How could characters be improved?


The Real Redi

<cries> right, then determination must go up then i suppose.. <sighs> and the length of this Ubermezz is the same for all, modified by any RA or other abilities you have to break it?

sucks that...

On that note then, can Mercs have a big anti-Healer/bard seaking bomb, please? <grins>


Yes, clearly stealthers need more RPs </sarcasm> :p

Also longest mez is about 72 seconds afaik...


Originally posted by The Real Redi
<cries> right, then determination must go up then i suppose.. <sighs> and the length of this Ubermezz is the same for all, modified by any RA or other abilities you have to break it?

sucks that...

On that note then, can Mercs have a big anti-Healer/bard seaking bomb, please? <grins>
Mez is modified by resists or determination.
Each level of determination reduces CC length by 15%. If your resist for the mez damage type (body for healer/bard/minst/skald, energy for sorc/ment, spirit for cleric, cold for eld/sm) would give a greater reduction, then this is used, otherwise determination is used. So a character with det3 and 20% body resist would have mez reduced by 45% (using det). A character with det1 and 30% body resist would have mez reduced by 30% (using resist).


Well obviously I meant all crafters ,,,, someone gets rps wearing your armour or firing your bow then you get rps. (would have to be balanced ,,, like armour pieces worth 1/3 (so you get the same effect as dual wielding if someone wears all 6) of what weapons are worth and LW and bows worth double)

Btw, its not about getting more rps for stealthers (we would still be getting the same as atm all stealthers stay close to the group so they are in range for rps ... maybe call the realm ability long range scouting or something ,,, also this would benefit stealthers who group and not stealthers who solo ).... its about allowing stealthers to be used as scouts ,,, atm most (myself included) wont scout that far away from the main group for exactly the reason that its basically means you get no rps. (and I know the game is for fun and not for realm abilities but thats not really the point) Its like putting a toll on a bridge ... no matter how low you set the toll if there is an alternative route people wont cross the toll bridge ... even if it takes 5-10 mins more time. Small changes to the rules can change behaviour .. alot. The point is if you want a game that isnt just based on zerging ... you need people to not have to wait at the pk's until they build up a zerg force (unless it is necessary). If you have more access to scouting info, then you would know that there is only 2 people defending the gate and probably a fg could wipe them.


i think the RP system is fine as it is, its character improvements that this thread is looking for, not faster ways to get RR's

as for the crafting thing, you would have too many crafters, way too many for guilds to support! i currently like the idea of it being something to do other than hunting and RvRing, if you got RP's for it it would simply be a way of thining out the population in Emain and a way of getting RPs while sitting on your ass in front of a forge, it should stay as something for people to do as a break, and for he more serious crafters who have the real patience for it.

[edit] there are also downsides to you "long range scouting", like the fact you dont have to be scouting, take emain for example, most action happens around the MG's someone with that ability could just go afk at the PK and let the RP's role in.


If you want fast good damage why not get a pair of jambiyas?

actually, (off the top of my head), the tusks are 2.7, while Jambiyas are 2.6.

Daggers and hand axes are fastest, with 2.2-ish.

what i would like to see, though, is class dependant weapons of all categories, for dual wielders.

say, a 2.0 spd Curved Blade, or some such, that only mercs and infils can use. a special needle point Cynac. a Baton of some sort.

these would spice up dual wielding considerably, in my view.

armsmen and paladins have heavy weaponry dependant on their class. why not give dual wielders light weapons, for theirs?


for the last time its not about getting rps *FASTER* its about getting the rps you should be entitled to when you go scouting for the group ... like you go check the mmg while the group is at the amg, if the group kills something you get your fair share ... that you would have got if you had just gone scouting to the mmg but stopped half way to the T or so (or just flatly refused to scout). ... this would only benefit stealthers who group with non stealthers as a scout and the point is that it gives the group the option of sending a scout to look around without depriving that person of their share. The only arguement against it that I can think of is that a stealther when scouting rarely dies so always gets 100% of the rps that the group gets, while a caster or bard is generally targetted first so often goes down early.

