This article, about a camera
I can't remember the book off hand, I think it was Bruce Sterling Islands in the Net, but reading the blurbs after googling I may be mistaken. To the point, the sensecam, as described in the above article could be a life changing invention. Just a couple of the possibilities here, your walking down the street your 'sensecam' is on, recording as you go and is wirelessly passing the data to your online storage dump so you can review it later, you are attacked by someone, they are caught quickly from the images you downloaded. You are walking down the road someone robs a bank, you and 30 other people record it, robbers are caught. You have it at home, like the current IR burglar alarm systems but recording and dumping the images to a host somewhere, burglaries cut big style. All manner of street crime could be brought rapidly in check. Ok much of this is conjecture and not supported in the article, but a bit of tweaking of the device may make it possible.
There may be some drawbacks, and I am sure some will see the idea as an invasion of civil liberties, but it does not do anything that CCTV in the city centers does already, it just puts it closer.
I can't remember the book off hand, I think it was Bruce Sterling Islands in the Net, but reading the blurbs after googling I may be mistaken. To the point, the sensecam, as described in the above article could be a life changing invention. Just a couple of the possibilities here, your walking down the street your 'sensecam' is on, recording as you go and is wirelessly passing the data to your online storage dump so you can review it later, you are attacked by someone, they are caught quickly from the images you downloaded. You are walking down the road someone robs a bank, you and 30 other people record it, robbers are caught. You have it at home, like the current IR burglar alarm systems but recording and dumping the images to a host somewhere, burglaries cut big style. All manner of street crime could be brought rapidly in check. Ok much of this is conjecture and not supported in the article, but a bit of tweaking of the device may make it possible.
There may be some drawbacks, and I am sure some will see the idea as an invasion of civil liberties, but it does not do anything that CCTV in the city centers does already, it just puts it closer.