Top 5 nerfs?

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Danamyr said:
I know :)

Would be awesome though - just to see how different things would be if you couldn't take enemy players out of the game...I think it'd be awesome - especially as my Paladin could spend more points in MoB and Aug Dex without Purge II to buy :)

No thanks, tanks with perma charge and unCCable pets.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
-Warlock way too overpower
-Buffbot no more fair fight
-Most of ML are way too bug and really need a fix or useless
-Intercept pet they really cant do everything at same time
-Castable stun should be on a reduce timer or should be withdraw
-Increase dmg of tank they really cant face the power of the caster or make them better than BG char
-FZ u shouldnt be able to get hit while ridding even cast
-Balanced the ml useless to give Banelord to a caster or Sojourner to the Healer who already got enough toy
-LoS really annoying even when u try to avoid water fight
-All debuff should be withdraw caster do already enough dmg no need to get kill in 2sec
-Casting speed should get cap caster can attack 2x faster than a swing of a tank


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 2, 2004
1. BB issue, shamans end regen is soo nice yes, in PVE , givf a more rvr friendly buff like cleric aff or druid haste

2. Stun on casters, its just wrong

3. remedy

4. sorc, they are baaaaaaad

5. my sexy arse

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
only real things need nerfing

1) nerf the present design employees at mythic.... fire them, get a couple of european designers. Some whom at least have some intelligence to design stuff without having to "fix" stuff time after time to correct their BLODDY STUPID designs.

2) nerf the present provider of this univers in europe..; every time they touch the hardware for a so called maintenance thing go BAD. When wil they learn NOT to touch things. If it ain't broken don't fix it, the french always break stuff, and always blame others, even now they use the voulanteers to stick up for them /sigh (it does happen that others are faulty, fact)

3) design wise.. increase zone-in immunity timer to ONE MINUTE. Give ppl that zone in an immediate ability to attack, ppl present in that zone longer then this given time period will drop out of all benefits
... this to prevent another STUPID design mistake that is exploited by spoiled prats whom just play for your stupid rp ranking (rp's are easy to get..).

4) remove the concept of RP's, that will motivate ppl to just stop playing instead of fucking up game contents to get what you want them to get, stupid designers. (in fact clever, but just stupid if you get it)

5) enlarge pve contents even more without fixing the problems in former pve additions. That way ppl will maybee forget about the bugs and just move on...
For us european player.. pls release the game a bit later if you expand, so we all can know the buggs and make it good to exploit.; like we have the warcock exploiting their "designer's mistake".

to conclude..

pve game ain't that bad, kinda adorable at some point, this lose from all the bugs the designers can't be arsed to fix (pet pathing , graphical bugs, game contents bugs, stat buggs, item bugs..)

rvr part is fun if you play an invisible class to others. For other classes the requirements to have fun all the time, are way to high to be lasting.

last but not least:
before tza french start clustering servers:

haven't found any info on this:

excal: Albio character 50 + pryd Midgard character 50>>>>>on ONE account >>>> + Buffbot accounts

servers are clustered.... what will happen to these toons.
will i have to chose on log in?
What will you do with double account using ppl that have buffbots on both servers...
Will you allow them to log one account on excal Albion, other account on pryd midgard..let them meet in rvr and go farm rp's???? 700 rps every other minute, FOR FREE. >>>that is more then i can get a minute!!!!!

if not..; HOW the F*** will you control it? or will you just shuvv another set of rules into oblivion.. as in cross realm spying etc... spirit of the game...
Most ppl are used of this way of acting and don't care anymore.. But still i wanted to know an answer. I know population is draining. Majorly cause of the "mistakes" they have to put up with every expansion. IMO you'll just kill the game if you cluster as it is now even more. Find a more appealing way to get more ppl...
Ask you designers to increase drop rates on all stufs so new ppl can catch up on all stuf.. give away stuff for free or something. Since the playing community we have is based upon 100 platina pieces off equipment , new ppl can't enter and join. Make the game accesible, since the 7331 players on our server won't let them in.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 18, 2005
Gorbash said:
2. castable stun (especially on casters... honestly what monkey decided to put it on a class that can kill you in the duration of the stun with time to spare? just as bad as warlocks instakilling. why is that still in the game ffs? its been 3 years!)

