RvR Balance??
Extreme whine has poured in to the forum these last days, and _ALOT_ is about albs being not as effective in RvR as mids and hibs, this is my opinion, no whine. if u gonna reply plz reply ur own thought and dont flame me like: "Says a berzerker!" or "NP u cheating mfer"
it's old and boring imho...
Let's say we need to make a rvr grp. the BEST fg, u and 7 friends want to play in THE best rvr grp possible.
There is no such grp. there is better, and worse. for different situations.
lets take Midgard first
A) Get a pachealer. Without it, the grp will probably only get mezzed and killed one by one with an unmezzed enemy grp. (this is probably the hardest char to be good but not very hard to be ok at)
B) Get a skald. For speed ofc.
C) get a Mendhealer. For if u dont, u can be sure u never survive a close fight, u wont get any heals, only the instas from pachealer. (which is kind of lame) +resistbuffs
D) Get shammy! for endregen and buffs. Preferably 1 with 27 cave magic so he has insta PBAE disease and AE root. + resistbuffs
E) now the options start to arrive, Tanks, SMs, RM, another mendhealer, shieldtank? overpowered zerkers? Savage? Thane? (no) Suppression SM etc etc etc...
With this u can make a pretty balanced gr with 4 requirements, u got 4 spots free too choose. and atm tanks is overpowered vs casters so imo u fill with 2 light tanks, 1 shieldtanks and 1 mendhealer extra.
A) Get a bard. Same as pachealer and Skald, no mezz, no speed without him. Also endregen which is like _important_
B) get a druid. For buffs, root, healing, resistbuffs.
C) get a warden (this is not 100% necessary but id say in any good hibgrp there is a warden) u get some heals, always best pbt, and uber resistbuffs. Can also work as extra tank/interrupter.
D) now the options start to pour in again, make it a tankgrp, castergrp? combined? take another druid? another warden? a chanter? a menta? a wv? a? a? a?
1 chanter with baod is always nice, and 2 kind of better. altho most hib castergrps dont stand very long against mid melee if u dont get 2 wardens or 2 druids. (preferably druids)
Some shieldtank that can slam and guard, maybe 1 offensive tank, or another caster? maybe 2 offensive tank? lots of options.
And now the ALBS!
A) get a cleric! Heals, BOF, resistbuffs, specbuffs, and overall grp saver.
B) get a minstrel. mainly for speed but also Ablative song (which owns vs non assisting grps but is kinda useless vs good grps)
some singletarget mezzing, some stunning, some fighting, interrupting. a good minstrel does not play as as a tank like some does, they play support and help support. and take out support.
C) Get a Sorc! Mezz at boltrange is necessary if u gonna have a chance at winning CC war (VERY IMPORTANT´) This player MUST be good, or else the grp becomes bad. If the sorc doesnt lead, it's bad. if the sorc is afk, its bad, if the sorc has a bad comp/connection its bad. Make the most experienced player create this char. Also for mezz reduction, powregen, etc etc etc.
D) Get a Paladin. endregen, guard, slam. a good paladin gives a fuck in enemy support if he is no just interrupting, he stays close to his own and guard/slam attacking tanks.
E) now here is some options too... Maybe get a friar for offensive tank and resistbuffs, get some armsman for offensive, (not s/s), get a theurgh for pbt? get another cleric (YES) for more healpower and BOF 60 secs every 30 mins or 30 sec every 15 mins. imo, a Merc thrustspecc with an assisting Polearmsman either 50/50 or 42 shield or 2 mercz is the best option, skip the theurgh and get another cleric + friar.
The thing is, albion has most casters of all realms. and atm... Casters are NOT as good as tanks. Due to many different things, resistbuffs, determination, interrupt code etc etc. And if u change the merc to a wizard = gimped grp. if u change some1vs cabby = gimped grp. cuz with bof or not, the casters go down first. and that leaves u with 1 less meber of the grp.
u DONT invite another palydan to grp. (why for, he hits like a sissy, his chants are already used and he has no determination)
u DONT invite other characters that not is needed for ur grp.
Sure reavers is awesome when solo, but do they hit as hard as a merc or Polearmsman? i dont think so. (tell me if im wrong)
And all the Fire/ice wizards. when i see a casterheavy albgrp i think (oh free RPs). it is just to easy to take down castergrps with melee grps, it's not good, it is not balanced, it may not even be funny... But it IS the truth.
If u have read this far, good luck making ur grp better. and dont be afraid of exping new chars that are needed for guild/good rvr. it doesnt take so much time as u think.
