the ppls for it ... how many times do we have zergs? :)


If not we attack casters first they will kill us. Simple as that.

Urgat Rip-Eye


At the end of the day, we are at war ladies and gentlemen...

So don't be surprised when the 99% of players who understand what that means, join in on a fight to help their comrades defeat the enemy... whether theycalled for help or not.

The enemy must die... quickly.



... honestly, this type of argument is almost as old as the game, if I remember ;) the difference between the goals of the more casual/social gamers (i.e. not hard-core high performance rvr) and the hardcore, powergame "efficient" gamers ;)

different philosophies, different goals, different approach - all equally valid imho.

I understand the rvr-focused opted hard-core guild rvr players - there is beauty in efficiency and the feeling you worked at your best to win :D they know what they want and they pursue it <shrug> ;)

I also understand the frustration of the non-opted, random rvr groups getting ganked because it's not their prime objective to be like the first group ;) guess that's why I hardly ever rvr, lol, not much fun getting ganked all the time ... ^^ :p

There won't be any solution, just respect each other and accept that you are NOT playing the same game, even though it has the same name :D And if you don't like the game or other players' philosophy on it, look for something else imho ;)

Over & out


Aha, it seems that some Excal person had to join in on the discussion and comment on things he has no knowledge about.


"As for running to Snowdownia to avoid adds... same reason could be used against your points. Why are rvr guilds ruining your casual rvr, when you could merely go to Snowdownia in your random pickup groups. You're the one monopolizing Emain atm."

If its only fair fights the rvr guilds are after this shouldnt be much of a problem would it? maybe hade or blej could give a view of this suggestion?

Tho snowdonia wouldnt give shitloads of RP from random groups betweent he fair fights.


In my opinion, sure i enjoy those fair fights vs other rvr guilds. But only that would not be fun in the end. They are all healer-savage groups. I want to fight other opponents too. And it is possible to form a good group who isnt of the same setup as everyone else, as long as you gave the setup a though and told everyone in group what you want from them to do.

Without instructing your group mates what to do, you won't be successfull.

Ok, now read that above sentence 1000 times.

Its very possible to try new setups in daoc. Results will come. Maybe not the first day but after a while. It takes a while for people to learn this new tactic of yours.

You dont need a group of 8 powergamers to do this. Ask yourself who are within your "network". If you take the time to instruct your groupmates their role you will soon realise you have like 3 people on every spot who knows what to do.


plus you need countless hours of practice to make it work right too. even a opted random group where all that is done dont work on the first time vs a opted guild group who ALWAYS play together.

and fighting diff oponants, sure, that is what is fun with the game, but you count a solo healer as a diff oponant? as you pretty much zerged me yesterday night, when trying to reach my group. :p


Originally posted by Gohrim
"respect to Bad Omen"

The dude who made this thred... i feel sorry for u :/
And i understand you.
We have loads of ppl like u on alb/pryd also.

And ur tatics are old if u cant kill it fair zerg it.

PE wont add on ppl like BO.

We had loads of even and fun fights VS bo.

Noone wanna die vs zerg and adds so if everyone stop ading in fg vs fg fights rvr will be loads more fun well least for those that dont suck.

Anywhays once again "respect to Bad Omen"

OK...some ppl just dont get this....no matter if the random grp had all RAs up and PE didnt. PE would always win!!! and im sure BO were aware of this..else theyre just dense...the PE guys have too much experience and too many passive RAs to keep them winning Vs random mid grp. This is the problem as i see it ofc BO and PE want fair 1fg V 1fg fights since they can win almost all of em... cept Vs each other ofc ;)...wanker imo (they guy i quoted if ur confused)

Ohh and didnt ya know..all realms zerg :p so get busy!



Originally posted by scarffs
Aha, it seems that some Excal person had to join in on the discussion and comment on things he has no knowledge about.

Hm, was that a potential slight against me coz I am ALSO having an Excal char?! :p

As it happens, I have always been primarily an Pry/Alb since beta, so, I guess I have seen quite a bit, my occasional trips to Excal non-withstanding.

And btw, you can get ganked as a champ just as well as a caster :p it just takes a bit longer :D
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