Death of a scout !



"I cannot provide any 'hard' facts. My opinions are based upon my experience in the game. During levelling countless chars I have been griefed by archers on numerous occasions."

-- Well, I was of the opinion that in frontiers you were "on your own", and by entering frontier zones you accept the risk of being killed at any time? That seems to be the general feeling of the players. Stay in your realm. "griefed" as in killed, heh. I bet you wouldn't complain that much if a purple tank came and owned your ass while xping. The griefing done by players should not damage the class. The class and "good" players should not be affected by the actions taken to prevent griefing. You blame a class because it appeals to "griefers", and there will always be people which pulls the legs of flies.

"What has always bothered me about this group of classes is that they can basically kill with total impunity. Stealthed in a strategic spot and you can pick your targets as you see fit. Any target that will offer you any resistance, you can leave with almost no chance of discovery. Because you primary attack is ranged, those targets that you choose to attack will generally be dead quickly, leaving you free to re-stealth and move on to avoid detection. Rinse, repeat and you are RR5 before you know it."

-- That is the beauty of having different classes, if you want lot's of realmpoints, go with the archer, if you want to heal, heal. etc.
I chose the scout because I want to be able to scout behind enemy lines, pick off single targets in a group of people to cause fear and chaos in my enemies armies. What you want is the classes to be almost equal 1vs1, a healer should be able to kill an attackbased class. I don't want that, I want differences, I want flavours, I don't want chicken, everything tastes like chicken.

"This basically encourages griefing, with archers camping xp spots or areas of high traffic and picking targets way below their level in order to farm RP. I spotted this, Mythic spotted this and many many archers were and still are guilty of doing it. Its not against the rules, but it is lame (and really annoying when your lowbie frontiers are camped by purple archers who sadly think they serve their realm best by griefing the oppositions lowbies)."

-- This can be easily and swifty dealt with if those people doesn't continue to come there and get killed. They should bring an assassin, get rid of that archer, he isn't immortal. Get close to that weak closecombat unit. THAT'S what the other classes haven't done when a griefer camps a xp spot. When you should use other meawns to get rid of griefers you damage an entire class, I think that is wrong.

"I guess it isn't archers I've got a downer on. But the kind of person that plays this class purely to bring grief to others. Archers were and remain the ultimate class for the morons who get their kicks from the misery of others."

-- Then behave like you don't have an arrow stuck in your neck, and go for the griefers, not the archers.

"Oh and ask yourself one more question. Prior to the nerf, everybody was aware that archers were not good in PvE, and were great solo RvR, right...? Why then do players choose this class ?"

-- I had my goals set for what I wanted to do, the pve ability was something I was willing to look past to obtain the ability to do as I have described further up in my post.

"To get uber RPs and post on the forums ? (I am RR5 I r0x0r) Thats what."

-- That's the griefer talking, and has nothing to do with the archerclasses.

"btw, Apologies to all those archers that play this class but don't behave like this. You do exist, and I know several top draw archers who aren't griefers and are generally selfless and decent human beings."

-- And still you want to damage them because of the griefers actions?


-- Woody, we know that the archer may have been overpowered, and that has been dealt with several times. Try to post quality, not quantity.


Hardly playing my scout anymore cuz im so discouraged.

Checked US lists of 25 most RP-earning chars during the last 7 days; an average of 3-5 per list.

Levelling a theurg, Mythic cant really RvR-nerf that class (of course the can and will, its my imagination thats inferior).


Look stealth like in uo shouldnt be allowed to one type of class, its all or noting.. Its a super grief skill end of!

Now with hunters or even worse scouts with their super long range is they SHOOT arrows for more than my lvl 50 skald can HIT his hammer at point BLANK range...

How can a arrow from a mile away do more damage than a BIG ass two handed weapon in your face???