casters aren't much use without it are they? a solo caster gets jumped by a steatlher(or anything melee), what can it do w/o baseline stun, and if theyre heavy tanks they often won't die in the dur of the stun, and they can easily purge it


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Mutoria said:
casters aren't much use without it are they? a solo caster gets jumped by a steatlher(or anything melee), what can it do w/o baseline stun, and if theyre heavy tanks they often won't die in the dur of the stun, and they can easily purge it

or land pa in the first place and one shot them :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Mutoria said:
casters aren't much use without it are they? a solo caster gets jumped by a steatlher(or anything melee), what can it do w/o baseline stun, and if theyre heavy tanks they often won't die in the dur of the stun, and they can easily purge it

So what do non hib casters do with out base line stun ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
Mutoria said:
casters aren't much use without it are they? a solo caster gets jumped by a steatlher(or anything melee), what can it do w/o baseline stun, and if theyre heavy tanks they often won't die in the dur of the stun, and they can easily purge it

my rr6l3 pala full heat resist is near dead at the end of 9sec stun just think that u got debuff fire and even with my 2.5k+ of hp i dead be4 getting near him.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 10, 2005
censi said:
If you could list your top 5 nerfs in priority order what would they be?

I think you allready know the answer to your question... :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Mutoria said:
casters aren't much use without it are they? a solo caster gets jumped by a steatlher(or anything melee), what can it do w/o baseline stun, and if theyre heavy tanks they often won't die in the dur of the stun, and they can easily purge it

Try playing a solo firewizz


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Red HATred said:
haven't found any info on this:

excal: Albio character 50 + pryd Midgard character 50>>>>>on ONE account >>>> + Buffbot accounts

servers are clustered.... what will happen to these toons.
will i have to chose on log in?
What will you do with double account using ppl that have buffbots on both servers...
Will you allow them to log one account on excal Albion, other account on pryd midgard..let them meet in rvr and go farm rp's???? 700 rps every other minute, FOR FREE. >>>that is more then i can get a minute!!!!!

if not..; HOW the F*** will you control it? or will you just shuvv another set of rules into oblivion.. as in cross realm spying etc... spirit of the game...
Most ppl are used of this way of acting and don't care anymore.. But still i wanted to know an answer. I know population is draining. Majorly cause of the "mistakes" they have to put up with every expansion. IMO you'll just kill the game if you cluster as it is now even more. Find a more appealing way to get more ppl...

you cant log in on 2 different realms on the same server and im almost sure it will be the same when servers are clustered since they will be like one server.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Mutoria said:
casters aren't much use without it are they? a solo caster gets jumped by a steatlher(or anything melee), what can it do w/o baseline stun, and if theyre heavy tanks they often won't die in the dur of the stun, and they can easily purge it

think u answered your question in the 1st 8 words of your sentence, didn't alb caster's have stun in beta?, but wow .. got took away.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 18, 2004
Huntingtons said:
removing insta cc should provide bards/healers with quickcast then :eek: and any other class that previously would have had insta cc

and if mocshearing got affected you couldn't shear with moc1 (making it useless) unless people use grey buffs to buff with ;<

Got a point there, removing insta cc, and putting sorc mez on 1500 range, doesnt sound too bad at all.

As someon described in this thread before.. make moc for buffshear affect the succes rate.. rather then toning down damage with 25/50/75%.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Ilienwyn said:
oh, and they can nuke them without those breaking?!

of course it breaks, but thats the bloody point isnt it? its giving them a chance do so something before they get mowed down by the caster. castable stun doesnt allow that. its quite simple, if you get stunned, 9 out of 10 times, your dead. no two ways about it. and theres not a damn thing you can do other than just sit there and watch your life dissapear.

and before you start in with the whole 'purge' bollox, i dont see why ANYONE should have to spend 15 RA points on purge 2, just to have a CHANCE (in all likelyhood, the bastid will still kill you before you reach him because of insane dmg/castspeed) to compete against an ability given to a characters baseline.

do you think thats fair?

