Noisy Neighbours


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Swift^ said:
If you want to hurt someone's ears with loud metal, try the awful sounds of Dimmu Borgir or some other black metal band from the murky depths of Norway. Be warned though, such shouting and hideous 'playing' will hurt your ears a lot. But, if unexpected, might possibly kill your neighbours from the shock.
Awful? :l


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Xtro said:
I used to have this problem.

I knocked on the fuckers door and chinned the ****.

Did this to a noisy neighbour when I lived in Glasgow.

The noise stopped.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I wanna know whats in the loft...please PM me I wont tell


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
SawTooTH said:
I wanna know whats in the loft...please PM me I wont tell

It's either a gimp or some kind off illegally held firearm. My vote's with the gimp. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Best thing you can do is write them a letter. Worst they can do is bin it, and it avoids any confrontation that can easily get out of hand. One of my flatmates gave a mouthful to the next door neighbours unknown to us when they had a quick word about noise once. They wrote us a letter and it got pinned up on the noticeboard for all to see - had they not have done it then we would not have known. A quick apology and a quick acknowledgment and everything was sorted - havent heard anything since.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
jaba said:
Xane how exactly did that CB thing work? and whats a 100W burner? I wanna learn fun things!

CB Radio was/ir originally around 27Mhz, legally it was 4W power, but to get extra range you could buy power amplifiers, the slang name was "burners". These varied from 25W ones to over 1kW.

Using a 5/8 or full length aerial, about 27' to 35' long, you could ensure power was transmitted efficiently. CBs were well known for interfering with older stereo systems, even at 4W, so with a good "burner" you could guarentee someone's hi-fi was picking you up within the same street.

With the best interferance, you can talk into the microphone and your voice will boom out their speakers :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Bullitt said:
We have a slightly similar problem with our neighbours at the mo, every morning at about 6am the bloke decides to go into his kids bedroom and shout at it in Urdu (sp?) over and over. Occasionally he uses english to mock it (the kid is about 3 years old by my guess). Not only does it wake me up it's also a fucking disgrace. We're tempted to phone child protection type people.
just shout the following at him :

Majeva (silent j)

he might take offence at the last one :D )


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
I'm sure I escaped from Tremor's loft last weekend.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
How often is it ?
Is it like every week ? once a month ...

At the moment one neigbour is a bit noisy every so often, playing crap pop music till the early hours of the morning. But since he only does it once every 2 months or so i can live with it.
Had a talk with him and asked him to tell me in advance if he was having peeps over in the week.
So now i go out and drink a few beers to help me sleep when he has ppl over on a work day.

The other neighbour I hate with a passion, he started remodeling his bath room, right next to my bed room at 1st of january 8am and kept it up for the rest of my holyday.
I can tell you a drill next to your head with I good hangover can make anyone go postal.

Whatever you do, dont start escalating things, cause it will only make your life wurse


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
leggy said:
I'm sure I escaped from Tremor's loft last weekend.

I was thinking it was you tbh :) how's the pink latex lace-up suit then?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
xane said:
CB Radio was/ir originally around 27Mhz, legally it was 4W power, but to get extra range you could buy power amplifiers, the slang name was "burners". These varied from 25W ones to over 1kW.

Using a 5/8 or full length aerial, about 27' to 35' long, you could ensure power was transmitted efficiently. CBs were well known for interfering with older stereo systems, even at 4W, so with a good "burner" you could guarentee someone's hi-fi was picking you up within the same street.

