How could characters be improved?



Originally posted by Taggart
I don't know about you turambur, but guarding and protecting casters all day and letting them kill sounds utter shit! I don't know if thats your idea of fun, but it sure as fuck aint mines mate!
Ill help protect casters from time to time at keep defences, but im no bloody body guard to them, i want to go out killing and getting my own rp's! Not having to stand about and let other assholes have all the fun killing!

Thats what i think, ill help protect people from time to time, but my main aim in rvr is to fight people and kill em!

Each to their own I guess. But if you are looking for a one man killing machine then you're in the wrong game. Every class has its counterclass.

As Danyan says, if you want to rack up damage - choose a caster. If you want to rack up a bodycount - choose an assassin class.

I'm more interested in my group winning than my own personal glory. If I have to die for that to happen - then so be it. If I have to defend my caster(s) - then so be it.


Originally posted by old.Patrick-S
but id say maybe less damage with less speccing needed.. summin like smite is just mezz and stun and debuffs or summin and the smite attacks dont require anything but have ALOT less damage overall

we have to spec pac for mezzes etc, they can spec smite for damage,

healers ae radius needs to be raised, but thats happening in future patch:)

perhaps giving 1.5x to the healing classes in each realm would be a good idea, so they can have more skill in healing without loosing out on their advantages
but also it could over power them i suppose:)



Originally posted by old.louise

healers ae radius needs to be raised, but thats happening in future patch:)

Would be nice to get a larger AE radius. The current 250 radius for AE mezz isn't much, only real good when the albs/hibs are in between the doors at gates or keeps. :D



meep reading this thread shows i dont know enough about other realms classes or whats happening to em in the future so ill shut up now and sowwy if what ive written is inaccurate ;)


Originally posted by Dannyn
Give minstrels a useful role other than drumwhore. ;)
Either a longer range DD so I can sit at the back with the casters and be useful or better melee (duel wield maybe?) so I can go to the front line and hit stuff (currently it's more of a flail away ineffectually till some tank notices and starts hitting me for double my damage cap).
Also, make ae mez a 3s cast song (on flute) so you can cast while moving, minstrels aren't meant to stand still. ;)

You already hit me for double damage... would be insane if you had duel wield... you already have speed song, stealth... mez...

Even with my snare im not able to hunt down minstrels. Took us some 7 people just to hunt down Coren. If you ask me, they need to take away your weapons... :D


Originally posted by Turamber

Each to their own I guess. But if you are looking for a one man killing machine then you're in the wrong game. Every class has its counterclass.

As Danyan says, if you want to rack up damage - choose a caster. If you want to rack up a bodycount - choose an assassin class.

I'm more interested in my group winning than my own personal glory. If I have to die for that to happen - then so be it. If I have to defend my caster(s) - then so be it.

I've tried telling him more or less the same thing before mate. He's one of the glory hounds in it for his own enjoyment entirely, not to have fun by helping others :rolleyes:

And yes, this is a flame :flame:


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Two things for the Healer (and other primary healers):

1. I'd like to be able to cast any heal spell without being interrupted.

2. I'd like cast times on heals to be reduced

1. Then Healers would be better than tanks at fighting as they would just heal themselves as they were fighting, then go back to melee. Bad idea I think.

2. Better idea. Would have nothing against that as healing classes would be able to be more effective and thus feel better about going in to rvr instead of just being the rez machines.


Originally posted by old.louise

healers ae radius needs to be raised, but thats happening in future patch:)


Too bad our AE mez gets up to -50% time reduction too but we get self buffs too :D

BTW that pic is preety /pets Louise


Well all I can say is about the hunter/archer classes.
Started my first char as hunter, now 50 (yay) and at 45 in rvr (before see hidden) with a much lower stealth spec I got ganked alot less then I do now with 48 in stealth with items.
I can barely set foot in emain solo before I get ganked by an infil/nightshade, in my opinion the see hidden has made every stealther class besides assassins free rp cows.
Now it takes no skill to kill an archer, you just need a RA and before see hidden the good assassins (and you are out there) knew how/where to flush out an archer.
I have just bought TS to try and piss off some assassins ;) but the ability isnt that good, i mean 1 minute active every 30 minutes. The best way to counteract this, both see hidden and truesight, is either to remove it completely or only make it buyable to players with a certain skill, meaning RR, maybe at RR3L5 or something like that. That way we wont have 30 assassins roaming around emain taking the fun out of the other stealther classes.
Well then the assassins will just grp with the guy with the seehidden, fine with me, then there would be a few teams out there that would kill you, not one at every stone.
And just recently I noticed on a charbuilder that both hibernias and albions archer classes get evade 3, what is the main reason for not giving the hunter the same, what makes the hunter so much better in melee that he does not need it, superior HP? (at lvl 50 i have 930hp or so), better armor?(we all use studded) Better weaponskills(i have 39 in spear at a cost of no beastcraft)?
Well thats just my 2 cent, hope it was constructive :)


Originally posted by Aeternus
You already hit me for double damage... would be insane if you had duel wield... you already have speed song, stealth... mez...
Eh? That's not my fault, I'm usually outmeleed quite severely by champs. My weapon is neutral to scale after all. I still hit for less damage than any other class in the realm (including both healing classes!)


Damn right im in the game for my own enjoyment Roalith! :p
When i bought the game i wasn't thinking "wait a minute!! if i buy this guy i can help lots of people", i bought the game and thought to myself "i can really enjoy myself playing this game!". As you see i am a bit of a glory hunter, there is no shame in that..nothing that says in the game or manual that i can't try and enjoy myself and take some of the glory too :)

In my opinion its about "your" fun then other later!

Like i said, i bought this game for me, not someone else!


Remove See Hidden, but give the assasin classes true sight if they wish to spend the 10 points.

Mez/stun etc will be vastly changed in the next patch anyway once they finally introduce the correct timers meaning you cant be re-mez'd or re-stunned imediately.

And give shamans some means of escape, they have no instas or quickcast facility.


I remember once in my lowbie days something about archer classes being able to climb trees in some future patch... guess it was all a wind up but it would be interesting..

I guess not many people could hit them so not very feasable once I think about it :)


REMOVE true sight /see hidden, but boost assins ability to see archers a bit better from like 33% like detect hidden lvl 16..

Mezz durations lower/shorter

Warriors 100000ohps 5 Insta PBAoE nukes, Insta Emain wide 2 hour stun shout usable every 10 seconds.

Hunters Evade III, we have evade triggered styles for christ sake.

Midgard 2 Handed Weapons tiny bit more damage out put but not much say 10%

Me, to have another primary school education in order to learn to punctuate and spell

Ifact Delete Most realm abilities, Ones to keep inc, Ability for crit hits, defence, speed-running charges, screw IP screw Purge..

gotta go cook dinner now bye bye

ps. Nerf paladins


Originally posted by mid_Efour
Insta Emain wide 2 hour stun shout usable every 10 seconds.

I thought you already had that! (No, my bad, that's just lag ... :) )


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