and to the muppet that was saying 'casters aren't much use without it are they?' you do know that only hib casters have it right? the rest of us have to manage without it, and do.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
1. Casting speeds
2. Interrupts (the ones that make no sense whatsoever)
3. Warlock chambers
4. Sorc lifedrain
5. Zephyr

and many more.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Gorbash said:
of course it breaks, but thats the bloody point isnt it? its giving them a chance do so something before they get mowed down by the caster. castable stun doesnt allow that. its quite simple, if you get stunned, 9 out of 10 times, your dead. no two ways about it. and theres not a damn thing you can do other than just sit there and watch your life dissapear.

but as a stealther your coming at the caster being stealthed, being able to kill them instantly (aslong as no brittles up), and caster can do nothing about that... but if you miss PA, then ANY caster can QC CC then move away to nuke you down before you can even reach him/her, stun or no stun; or you could use purge/vanish and then caster can't kill you.

and before you start in with the whole 'purge' bollox, i dont see why ANYONE should have to spend 15 RA points on purge 2, just to have a CHANCE (in all likelyhood, the bastid will still kill you before you reach him because of insane dmg/castspeed) to compete against an ability given to a characters baseline.

your chance at killing the caster is to PA them, which caster cant guard against (apart from brittles/SM pet). If players miss their jump they've got RAs there as a safety net. If you missed your chance for your PA, the caster should then be able to fight back, and if you wish to survie then you've got your safety net RAs to get out of it.

and to the muppet that was saying 'casters aren't much use without it are they?' you do know that only hib casters have it right? the rest of us have to manage without it, and do.

any CC can be used to get some range away from the stealther and nuke them down. I've played both alb and hib casters, and generally i prefer stun in most cases, but theres times i've really wanted root instead.

When i played my infil, i only took on hib casters if i thought i had a good chance of landing pa chain and killing them within a few seconds so they couldn't react..... but also seems funny your whining about 9~sec stun from casters, when infils have had 9 sec stun for most the game to fight against other tanks..

I'd say overall out of 7/10 situations stun is better than root for casters... but its just part of the game differences which make daoc good fun


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
but do people think hib casters are more overpowered than sorcs warlocks sm's or BD's?

I can see a base line stun being a pain but compared to the shit you have to put up with for those other mentioned classes, hey it aint that bad.

tbh if a caster stuns you sure with purge down your gonna bit the bullet. But if a caster QC mezzes, roots, spams stun pets etc etc etc you gonna bite the bullet too.

Casters that unload on stealthers will cut you down like a knife through butter.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Yunio said:
Got a point there, removing insta cc, and putting sorc mez on 1500 range, doesnt sound too bad at all.

As someon described in this thread before.. make moc for buffshear affect the succes rate.. rather then toning down damage with 25/50/75%.

yeah if healers would be able to get the 400 dex like sorcs, but that's not very likely.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
vintervargen said:
give me a reason hib stun is OP in fg fights or zerg vs zerg fights please =)

didn't you know all hib casters are compared to wizards and runies??


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
vintervargen said:
give me a reason hib stun is OP in fg fights or zerg vs zerg fights please =)

harder to leech rps in zerg vs hibs, u go too close u may get stunned and nuked without being able to pull back to ur realmm8s!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
but Yurka, u was a whining fecking alb, all i ever heard was u moaning.u used to moan all the time about castable stun , and this and that... guess the grass is greener on the otherside.

also, where did gorby say anything about using his inf? (he hasn't played that char for like since toa came out.)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Yurka said:
but as a stealther your coming at the caster being stealthed, being able to kill them instantly (aslong as no brittles up), and caster can do nothing about that... but if you miss PA, then ANY caster can QC CC then move away to nuke you down before you can even reach him/her, stun or no stun; or you could use purge/vanish and then caster can't kill you.

i havnt played my inf at all since about... oh, 3 months pre-TOA?... so nothing doing with PA n stuff even tho it was completely irrelevant.

ive had shadowblades go at me recently and 'instantly' as you describe it is complete bollox in todays TOA enhanced world.