With the best interferance, you can talk into the microphone and your voice will boom out their speakers :)

Thats possibly the best thing I have ever heard! I think you should make me one :D mwahahahha


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Lazarus said:
the old one that didnt fit you anymore?

indeed, it's tush was far too big!! I recall stealing it from your wardrobe last time I was round your place to install webcams in the bathroom oO


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
TdC said:
indeed, it's tush was far too big!! I recall stealing it from your wardrobe last time I was round your place to install webcams in the bathroom oO

*checks wardrobe*

oh you bastid......

cheacks bathroom webcam



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
leave them!! they make money for my hairy-male masturbation website!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bullitt said:
We have a slightly similar problem with our neighbours at the mo, every morning at about 6am the bloke decides to go into his kids bedroom and shout at it in Urdu (sp?) over and over. Occasionally he uses english to mock it (the kid is about 3 years old by my guess). Not only does it wake me up it's also a fucking disgrace. We're tempted to phone child protection type people.

However on the other hand we're students and every week we go out with a few mates that stay over. We don't listen to loud music however and just play games (quite loudly) so i suppose it's a bit of give and take with us.

Thankfully I don't live anywhere near anyone like that, most of the neighbors in Ingleby aren't that loud, in my new street we live next door to families similar to our own.

However in my old street, we had a familiy of townies down the street who enjoyed pumping out dance/rap music VERY VERY bloody loudly, this seriously pissed off our street as well as the street behind us, eventually the person who lived next door to them deicded they were pissed off enough and got a few pissed off residents from the street including us to go to their front door and teold them to stop the music, that was about 20 or so people shouting at them.

Their face was fucking priceless! :D

<cheers for Matchbox city>


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Clearly the answer is leaving a nice great big steaming turd on their doorstep. Go out, have 8 pints of Guiness and a curry, then when you wake up the next morning, squat over their doorstep and curl one off.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Bodhi said:
Clearly the answer is leaving a nice great big steaming turd on their doorstep. Go out, have 8 pints of Guiness and a curry, then when you wake up the next morning, squat over their doorstep and curl one off.

It won't curl off after guiness and curry. It will fly and congeal :/


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
My neighbor didn't like me playing metalmusic on my "system"..not a stereo...a "system" :p

So, i played some ..well...the closest thing it would be is german folkmusic, and nowadays, as my neighbor said:

"Play the metal any day over that crap."

Problem solved.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'm fortunate in living in a detached house so that the constant thumping from my music tends to not disturb anyone. If I open my window most of the street can hear it but the direct neighbours have said it's fine and they actually like most of it. They are nice and understanding and so am I really.. I don't play loud music after about 9pm with the window open and that's that :p

For your problem I suggest perhaps a video camera to record evidence on what they are doing then get the council involved.. as swift said don't use the police as they could be saving someones life.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Lazarus said:
just shout the following at him :

Majeva (silent j)

he might take offence at the last one :D )
Heh, i hear those words alot everday, very amusing


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Lazarus said:
just shout the following at him :

Majeva (silent j)

he might take offence at the last one :D )

I like the last one then, it's getting ridiculous at the mo. And with assignment deadlines due soon and this being final year i'm not in the best of moods. The more offensive the better.

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
the police can get involved, but its wise not to, as if they dont get caught in the act u get told off for waisting there time.

when i lived near london, i had a stereo that used to turn its self on (alarm), it was set at about 6am and on full volume to wake me up, neighbours called the police on me, i had switched it off like 20 sec after it came on, police came and knocked, and moaned at the neighbours for waisting there time.

so yes police can get involved,

any way, to your problem, there is little tricks, if u can get hold of a little gadget i used to have, you could play what u like over it, but u could tune it into any frequency u wanted, so you could say, play a video and it would play over bbc1's frequency (it worked for tv and radio etc), so to get revenge at one of my neighbours some time me and my dad played a porn over bbc1's frequency... the neighbours were the kind that just piss u off because there all moany, you do a single thing wrong and there on your backs for it, i used to do target shooting in my back garden and they moaned at me for that, they would moan at me for playing music at 11 in the morning on less then 1/4 volume, i could hardly hear it my self kinda thing, so there is a few things you can do, the people were all goody 2 shoes type so the vid we played really really pissed them off, we didnt get much problems after that, as they knew we did it but couldnt proove nothing.

eek longest post ive ever written :(

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