2nd the crafter rps would be a diiferent pool and could only be used to buy crafter specific stuff .. like inproved make speed or boosting vault space or something ... though I think lifter would also be nice even if it has rvr uses other than crafter specific ones ... so it wouldnt really result in a massive increase in crafters as getting to LGM status (which is needed as alot of the rvrers are level 50's who want the best weapon they can get and make do with drops until then) just so you can get lifter without using up combat gained realm points or some other generally crafter specific realm ability is probably more trouble than its worth. Having said that would be nice to have more crafters ... like you should be able to go into tnn and /b and have 30-40% at least chance of finding a crafter ... atm its probably alot less


Mythic already increased the range of RPs in groups by a factor of 2 (4000 to 8000 units). I'm not sure why a character should get RPs for sitting stealthed halfway across emain tbh... If you want RPs while scouting kill a lone person. If you don't want to share them, don't group (you can still communicate via a CG). TBH the whole thing looks like a "let stealthers play as before and also leech a group at the same time for uber RPs" thing.


i know, and all im saying is that people wouldnt use it like that, it would be used as away to get RPs without going into battle. how many scouting classes do you think you would see just sat at the PK semi afk while a regular zerg goes out and earns them rps in emain?! and i still think the crafter thing wouldnt be a good idea really, they already seem to get money rolling in. and if you could do it faster it would just be like a i said, something any one can just start doing and get high rranking easy, rather than something for the more patient people out there. its something you spend time doing if you want a high rank. do you see a "earn fast exp" ability so people get lvl50 faster?

mythics main issue is some of the characters and the importance of relics... which dont really seem to do anything or be of any importance at the moment, the crafting and rp, structure is fine.


Give Blademasters better armour or increase our damage output to how good it sounds in the manual. I really syruggle to take on other heavy tanks so im stuck with the job to only attack casters and healer classes. I want a pure sword on sword melee fight, but sadly its never gonna happen... i will always lose.


If you don't want to share them, don't group (you can still communicate via a CG).

err .... I never said I didnt want to share the rps. I want to be able to group and if I need to go check something out of range of rps that I still get my fair share of the rps. Every other class needs to be in range of the main group to perform their useful function (except buffbots I guess but who cares :) ) so is unaffected by the range limitation, but when scouting you can be out of range and still performing your vital function

The only place I mentioned the stealther getting 100% of the rps was if the above couldnt be implemented maybe let stealthers get 100% of the rps if they kill *when no one else is in range* .. or maybe even make the system recipriocal so that if a scout kills someone then the whole group gets their share but that isnt really what I care about ... what I want is that scouts when grouping get their fair share of the rps, ie 1/8

The fact is that a group can be very effective with one stealther in it scouting (but sometimes out of range). Info like 3-4 fgs are incomming to the mg you are camping better go hide or giving info when 1 group is about to reach the mg allowing your group to rush them and get the first mez can greatly increase the survival time of a group roaming emain.

As for the concern about letting people get "free" rps ... that would only work if you can convince a group to let you leech ... which tbh would work for any class almost as well by just joining the group and /sticking someone and going afk


Originally posted by Taggart
chants aren't useful in rvr unless your with a grp of paladins, so i think we should have "spells" that you can actually cast and use. It makes me sick how fucked up they have made paladins in this game

Paladins are not a balanced class, I think everyone would agree with that. But we are far from "fucked up" and are in fact very necessary in Albion RvR.

Our rez may not be the best but it is quick, our resist chants are useful in this patch - and in coming patches will be even better. Paladins will become a must have for each and every Albion RvR group. Playing a Paladin, in fact playing any class, in RvR calls for using some of that common sense stuff from your siggie ... we have to think about the enemy we are fighting and choose a chant that is appropriate.

Our heal chant is useful in combatting DOTs and disease spells on ourselves and group members. With respect healing for 100 every 6 seconds would be very much over the top, I'd not wait for that to be implemented ... you'll be the last one out and have to shut the lights off behind you :p

The pulling chant we get in the next patch is handy. I have it on good authority that it interrupts casters and stops stealthers, err, stealthing.

The many paladins that are sword/shield specced can already do a group a lot of favours by sticking to their local caster/healer and protecting them from arrows. In the next patch we will be able to save their pansy skins from enemy styles. Imagine guarding your local Avalonian, blocking and parrying while he wastes the enemy.

Oh, and when we get our endurance chant I may just respec to get more piety :)

j000 d000d

Paladin shouts don't interrupt next patch. Neither do Champion debuffs, or any other debuff.

And tbh, i don't notice any increase in my mana with more int, so i don't really know why you would raise your piety.


