"she took man out like robocop never seen nutn like it"


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Yep. Why not?

Why wouldn't you know the murderer's own reason for committing murder? It'd be nice to hear it from the horses mouth.

I'd rather he went to court, personally.

The reason I don't want to hear a murderer's own reason for committing murder is because he has committed the murder in order to get his message to me.

Don't think for a second that I believe censorship is a good thing. However, if these people are allowed to think that doing this sort of thing gets them air time, then they will do it all the more often. The media are playing into their hands in a big way and to me, it feels very much like it gives them a victory. You understand if I think that is a bad thing?


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
That's it Gumbo, you spread the beheading terrorist's message for him. There's a good boy. Perhaps next week his mate will have a go and give you chapter two.

Seriously, what the fuck?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You understand if I think that is a bad thing?

I do. Completely. Honestly I do.

However, I still want to hear them. If people are killing people just to get a message across then I want to hear it.

Then I can make my mind up if I'll laugh at the message or not. But I'm still not going to condone it.

As for it encouraging others. I don't think the traditional lack of airtime for these sorts of things has worked out well in the past tbfh. Conspiracies thrive in a vaccuum. If people can hear the message and the message can be addressed in full knowledge then people will generally come to a reasonable decision on how they feel.

That's it Gumbo, you spread the beheading terrorist's message for him. There's a good boy. Perhaps next week his mate will have a go and give you chapter two.

Seriously, what the fuck?

IIRC you're ex-military aren't you? Perhaps you think that we're not capable of hearing what these people think without joining them?

This sort of stuff isn't combatted through censorship - it's combatted by rational discussion of facts. Those facts include whether we think these people are deluded - and that's a discussion we can't have unless we know what he said.

Edit edit:
After reading Gumbo's fuller and less-censored description of what went on it makes the guy look like a religious loon rather than an anti-governmental terrorist with serious thoughts in his head.

Q.E.D. IMO :)
Last edited:


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
Fucking neckbeards on facebook overreacting to this already.

Good news for the EDL...


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Do not be a muslim in a Squaddie town tonight.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I just love it how he says "Our land" when clearly he's been born in London and brought up in London, his lands are the very lands he's just tainted by killing that man. Backwards brainwashed idiotic logic.

Do not be a muslim in a Squaddie town tonight.

Or any heavy EDL influenced town, normal muslims are going to suffer for what those idiots have done and its quite sad that it'll come to that.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
That has to be a whole new level of exposing the runing sores between muslims and the west..hes got a frickin cockney accent ffs
.it was like he was presenting an educational video on what hapens when you treat entire countries as second class citizens.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Do not be a muslim in a Squaddie town tonight.

What? You saying squaddies are dumb enough to go out and commit revenge attacks on the innocent in the UK? That doesn't bode well for justice when they're in the pressure cooker of a war zone eh?

Oh. Yeah...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
That's it Gumbo, you spread the beheading terrorist's message for him. There's a good boy. Perhaps next week his mate will have a go and give you chapter two.

Seriously, what the fuck?

I only saved someone a google you naive fuck. What are you suggesting, shut down the internets when there's stuff you don't want to see on it? You're the most active contributor to this thread. Well done dipshit, you're talking about it, thinking about it, and arguing about it on the internet. You've fallen for the terrorists masterplan.



Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Car looked wrecked, did they see the Soldier crash their car and just start chopping him up?


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
It's not it all. There's clearly a cut after the last line.

For people who are worried about hearing what he has to say - why the fear? Are you scared that you'll be muslamized by his ray-gun and start chopping squaddies heads off?

Do not for a second mistake what I am saying for fear.

What is "muslamized"?

I don't care if he's a member of the church of the flying spaghetti monster. I don't think his message should be spread around because it is playing into his hands.

A "Terrorist" is someone who uses terror to achieve thier goals. This person has just killed to get his message out. If that is not the very height of misguidance then I don't know what is. Do you really think this person should be allowed to have his message broadcast across the country when most people with legitimate, well meaning causes have to pay thousands for ten seconds of time in a commercial break.

Or perhaps oxfam should go and kill someone in the street in broad daylight so they can get thier message across?


Dec 26, 2003
Car looked wrecked, did they see the Soldier crash their car and just start chopping him up?

From what I read they used the car to knock him down first then jumped out of the car and started hacking him to death in a frenzied attack.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
I only saved someone a google you naive fuck. What are you suggesting, shut down the internets when there's stuff you don't want to see on it? You're the most active contributor to this thread. Well done dipshit, you're talking about it, thinking about it, and arguing about it on the internet. You've fallen for the terrorists masterplan.


I am the most active contributor because I care, actually.

I'm suggesting nothing like that and you know it. You've gone to the trouble to listen and type out what he's said - then repeated it in an open forum like this where people are obviously pretty shocked by it all.

