"she took man out like robocop never seen nutn like it"


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Must've missed the allahu akbar mention, though even still it-could- be something else. Doesn't really matter though as you said, what's done is done.

Though calling it terrorism is in every book silly.

Nah, was murder plain and simple it was clearly pre-meditated.. you don't just get your mate with a bunch of weapons and go out and attack a soldier in a split second decision. What I want to know is how they picked the lad out? seems abit much of a coincidence that it was a young soldier wearing a charity t-shirt.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
True and they seemed in full control of their wits also. They could've looked for a "suitable" target from the car, or know the guy as a soldier before hand. Certainly planned.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Eye witness account of things

gun aswell apparently - from what he's saying I'm going to assume they hit the guy with a car first, hacked him to death then dragged him onto the road after hacking him to death.. if one of the guys went to a car and pointed a gun at the guy on the radio then clearly its not the soldiers car and if so why was it crashed? cant think of any other reason than because they'd just hit him with it.

Also sounds like they wanted to try suicide by police which tells me they wanted to die as martyrs.

- - - -

Edit: Was just confirmed that the guy that was killed was in the armed forces so he was military.
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I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004

"A man killed in a suspected terrorist attack in south-east London was a member of the armed forces, senior Whitehall sources have confirmed.
Two men spent the night under arrest in hospital as counter-terrorism police investigate the killing in Woolwich.
One man - his hands covered in blood- was filmed by a passer-by, saying he carried out the attack because British soldiers killed Muslims every day."

And there it is, religion motivated.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I am loving the people on Facebook saying I would do x y or z. I would be standing there in shock and probably looking to hide behind something. They had giant weapons and just cut a guys head off. Very few normal civilians would have got involved in that, even the police waited for the armed police. You just don't fuck with people standing there tooled up who have just killed someone.

And the EDL are massive pricks. Kicking the shit out of normal Muslims will just cause even more young Muslims to go listen to radical preachers and to hang around in groups. The guys that did this have been caught every one needs to take a step back.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
They were waiting only 400M from Woolwich barracks (which is a "soft" target by Army standards; front line troops aren't based there); so they probably identified the guy by the route he was taking and what he was wearing. Who knows, they may even have tagged him leaving the barracks earlier, but I doubt that. The video clearly shows it was an Islamic thing. Be interesting to know the background of the killers; the one in the brown jacket looks Somali/Sudanese, but the guy in the hat doesn't (he looks West African, although he's obviously grown up in London at least).

NB. Its all very well talking about kicking out Mullahs and all the rest of it, but you don't even need to go to a mosque to get radicalised these days, the internet will give you all the motivation you need.

There will obviously need to be new standing orders for off-duty soldiers (no identifying clothing etc. like in the IRA days) and probably something around barracks security as well; but its almost impossible to tighten up completely; what's to stop nutters going after Married Quarters or other known locations? This kind of attack is actually a lot more difficult to counter than suicide bombers and the like because it doesn't need anything more than a motivated nut-job, kitchen implements and a car. No paper trail, no comms to intercept, nothing. I can certainly see there being a call for soldiers to be allowed to go armed when off-duty (not that the politicians or the police will allow it) especially if there are any more attacks of a similar nature.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
All UK-based troops have indeed been told not to wear uniforms in public.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
spread a hateful message

There's been a lot of "message of hate" stuff written here. Who does he hate, exactly?

Not us, the civilians. He talks about our governments not caring about us and tells us of a life in a country that sort of shit gets pulled all the time.

That's not a message of "hate" in the sense of "I'm gonna kill you all". The message was "I'm sorry your women had to see that - but these are the conditions we live under and the conditions that your government are creating".

Now, in this case these attackers have chosen a military target as "fair game". They could have just as easily taken the head off a civilian - but they didn't.

I think the murder is abhorrent and I'm not an apologist - but tell me this: given that Afghanistan and Iraq are humanitarian disaster zones since Tony Blair piled in there with his illegal war, are you *honestly* surprised that this has happened?

What's surprising to me is that a lot more of this shit hasn't happened, given the way that our country has been acting.

Edit: To support the above:
One man - his hands covered in blood- was filmed by a passer-by, saying he carried out the attack because British soldiers killed Muslims every day."

And there it is, religion motivated.

Religion is the foundation for self-justification of these guys act - but the motivation is the wars we have started, far from our land, against muslim countries, which have turned them into arenas of horror...
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Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I would be curious to know how he knows what goes on in Afghanistan, he doesn't look or sound very Afghan. He looks and sounds like some brainwashed East London cunt.

As for looks like a Somalian, looks like a West African etc... They both look English to me...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I would be curious to know how he knows what goes on in Afghanistan, he doesn't look or sound very Afghan. He looks and sounds like some brainwashed East London cunt.

