FAO Custodia Malacitana


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Oh well, really no point to moan about Albs style of RvR'ing as a Mid, recent keep and relic takes started by Mids have been all in the mornings or deep into the nights followed by some strong FG farmage and when it's the opposite for once, strange threads make it to FH :/.

I think the main difference tho Manisch is that when the groups im in take keeps its to create irvr which usually means more ppl come out to play. I can't remember any time when (after gaining irvr) we ever went to cut other ports as that seems to me to be 100% counterproductive.

What the albs did today AFTER taking Blend port was to cut other ports aswell meaning LESS mids come out and that seems to be to be Fuji's point. Mids had port to Arvakr and Fens but a couple times there were flames on a Fens tower meaning even less ports for mids to use to actually get to the action.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 12, 2006
Rofl ..

You are pathetic tbh .

Several times last week Mids where asked... Why cut port to Bold ...If its the insta rvr in Albion you want ..?

NO ONE came with an answer.. !

Now you had the same... in Midgard... and immidiatly .. someone is making a whine ...:S

Get a life.. or start thinking a bit while you play ..

( Was quite fun actually to be part of .. Had some great laughs at ts while we/ you where getting zerged :).... )


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 7, 2004
who talked about crossrealm?

I am, at least a notice for people who play mid / hib who like to whines CM killes game which they doing it themselve.

As mid / hib are mostly play by the same almong of people, why dont they roll for co-op server?

this is really relating to cut port point, almost most of the time after one realm <mid/hib> get keep and cut point and disappeared then the ally realm<hib/mid> just pop with zergs.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Well like i said, maybe i should have Asked it more generally, to EVERYONE who likes to cut ports, and spoil whatever little fun there is left on Dyvet in rvr.

What makes it so fun to kill rvr, Apart from the good whine it generates

So maybe start by yourself avoiding killing soloers when u run in group?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004

rofl, wonderful to see the albion of r0gs @ dyvet speaking :D, Manisch in the lead! :D class


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
Well same as fuji, don't mind to much that CM only play's at night, especially as others stated too when they don't like normal RvR as they usually end up face down. As fuji i'm just wondering why U don't move to a PvE server if thats what U want, or come out as a fg during normal RvR as that is the way U learn to play the game.

The rp bonus for taking keep, towers, open df and take relics should be removed then they wouldn't get rp's for it, and rp should be the reward for killing ppl from eemy realms imo.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Rofl ..

You are pathetic tbh .

Several times last week Mids where asked... Why cut port to Bold ...If its the insta rvr in Albion you want ..?

NO ONE came with an answer.. !

Now you had the same... in Midgard... and immidiatly .. someone is making a whine ...:S

Get a life.. or start thinking a bit while you play ..

( Was quite fun actually to be part of .. Had some great laughs at ts while we/ you where getting zerged :).... )

Whel let me enlten you noob..

maby its to make the nesting albs at beno to come out in the open and rvr..


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
bah yet another adversary who i need to give some hug loving too :fluffle:

In a siege situation EVERYONE is fair game, solo, duo, fg, zerg etc etc. The thing is when theres no IRVR the whole rvr activity drops through the floor. People cba to get boats and in general the rvr population becomes apathetic and lathargic and sits on bridges quite often. We all know it so yeah I have np whatsoever taking keeps and trying to establish port if it brings out more ppl, be it CM, opted fg's, pug's, whatever. More action = more fun imo.

Oh and the times we bomb Beno doors is for fun - same as all realms do when theres nothing else to kill tbh

Let's see:

- Siege situation. You play on Dyvet, it whas 2am, all the mids present there left me, i try to find a climb spot to climb in blend and your group zerg me down at the keep. Not even sure if there whas even 1 alb inside.

- IRVR. Albion almost hade IRVR in midgard, yet your taking back keeps and towers, to destroy IRVR.

I have no problem with all of the above, but seriously. Less talking out of your arse.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
well really when people take irvr in another realm usually that grp wants to create the irvr. i remember gobo used to do it so could be fast action for all concerned. however the others from the realm decided they would like another keep,cut irvr etc and piss off the realm, usually ended up that people logged cause they cba to boat for 5min. however in all realms you have the roleplayers and people who think they should go on a campaign to take more keeps, more twrs, cut ports to stop irvrand dont look at big. this is one example of how people are very selfless. i remember hibs used to give alb and mids irvr in hib. albs would then try to take other keeps to open our relics. ive seen the alliance saying let them take it, and then two hrs later the roleplayers trying to take the relic. i can agree tho its any realms right to retake thier own keeps in their frontier, not matter what time of day it is, i dont agree with Am raids on other frontiers tho. my two cents anyways.


Like I said, to prevent Azzarri and co of retaking the damn towers all the time :p. So they and keep can level a bit.

Manish, Your posts are the world's greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime.
I suppose I should have some sympathy for your handicaps. You are obviously paralyzed from the neck up. You must have a very large brain to hold such a vast amount of sheer ignorance.

In closing, I suggest the next time that you feel an urge to embarrass yourself and bore others, that you summon all your mights, and resist.

yw ~


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 15, 2004
Just wanna know what it is that makes you play this game?