ITs stupid and wrong and just another reason the scout/hunter and the rest need nurfing and thats what mythic did.

ps plz dont talk about draw times, my 2 handed hammer speed is 5.2


"How can a arrow from a mile away do more damage than a BIG ass two handed weapon in your face???"

-- Erhm, Woody, there's some physics involved :)

Ahem.. Well, now let's see, we have the small area which penetrates the target, compared to the larger area of a melee weapon. To top that off, the bow creates a force larger than what you can create with your bare hands. This is what made the longbow oneshot kill people in the medevial age. That longbow was feared. And with a reason, I might add :)


"Look stealth like in uo shouldnt be allowed to one type of class, its all or noting.. Its a super grief skill end of!"

-- All or nothing eh? Hm, yeah, let's remove all the classes but one, that class can have all the abilities.

"Now with hunters or even worse scouts with their super long range is they SHOOT arrows for more than my lvl 50 skald can HIT his hammer at point BLANK range..."

-- Super long range? That extra range isn't as much as it should be. Range doesn't necessarily decrease with range.. That's why they make bows :)

"ITs stupid and wrong and just another reason the scout/hunter and the rest need nurfing and thats what mythic did."

-- And still you are complaining about it being unfair, even though they have, as you say, already done it?


Ahem.. Well, now let's see, we have the small area which penetrates the target, compared to the larger area of a melee weapon. To top that off, the bow creates a force larger than what you can create with your bare hands. This is what made the longbow oneshot kill people in the medevial age. That longbow was feared. And with a reason, I might add

dude if you want to talk stupid, what about PLATE MAIL ARMOR????
get real


What about it? Try to hit nails through a thin piece of a metal sheat? It will go through it. What do you think armour piercing bullets is? magic? Metal isn't invincible.

Good night


omg you talk some bollocks

Oki then you cant turn invisible!!!

Or did scouts do that to in the back in the old days???


no he is makin perfect sense here.
go do the practical youre self go get a piece of metal sheet and hit it with a hammer bet u it dont penetrate now do it with a nail gun and it will go through its called physics imo any ranged char should do more dmg than point blank an arrow travels a hell of a lot faster than u can swing a hammer and oh btw youre complaining about scouts omg and youre a skald hmmm lets see gettin hit for 200 each from your shouts then takin 400 dmg from 1 swing of hammer now thats over powered for a class thats main role is support

thats it whine whine nerf skalds they can take me in 1 hit.
u know what though i dont give a fuk i accept it thats what they can do and most times own me, well thats tough shit for me aint it i just come back with a grp and kick ass, sorry youre arguments are pointless when u yourself are an uber char and dont say youre not cos thats bull shit


Skald is easily the most overpowered class, especially after the 1.50 nerfs. People whine like hell about minstrels, well 1.50 turns minstrels into skalds that hit about 1/4 as hard in melee...
Guess who's next for the nerf bat though... ;)


woodman i must say u sound as a little kid, about the stupidest posts i have ever heard.
I normally do not sink to this level, but your posts are simply so childish i cannot help myself.
I so hope the nerfbat hits u someday so u may find that u have a level 50 character designed for a completely different game.


woodman i must say u sound as a little kid, about the stupidest posts i have ever heard.
I normally do not sink to this level, but your posts are simply so childish i cannot help myself.
I so hope the nerfbat hits u someday so u may find that u have a level 50 character designed for a completely different game.

Sheesh what we got here is alot of OVERPOWERED archers that are SO UNHAPPY THAT their GAY little char WONT be SO UBER anymore!!!

