Death of a scout !



That might just have been a critshot?
You are so hung up in the figures and rp's that you totally forget situations etc. And just to let you know, I have 889 rp.


hmm dont forget that rangers and especialy hunters would have more problems with see hiden then scouts especialy hunters slow speed weapon vs evade 7 and as defense studded or what ever they have there and avade 1 pets dont cound becose wery rare u see eeaven a green con pet in rvr
about ppl who say stop whining etc would like to see mages whine topic on vn boards or somewhere if they added pulsing spell balde turn to champs palas and thanes and made mages fumble :)


besides we do suck in hand to hand combat as much as casters do
ok we live a little longer buth a blue stealthers still get me down in hand to hand



You can;t seriously compare ANY archers melee dmg output to a caster please...

End of...


Mostly soloing because they don't want to share those uber rps. And archers can be good in groups because there dmg output IS good

What a load of pull shit..... I would glady group anytime, anywhere

In RvR, grouping usually mean a tank/ cleric to watch your back, someone to mez your targets, so you wont get killed by an SB/NS

Solo RvR means when u die, your dead<full stop>


back to gate again

DMG output is good with arrows.... but you can only carry so many - I carried 160 on me at all times. This would be gone in 30 mins... then what? leave to get more? yeah right..... out comes the sword and shield, and its melee.... but since I didnt spec in melee, any tank 3 levels lower will be able to hit harder than me... why not have a tank my level who hits 2-3 times as hard

And chesnor, we are talking about scouts here.... ATM (which, actually means AT THE MOMENT) getting a group is very hard for us

now, when they patch, and we get hit witht the nerf bat, we are going to be doing LESS DAMAGE (yes, that means a decrease compared to before, in case you didnt know)

People don't want us in their groups now..... why would they want someone ding less damage in their group after next patch?

and it doesnt stop there

in 1.50, nerfs get even worse

We will do LESS DAMAGE (yes, that means a decrease compared to before, in case you didnt know)

So people will have even less incentive to group with us

If you really can't get grouped, you should quit daoc and practise some social skills. And yes, I have played group unfriendly classes before you start.

Have you played a scout? (A simply YES or NO answer here)

and you are complaining about social skils? It has nothing to do with it.... You get a group fine, despite calling people muppets.....
Maybe I should say to people when asking for group: "You need a scout. Group me pelase!!!!"

Yeah right


The real reason bow classes have been NURFED IS because it was overpowered end of......

Think what you like but thats the reason!


Originally posted by chesnor
Yeah. A non-caster class that hits for 500+ with freaking 1 arrow need nerfing fs.

Scouts arrows :

First shot = miss because of bt
2e shot = maybe hit ... he could have a second shield
3e shot = maybe hit ... pulsing bt ...

normal it is First shot = miss
2e shot and 3e shot are hits..... and he's dead

so after our first shot we need to reload 4.1 secs ..
and another one for our 3e shot , that's 8.2 sec ..
then we run away and need 10 sec before we can stealth again ...

so enemy group has 18 sec's! time to kill us....
If group has a pet = we are dead
If group has speed = maybe we are still alive

keep complaining about our dmg ....
want us to kill ppl in 4 arrows?

thats almost 30 sec LOL


ppfff :(

ok ill try yet another more time.

First on the hard grouping :

Ppl who think this is not treu only have to play an archer from 35 - 50 to see, not only that but all archers are complaining about this , so all this ppl are wrong ? dont think so.

Scouts are not crap in group , treu treu , but do they bring nice group abilties whit them ? nope

What would you have rather , a healer , tank , mage or archer ?
Almost every1 would chose the fist 3 , why because a archer only brings some dmg to the group and not even much , all the other have group abilty's and most of them even have more dmg.
So why chose a archer ?
dont tell me pulling , because at l8ter lvl no1 lets archers pull. So tell me why pick an archer ?
Yup not much reason to do that , so thats why we get 'less' group , that some archers whit lots of guild m8ts of same lvl to help and friends get groups easy does mot mean we all do ,some of us are in guilds that either are to small for guild groups , not the same lvl or like every1 esle dont care about us !

Ok on the topic about being uber :

We where uber ill atmid that but so much has happend we are no longer uber in fact we are a hard class to play even in rvr.

What about other classes not being uber , so why should archers have a beter time that for example healers at rvr ?

We shouldnt , but healers for example get groups as we dont even not in rvr.I know there are exeptions to it , but overall we arent as usefull in rvr groups as other classes , and there for we get less groups in rvr to , plus ppl tend to think all of us still rather solo , but that isnt so , i for one never wanted to solo in rvr and i didnt pick an archer for that

I saw myself as a scout for my group , on ocasion picking of an lonely invader but never realy soloed in the frontier.That role well soon be even more gone than it already was!

