Stealther Hibs in Molvik - Tue


Dec 26, 2003
RS|Phil said:
Isn't there some kind of precedent to ban people that just start flaming threads and slag people off for the sake of it on FH now?

Nope or it would be empty - he didnt actually mention specific names so not really a case for banning I'd say - the FAO threads are worse and should get whoever opens one an insta ban :)

Edit: Damn you /quote! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
knighthood said:
ofc i shuld hibby :)

oh and look loneliness , a stealther

actually i remeber u from thid a loooooooooong time ago :p

quite good a hib iirc , cant remember if u played fairly but i do recall the deathspams

I'm an Alb and I want to kill Knighthood - what an ass - Molvik is a training ground - ppl are learning the art of RvR - so that is the place to be a noob as you call them, when you do get to NF - you will soon see those noobs have learnt a thing or 2 - and you will have to leave the keep at some stage :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
LawBringer said:
I'm an Alb and I want to kiss Knighthood - what an god - Molvik is a training ground - ppl are learning the art of RvR - so that is the place to be a noob as you call them, when you do get to NF - you will soon see those noobs havent learnt a thing - and you will never have to leave the keep again

Someone asked me the other day why i cowardly sit in towers with my pet outside ready to agro anyone coming near. 2 reasons for this, 1 - its effective :p 50% of my proper rp i got from tower attacks. 2 - I dont care if its cowardly , i really see no point in going outside when theres minimum albs there to help out , why go walking to my death to Bolts which i cant outrange, stealthers which i cant get away from even if they miss PA <snare for the win > or outnumbered by hybrids. If i was a sorc id love to, but unfourtunatly my spec dont have nearsight atm , not for a few lvls , and lets be honest, by the time your in molv/leirv , and chanter worth his salt is going to insta win button stun u. Just to chnage subject here too. What were they thinking giving a class that can nuke for 500+ a catable stun ffs. Sure mincers get an insta version, but mincers cant kill u in 3 seconds after with like 1400+dmg :p

oh well, me just bitter :)

Do chanters get juggernaught btw ? , id assume Chanta and Spiritmaster do but ive never seen them with it, only the ml9 pet thingy


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Hmmm lol , just realised thats probably a bannable offense changing quotes :) , shuld be a way to stop people editing quotes tbh , didnt think itd come through in the quote box and work like that but nm :p , too late now .

I wonder how many other quotes from people have been edited like that in the past for reasons o_O


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
For once you actually said something I agree to. Giving a bolt class a ranged Stun is insane. I cant count how many times I have been stunned then bolted. without you able to do anything.

Give firewizz some love. :p

Adlatus Hellbringer

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
Lame thread imo...

Peeps in bg's are ofc learning if u wanna face more quality players go nf m8. I for one will be lookin out for ya ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Adlatus Hellbringer said:
Lame thread imo...

Peeps in bg's are ofc learning if u wanna face more quality players go nf m8. I for one will be lookin out for ya ;)

maybe so, but i think its equally if not even more lame to re-bring this topic back up after its died away

21st february the last post (prior to today), 4th March someone decided to post that this thread was lame.... why ????, if its so lame why not let it die ??


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
The balancing issues could be sorted out overnight.

Give skalds stealth and climb
Give bards stealth and climb
Give dark SMs 1875 range on mez.
Give all archers shield styles and more points cept for scouts as they have all they need
Take away hib baseline stun
Make paladin taunt castable like savage one is now
Give SB a choice between crush and slash
Give shamans DI - not on that Mid can't DI abuse without three accounts

Sure there are some things about Mid that need nerfing, cept for BD - You know people actually want to spec other stuff cept for Suppression but the pets dont work? The caster pets just stop casting and start hitting with no weapons.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
majik said:
10 pts :D :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2005
knighthood said:

How did it feel for 4<maybe 5> of u to take on my Cabby pet and lose , oh man i almost fell off my chair laughing in real life . Lamers , almost as noob as the pally in my grp crying ure rangers were killing him <Plz learn what engage does ffs> , Lol little tip for u noobs, next time your at a tower and a pet gets on u, lead it away , healed him the entire fight and killed all 4 of u no prob. Yeah this is a boast but lol it was worth it to see stealther scum get thier come uppance after u lot shot most of us up all day :p

Me and my pet are wetting for joo :touch:

Hmm, :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004

Even im bored of it now


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 9, 2005
No, no :D do just tell us the names of the stealthers.
I assume you're a Molvik alb/excal player :confused:

What are your cabby's name again?
Although I'll not be able to kill you, since I'll ding today :wij:
And no, I'm not one of those stealthers, since I'm an Enchanter... But could be funny to see what name I should look after later on :D


Jan 22, 2005
knighthood said:
and chanter worth his salt is going to insta win button stun u. Just to chnage subject here too. What were they thinking giving a class that can nuke for 500+ a catable stun ffs. Sure mincers get an insta version, but mincers cant kill u in 3 seconds after with like 1400+dmg

I second that, usually when I go bg its the same old story, some chanter comes up, stuns me then hits for what 400+ dmg (mind you this is in thidranki) and I thought 200 dmg on my runemaster's bolts was overpowered :(


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
RS|Phil said:
The balancing issues could be sorted out overnight.

Give skalds stealth and climb
Give bards stealth and climb
Give dark SMs 1875 range on mez.
Give all archers shield styles and more points cept for scouts as they have all they need
Take away hib baseline stun
Make paladin taunt castable like savage one is now
Give SB a choice between crush and slash
Give shamans DI - not on that Mid can't DI abuse without three accounts

Sure there are some things about Mid that need nerfing, cept for BD - You know people actually want to spec other stuff cept for Suppression but the pets dont work? The caster pets just stop casting and start hitting with no weapons.

you dont by any chance play mid?? *lol*


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
RS|Phil said:
You're a liar :) You said you deleted Cabtastic :p

I did lol, but then i realised i hadnt took his equipment off him b4 i did so i sent to Rightnow and they undeleted him lol. I only use him for farming now though, everyone outranges me in RvR and my only CC is a root. Juggernaught is practicly useless for Real RvR unfourtunatly so i specced out of it. No use having a lvl 60 odd pet if he still dies in 2 nukes :/


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
i found this classic from ages ago , i know bumping threads is frowned apon but no one posts in the bg section anymore and Aleven reminded me the other day of what a COMPLETE AND UTTER COCK I AM... after he found this..

Ahh... i kinda mellowed out since back then, but it is funny , wonder whatever happened to them nightshades :) .. And as for RsPhil.. ironic really as ive been a member of his guild for god knows how long now lol.. do kinda miss him, was a nice bloke really. And omg , Dorimor saying something nice about something i said back then , hahaha how times change...

What happened to BG's eh guys :( , its completely taken the fun out of this whole section now, even thugs dont post that mutch anymore, cant we all come back .. "he" wants to set up a thidranki event day, hell , yknow we shuld .. maybe set 1 day a week.. real rvr is pants xD



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