By all accounts you're spot on, although to be fair that part of Woolwich has lots of sambosSomalians no doubt. Been a while since those bastards have been in the news.
to me it all looks a little too uncomfortably like apathy.
wow... really?It's not it all. There's clearly a cut after the last line.
For people who are worried about hearing what he has to say - why the fear? Are you scared that you'll be muslamized by his ray-gun and start chopping squaddies heads off?
Just shock I think - anger would have come next but the Police turned up. A lot of the people around at that time were mum's picking up their kids since it happened at home time so they would have other concerns uppermost in their minds.
there's a difference between people searching for it. And it being openly broadcast and advertised...... The later sends a message that if you want to be heard by millions just get choppy.Don't be silly Dukat. Such is the way of the internet now that you couldn't suppress this sort of thing even if every media outlet in the world decided not to run with it. As can be seen from reddit (for example) with the Boston marathon bombs (and the guy filming the birth of the Oklahoma tornado that I saw 8 hours before Sky News said "THIS JUST IN!!1"), user-uploaded videos and photos are going to happen and there's no way of stopping them.
As shit as it may be, this guy's message is going to be heard.
(indeed, it's probably only a matter of time before the act itself turns up on the darker corners of the internet)
I guess it is one thing to be very thankful for that the perpetrators kept thier angst targetted at one person. They could just have easily have turned the gun on the crowd afterwards.
Some of the comments going on pictures from BNP and the like (Daily national something) on facebook are aweful.
I worry a huge amount about our country and would not want to be a muslim in London right now. I really hope other idiots don't escalate things.
What is "muslamized"?
Do you really think this person should be allowed to have his message broadcast across the country when most people with legitimate, well meaning causes have to pay thousands for ten seconds of time in a commercial break.
Or perhaps oxfam should go and kill someone in the street in broad daylight so they can get thier message across?
I will not deny that what I'm saying may well be biased by anger - it doesn't change the fact that you're spreading the words of someone who just killed to get his message out in the first place. Do you really think me disliking that is naive ?
that was a facepalm at the EDL massing, not your comments
last thing we need is them down there starting a riot and wanging molotovs about.
A few hours ago there was several hundred Muslims gathered outside the Mosque in Woolwich, probably some still there now.
EDL leader is in Woolwich - apparently clashes have broken out with police and what EDL are classifying as 'Muslims'
Events like todays play into their hands though - they have had 30k likes this evening and people joining en masse - I also worry about this playing for UKIP too.
Events like todays play into their hands though - they have had 30k likes this evening and people joining en masse - I also worry about this playing for UKIP too.
Why do you keep bringing UKIP up? Do you think they're in the same league as BNP/EDL supporters?
What you seem to be dismissing as naivety is, to me, an honest and 'shitty experience'-based belief that airing this guy's rant on national tv was unnecessary and irresponsible. At best.
Reports of an attack on a mosque in Essex? Lots of extra police on the roads in Croydon too.