Some ideas for albion rvr...



Originally posted by [NP]ArlaHaren
yea, i can understand that. is Cleric so boring to play? i cant imagine that. and if u think cleric pop is low, go exp one urself?

they are hideous to play dude. crafting levels of boredom, just the bars move the other way :)


Originally posted by [NP]ArlaHaren
yea, i can understand that. is Cleric so boring to play? i cant imagine that. and if u think cleric pop is low, go exp one urself?


No, playing a Cleric isn't boring. It is very rewarding to play a Cleric in a group that knows what they are doing.


Re: Re: Re: Re: RvR Balance??

Originally posted by Tilda
mabey not, but if you play well you can avoid the initial aoe mes/stun whatever. and then u can save purge dot ST stuns/messes.
roots are mo problem because u can just DoT shout a grey con mob onto you.


That´s much harder vs mids then vs hib, at least after initial 3 mezzes (doubt a bard can cast more than 3 FREELY) u won´t got much CC beside root which rarely got used against u unless hib grp got 2 druids (or one with high nature spec)... Vs mids that´s another story, insta + castable = "Damn it... mezzed... zZzZ" (it still lasts long enough for those no det owner with 50+% resists)


There is nothing difficult about killing Hib/Mid groups with a FG albs.
The groups me&gunnerr made last weekend won 95% of the FG fights, killed every guild except NP atleast 3 times , so we can say it wasn't luck we won from those groups. afaik the tanks made 110k saturday and 60k sunday (annoying keeptakes -_-;). The only challenge is NP and even after all the confidence we had after all those battles i simply see no way how to beat a r7+ tankgroup with 3healers, 5x IP, 2x instaheals, 2x groupinstas, 2x Perfect Rez, x times APx and MoC grouphealspammers t.t


Re: RvR Balance??

Originally posted by [NP]ArlaHaren

If u have read this far, good luck making ur grp better. and dont be afraid of exping new chars that are needed for guild/good rvr. it doesnt take so much time as u think.

Most of us know full well what's needed for a balanced group - but as has been said many times in many threads actually putting it together is where it gets sticky. What's needed is for mythic to make the necessary changes to make the key classes more appealing to players (yup that's right folks, majority of people actually want to play a class they enjoy, not for the sake of balancing a realm). Respect to those who have the patience to do it though. As for me levelling up another character, it ain't gonna happen - you can't teach an old dog new tricks and all that :p

Anyways, nice to see a thread that wasn't the usual whine/bitch fest.


good post, i gota agree with everything you said but i also need to agree with what aussie says tbh :(

to beat a tank heavy mid group (aka all mid groups) you MUST have a good nature drood if you plan on winning. alb groups are so unbalanced usually it doesnt become a problem. but mid tanks hit so hard that you need to stop _all_ movement. aoe root>mids. alot of time root works so much better then mezz, especially with a light eld nearsighting .. that is a strong way to have a caster heavy hib group and win.


Originally posted by Pin
No, playing a Cleric isn't boring. It is very rewarding to play a Cleric in a group that knows what they are doing.

why aint there 000s more clerics in albion then. pve is bad enough but rvr you are having to rely too much on others, yeah itll be fun in a good grp for a time, but most random rvr group put protect/guard/int on wizzys and sorcs b4 clerics, and dont have PIN to tell everyone what to do, thats if they even have a cleric. Clerics would be a lot more "fun and rewarding" if they could CC as well as mid healers.


Originally posted by [NP]ArlaHaren
yea, i can understand that. is Cleric so boring to play? i cant imagine that. and if u think cleric pop is low, go exp one urself?


Read my sig next time?
My first and my primary char is a Cleric and its the char I play most in RvR even if it isnt my favourite.

Thing about cleric is besides healing and buffing, all it can do is smite for about 100 dmg or do a spirit resist based stun which is tbh kinda crap. If someone or something goes into melee with the cleric hes more often then not prevented from healing until that someone goes away.. 9 sec 5min timer insta mez that is resisted 90% of the time doesnt do much other then make the tanks wonder why their swingtime went so slow.. :p
A clerics baseline 3rd spec stuff is pretty naff compared to healer or druid, imo.. :)
Were awesome healers and buffers though.


Hehe, i only looked at ur avatar Sepiritz. :p

get a guarding pally and u can cast anyway

- Fedaykin -

IMO albion casters are teh suck...

I play a 50 sorc only rr 5l4 and god knows how many times i die. If we get jumped and insta-mezzed i'm dead, if i am slightly slow with mezz i'm dead, if i get identified mid battle i'm usually dead.

The only time i can survive in RvR is in a First Cohort group which has the 2 clerics foundation.

In my opinion albion needs to lose the cloth casters and go full melee. I can think of only a few casters who i would rather have in my group than a tank... ghaladriel, strondor, outlaw, zoyster etc all VERY high RR's who know how to survive well.