Originally posted by old.Teador
And tbh, i don't notice any increase in my mana with more int, so i don't really know why you would raise your piety.
Really? I get a message saying "Your Intellegence has increased. Your power has increased." That kind of indicates more mana... :p


k i vote see hidden ts and ip should go.. maybe make archers and minstrels stealth worse than assasins if it wasnt before... make all assasin classes equal.. i dont feel at all gimped with my shade but having less spec points just to hit for 50 dmg every 20 secs doesnt make alot of sense.. and rather than give shades a boost nerf infiltrators and maybe give all 3 classes some 2h wep and infils a rangeed attack? heard someone say make paladins immune to critical strike attacks realise that makes them immune to assasins basically? cos not sure bout infils or sbs but i hardly ever use my pierce styles.. i think making the cleric how it is was a big mistake from the start not entirely sure how id fix it and i know they are being nerfed.. but id say maybe less damage with less speccing needed.. summin like smite is just mezz and stun and debuffs or summin and the smite attacks dont require anything but have ALOT less damage overall thought i think classes are more balanced than in most games .. tho of course not perfect :)


maybe make archers and minstrels stealth worse than assasins if it wasnt before...
It was before, especially minstrels. It wasn't called ghetto-stealth for nothing. ;)

make all assasin classes equal..
That makes the game more boring by reducing variety. I think the balance between assassins is fine, maybe tweak up the NS shout a bit.

infils a rangeed attack?
they have a crossbow already.

heard someone say make paladins immune to critical strike attacks realise that makes them immune to assasins basically?
I think he means PA/Backstab not all styles on the critstrike list.

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Dannyn

Really? I get a message saying "Your Intellegence has increased. Your power has increased." That kind of indicates more mana... :p

Yes. I read that too. But i wasn't really thinking "Hey.... i could just cast 3 nukes more than i usually can....." :)


Nightshades are fine as they are, it just takes a really good player to play them...take Trad if you dont believe me, that guy knows how to play

The Real Redi

Hmm, ive noticed something with these here Boar tusks...

They con orange to me at 34, and ive just seen a screen shot i took a few days ago, and they apparently have an effective DPs of 11.1

now, i kind of like that as a number, considering every single other weapon i have held that cons orange or yellow to me, has barely even scraped 9.9... Now at 100%/100% they are pretty fine little slicers, but how come theres such a huge difference in the DPS? I havent found anything that comes close to that for me at my level, so if anyone can suggest some slashing weapons that equal that, id be grateful... Ive tried Long lion fang , Serrated Lions Fang, but im afraid the Huge Sharpened Boar Tusks cut it for me at the moment :D

see, theres not that much id change about my merc...


I don't know about you turambur, but guarding and protecting casters all day and letting them kill sounds utter shit! I don't know if thats your idea of fun, but it sure as fuck aint mines mate!
Ill help protect casters from time to time at keep defences, but im no bloody body guard to them, i want to go out killing and getting my own rp's! Not having to stand about and let other assholes have all the fun killing!

Thats what i think, ill help protect people from time to time, but my main aim in rvr is to fight people and kill em!


Originally posted by Taggart

Thats what i think, ill help protect people from time to time, but my main aim in rvr is to fight people and kill em!

Errr, hope the minstrel works out well for you! (Would say more but I don't have the heart :) )



Well minstrel is working out well thanks hehe, beats using a boring gimp tank. Minstrel is a fun char with so much things he can do, always keeps awake using him :)


I'll say more since linnet won't. You won't be running around slaying hordes of people with a minstrel. You'll be sat by the casters and healers playing mez and powersong. If you wanted to kill stuff a caster or inf would have been a better choice. :p


If thats true, how in fucks name has coren got soo many rp's? It not from just playing mana song all day! :p

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Taggart
If thats true, how in fucks name has coren got soo many rp's? It not from just playing mana song all day! :p

Leech :m00:


well i hadnt rvrd much before see hidden etc so dunno about stealth... and i said i dont feel gimped but obviously infils have an advantage if they get crossbows and more spec points while we just get insta cast i do fine tho and u said long as a really good player plays them.. that doesnt make them equaly good classes as infiltrators despite i dont feel gimped in the slightest... and making paladins immune to pa chain would be bit stupid like making a class immune to aoe spells... imo anyway :)


Originally posted by Taggart
If thats true, how in fucks name has coren got soo many rp's? It not from just playing mana song all day! :p
Actually leeching a group is damn good RPs... Take Blaen for example :p
Coren got a lot of RP before see hidden and hence now has a lot of RAs...
Back in the good old days minstrels could solo, now if you aren't RR6, forget it. :p

old.Trine Aquavit

Two things for the Healer (and other primary healers):

1. I'd like to be able to cast any heal spell without being interrupted.

2. I'd like cast times on heals to be reduced

At the moment healing in RvR is really only viable through the use of instas. Healing is a twitch skill at the best of times and is subject to issues with lag, LOS and range. Even in perfect conditions healing can't come close to keeping up with damage being dealt. As a result, healing, and speccing in Mending has become a secondary concern after crowd control (most Healer templates don't go above 22 in Mending).

I'd like a group with a well played Mend specced healer to be as effective as a group with a well played Pac specced healer (post-nerfs).


Druids should be given a Theurgist style Tree Summon, wiht the trees around lvl45 ;)

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