Extreme whine has poured in to the forum these last days, and _ALOT_ is about albs being not as effective in RvR as mids and hibs, this is my opinion, no whine. if u gonna reply plz reply ur own thought and dont flame me like: "Says a berzerker!" or "NP u cheating mfer"
it's old and boring imho...
Let's say we need to make a rvr grp. the BEST fg, u and 7 friends want to play in THE best rvr grp possible.
There is no such grp. there is better, and worse. for different situations.
lets take Midgard first
A) Get a pachealer. Without it, the grp will probably only get mezzed and killed one by one with an unmezzed enemy grp. (this is probably the hardest char to be good but not very hard to be ok at)
B) Get a skald. For speed ofc.
C) get a Mendhealer. For if u dont, u can be sure u never survive a close fight, u wont get any heals, only the instas from pachealer. (which is kind of lame) +resistbuffs
D) Get shammy! for endregen and buffs. Preferably 1 with 27 cave magic so he has insta PBAE disease and AE root. + resistbuffs
E) now the options start to arrive, Tanks, SMs, RM, another mendhealer, shieldtank? overpowered zerkers? Savage? Thane? (no) Suppression SM etc etc etc...
With this u can make a pretty balanced gr with 4 requirements, u got 4 spots free too choose. and atm tanks is overpowered vs casters so imo u fill with 2 light tanks, 1 shieldtanks and 1 mendhealer extra.
A) Get a bard. Same as pachealer and Skald, no mezz, no speed without him. Also endregen which is like _important_
B) get a druid. For buffs, root, healing, resistbuffs.
C) get a warden (this is not 100% necessary but id say in any good hibgrp there is a warden) u get some heals, always best pbt, and uber resistbuffs. Can also work as extra tank/interrupter.
D) now the options start to pour in again, make it a tankgrp, castergrp? combined? take another druid? another warden? a chanter? a menta? a wv? a? a? a?
1 chanter with baod is always nice, and 2 kind of better. altho most hib castergrps dont stand very long against mid melee if u dont get 2 wardens or 2 druids. (preferably druids)
Some shieldtank that can slam and guard, maybe 1 offensive tank, or another caster? maybe 2 offensive tank? lots of options.
And now the ALBS!
A) get a cleric! Heals, BOF, resistbuffs, specbuffs, and overall grp saver.
B) get a minstrel. mainly for speed but also Ablative song (which owns vs non assisting grps but is kinda useless vs good grps)
some singletarget mezzing, some stunning, some fighting, interrupting. a good minstrel does not play as as a tank like some does, they play support and help support. and take out support.
C) Get a Sorc! Mezz at boltrange is necessary if u gonna have a chance at winning CC war (VERY IMPORTANT´) This player MUST be good, or else the grp becomes bad. If the sorc doesnt lead, it's bad. if the sorc is afk, its bad, if the sorc has a bad comp/connection its bad. Make the most experienced player create this char. Also for mezz reduction, powregen, etc etc etc.
D) Get a Paladin. endregen, guard, slam. a good paladin gives a fuck in enemy support if he is no just interrupting, he stays close to his own and guard/slam attacking tanks.
E) now here is some options too... Maybe get a friar for offensive tank and resistbuffs, get some armsman for offensive, (not s/s), get a theurgh for pbt? get another cleric (YES) for more healpower and BOF 60 secs every 30 mins or 30 sec every 15 mins. imo, a Merc thrustspecc with an assisting Polearmsman either 50/50 or 42 shield or 2 mercz is the best option, skip the theurgh and get another cleric + friar.
The thing is, albion has most casters of all realms. and atm... Casters are NOT as good as tanks. Due to many different things, resistbuffs, determination, interrupt code etc etc. And if u change the merc to a wizard = gimped grp. if u change some1vs cabby = gimped grp. cuz with bof or not, the casters go down first. and that leaves u with 1 less meber of the grp.
u DONT invite another palydan to grp. (why for, he hits like a sissy, his chants are already used and he has no determination)
u DONT invite other characters that not is needed for ur grp.
Sure reavers is awesome when solo, but do they hit as hard as a merc or Polearmsman? i dont think so. (tell me if im wrong)
And all the Fire/ice wizards. when i see a casterheavy albgrp i think (oh free RPs). it is just to easy to take down castergrps with melee grps, it's not good, it is not balanced, it may not even be funny... But it IS the truth.
If u have read this far, good luck making ur grp better. and dont be afraid of exping new chars that are needed for guild/good rvr. it doesnt take so much time as u think.