He does. Bloody cockneys. ;)

But we all know what's going on in Afghanistan. We know what's gone on in Iraq and is continuing to go on there. At least we all have a "flavour" of it. And are we happy about that? You remember the big fuck-off worldwide demonstrations against the war in Iraq? That's because we all knew what was going to happen.

To speculate about this guy - being muslim, maybe somalian (which is no kettle of lovely flowery warmth either), seeing muslims being slaughtered by the UK, maybe learned his English in London. Fuck knows - maybe even born here. But either way: Are you surprised? Really?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
As for looks like a Somalian, looks like a West African etc... They both look English to me...

They may sound English but saying they look English is a bit to PC as then Everyone in Affrica looks English. Unless you are judging by his clothing :)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The message is getting through, Obama put a limit on drone strikes today, taking out a terrorist by dropping a hellfire on him quite simply is the most barbaric thing imaginable to the people in the area, obviously it blows some to bits, maim and burns the rest and we never see a single dead person on tv, not even a scratch.
the internet reveals the truth and it isn' t pretty.
If those two guys had used a hellfire to take out that soldier we would be looking at world hysteria, but we do it every day


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I'm waiting for the day when a muslim guy kills a white guy, or other way around and the article reads(with no extra point) "Man kills man".


Dec 26, 2003
One was apparently known to intelligence agencies since 2003 - Nigerian born but lived here for a long time - some suggestion that he may have attended terrorist training camp in Somalia.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
He was also seen preaching in the street the day before.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
They may sound English but saying they look English is a bit to PC as then Everyone in Affrica looks English. Unless you are judging by his clothing :)

Clothing, mannerism, speech. Neither look like terrorists (Whatever a terrorist may look like!) they just look like black fellas.


Dec 26, 2003
Actually, we don't. That's the problem.

I don't think it matters tbh - the problem here is that we have a tiny section of our community that identifies more with some community far abroad than the community that they live in - somehow we have to address this.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm waiting for the day when a muslim guy kills a white guy, or other way around and the article reads(with no extra point) "Man kills man".

You're longing for that day because of your deep deep love of religion and your forlorn hope that we'll forget that it's integral to the cause, motivation and justification for a huge amount of the most abhorrent violence in the world.


Dec 26, 2003
You're longing for that day because of your deep deep love of religion and your forlorn hope that we'll forget that it's integral to the cause, motivation and justification for a huge amount of the most abhorrent violence in the world.

I see this more as geo-political than religion based tbh.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You're longing for that day because of your deep deep love of religion and your forlorn hope that we'll forget that it's integral to the cause, motivation and justification for a huge amount of the most abhorrent violence in the world.

Ain't you a little dora the psychologist. Shame you're talking out of your south-african dora there.

I was simply saying that the key issue should be the murder and death, not race, religion and terrorism.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I see this more as geo-political than religion based tbh.

So do I. However, allah akbar was certainly integral to these men's acts.

I was simply saying that the key issue should be the murder and death, not race, religion and terrorism.

There's enough murder and death. It gets reported as such. This murder was about religion and terrorism, and has been reported as such.

You can whine all you like every time religion is implicated as a causal factor: but it is :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Clothing, mannerism, speech. Neither look like terrorists (Whatever a terrorist may look like!) they just look like black fellas.
I will agree with you there I do not know how you can look like a Terrorist.


Dec 26, 2003
So do I. However, allah akbar was certainly integral to these men's acts.

The religious angle has been very useful to them in many ways - people have a natural reluctance to intrude into religious buildings so certainly in the early days these made good places to recruit and meet. They have also inflamed ancient religious hatreds raking up ancient atrocities like the crusades but its still fundamentally a geo political cause dressed up in religious clothing.

The young guys who do this have generallly dropped out of their respective communities and taken their inspiration from extremists abroad.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You can whine all you like every time religion is implicated as a causal factor: but it is :)

Not whining, just said that i'm waiting for any news that include a muslim person and it isn't about religion/terrorism.

That doesn't imply this wasn't religion based.

Your assumptions and views on my religious views are quite distorted ;)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
"A house in a Lincolnshire village has been raided by Met police officers investigating yesterday's alleged terror attack in Woolwich.

Officers swooped on the detached house as the name of one of the suspects was revealed on internet forums and Twitter as Michael Adebolajo.

He has been identified as the alleged killer seen ranting on video shortly after the murder of the soldier in Woolwich.

It is understood the men, who are being treated in separate hospitals while under arrest, are most likely to be British citizens of Nigerian descent who have converted to a radical form of Islam.
However, they are not thought to have links to terror groups based in Nigeria, such as the jihadist militant organisation Boko Haram."

In short = brainwashed in the UK by Hate Clerics, I go back to what I said previously - fuck human rights laws, kick these Hate Preacher fucks out.

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