I think wizards are a general liability now due to resists, not "Extreme" damage.. maybe if they got the ability to debuff fire for them selves, or a 6 second stun they may become handy. Theurgists are similar. 10 second pbt is so useless in RvR its just not worth it. 6 second pbt is handy but i know of only 2 theurgs who have this.. and again its pretty useless against assisting groups.

Sorcs.. totally needed in groups due to CC, however they shouldnt spec above 36 mind - they are CC but are also offensive! Learn how to use amnesia! spam that chanter circle with it! GET MOC - if u get insta mezzed purge and MoC demezz ur group - an effective group purge. Amnesia healers, root tanks .. SPRINT about to lose aggro! SORCS should be the only cloth in a group imo atm unless as i've stated the other casters are good enough to warrant being there - thwy will be easily identifyable but they should recieve better healing from the clerics.

Friars - OFFENSIVE - there for resists, base buffs, Rezz and very light heals! i have seen albion groups set out with a Friar as main healer LOL..

Paladin - Slam tank has to be - 2h pala's r just silly, end chant, battle rezz and guard the sorc.

Offensive tanks - arms/merc/reavers ASSIST each other for the win

Necros - totally underrated and underused in RvR - POWER TRANSFER but most importantly AF debuff!!!!!!! omg this hurts - there are however a few bugs which need to be addressed e.g. purge

have i missed anything???

Qte Eth

Originally posted by Aussie-
i simply see no way how to beat a r7+ tankgroup with 3healers, 5x IP, 2x instaheals, 2x groupinstas, 2x Perfect Rez, x times APx and MoC grouphealspammers t.t

i simply see no way how to beat r7+ alb tank grp with 2 clerics, 5x ip, 2h instaheals, 2x grpheals, fh, sos, 2bof, sb, x times Apx ,moc grphealspammers ,higher af, 3 str relics ,ablative chant with mid tank grp :rolleyes:


if you made 2 of those groups the next 80 albs would have to wait for pallies and clerics to log on so they themselves could make a decent group, therefore its very rare it happens and therefore leads to the belief that mids and hibs are uber "playerss" in comparison.

Qte Eth

i think it leads to belief that albion sux and mid/hib are overpwered ,never saw whines from albs about hibernia and midgard having uber players :D

and yeah excal albs are fair and limit for a grp friendly char is one per grp ( either cler sorc mini or pala!!1 )


Originally posted by Aussie-
The only challenge is NP

by far the hardest to beat on this server yep. RG? pfft show me 1fg and i could give u an opinion ;)

thing with NP is somehow managing to kill all 3 healing chars and making sure they stay down :)

it isnt easy when they have 3 forms of cc available (4 if u include the slight snare effect of disease), 2-3 of them instacast :m00:


Originally posted by K0nah
(4 if u include the slight snare effect of disease

been diseased while ur target has passive endurance buff, is a rather stlong CC effect tbh

oh and fedaykin, its all about quick reactions and positioning urself ;)


Originally posted by Tilda
link to where pin has whined please.

read the post again, especially the part (dunno if you do it but...) ..:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Belomar
Umm. First of all, I take this reply to mean that you only play to win and not to have fun and thus only aim to have perfectly balanced groups? And secondly, SS does not whine about losing against any groups, and we certainly hold our against most enemy FGs we come across. Yes, even your guild.

well, losing isn't fun imo and we surtainly have problems to field "perfectly balanced groups".

wasn't directly aimed to Pin, more like the albs that whines here on BW that albs can't field a good balanced groups etc.

and if you are trying to say that you kill us on a regular basis FG vs FG I have to disagree. Unless you guys in SS doesn't like cloaks and shields with emblems wich would make it really hard to know wich guild everyone is in. I mean, there are 100s of RvR-active albnames to keep track of in that case :)


ghaladriel, strondor, outlaw, zoyster etc all VERY high RR's who know how to survive well.

by running and zerging? :flame:
:clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Pin
people like me? I'd like to think there aren't too many people like me ;)

But I certainly don't whine if I lose, and the character you play does NOT determine your 'skills'. Anyway, my 'random' SS groups seem to do quite well vs. your 'skillful' IG groups :p

lol, did not say class played = skill.


Yesh, SS is by far superior to our grps. We just pressed some buttons and totally raped you in odin's yesterday.. Luck i say.


is this the early morning "i'm smarter than you" thread ?


One point I would make is about RR's.

There are some players who do not have commitments outside of the game and so play an awful lot, and good luck to them. When you get a number of these players come together regulary, and RvR'ing alot you have a group of high RR players that is very hard to beat.