I will not deny that what I'm saying may well be biased by anger - it doesn't change the fact that you're spreading the words of someone who just killed to get his message out in the first place. Do you really think me disliking that is naive ?


Dec 26, 2003
Extremists like these want to seperate our society into Muslims v everyone else - the best form of resistance to such attacks is to ignore them and to continue to treat everyone equally.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Perhaps you think that we're not capable of hearing what these people think without joining them?

This sort of stuff isn't combatted through censorship - it's combatted by rational discussion of facts. Those facts include whether we think these people are deluded - and that's a discussion we can't have unless we know what he said.

I understand what you're saying. It makes sense and I don't mean to come across as if all I want is for this to be completely covered up. I REALLY don't want to come across as condescending. The average discussion on these boards is well above my head and if anyone is more 'capable' of discussing this sort of thing then I'd be hard pressed to find them.

What has caused my responses is anger at the idea this guy is getting air time after he's just killed someone and I become very, very concerned that airing his words goes a certain way towards legitimising them in the minds of people who are that way inclined.

If he has a point, I believe in my Country's justice system enough to think that his ideals will be shared while he defends himself in court.

I become pretty damned irked when he is allowed to spout his shit with the blood of someone I may well know still dripping from his fucking fingers. If you'll pardon my French.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
I have afew ideas myself for some local council changes.

It's all booked up for input until august so i will cut someones head off on the way and skip the Q.

Im so cle(a)ver


Dec 26, 2003
On a side note - Is it time to arm our Police routinely?

The local police couldn't respond as they were unarmed so there was a 20+ min wait for armed police response - not ideal by any means.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Don't be silly Dukat. Such is the way of the internet now that you couldn't suppress this sort of thing even if every media outlet in the world decided not to run with it. As can be seen from reddit (for example) with the Boston marathon bombs (and the guy filming the birth of the Oklahoma tornado that I saw 8 hours before Sky News said "THIS JUST IN!!1"), user-uploaded videos and photos are going to happen and there's no way of stopping them.

As shit as it may be, this guy's message is going to be heard.

(indeed, it's probably only a matter of time before the act itself turns up on the darker corners of the internet)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It also exposes the game changer of everyone having an hd camcorder in their pocket..he was practically making the propoganda video while the blood wss still warm on his hands to people in the street..its all getting a bit Judge Dredd.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Don't be silly Dukat. Such is the way of the internet now that you couldn't suppress this sort of thing even if every media outlet in the world decided not to run with it. As can be seen from reddit (for example) with the Boston marathon bombs (and the guy filming the birth of the Oklahoma tornado that I saw 8 hours before Sky News said "THIS JUST IN!!1"), user-uploaded videos and photos are going to happen and there's no way of stopping them.

As shit as it may be, this guy's message is going to be heard.

(indeed, it's probably only a matter of time before the act itself turns up on the darker corners of the internet)

Don't get me wrong, I love the internet because it allows people to find out things that normally aren't available to the public at large.

What I am so strongly opposed to here is this bloke having a speech on the side of the road with the blood of a soldier still dripping from the blade he used to take his head off.

Please - don't mistake this as support for censorship. I don't want that. I just don't think he should have his message so readily available - itv fucking news?! - after he's just done something so damned wrong.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you. The fact is though, that ITV got the footage from someone on the street who filmed it on their phone and it would've found it's way onto t'inter in no time flat regardless of media involvement.

Videos like that Syrian chap cutting the guy's heart out and eating it (and all sorts of absolutely horrendous things that Mexican gang members do to each other) shouldn't have made heir way onto the internet but they did and continue to do so. There's just so many ways of getting a video online that user-generated content is an unstoppable force, no matter how distasteful/disgusting/graphic/whatever it may be.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
The part I can't quite wrap my head around so far is that a street full of people appear to have stood and watched all this happen?


Dec 26, 2003
The part I can't quite wrap my head around so far is that a street full of people appear to have stood and watched all this happen?

One guy had a gun - both had a bunch of knives and had just murdered a guy in front of their eyes - at that point people are unlikely to have a go.

Edit - Most of the public would be in shock and figuring the police would soon be there - to be fair after a few mins a bunch of people gathered by the soldiers body.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
One guy had a gun - both had a bunch of knives and had just murdered a guy in front of their eyes - at that point people are unlikely to have a go.

Edit - Most of the public would be in shock and figuring the police would soon be there - to be fair after a few mins a bunch of people gathered by the soldiers body.

Fair enough, I guess. I can understand no one riding in to get involved as such, I just would've thought it would be either running in fear or some kind of anger directed towards them - to me it all looks a little too uncomfortably like apathy.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
It's weird for the first time in 5 years I wished I was home in the UK. I work in a troubled area of Stockholm where there have been riots for 3 days and the commute is uncomfortable.... I read this when I came home and quickly changed my mind.....

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