Another thing is just because there are classes out there that are even weaker doent mean that we dont not / deserve help , it means that they should get help to !

Now on the dmg scouts , archers do :

Remember like i already said we have long casting/shooting times , longer then mages and no abilty like quickcast so if we get interupted we are death so this already explain why we do more than melee , but over time we do only maybe 50 % more witch is ok becuase we get crappy armour , low hp , low melee hit/dmg , so that more than evens it out , in fact to much.

Now then there is the fact that scouts are the beter archer class and so much more dmg then us ranger/hunter , but even whit there casting time i dont think the can take tanks , maybe healer maybe but rangers / hunter could never do this.

Now mages are as tricky for scouts as ranger/hunters , when you drop a mage and are in range of his nukes you beter hope you have him death before he knows whats happening , else its face target wuickast nuke , interrupt archer , nuke one more time , archer death , so much for our uberness.

Now i can give numbers even more but fact is whitout stealth there isnt much reason to play us over an mage , mages do much more dmg , sertanly on scale and they have nice grouping abilty's.

+ We DONT do 500 dmg on scale !! i never did that , and i cant beleef scouts would do that either whitout crit.

So we have a hard time leveling but we arent even good in rvr , something wrong here.

Ohh alite about citshot :

Critshot works only when you stand still , not in combat and have no bubble , tell me how often does that happen in rvr , not much , and even less much when steallth gets nerfed in 1.50.

+ plus why shouldnt i beat a healer ? the arent a figher class like i am , they can do much more suport , have easy leveling , get invited in to rvr groups ect.

Ohh and dont go starting about healers are crap in rvr , one its not treu , and even if it was realy so bad it still doesnt mean archers should be crap to.

now im not finished :p

About rp :

We are still in the top 25 but thats only because of the rp we got from pre nerfs , if you look at 7 days stats you see we arent even the class thats most in it , in fact we are now almost gone , mages rule server rp now , plz nef them !

Now ppl keep saying bow was over powered and mythic was right at nerfing it.Now i say they went to far whit it , and didnt take some things in comsiderantion (like impact of bladeturn , epic armour ect ).

No NO but mythic is right !!

So you realy think so ? that same mythic made blademaster crap , shades less than other assasins , made paladins weak in rvr , made valor bugged , made shield / 1h to weak ect ect ect ,and much more of this crap , so i dont think mythic knows it all , i think the do make mistakes and rather much to.

i dont think i left some thing out but be sure to place comment if you see fit , and plz plz do make than good , because if i hear another WOOT 500 dmg yell im gonna laugh.


Originally posted by Woodmansee
The real reason bow classes have been NURFED IS because it was overpowered end of......

Think what you like but thats the reason!

yeeeeeehaaaaaa! Woody :) , how you doing ?

Me and Woody xped loads, he was skald, I was healer. Archers always popped us for insane dmg. Stupid dmg. A pole armsman or spear hero couldnt hit us for more than crit shot from a scout. How fux0red was that ??



Ah, should've known... They know each other...

"Most ridiculous posts of the thread" award goes to Woody and for the extremely hard work of cutting & pasting from old vnboards threads, Chesnor is awarded "Stuck in the past" award!

So tell me, Woody, what do you know from first hand experience about playing a stealther at 35+? I'm 99.9999% sure none, nada, zip, null, zero, nil.

And next question is for Chesnor: What 'hard to get groups' character have you played and how far? Lvl1 rogue?

Go actually play a stealther before you start whining, atleast you'd have some minuscule experience about them, if you have the patience to level one.


Re: ppfff :(

Originally posted by Elrohir_CBH

+ We DONT do 500 dmg on scale !! i never did that , and i cant beleef scouts would do that either whitout crit.


Red tank meets low bleu scout :D (only did this once .. so dont start flaming blablabla.. honestly it was first time i tryed too :D )


Belthazor. I don't need a weather vane to know which way the wind blows (thankyou Mr.Dylan). I have played this game day in day out for ages. I know whats what. And I know that archers who spend their time and energy whinging never get grouped. Charmless fu*ckers that they are. You get grouped by being a nice person, your class matters little. Its just clear that the majority of archers are uber 'i ownz0r j00' or rp farmers, type of people. i.e TWATS. Twats don't get grouped, regardless of class, period.


chesnor :whip:

still whining cauz you're still not RR2 ? ;(


Ha, well Chesnor my lvl4x Healer was RR2. Rps were all grouped (try soloing a Healr rvr) and all HARD. Casting a mezz in emain is like wearing a sign KILL ME NEXT INNIT. I just know that the majority of classes in this game have to work damn hard for rps, whereas archers = camp in trees, stealth, grief blues, rinse and repeat. Et viola, hundreds of k of rp.