You then have players who also like to play but who have work and family commitments and so are unlikely to gain high RR (at least not very quickly. I reckon 60-80k a week is good going for a casual player). Someone who plays between, say 1900-2300 is not going to want to sit at pk for 1-2 hours waiting to put the perfect group together. They want to have fun in the game, preferably with friends and Guildmates.

Whatever the Realm, Hib, Mid or Alb, a high RR group that plays together alot isn't going to lose to a low RR pickup group unless they totally screwup with peeps afk etc. And here is where alot of the whines start to ferment.

RvR Guild groups want to run as 1fg, and fight enemy 1fgs. Their prey is mostly disfunctional pickup groups and the rp's flow in. occasionally they will meet a similar enemy group and have a hard fight, but generally it is a gank fest. Then they die to a zerg, and don't like dieing so come on BW etc and whine.

The casual player also wants to have fun, and doesn't want to just die over and over to RvR guilds. They port to RvR, leave pk in the best setup they can get, and die often without ever being able to do anything. They don't like dieing over and over so come on BW etc and whine. They then go back and herd into a zerg with the intention of driving the RvR Guild groups out of the zone.

1k rps in a zerg is better than o rps trying to bravely run as a fg.

I have now seen it from both sides of the fence.

Albion Excal seems to have more pickup groups than the other Realms. Perhaps this is because the power players seem to have migrated to Mid/Hib. There are problems with Albion in that it is less forgiving to a casual player than Mid (can't talk much about Hib as I haven't RvR'd as a Hib for around 18 months) but Albion isn't gimped.

I feel there would be less whine and fewer complaints about being gimped if the game was viable for the casual player. IMO RR's should not create the vast gulf that they do. They should have been icing on the cake, not the determining factor in RvR.

Maybe, if RR wasn't so vital alot of the whines and complaints would go away. You would know that you won/lost through playing well/badly and not because of the time you have spent in RvR. Casual players would know they lost to players with more skill and strive to improve whilst the RvR Guilds would have a yardstick to judge their performance on.


Difference between alb and mid tank group:
  • dead sorc in 5 sec after start of fight (10 sec with bof+heals+insta heals+some luck)
  • no disease/insta disease (on EIGHT sec timer) and there is no immunity after disease so if i manage to cure half of group (not for heals, just so they can run on normal speed) they just get (insta)diseased again
  • no root cause sorc is dead (usually insta rezzed and insta killed again)
  • no insta interrupt on 5 sec timer which completely disables both clerics if you do it right (attack spd debuff)
  • endu chant on pally with no determination and if they stay to guard someone tanks will get no endu
And don't mention sos+bof combo, those RAs are on 30 min timer. Shammy gets best ae disease just for free (base line) while albs/hibs have to spec for it.

I don't think alb classes are bad, they are ok. Not great just ok.


noret pretty much summed main problems

we'll see in 1.62 what happens should be interesting, honestly i dont know though but should be more balanced :)


Originally posted by - Fedaykin -
IMO albion casters are teh suck...

I play a 50 sorc only rr 5l4 and god knows how many times i die. If we get jumped and insta-mezzed i'm dead, if i am slightly slow with mezz i'm dead, if i get identified mid battle i'm usually dead.

Bla bla bla bla

This is exactly what alb needs. Now get that group sorted and come gank us back to mtk.


Originally posted by Qte Eth
i simply see no way how to beat r7+ alb tank grp with 2 clerics, 5x ip, 2h instaheals, 2x grpheals, fh, sos, 2bof, sb, x times Apx ,moc grphealspammers ,higher af, 3 str relics ,ablative chant with mid tank grp :rolleyes:

oh lets compare the dmg output of

1h paladin
1h minstrel
1 polearms
2 mercs


2h warrior
2h skald
1 rat
and a 2 quadhitting savages


you wont have place enuff for 3 light tanks unless you gimp the grp :p oh and skip poler,, take in another merc if you can or have a 2nd cleric..


Well said Dakeyras ( :

I can often only play for an hour or 2, so I don't have the luxury (if you want to call it that) of being able to wait for hours for an RvR group to fill up. Often I'm lucky enough that a spot opens up in my guild's group (my nice guildies often don't mind to give up their own spot for others :x), but if it doesn't, I just invite into my group whoever I find and head out to Emain. Usually that's people from smaller guilds who have lower RRs. Odds are against us then, especially if we run out with 1 warden (me), no bard and no druid.... and for some reason a lot of random groups suffer from LD's and afk people ) ;

On the other hand, I often notice that people who are used to running in random groups have a very relaxed attitude towards the game... no whining if people die, cheering after taking out another group of random albs/mids no matter how crappy they were, and just generally enjoying the time spent ( ; Some people who run in high RR / dedicated guild groups get spoiled and don't have fun unless the group plays to their high standards, which is a shame really.

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