Religion What would you do for 8 years more life?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
The part you did not quote also mentioned my hatred or other road users. And driving at rush hour through London it does happen enough to be annoying.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The part you did not quote also mentioned my hatred or other road users. And driving at rush hour through London it does happen enough to be annoying.

I know you hate other road users in general - but that's because, by your own admission, you're a nervous driver. That's not the fault of other road users tho m8...

However, I think you must be clearly bonkers to cycle in London. But then, you must be mad to drive there too...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
And that happens twice a year in the UK. But 2500 times a year from car drivers...

That's a whole sh*tload of statistics that need digging up to go one way or other for or against, but the point was that unsafe drivers are unsafe drivers no matter what the vehicle.

Atleast with cars they don't ride on the sidewalk most the time.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
That's a whole sh*tload of statistics that need digging up to go one way or other for or against, but the point was that unsafe drivers are unsafe drivers no matter what the vehicle.

Atleast with cars they don't ride on the sidewalk most the time.

The stats have already been provided elsewhere. 2 vs 2500, Department of Transport figures. So, bikes causing death aren't a problem, period. More cars kill pedestrians on pavements every year than cyclists kill people anywhere...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
All sorts of statistics alter the real picture, for example 12 times more car drivers in the UK then average 3x / week bike users and so on and so forth.

It's not just 2 vs 2500 when talking safety of transport vs transport, otherwise you could say flying is more dangerous based on how many people die in 1 singular crash.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Look there are a whole lot of people that live to 70 and more without doing anything outside their normal lives. My grandparents on my fathers side lived over 80 and the smoked like chimneys till they were 60 ish. You can't legislate.

Some will die young some will live old. You just have to do what you like to do and roll the dice.

You can sit and read the papers and avoid anything that gives you cancer and still die of it by the time your 65.

You can be obese and live until your 100.

You can believe one thing gives you better odds but most of the time a 20percent increase is only on a 0.5 starting figure so it doesn't mean much.

There's genes, life style, environment, medication, diet, stress,

Etc etc

Too many things t say one thing is the best. Exercise may make you leaner but the guy who created the joggin phenom died of a heart attack while running.

Chose your path and be happy with it and if things pan out well or bad just accept your choices.

It all means dick all in the big scheme of things and the government targets to make people live longer are stupid.

Live happy not longer. If the two coincide then great bully for you. If not you had a good time while you were here.

The whole planets gonna end up as a crispy mass anyway so who really cares.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Facepalm all you like @Scouse , it's still a fact that when comparing vehicle safety you have to look at what the statistics are for -that one- vehicle. Not some arbitrary number.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Undoubtedly your genes are about 95% of your stepfather was a racing snake but dropped down dead at 48 of a heart attack..there was a program a few years ago about heart was a male marathon runner..the other a fat black woman..they both had myocardi..enlarged heart..the black woman was out of bed the next day while the marathon runner was at deaths door for months.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
My gran died at 94 from pneumonia, had an extremely poor upbringing and worked in a jute mill in Dundee for almost all her life. She got no exercise and had a woeful diet. She rarely drank though, but I believe she had the occasional cigarette in later life.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Exercise is something I really enjoy and value the most in my life. The ability to always surpass myself by pushing through limits I never thought I could brake gets me addicted!

It does not really take up that much of my spare time to work out. In my opinion it actually gives me more time to spend each day. I see so many of my friends that do not do any physical activites at all(having a deskjob etc), where they get home from work at 4pm and hardly has any energy left to be social or do productive things throughout the rest of the day(Yeah, I do know there is exceptions).

I can't be bothered pushing people out of their chairs, and come join me physical activites(It's their life and their choice to do what they want to do with it). But what really bothers me is people that turn fat because of a unhealthy lifestyle, does nothing about it and complains about how bad it is being fat! Not to mention so many people nowadays that have deskjobs who gets backissues because of lack of exercise.

I am no expert, but I'd bet a liver that it would greatly reduce the money spent on social welfare if everyone started working out. Which again would benefit us all by letting the money go to something else that we need.

So back to the topic, yes I want my extra 8 years of life!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It seems that every single exersice person just -has- to preach a bit. Why can't you just say "I enjoy exercise, it's not for everyone though" and not "I enjoy exercise, i see many peope fatty fat fat life bad me not".

It starts off nice on everyone with "It's a choice..." and then come the buts.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Tell me toht. Where exactly is he preaching?

