Top 5 nerfs?

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Fledgling Freddie
Mar 31, 2004
i know im a charge whore, must admid charge 3 roxxor but when the 15 sec on charge is over 90 secs till reuse is kinda gimpy for me i liked the old determination more tbh coz root fooks me over for ages even with capped resists and even yellow / red mezz do aswell its even worse then being grappled.

would reckoment casters start using there snare alot more on tanks since when u are snared u cant charge happend a few times to me and its very annoying ;<

less qq about banelord ability's imo they are nothing compared to charge + tendrils from last patch and most of the times its more like cc/ns and shit that interopts ive seen alot worse from moc1 on shammy's/bards and so on

what that should get nerfed is them danm strafe laggers like moik ! so annoying to try kill a person witch can strafe so good :<
Sm pets are well annoying to, combine sm pet with ml9 when u are 2-3 tanks against a sm with moc3 + ml9 pet and life taps u all to deadth with out getting close to being hit.

Warlocs Should never had that shitty moc casting spell what ever it is whats the point attacking a caster that got perma moc and life tap lol ? seen mister rr1 "Roglord" yesterday doing 2500 dmg to me in less then 5 secs. so much work from my side have been wasted tbh since i could just reroll midgaard play 20 hours get me a warloc and some ~ ok lvl 40 rogs and go insta kill. i sure feal like thoose nearly 100 days on playing my char have been wasted if i go out and try kill that shitty "rr1 Roglord" and fail coz i cant interopt he's leet perma moc, why the hell, would they ever make such a char that is impossible to kill if u meet them solo. :twak:

Give more 1 v 1 fights when i solo tbh ! :)

Would QQ more but im to lazy to write about it.. :<


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
ml9 pet dmg...
warping (fcking nubs)
back to sauvage/dl/svasud porting when in tower (when undersiege ofc)
the up/down swimming, and "can't see target"
the run tru bug
quickcast bug..
boat crash bug (if its still there)
insta lifetap on bg (make it un-interuptable cast, but no insta)
increase main-tank dmg, Paladin, armsman, warrior, etc.
Decrease smite power cost.
Decrease shear.
Make arti's be re-doable when 0con
Decrease stealth, since stealth isn't used as implented.
(does pet lvl increase stick with ml9?) if it does: NERF:p
Lose speedwarps
make ra's cost ¼ less points orso.

ok my top 5 is=

Stealth <to many atm>
Run tru bug
Swimming up / down.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
<- Warlocks -> (on top without competition!)

1) Charge 3 timer, or give it to more classes like bainshees got it! (Something like reavers for instance! ;) )
2) All instants needing you to be immobile when using them, like the instants in Catacombs classes!
3) Baseline stun! Make it root and maybe give some stun on a not so used line!
4) Vamps buff not being shear-able. Or make other classes self buffs passive like casters af-absorb etc. Only thing I hate so far with Heretic is the amount of rebuffing needed every few minutes!
5) Intercepting pet needs some cap at that fooking intercept! Oh, and intercept+stun+ml9 is waaaaaaaaay too op! So give choice between intercept pet or stun pet, not both!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
1.Stick button on enemy players
2.Assist macro's
3.RA system
4.chain stun pets...and base line stun ;)
5.nerf ml abilities


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
1. LoS in/under water
2. Intercepting pets and pets that are dealing more damage than a tank
3. Vanish
4. /hood
5. Warlocks


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2005
warlocks dont need nerf they are fine as they are :p
they are just good for soloing they sure dont fit in a fixed fg

albs have sorc
mid has warlock
hib has banshee and that evens it up if warlock needs a nerf then the others mentioned sure does too


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
Palemos said:
albs have sorc
mid has warlock
hib has banshee

Zeaza 50 Warlock mid excal

You know, being added on by a sorc is np, cant comment on bainshee, i never fought one :)

But having warlock run up, frontload on someone in grp is nothing compared to sorc add tbh :x


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
God reading this post makes me wonder why a lot of you play this game.

Lots of things could improve 'balance' but most have an equally large negative effect on another portion of the game.

Warlocks need fixing, apart from that I'm happy playing as it is.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
dallas care to explain why bainshee needs nerf?

or you just see their funky form and think omfg!

Compared to most other casters bainshees are fine. decent if played well but nothing overpowered imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Zvixx said:
seen mister rr1 "Roglord" yesterday doing 2500 dmg to me in less then 5 secs. so much work from my side have been wasted tbh since i could just reroll midgaard play 20 hours get me a warloc and some ~ ok lvl 40 rogs and go insta kill.

2500 damage in less the 5 sec, why is that so overpowered? You can still move can't ya? Think of being immobilized for 9 secs, taking 5000 damage without even a chance to do shaijt about it instead. That's what albs and mids face each time they fight against a hib caster.

Warlocks will get nerfed soon so why the bitching?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Warlocks need fixing, apart from that I'm happy playing as it is.

So you´re happy with the "dive up/dive down, now you see me, now you don´t" antics when you´re fighting in the water? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
censi said:
dallas care to explain why bainshee needs nerf?

or you just see their funky form and think omfg!