Some classes I genuinely feel for when they get swiped with the nerf bat. But archers HAHAHA (Winter shoots you with her bow and hits for 521 dmg) at last !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally posted by chesnor
Belthazor. I don't need a weather vane to know which way the wind blows (thankyou Mr.Dylan). I have played this game day in day out for ages. I know whats what. And I know that archers who spend their time and energy whinging never get grouped. Charmless fu*ckers that they are. You get grouped by being a nice person, your class matters little. Its just clear that the majority of archers are uber 'i ownz0r j00' or rp farmers, type of people. i.e TWATS. Twats don't get grouped, regardless of class, period.

I do know a lot of twats that have out-levelled me easily because they play tanks & other easy-to-find-group-with classes. Kinda contradicts your statements.

IF you knew what's what well enough, you wouldn't be quoting from age-old threads from vnboards. That's what it sounds like. I've read most of that stuff you've written there, maybe with different wording, but it's old stuff anyway. Try think something new.


Originally posted by chesnor
Ha, well Chesnor my lvl4x Healer was RR2. Rps were all grouped (try soloing a Healr rvr) and all HARD. Casting a mezz in emain is like waering a sign KILL ME NEXT INNIT. I just know that the majority of classes in this games have to work damn hard for rps, whereas archers = camp in trees, stealth, grief blues, rinse and repeat. Et viloa, hundreds of k of rp.

Some classes I genuinety feel for when they get swiped with the nerf bat. But archers HAHAHA (Winter shoots you with her bow and hits for 521 dmg) at last !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what you're saying that if you have to work harder than the rest for your exp, you shouldn't be allowed to get it any easier with RPs?


You are so stuck with the old counter attacks from non-archers that it's sad, and they have all been proven wrong. It's just you and a tad of conservatism left.

I suggest you should read some of the points made clear by Silverhood, Aussie and Elrohir, READ THEM, don't ignore them and continue the moaning. They made some very good points. And proves that it's not as easy and fast to kill someone as you think.

Belthazor, that "stuck in the past" award fits really well.

The only reason Chesnor is keeping this going is because he was wacked by Winter and has never gotten over it.



Originally posted by chesnor
Belthazor. I don't need a weather vane to know which way the wind blows (thankyou Mr.Dylan). I have played this game day in day out for ages. I know whats what. And I know that archers who spend their time and energy whinging never get grouped. Charmless fu*ckers that they are. You get grouped by being a nice person, your class matters little. Its just clear that the majority of archers are uber 'i ownz0r j00' or rp farmers, type of people. i.e TWATS. Twats don't get grouped, regardless of class, period.

Ooooh shit , that i didnt tought of this before , all archer are realy dummies , whats its name was right , i for one have total lack of sosial skill and im a dummie to :D and all the ppl who complain here are dummies and over to the vaulth board, all dummies to , yup all makes sense now !

Ooooh you said it your self to didnt see that , yup i only want to be uber , yup so treu and ALL archers , nope , almost no exeptions , we all want to be uber thats why we picked this class.
I did , i was thinking what class should i take , uuuuhhhmm , lets take an UBER archer , haha

haha , laugh ,hahaha hha ahah aha ha ha aah aahah ah ah ah ah haa ah aha haha ha

haha ah ah aha ha



ok done , uuhhm , no cant stop laughing , hahah a



ok i almost die hehehee :p of laughing

but now i have an UBER warden , they realy farm rp ;)


Of course, the best thing about threads like this is is that the lamers who whinge endlessly about thier class aren't actualy levelling. They are bitching on boards insteads.

Muhahhha. Mission accomplished.


Hehe...right. Suddenly the arguements stopped streaming in from Chesnors direction.

Mission accomplished.


Originally posted by chesnor
Of course, the best thing about threads like this is is that the lamers who whinge endlessly about thier class aren't actualy levelling. They are bitching on boards insteads.

Muhahhha. Mission accomplished.

hahahaha hahahahaha laughs even more hahaha :D

So you realy think that i spend more that 10 min posting a post ,then you must realy be an idiot . hahaha the id that you think i lvl slower because of me posting here , hahaha .

oooh but even if this was so , then YOU wouldnt be leveling either would you , hehe :)

Mission accomplished.

