I had a GA a couple of years ago to remove some polyps from my nose, the worst part of it was waking up and the surgeon was telling me how it went. As far as i was concerned she was saying 'Waaaeeerrrblllle wwwennnfffrle Gummmmbbaaeeerr slllopppppggge'.
I also almost threw up after about an hour, but held it back - the nausea (if you get it) doesn't last long.
By far the worst thing though was having the 'stuffing' (gauze) removed from my nose....i could feel it scraping on the edge of my skull and the nurse pulled it out like a magicians hanky, congealed blood and snot along with it.
I also almost threw up after about an hour, but held it back - the nausea (if you get it) doesn't last long.
By far the worst thing though was having the 'stuffing' (gauze) removed from my nose....i could feel it scraping on the edge of my skull and the nurse pulled it out like a magicians hanky, congealed blood and snot along with it.