Oh you're in a league of your own, all rightHe's not in my league.
Ironic that the Hoover Dam was constructed by a high-tax, high-spend Republican PresidentRocked up to a gas station in Boulder City on my way to a campsite near Hoover Dam last night. A quite attractive lady and her husband randomly collared me on my way in to pay and told me that Obama was going to declare martal law.
I laughed out of surprise and then asked 'why? What for?' - at which point she glared at me with a hatred so strong that I thought she'd happily shoot me.
Needless to say, no answer was forthcoming. Reason isn't big around here.
Probably. But I don't need lessons on awseome places to go.You need some lessons on basic rules of photography![]()
Probably. But I don't need lessons on awseome places to go.
I'm currently in Sedona. Look it up and add 'mtb' to the search term
Edit: But yeah, basic photography tips would always be welcome. Bear in mind: phone![]()
Boots up with the PC.You left steam on, noob.
Unfortunately, once you get 100 miles in from the coast, you get more and more of both.I'm glad to report that it's only the obviously thick and/or blatantly racist that support Trump![]()
You'd be surprised. Open my mouth and the 'women' jump at the idea that someone outside their gene pool is near them.Lymie leftie in bandit country, won't go well
Having a ball m8. Shagged tho. Doing highline in Sedona tomorrow morning then I'm gonna take a few days off the bike.How's it going Scouse? How are the mental masses of murica?
I'm literally the *only* guy out here on a hardtail. Everyone who I pass screams 'gnarly dude!' or somesuch, little do they know how fucked I am.Highline! Enjoy![]()
Only in America. Black man gets punched by a white man, without any provocation - mall cops arrest the black man.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoA_mjVrvs4&feature=youtu.be
Guardian reader accuses Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders of wearing sexist trousers Don’t be smug about Trump and abortion | Letters Michael Deacon on Twitter
Guardian reader accuses Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders of wearing sexist trousers Don’t be smug about Trump and abortion | Letters Michael Deacon on Twitter