Top 5 nerfs?

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
vintervargen said:
give me a reason hib stun is OP in fg fights or zerg vs zerg fights please =)

In fg vs fg, a decent setup can leave an Alb group with no healing ability at all within five seconds, by using four nukers in teams of two to stun/nuke/nuke two clerics at the same time. There is no equivalent in Mid or Alb.

I've had it done to me enough times to know how much it hurts.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
rvn said:
1. remove speedwarps
2. remove grapple
3. fix lifedrain-damage (and make it nonlifedrain when moc is active)
4. fix pets (breaking mezz when being debuffed, pet not looseing speed in combat, ml9 pet damage.)
5. water-bullshit in nf, going up and down the surface -> not being able to hit.

some other stuff that is totally bs too, like buffshears, and moc buffshear is even more zz.

Just FYI, if we look at the cabalist he has to spec to get a speed buff for his pet.
The whole purpose of the pet speed buff is to ensure the pet can catch
up with the person it is chasing.

Unfortunately it is bugged atm so the pets speed gets overwritten by the
group speed and then lost when the group gets in combat.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
ahh the castable stun discussion again...
i hope people realise that caster stun is an offensive tool whereas a long duration root or mez is more defensive. In the case that was mentioned (stealther jumps a caster) I rather have root or mez. Why? I qc stun the stealther, the stun will stick for about 6-7 seconds after resists of which i spend about 3 seconds interrupted (sometimes longer if unlucky). So you will be able to nuke 2-3 times if everything goes well - not enough for the majority of casters to kill a stealther.
But yes stun is superior when you get the drop on someone.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
ye, assasin PA's you, you qc root, u get CD'd, you purge on 10%hp, you die cos u cant get outta melee range in time. root is clearly a superior defensive tool m8s!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 24, 2004
1. FZ - It is sick.. At leat make the target invulnerable turning the "ride"
2. Scouts - Giving a stealther slam is just crazy, and nerf theire arch range
3. Sorcs - Just to much
4. Castable stuns - What where they thinking?
5. Vampiirs - Just hate them, the look, everything.. So I had to mention them..


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
1. Sorc AE mez range. Down to 1500 range like all others.
2. Necro. I heard roumors about a necro made ml 1-5 with 2 BBs.
3. Players calling other "leechers" in RVR.
4. Cast speed on lifetap classes.
5. Equal bow speed in all realms.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
I would be happy to loose my castable stun, if got one of the following in return; bolt range mezz , insta lifetap , castable healing/stunning pets , ANY spell that went over range 1500 , hell maybe even in return for being able to use convoker/banelord ml line.

I think its balanced overall. Sure I have my weapon of choice but so do you. Whether its charge or an insta/bolt range doesnt matter. If you cant beat a hib caster some of the time you really arent very good or have a shit template.

EDIT: Previous poster.. You ask for a necro nerf lol, how can anyone take you seriously If you ask for that.. have you played one? and no one has not done ml1-5 thats a f'ing joke.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
1) Sorc cast times and RR5 ability, sort em out eh
2) Better base resists for pure tanks, give em a chance in RvR or Dark Age of Rangealot
3) Make seige do real damage, Palintones should really hurt, its a fucking great big spear stuck in you ffs!
4) Remove stuns from any nuke class.
5) Equal range on spells AND bows throughout.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
No i havent played necro...

..and its wasnt ml 1-5, its was ml 1-9.
Unknown patch version, but some ppl on US servers has done it.
Im gonna try get some more info about this if u want?

Ballard said:
EDIT: Previous poster.. You ask for a necro nerf lol, how can anyone take you seriously If you ask for that.. have you played one? and no one has not done ml1-5 thats a f'ing joke.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Nul said:
No i havent played necro...

..and its wasnt ml 1-5, its was ml 1-9.
Unknown patch version, but some ppl on US servers has done it.
Im gonna try get some more info about this if u want?

Slow down a second. We are talking about the current version of the game and RvR not Pve... No one is asking for savage damage to be nerfed are they?

Take a necro out in Rvr see how many people you kill. Certainly you can kill some but you will not lay waste and certainly would not be considered OP.

Btw people where are the shroom whines!! comeon your slipping.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Konah said:
ye, assasin PA's you, you qc root, u get CD'd, you purge on 10%hp, you die cos u cant get outta melee range in time. root is clearly a superior defensive tool m8s!

I would prefer stun 90% of the time when soloing, and 100% when in keepfights, but in fg, root is better at least 90% of the time on the other hand.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Nul said:
No i havent played necro...

..and its wasnt ml 1-5, its was ml 1-9.
Unknown patch version, but some ppl on US servers has done it.
Im gonna try get some more info about this if u want?

