Gratz Albs on Relic Raid!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Great job Tappi :clap:
AC raid eh?O yea thats right i set my AC for 2.30PM so that i would be awake to start taking mid keeps.It then took over 8hrs to open relic gates, just because it went past midnight you expected us to stop?? woulda been funny tho in /BG if Tappi had shouted... "That's it people raid cancelled it's midnight the mids have to log now!!"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Xajorkith said:
With the largest population, with the Hibs helping Alb why couldn't Alb actually do a proper raid like Armadals previous one?

FFS I thought NF would mean Albs would actually do reasonable raids, I guess not, typical lame Albs.

Ahahahahahaaaaa... a proper raid like Ardamel´s previous one?

Leel said:
Well, tbh, mids didn't have a clue that bolg would open up relic gates:-P I know cuz I was one of the surprised ones after we took it. So anyways, we thought better we take the relic before albs do.

THIS is how u got the relic... its was no raid.. it was an accident!...rofl


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 11, 2004
I only got one thing to say!... Gratz!

I was alot of fun! :clap:



FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Edaemos said:
You did it in primetime against a realm that couldn't defend them anyway due to the obscene amount of enemies in their frontier, the relic gates had been open most of the day and there was no challenge in taking them. We took both relics from you after 9 or so hours of fighting in your frontier, hibs don't have the numbers to defend what they were up against, you do, but you were un-organized and lost.

If you need to call it an alarm clock to make you feel better then no probs :)

thats not entierly true tbh, we werent really badly orgenized, we did repel you once, but the second time we simply coulndt deal with the numbers, we were basicly overwelmed, so after the wipe we more or less desided to give up on the str relics and secure our pow relic "damage controll" ect..
i for one wont call it an AC raid, truth is there hasent been any ac raids for Ages, and it kinda baffels me that people stil use this term again and again,
Yes there have been raids that have gone on into the night, but thats a different thing, and i for one see nothing wrong with that, if you have the nbrs go for it, the definition of an ac raid is people pre-planning and executing a rr in the late night/early hrs of the morning, and i for one can hardly remember when this last took place..? what was it, just around si release ? so let it go rest tbh..but guess i'm wasting my breath arent i ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
I was on the raid attacking Nott, and enjoyed the lord fight a lot. Damn, all that Mid aoe made it hard, but luckily Brommix's reaver and Jpeg fecked over the Middies well with tha suicide bomb...
I think most Albs where not too keen to get the Strength relics. Mids where certainly more determined to keep their power relics.
First rush at 23:30 cet or so at the relic gates kind of failed as those twat Hibbies insisted on schrooming a slow ass warship with 2fga in it... If those Hibbies could for once leave us poor underpowered Albs alone, we would have easily taken the relic before 24:00 cet.
The raid was being led by Tappi, and he did an ok job, but no where near perfect. NF is kind of too new, and most people did not know what to do.
And even when we did take the relic, the "zerg" was small, maybe 5fga. Really not that hard to stop.
I was chatting to Stt/Tts and we where a bit worried about the low numbers :(
Anyway, I ended up with a relic I don't really care for much.
Regards, Glottis


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Gratz albs :)
irony of the same people whining when mids did a sustained are now defending their actions.

There will be no more short RR's due to the nature of NF get used to it

If those Hibbies could for once leave us poor underpowered Albs alone
It was going so well then you make youreself look like a twit as per usual


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 24, 2004
Next time Alb's if u want a fight, just let us know on irc that u are gonna attack in the middle of the night so we can set our alarmclocks.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Next time Alb's if u want a fight, just let us know on irc that u are gonna attack in the middle of the night so we can set our alarmclocks.
It wasnt a AC raid......
Is it that hard to understand you have to post every 2 seconds


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Glottis said:
The raid was being led by Tappi, and he did an ok job, but no where near perfect.

He did a great job, please don't start whining about him here, a few of your members did enough whining in the cg last night.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Dathcald said:
To be honest, there were quite a few albs who didnt understand this for the time when mid took str relics back immediately after loosing them in old fronters the last time. Midgard jsut went to alb frontier from evening to late night and the kids got upset calling it alarmclock raid... same old thing.

was under the impression there was a 6 hour gap from the (rather lame and cheezy) guard engage raid that albs did and the midgard "retake"? could be wrong though.

Wasn't overly miffed about that one anyway as the first raid in that pair was pretty cheesy anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
WTG Albion:)

To all mid "whiners" (I'm a mid myself btw), AND the soon to come alb/hib/mid whiners after some realm alarmclock(AC) raids:)

A month or two before NF I ran a rerun thread on the ancient wether or not AC-raiding is "fair". To quickly sum up the conclusion, like 98% agreed on the 24/7 approch. Deal with it:)

With NF dynamics it is just about impossible to do a true "one night primetime RR". Wether or not keeps or Relics are captured inside or outside the vague term of primetime is not even a topic.

IS it more impressive if you manage to run the relic back at 20.00? I would say so, but so what? Sure Arda deserves a few style points for getting a relic primetime (/salute), but this time around Albs deserves credit for getting the job done.

Compare it to getting killed by a PL scout vs one levelled the hard way. The way HE got there simply is not important in retrospect... You can ofc choose to /respect the hardway-dude the more for some reason or the other, but you are still dead.