Now im gonna laugh some more

hahaha haha ha haah ha ahah

ghahah ahaha


ok enough for to night , but if im ever in the mood to laugh i just watch your posts , hehe :)

Maybe you want to make some more stuppit post so i can laugh tomorro ? :p


chesnor your one of those rare ppl with his head firmly up his ass ok firstly im insulted u called me a twat. so im gonna be one now firstly my name is chipper im well know in albion am kind and generous to ALL lvls i played beta so i have a standing reputation with alot of ppl in other words im well know and liked and can get grps with my pally easily now im 45 (at last TWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES albs know what im on about ;) ) however my scout is a different matter only ppl i can EVER get grps with is the other high lvls with alts same lvl let me tell u summat about scouts i dont know what they where like before 1.45 cos i didnt have 1 so im not having any probs with that side of the nerf bat but a few things i have noticed i tend to fumble a fair bit miss my crit shot 2-10 fights id say, now fair enough any class gets blocked or parried or miss or whatever but im fully spec longbow i dont expect to miss my crit, miss next shot hit a yellow for 110 then fumble how many times does a wiz or fighter miss 3-4 times in a row against a yellow-blue con i can tell you from my point of view cos ima highish lvl tank i dont period you are just simply a bitter man this nerf is wrong and EVERY single archer agrees with me be it european servers or american did it skip your attention that archers where supposed to be bloody powerful in the first place what u think it is there shooting at u a twig ??? so imo u dont know what your talking about scouts are only powerful in 1 area with there bow screw with that you have killed the class its that simple. oh and btw i have been hit by woody plenty of times for over 400 dmg with his spear so dont gimme that crap that scouts do shit loads more dmg cos its bollox and not only have they nerfed scouts they have made it even harder to kill all wiz classes all get detect hidden all get some form of BT and as for there stealth been nerfed a lvl 35 assasin will now be able to see a fully specced stealth lvl 50 archer now thats fair is it ??? wake up

you are wrong chesnor if it was right only a handful of ppl would be complaining where as anyone and i do mean anyone with a archer on ANY server is really pissed at this its only the ppl who got bitch slapped by an archer who are moaning oh and btw i been killed by hing and his ilk many a time and i dont cry about it on the forums i accept that thats what archer classes can do i might not like it but i accept it u should too

come on then flame away sure you will u aint kept your gob shut on this post

Herbal Remedy

chipper :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
ps ull soon learn to hate twees
twees :puke:
i still have nightmares
ps my scout with max bow fumbles and misses crit shots like a bitch


Oi, Chipper m8; You really should consider using punctuation and paragraphs.. Not that I dissaggree with youre post - it's just that it's goddamn hard to see any sense in it when the whole post is generally one sentence..

Nothing personal, ofcourse :)


Chipper. I don't recall calling you a twat. I think it was a muppet. However I was drunk yesterday, so my memory is not good.

Bottom line. Scouts do good dmg, end of argument. (Sure you miss lots, so do troll warriors, so does every freaking class, it's just part of the game). Any class that can hit for 500+ with 1 hit is doing good dmg. End of.

I read on ign boards yesterday a hibby champ intercepted a crit shot on his chanter mate and was hit for 1000+ dmg. With one arrow. Admittedly with intercept he took every dmg penalty out there, but 1000+dmg with a single arrow is evidence of uber dmg output.

And you have never been hit for 400+ with Woodys spear. He uses a 2h hammer.

Herbal Remedy

every class doesnt miss lots - a scout misses a hideous amount example my lvl 25 scout xps for 2 hours gains 0 xp because every 8 or 9 kills he gets waked by a yellow con mob , got to hate them cornwall hunters


So tell me, Woody, what do you know from first hand experience about playing a stealther at 35+? I'm 99.9999% sure none, nada, zip, null, zero, nil.

Tell ya what I know is that your getting NURFED because its TO POWERFULL....
THATS THE FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ive played this game since open beta and have been on the end of many arrows!

Is that good enough fo you super NOOB!


Originally posted by chesnor
Chipper. I don't recall calling you a twat. I think it was a muppet. However I was drunk yesterday, so my memory is not good.

Bottom line. Scouts do good dmg, end of argument. (Sure you miss lots, so do troll warriors, so does every freaking class, it's just part of the game). Any class that can hit for 500+ with 1 hit is doing good dmg. End of.

I read on ign boards yesterday a hibby champ intercepted a crit shot on his chanter mate and was hit for 1000+ dmg. With one arrow. Admittedly with intercept he took every dmg penalty out there, but 1000+dmg with a single arrow is evidence of uber dmg output.

And you have never been hit for 400+ with Woodys spear. He uses a 2h hammer.

OK its seems you dont want stop making this stuppit lies , ok i tell you one more time ,we DONT DO 500 DMG IN A NORMAL SHOt OK

Citshot maybe and that maybe for a scout , hunter/ranger would not EVER EVER Do this much on scale , critshot sucks to get of almost never work so after all that work to get one of it beter do good dmg.

So you saying mages should be nerfed to , because they do about maybe 300 + dmg on scale (dont know for sure but think so) and there casting time is even less.

Woodmansee , you dont know shit , thats the problem , ones you have been shot for that much and now you think we will all shoot like that ? I play this class long enough to know thats not treu , so dont go telling you know it all !

Same goes for chesnor , and if you readed my post you would have known it or maybe you are just to stuppit to get it !

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