If you believe a necro has done ml1-9 with just 2 buffbots your a fool.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ballard said:
I would be happy to loose my castable stun, if got one of the following in return

Assuming Mythic didn't do the sensible thing and either kill off all forms of stun or make them all 3 secs duration, how about you have to spec for it? I think that's the thing that really winds people up - that it's a baseline ability that you need to buy a 15 point RA to counter. It make no sense! :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
if roam-soloing as caster id much rather have root (as i have on my rm) than castable stun, ESPECIALLY before with the way determination worked, now charge fuck up both tho ;o

stun is nice... in siege/fg(however id prefer root in fg still), but pretty much crap 1on1.

and Docs im aware that spirit cabalists get a group-speed buff in their specc line, doesnt make it less bullshit tho.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Snakester said:
but Yurka, u was a whining fecking alb, all i ever heard was u moaning.u used to moan all the time about castable stun , and this and that... guess the grass is greener on the otherside.

yeh i admit i did whine about it, but that was 2-3 years when i didn't do fg vs fg stuff, since then i've seen the differences between the realms in abilities. Like I said 7/10 times i prefer stun, its more of an offensive tool like garb said.

Gorbash said:
why base your whole argument on the assasin class when the issue affects every other class in the game just as equally?

Ok lets look it from other classes point of view at what they can do before chanter gets into 1500 range:

Scouts - much bigger range/high dmg
Mincer - stealth up, mezz/instant stun/fz
Cabby - nearsight - chanter range goes down alot (even the lowest NS screws up casters) then can set your pet on them.
Sorc - Mezz range bolt, can pick up stun pets, or a pet which can 2 shot the chanter anyway while sorc runs off or moc lifetap... the list goes on.
Theurg - Pets which can be cast out of stun range which can inturn stun the chanter.

All your arguments seem to start with yourself being automatically stunned at the start of the fight and not getting the jump. Maybe its because you don't pan enough?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Bracken said:
Yeah if sorcs get FZ and chain as a trade for that, but that's not very likely.

tought sorcs got SOI now, isnt that enough? :]


Dec 23, 2003
Gorbash said:
gladly. The person it hits, dies. /assist? yep.

how is that any different from a caba/sorc/sm/rm? its not the victims job to interrupt whoever is nuking him, its the rest of his group. if they cant do it, he deserves to die.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Yurka said:
yeh i admit i did whine about it, but that was 2-3 years when i didn't do fg vs fg stuff, since then i've seen the differences between the realms in abilities. Like I said 7/10 times i prefer stun, its more of an offensive tool like garb said.

Ok lets look it from other classes point of view at what they can do before chanter gets into 1500 range:

Scouts - much bigger range/high dmg
Mincer - stealth up, mezz/instant stun/fz
Cabby - nearsight - chanter range goes down alot (even the lowest NS screws up casters) then can set your pet on them.
Sorc - Mezz range bolt, can pick up stun pets, or a pet which can 2 shot the chanter anyway while sorc runs off or moc lifetap... the list goes on.
Theurg - Pets which can be cast out of stun range which can inturn stun the chanter.

All your arguments seem to start with yourself being automatically stunned at the start of the fight and not getting the jump. Maybe its because you don't pan enough?

then again against a light eld, he can just nearsight them all, walk into range, stun and nuke =P

(well not against the pet classes, because he will get a pet stuck to his ass.)


Dec 23, 2003
Gordonax said:
In fg vs fg, a decent setup can leave an Alb group with no healing ability at all within five seconds, by using four nukers in teams of two to stun/nuke/nuke two clerics at the same time. There is no equivalent in Mid or Alb.

I've had it done to me enough times to know how much it hurts.

true, if you manage to get in range on the clerics (who should be at the back) without getting interrupted by boltrange-mez, theurg pets, banelords, or a little cabalist pet.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
rvn said:
then again against a light eld, he can just nearsight them all, walk into range, stun and nuke =P

(well not against the pet classes, because he will get a pet stuck to his ass.)

hes not going to be able to if the cabby NS's him in the first place, no matter the colour of NS.


Dec 23, 2003
Konah said:
ye, assasin PA's you, you qc root, u get CD'd, you purge on 10%hp, you die cos u cant get outta melee range in time. root is clearly a superior defensive tool m8s!

and you think you can QC a stun between the pa and cd? moron.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
maybe if its one of those magical 35quickness infils, and 4.4 thruster (use roleplay booze to debuff his quickness) maybe? + chanter debuff him.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Yurka said:
hes not going to be able to if the cabby NS's him in the first place, no matter the colour of NS.

actacully it is possible.

with capped +range, eld would still have 1650 range with his nearsight being nearsighted by L19 nearsight (35%)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
rvn said:
maybe if its one of those magical 35quickness infils, and 4.4 thruster (use roleplay booze to debuff his quickness) maybe? + chanter debuff him.

well you can't QC stun AND asd :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
asd first, then qc, takes no less time than to just qc :p

im very well aware that instas > qc ;p (instas useing up qc when being cast after you pressed qc)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
rvn said:
actacully it is possible.

with capped +range, eld would still have 1650 range with his nearsight being nearsighted by L19 nearsight (35%)

but by then the sorc mezz would have got him anyway XD...

man albs seem OP, nerf them all


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
rvn said:
asd first, then qc, takes no less time than to just qc :p

im very well aware that instas > qc ;p (instas useing up qc when being cast after you pressed qc)

but that means you gotta add asd onto qbar missout on my 6th PB button :<
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