"she took man out like robocop never seen nutn like it"


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I think you need to read up on Britains support of the South..we built the Alabama for them and other ships...we had to pay 15 million dollars after the war and they asked for Canada


it is you who talks the boloks

Read. The. Article. They had the idea of making a claim for Canada, (British Columbia specifically) but they didn't actually do it. And frankly Americans had been making noises about owning anything and everything in the Western Hemisphere for decades; Britain flogging the CSA a couple of ships was hardly Britannia fucking up America, it was a bit of typical profiteering, but it gave the Americans another excuse to make noises about stuff they were already doing anyway (they'd been demanding The Bahamas since Independence for example).


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The Americans claimed we extended the war by two years..which ismt unreaspnable..top class ships and the increased moral from the support of te most powerful nation in the world...

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
Yeah we extended the American Civil War by two years by selling the Confederates TWO ships. That's a year per ship. pretty impressive by us sneaky Brits. Gimme a break.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It wasnt just two ships and the Alabama was hugely succesful..it decimated the North merchant fleet..we were also building two more until the politicians got scared and scrapped them...its one of those inconvemient truths that ee were effectively supporting the slave trade in the south because we msde so much money from it.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
He's right, the UK passively supported the South, 'cos they were more conservative & made us more money.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
It wasnt just two ships and the Alabama was hugely succesful..it decimated the North merchant fleet..we were also building two more until the politicians got scared and scrapped them...its one of those inconvemient truths that ee were effectively supporting the slave trade in the south because we msde so much money from it.

Total size of the American Merchant fleet during the Civil War - 2.4 million tonnes. Total amount sunk 110,000 tons (by the CSA) - see link. So, not only was the US fleet not "decimated" (look up what decimated means), unless you're saying those two British ships did all the damage to US shipping (which is self-evidently impossible for lots of reasons), then its pretty unlikely they extended the war by two years. Lawyers claim all kinds of shit when they're looking for damages (especially American ones). Doesn't mean any of it is actually true.

The British did sell a shitload of arms to the South, but they did it on the open market; as did the French and the Prussians. The CSA bought arms because they didn't have the industrial base to make them (only 10% of the industry of the North) and the British sold them because they could, not because they gave a shit about the Southern cause.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I didnt say it was true..its just not unreasonable to suggest British support extended the war quite considerably..the Alabama was highly effective in battle and
became a great source of moral for the losing south and encouraged them to fight on. ..it was the first international court to address these claims and they generally agreed with the claims and the consequence on human life and wealth of thr US

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