Compared to most other casters bainshees are fine. decent if played well but nothing overpowered imo.

Maybe this?

DAMAGE (AOE) - Target takes damage. Damage done is of the spell's given damage type. This is an "Area of Effect" (AOE) spell which can affect multiple targets in the spell's radius, and does less damage the further away targets are from the spell's center.
You cast CAST 3s RANGE 1500

Enemy casts CAST 3s RANGE 1500(350)

1 Minor Concussion 4 D 1 &
4 Clamorous Concussion 20 D 2 &
9 Roaring Concussion 38 D 4 &
14 Piercing Concussion 57 D 6 &
19 Resonant Concussion 73 D 8 &
24 Cacophonous Burst 93 D 11 &
29 Clangorous Burst 114 D 14 &
34 Piercing Explosion 136 D 19 &
39 Resonant Explosion 157 D 23 &
44 Deafening Explosion 174 D 27 &
DAMAGE (BOLT, AOE) - Targets in an area around the caster take damage. Damage done is of the spell's given damage type. The spell is a "bolt" that can be blocked and takes a few seconds to travel to its targets, but has a longer range and does significantly more damage than other types of spells.
You cast CAST 2.5s RANGE 1875

Enemy casts CAST 2.5s RECAST 20 secs RANGE 1875

5 Shrieking Cascade 29 D 5 &
11 Wailing Cascade 56 D 11 &
18 Screaming Cascade 106 D 18 &
26 Shattering Cascade 154 D 25 &
35 Ear-Splitting Cascade 206 D 35 &
42 Piercing Cascade 248 D 51 &
50 Deafening Cascade 296 D 51 &

And it hits people standing in it's path so there's atleast 1500 + range of the ae effect. Compare that to other casters ae effect spells.

That's friggin insane imo.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Phule_Gubben said:
2500 damage in less the 5 sec, why is that so overpowered? You can still move can't ya? Think of being immobilized for 9 secs, taking 5000 damage without even a chance to do shaijt about it instead. That's what albs and mids face each time they fight against a hib caster.

Warlocks will get nerfed soon so why the bitching?

You do know that resists affect stun duration? and when did they give the hibs 400 delve nukes? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
So you´re happy with the "dive up/dive down, now you see me, now you don´t" antics when you´re fighting in the water? :)

Well, as in real life, LOS above and below water should be hard due to the speed of light in water/air...but in a playing sense, yeh, it doesn't bother me, just don't fight in water!


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Phule_Gubben said:
2500 damage in less the 5 sec, why is that so overpowered? You can still move can't ya? Think of being immobilized for 9 secs, taking 5000 damage without even a chance to do shaijt about it instead. That's what albs and mids face each time they fight against a hib caster.

Warlocks will get nerfed soon so why the bitching?
get a template with resists in - and get purge as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 31, 2004
Phule_Gubben said:
2500 damage in less the 5 sec, why is that so overpowered? You can still move can't ya? Think of being immobilized for 9 secs, taking 5000 damage without even a chance to do shaijt about it instead. That's what albs and mids face each time they fight against a hib caster.

Warlocks will get nerfed soon so why the bitching?

Its overpowered coz he's a rr1 Freaking /played 19 hours with lvl 40 rogs thats why :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
censi said:
dallas care to explain why bainshee needs nerf?

or you just see their funky form and think omfg!

Compared to most other casters bainshees are fine. decent if played well but nothing overpowered imo.

If you see me saying that bainshee needs a nerf, then please tell me, cause i dont see it..


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Snakester said:
3. twats who just spam mez all the time ( each mezzzz cast on u while mezzed should have diminishing effects, like lowering length of time)



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
I'd rather meet stajijjion than a warlock - I have more chance against staj.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Phule_Gubben said:
Ask Mythic. And when you do, tell em to fix baselinestun on them ugly casters too.

when did they give you 5000 hp while we're on the subject?

Or do you just like spouting bullshit? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
  • LOS bugs (especially on leeching archers)
  • /vboot
  • my hammer not dyeable
  • my hammer not dyeable
  • my hammer not dyeable

else im quite satisfied how the game is atm...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
1. Daoc is a very fast game now cuz all clases do a high dmg looking from the start of the game... imo.... reduce the damage in the game in general.
2. The spam of tendrils when u immune to stun
3. Charge should have more recast time, level 3 should be 5 mins.
4. Baseline lifetap have the same damage like baseline DD.
5. Grapple should have more recast time
6. Bodyguard should be fixed.
7. Range on archers should be reduced
8. Bonedancers should have Convoker and Stormlord like the rest of mages
9. Remove all instants in the game
10. Reduce the range of bonedance instant lifetap, like bard/minstrel DDs, and more recast time like the rest, 10 secs.
11. Remove all damage debuffs
12. Baseline stun should be in a spec line
13. Target not in view should be fixed


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
1. When fighting 1vs1 or 1vs2; low health and mezz sticks. Trying to kite and adder breaks mezz wich kills me.
2. See nr1
3. See nr2
4. See nr3
5. When fighting 1vs1 or 1vs2; low health and mezz sticks. Trying to kite and adder breaks mezz wich kills me. Oh and see nr4
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