Fcking DEAL WITH IT AND STFU you little babies


no he is makin perfect sense here.
go do the practical youre self go get a piece of metal sheet and hit it with a hammer bet u it dont penetrate now do it with a nail gun and it will go through its called physics imo any ranged char should do more dmg than point blank an arrow travels a hell of a lot faster than u can swing a hammer and oh btw youre complaining about scouts omg and youre a skald hmmm lets see gettin hit for 200 each from your shouts then takin 400 dmg from 1 swing of hammer now thats over powered for a class thats main role is support

thats it whine whine nerf skalds they can take me in 1 hit.
u know what though i dont give a fuk i accept it thats what they can do and most times own me, well thats tough shit for me aint it i just come back with a grp and kick ass, sorry youre arguments are pointless when u yourself are an uber char and dont say youre not cos thats bull shit


LOOK ass pipe I dont HIT for 400 damage like a stupid little silly arrow!!
How can you say a hammer over the head isnt worse than a arrow sheesh!!
Plz shout cant kill any archer that dosnt want to COME OUT OF HIDING!!!

Oki then you want to play the game by physics? Arrows should miss about 1/2 of their ranged attacks and the further away the the less damage it should be!


Originally posted by Woodmansee

LOOK ass pipe I dont HIT for 400 damage like a stupid little silly arrow!!
How can you say a hammer over the head isnt worse than a arrow sheesh!!

Oki then you want to play the game by physics? Arrows should miss about 1/2 of their ranged attacks and the further away the the less damage it should be!

Arrows fired from a longbow could (depending on arrow type)penetrate all types of medieval armour. Bear in mind the Longbowmen we're trained from a very young age all their life. In a time were it was Law to have to train with a longbow every week. The targets were usually at 220yds, and the bows used in war we're usually 120-160lb draw weight. They were fearsome weapons, used by very highly skilled people.
There's even a castle with 3inch oak doors, where the Arrows penetrated.
Also Longbowmen used to wear part plate/chain armour (plenty lying around after Azincourt)

So before you tell people what arrows can/can't do, research it first, and dont judge from your experience at the Fair with 22lb plastic bows.

How-ever this is just a game and sticking to historical accuracy and physics would ruin it ( shout at me all day, bet I dont fall over dead)



Quoting specs of medieval longbows just shows har far wrong we have gone on this thread. (just realised Gyrmshadow said this too :))

This is a game. Its got mages that summon undead pets. Kobold, trolls, lurikeens. wtf has Agincourt got to do with it !!!! ITS A GAME.

My opinion is Mythic nerfed the archers because they listened to a large proportion of the people on the servers (the victims) who were tired of getting 1/2 hit killed by invisible opponents. I don't care about longbows in medievel England, an archer class hitting and even cons for 500ish dmg with 1 arrow is unbalancing. You cannot equate this to the dmg down by a 2h hammer wielding skald. He is in your face, meleeing, not hidden in a bush ready to go invisible again seconds after firing.....

We all want our classes to be uber, but when one classes uberness is at the expense of the enjoyment of almost every other class, then its nerf time.


"Oki then you want to play the game by physics? Arrows should miss about 1/2 of their ranged attacks and the further away the the less damage it should be!"

-- Then the range of the bow should be increased _a bit_ :)

Bwah.. This is a game and can't/shouldn't get affected by irl specs to that extent. I agree.. And I understand why people feel stealth is overpowered, and if I had made stealth I would have made it something else. Maybe when in stealth you are visible, but your looks change to a certain extent, and the tag ontop of your head changes to the name of the enemy realms races, so you are actually impersonating the other realm.

Hm.. is this the biggest thread on the daoc forum?


Stealth does need some work.
Maybe if when an archer is in undergrowth, anyone can see him within a radius of 50(max spec), and when in the open, anyone within 250(Max spec).. might help represent the level of cover available. Also the timer should be altered somehow, if movement is made after a shot, re-stealth in 20-30 secs, if not, re-stealth in 10secs.. or something.

No real idea what, but it needs changing somehow


Originally posted by Dannyn
Skald is easily the most overpowered class, especially after the 1.50 nerfs. People whine like hell about minstrels, well 1.50 turns minstrels into skalds that hit about 1/4 as hard in melee...
Guess who's next for the nerf bat though... ;)

Erm, clerics :)

Damage reduction and 5 minute timer on PBAOE mezz.

Perhaps albs wil get some healing now :D

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