It sure cant be meeting Player enemies, nothing that could have the slightest chance killing u atleast? And i guess that the more ppl like me or well any mid/hib whine on you the more u wanna destroy stuff for us? Less fun for others, more fun for you? I dont care if i die in rvr, thats not what its about, i just dont understand why you have to kill rvr. Take back berks, sure, np. Take Blendrake, sure, np. Cut port to beno so more mids port to Glenlock, yeh, why not. But then cut glenlock port aswell? Why if ur not gonna take the relic now anyway?

About the relics i couldnt really care less who have them, if i would be the allmighty relickeeper i´d fucking give em to you so you wouldnt have to log on and fuck everything that is rvr.

Im not really angry or whiny or anything, just interested why you play like this, what it is that makes it so funny, ofc i do understand that its fun to see all the whine ppl generate about you on fh and ingame, whine is fun, but maybe you guys should roll a pve server instead? I think that would suite you perfect.

Last time u had Irvr in alb.Was very often when albs didnt have port to Bold or Beno. Maybe they want to have revenge and ruin ur RvR this time?

Blazor Meneth

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
I am, at least a notice for people who play mid / hib who like to whines CM killes game which they doing it themselve.

As mid / hib are mostly play by the same almong of people, why dont they roll for co-op server?

this is really relating to cut port point, almost most of the time after one realm <mid/hib> get keep and cut point and disappeared then the ally realm<hib/mid> just pop with zergs.

Yeah thats rly how it is, I always instalogg and switch to the realm in need...

Clueless roglord.....:puke:


Loyal Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
Manish, Your posts are the world's greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime.
I suppose I should have some sympathy for your handicaps. You are obviously paralyzed from the neck up. You must have a very large brain to hold such a vast amount of sheer ignorance.

In closing, I suggest the next time that you feel an urge to embarrass yourself and bore others, that you summon all your mights, and resist.

yw ~

13:46:06 | <@Erupt-> time2open my forum diss book
13:51:08 | <@Erupt-> haha
13:51:13 | <@Erupt-> i owned him now
13:51:16 | <@Erupt-> noreply2that

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
I think the main difference tho Manisch is that when the groups im in take keeps its to create irvr which usually means more ppl come out to play. I can't remember any time when (after gaining irvr) we ever went to cut other ports as that seems to me to be 100% counterproductive.

What the albs did today AFTER taking Blend port was to cut other ports aswell meaning LESS mids come out and that seems to be to be Fuji's point. Mids had port to Arvakr and Fens but a couple times there were flames on a Fens tower meaning even less ports for mids to use to actually get to the action.

I don't get it, you played alll days long versus CM yesterday who tried to establish IRvR in Midgard, removing Blendrake port all the time and hence you made them cut the other ports so they could retake the Blendrake port while you were busy running from tower to tower.

When I went to bed you were still at it.

So you speak about port removal while you caused it yourself by cutting IRvR port in Midgard all the time.

IRvR in HW, for me it's tiresome, it usually starts with a Mid group in a Beno tower, not taking it but farming, with Fujiata and Mammsen and some other stealth zergers between Beno bridge and that tower.

Rarely any groups look in HW for FG fights, Hibs run 2-3 groups on stick even on the dock side, after several weeks I stoped to enjoy it.

I know you are racing for RR12 and IRvR is a good way to do it, but maybe you should get more patience :p.

Maybe Middies can be the host of IRvR for now?

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Manish, Your posts are the world's greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime.
I suppose I should have some sympathy for your handicaps. You are obviously paralyzed from the neck up. You must have a very large brain to hold such a vast amount of sheer ignorance.

In closing, I suggest the next time that you feel an urge to embarrass yourself and bore others, that you summon all your mights, and resist.

yw ~

You made an idiot out of yourself in LA's grats thread and since I pointed it out there, you are in every thread I am in, coming up with some insults I am not even reading. I hope you can sort it out for you somehow, your mental complex I mean.

Blazor Meneth

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
You made an idiot out of yourself in LA's grats thread and since I pointed it out there, you are in every thread I am in, coming up with some insults I am not even reading. I hope you can sort it out for you somehow, your mental complex I mean.

Sounds familiar dont u think, something u do yourself against maybe s.......?


manish makes himself look like an idiot not only to septina ^^
but to everyone else aswell xD

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
manish makes himself look like an idiot not only to septina ^^
but to everyone else aswell xD

It's quite funny:

Manisch to Eruptare: You're an idiot.
Eruptare to Manisch: But you are an idiot to all and Septina.

I'll leave it to the readers.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 11, 2006
You made an idiot out of yourself in LA's grats thread and since I pointed it out there, you are in every thread I am in, coming up with some insults I am not even reading. I hope you can sort it out for you somehow, your mental complex I mean.

just say that u got owned instead and he´ll be quiet


ye i'm so dumb I cant come up with my own insults lol :(

seriously tho..have you ever talked to a girl without having to give your credit card number ?


Loyal Freddie
Sep 11, 2006
ye i'm so dumb I cant come up with my own insults lol :(

seriously tho..have you ever talked to a girl without having to give your credit card number ?

you should really stop before... or nvm actually, cant make a more fool out of yourself i guess, your capped


ohnoes,fujjeh is defending manish now ^^

fujjeh,let me have my fun :(

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Trying to outsmart a wall by running against it over and over again is considered fun now? ;)

Oh well, whatever floats your boat.

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