I see so many of my friends that do not do any physical activites at all(having a deskjob etc), where they get home from work at 4pm and hardly has any energy left to be social or do productive things throughout the rest of the day(Yeah, I do know there is exceptions).

But what really bothers me is people that turn fat because of a unhealthy lifestyle, does nothing about it and complains about how bad it is being fat! Not to mention so many people nowadays that have deskjobs who gets backissues because of lack of exercise.

I am no expert, but I'd bet a liver that it would greatly reduce the money spent on social welfare if everyone started working out.

Not exactly repent sinners, but same fashion. It's the whole thing of; i'm not saying you should, but here's some examples of bad sh*t.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Not exactly repent sinners, but same fashion. It's the whole thing of; i'm not saying you should, but here's some examples of bad sh*t.

"I can't be bothered pushing people out of their chairs, and come join me physical activites(It's their life and their choice to do what they want to do with it)."

I do not "preach" when it comes to exercise Toht. :) Tho I did try to push some friends to come with me working out at a gym some years ago, but it was easier said then done when they themselves really didnt have any motivation doing it at all(I almost always had to drag their ass down to the gym, and in the long run I got tired of doing it).

That is why I added "It's their life and their Choice to do what they want to do with it". What people do or don't do with their health is all up to them. But what I said I didn't like is people complaining about their health without even lifting a finger trying to improve it. :)

I am sorry if I did not make that clear in my post! :)

P.S: Just to remind you that these are only my thoughts, I do not actually say these things to the people that complain about their health! :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah and i agree on the part about "don't do then complain", that's annoying in any situation really. Just all the examples of people being in sh*t conditions, sob stories and such come off as preachy since it is like saying "YTou don't have to believe in god but this guy went to hell" :p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Not exactly repent sinners, but same fashion. It's the whole thing of; i'm not saying you should, but here's some examples of bad sh*t.

Nah. He's not preaching. I agree totally with what you said in the post above @Chosen. - I read it completely as you just talking about what you see as your reasons, and of your experiences with other people.

Maybe you take it as preaching because of some nagging feelings of guilt or hatred of people who keep themselves in good nick.

Man up porky and stop being so touchy just because you've got a layer of seal blubber...



I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Replace exercise with any other noun, like gaming or drinking, and the claims that anyone is preaching suddenly don't hold water.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Maybe you take it as preaching because of some nagging feelings of guilt or hatred of people who keep themselves in good nick.

Man up porky and stop being so touchy just because you've got a layer of seal blubber...


:p and all, no such feelings. Unlike you i'm not a porky in need of exersice, as was my point earlier, everyone doesn't need it.

and the claims that anyone is preaching suddenly don't hold water.

Which ones? The pro or not pro?


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
A complete physical resurrection was the best thing I ever did. I'm fitter, happier and got more ladies as a result (I'm still sometimes a mardy, depressed cunt but I feel a shit tonne better over the last 8 years as a result). I applaud @Scouse for at least attempting to stimulate some debate on the subject even if the same old trolling cunts are attempting to derail it and wage completely unnecessary personal attacks.

For those that don't want to live a healthy or active life: Of course it's your decision and no one is telling you to exercise, but it's our duty to look out for each other and Scousey was merely pointing out what most of us should already know. Anyway - I look forward to a world when you aren't on this earth as a result of diabetes, heart disease of neurological degeneration. There isn't enough food for all of us.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
A complete physical resurrection was the best thing I ever did. I'm fitter, happier and got more ladies as a result (I'm still sometimes a mardy, depressed cunt but I feel a shit tonne better over the last 8 years as a result).


Like a bazillion percent.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
As the Wombles so famously sang..

Standing on your tiptoes, running on the spot,
Exercise is good for you, Laziness is not!


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I think everyone should exercise, even if it's just a little a week, an hour or so. You can do that shit in the house. People don't like work but have to do it for money, I don't see why people can't put a teeny bit of time away for health benefits.

Obviously being a fan of it and trying to better myself physically makes me biased, but each to their own. If you'd rather cabbage away, becoming a whopper, knock yourself out.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
At the end of the day any one would give their whole fortune for five minutes more life.

Your on your death bed do you want to go into the beyond or live an extra day.

But it's how you enjoy yourself while your here and find purpose in your exists thence rather than the length that's the requirement. Tutankhamen will have bee remembered for a lot longer than you I bet

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