The ONE real reson to whine about AC-raids in OF was that there were so few proper "epic" keepfights. With NF my 2 coppers says there is enough to be found even wo Relics beeing at stake:)

So /update your whines plz.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Cracked said:
Next time Alb's if u want a fight, just let us know on irc that u are gonna attack in the middle of the night so we can set our alarmclocks.

how about we knock down all your keeps and raise some flames on the /rw map for 6 hours or is that not enough notice?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 24, 2004
Chronictank said:
It wasnt a AC raid......
Is it that hard to understand you have to post every 2 seconds

I whine because i wasnt able to attend becuse of the time :( One of the funniest things in this game is to do a RR raid or defend from one, but when it happens in an off hour that i have no possibility to attend i get kinda cranky. That to me is a AC raid. The AC raid Mid did was a long time ago, and still it was on a weekend, ppl could actually go up early and play, this morning i didnt even have that option.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
how about we knock down all your keeps and raise some flames on the /rw map for 6 hours or is that not enough notice?



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 2, 2004
Brackens IQ

Originally posted by xajorkith
I like you're posts Bracken, you some up Albs nicely, stupid and hypocritical!

I know Bracken in rl, he is not that stupid :)

Just a bored mid stirring the pot to see what bubbles up next :)


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
was under the impression there was a 6 hour gap from the (rather lame and cheezy) guard engage raid that albs did and the midgard "retake"? could be wrong though.

Wasn't overly miffed about that one anyway as the first raid in that pair was pretty cheesy anyway.

:) nah mids went strait for it, but it took time to get em, taking down keeps ye there was a gap if you wish but the fighting never stopped so to speak..again like tonight it was an "on-going" event and tho's are fine imo,


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
wow wow wow grats doodes :D

and grats to GOA for improving the servers to allow all this action. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Glottis said:
And even when we did take the relic, the "zerg" was small, maybe 5fga.
Regards, Glottis

Thats the biggest fucking 5fg I have ever seen, thats for sure.

And really, what is the difference in AC and this raid? Had it been weekend, ok, but on a Wednesday? People simply cant stay up to defend all night, not even knowing IF they will have to defend. They have jobs etc. So not being awake, or not being able to be awake...whats the difference?

I dont care that we lost relics, or how, I just wanna point out that there is no difference in sleeping because you didnt wake up yet, or sleeping because you have to get up early.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Ooookaaay. Hello, Middie here. Firstly a quick message to all those who are insisting on whining about our recent loss being an "alarm clock" raid.


Ahem, thankyou.

Were you there? Or are you just looking at the times? I was on from 21:00 GMT right through to 02:30 GMT. Mids were getting a pounding all through that. There were people trying to call to arms before midnight GMT from memory. Before the relic itself was under threat, but is was obvious we were in some serious trouble.

What do you expect the Albs to do? After the first wave through the milegate were defeated and it was gone 23:00 ... check watches and go "oh well, better put the kettle on for a hot drink and tuck myself in for some serious sheep counting". Or instead, keep on running on that good 'ole adrenalin, realise they've still really got the upper hand and keep on hitting! What would you do?

Mucho gratz to Albs for seeing it through.

Mucho commisserations to Mids. Lets learn something from this and try not to have a BG with (as previously mentioned) 40 solo and about 20 groups all with 3-4 people in!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 10, 2004

Zeratuhl said:
pff, still STR relics wont help ur poor little cabby. ill still nuke u to to alb heaven :puke: and stop tryin to post such leet msges of how much mids whine.

whoot !!! albs have no heaven :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
I went to bed because of work at 11:15pm as I really needed to sleep and, to my shame, honestly felt that the relic raid would go nowhere.

However, we had Bled by 10:00pm and the cg leaders had already announced their intent, albeit jokingly, to go on to get the strength relic. That was the eventual outcome of a keep raid that began in prime time.

And I missed it!

What would the mids like. That we formally post here on FH at 6pm that we're going for some of their keeps and we may intend to go on to get their relic?

Or do we credit the mid players with some intelligence and have them assume that this is something that we might do should the opportunity present itself?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Cant say Im a fan of taking relics that late at night, but thats the way things will probably have to be in NF. The last few Alb RRs (engage raids) were over within an hour of pulling first guard (35mins or so from pull to having relic sat in ATK Odins), now its going to be a good few hours regardless of time of day.

This way has to be better than the 6am login raids: at least defenders have a chance and plenty of warning.

Wonder how long it'll be until someone tries a early morning login raid. Probably not long: we all know how Mid stealthers/melees get 'depressed' if they have to live without their precious relics for too long :p

Fragoverrule said:
[03:50:03] [02:50:03]
Those times are CET ;) They come from the XML files which are generated every 20-30 minutes, so are typically a little behind the times things actually happen.

Nothing about that shows that the times posted by other folks (around 1:30GMT/2:30GMT) are incorrect.

Divinia said:
why do you have a new scout glottis?
He tried to quit and made the mistake of getting rid of the old account :(


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
the point is now, when will mids do an Alarm Clock Raid 2 get all relics back?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Evull said:
I could say something like Grats to Albion for having even more unemployed mfers than Midgard, but i won't :)
Hey now! I work! im empoyed!
But cant let IRL issues come in between for the game?!
hmmm I think =P

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