ANY character can go up against a caster and fuck something up (or even not) and get CCed and nuked down. whats your point with the infil?
the point is that with stun, the opponent is dead as soon as it lands, whereas any other CC, they have a reaction time there, regardless of what they do with it.

why base your whole argument on the assasin class when the issue affects every other class in the game just as equally?

Yurka said:
u missed out chain stunning cabby pets

my cabbie has most of my attention now... and tbh? comparing castable stun on a caster with a cabby pet is just plain retarted. you know how often the stun on my cabbie pet saves my sorry arse from meleers?... about 1 in 20 fights or so. i can guarantee that figure is significantly different (id say 15/20) with qc/stun. why? because (a) it lasts 3x longer (b) its got perhaps a 600% (guess, but accurate i bet) more chance of happening cos the cabby pet is a proc, and goes off about 1 in 10 hits

but quite rightly i agree that it should not be allowed to chain stun.

censi said:
but do people think hib casters are more overpowered than sorcs warlocks sm's or BD's?

I can see a base line stun being a pain but compared to the shit you have to put up with for those other mentioned classes, hey it aint that bad.

tbh if a caster stuns you sure with purge down your gonna bit the bullet. But if a caster QC mezzes, roots, spams stun pets etc etc etc you gonna bite the bullet too.

whether or not they are better/worse/more overpowered than other classes is irrelevant, the point is, that the castable stun baseline ability is overpowered. you cannot justify it by saying that other classes have overpowered abilities, just as they cannot justify thiers by doing the same and also should be brought back into line, but thats another discussion.

personally i dont think that hib casters arnt overpowered exactly as any other base caster can probably put out the same damage/time, but castable stun gives them an unfair advantage against EVERYONE they fight simply because the combination of that and the damage output of a caster allows you to kill the target in the stun duration. THAT is my gripe with it.

im afraid that imo it really IS that bad. its the thing that kills me and everyone i play with the most of all class abilities, so yeah, it really is.

i referr to my view on chain stun above in regards to the pets, but along the same lines as castable stun, if the pet stun didnt exist, the person being spammed would have a reaction time in which to do act, which is not what they have now, and that, is what i believe not to be fair.

anyway, back to the point. castable stun as ive already said gives the opponent no chance to counteract. stun on a melee class is (barely, but i still question it tbh) acceptable because chances are the melee class isnt going to kill you while the stun is active, but i guarantee you a caster can, and will.

just to give you an idea, my cabbie can do quite a lot of damage in a small time (lets say for argument sake 1500 in 4~ seconds?), but i can tell you that ive lost COUNTLESS kills on people getting out of range, getting me into melee, or just plain returning fire, BECAUSE THEY CAN. you tell me how many times that happens to a chanter after stunning? again, i bet its a helluvalot less.

i have no problem with casters being able to CC someone, but stun is just far too over the top for that perticular type of class. root? fine... mez? fine... but stun? infinitly worse because as soon as it hits, your already dead.

vintervargen said:
give me a reason hib stun is OP in fg fights or zerg vs zerg fights please =)

gladly. The person it hits, dies. /assist? yep.

im actually starting to think that stun should be removed from the game altogether tbh :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
rvn said:
yeah if healers would be able to get the 400 dex like sorcs, but that's not very likely.

Yeah if sorcs get FZ and chain as a trade for that, but that's not very likely.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yurka said:
I'd say overall out of 7/10 situations stun is better than root for casters... but its just part of the game differences which make daoc good fun

I don't really get your argument.

I have no problem at all with stealthers being able to sneak in, PA and pretty much kill a caster. Stealthing in requires that you avoid enemy stealthers and get the hell out of there after you've killed them, without dying yourself. And it's not a gaurenteed kill - if you miss that PA, you're pretty much dead as you'll be either stunned, rooted or mezzed and nuked into orbit.

However, in non-stealth play, the ability to stun someone and nuke them three times - all without response - is absolutely deadly. Even a high RR, opted tank will find themselves with alarmingly low hitpoints after that, as well as having a sizable distance to cover before he can hit the caster. Anyone other than a tank is just going to be dead before stun ends.

The fact is that a baseline ability that only Hib casters have requires, as a counter, an RA costing 15 points. How on earth does that make sense? Can anyone else think of a baseline ability that can only countered by a 15-point RA?
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