Gratz Albs on Relic Raid!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Octo said:
Sendrak; Nightraid - alarmclockraid, by earlier definition the same thing. It doesnt matter if you disagree with the earlier definition because very large amount of ppl have agreed on the earlier definition. Ofc, Mids where fighting against getting the alarmclock-staple on the raid, just like you fight for not getting alarmclock-staple on your current raid, but the general Albion population (aka "albs") and even a few Hibs "decided" it was an alarmclockraid.
I see that you are new to the game.. if u mean that Albion never had 400+ zergs and have never been part of such a zerg u cant have been active in RvR for long.
The reason Albion didnt have all relics pre NF where mostly due to the servers crashing/melting if the defending realm could mass a 100+ zerg or place a "few" shrooms in the same zone :) .

So, by that you still consider our RR an "alarm clock raid". What utter crap. How the hell can a night-time raid and alarmclock raid be the same? You cannot cling onto what a RR once was. It s has changed dramatically since NF. No more ninja/engage tactics anymore. Long drawn out sieges are the new thing. They start early and end late. That is the new thing. If people log for bed..tough. The option is there to stay and play. You cannot say that people didnt get a chance to take part in th RR, from all realms..because they did. I cannot understand why the term alarm clock raid even needs to be said about this raid. It is nothing like it. Redbull raid...possibly, as the stamina needed to keep going for as long as we did would need help. I think that the pure adrenalin because we had the end in sight kept a lot of us going.

I have been in the game for 2.5 years...and i can never remember a 500 man zerg from the Albs. Maybe it was when i was off and not playing, possibly. But, i don't think the servers would have suported such figures. Not when you take into consideration enemy numbers too.

Anyway, why cant we just let it go now. To summerise

A) was not an Alarm clock raid by any definition
b)..NF brings on new sieges, challenges and tactics, long drawn out ones.
c)..Alb/Hib/Mid will all play and relics WILL change hands once we get to grips with it.
d)..we all have fun and play the game for fun. Cos, at the end of the day..when i log off i dont care if we live, die, have relics, dont have relics. I go back to real life, play with the kids, cuddle up with the wife. For me, that is better than winning any relic.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
I think its a pretty stupid definition of alarmclockraid, but its your own realm that gave that damn definition, including some of your leaders, when we did a raid of same kind against Albion. Go discuss with your old realmm8s.
When I logged on the day after we lost relics and asked how we lost relics I got told "alarmclockraid" and had that impression until I read forums. So the old definition lives on.
Ill just /bow the stupidity of humanity, stop visiting these forums and go play solitaire.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Octo said:
I think its a pretty stupid definition of alarmclockraid, but its your own realm that gave that damn definition

i wasn't there, hardly play anymore (loving eq2 atm)

but the definition was definately made by albs , ie .. Alarmclock raid = getting mains/bb's to designated point in an enemy frontier , then logging of , then all being waken up by there alarmclocks at about 7 - 9 AM, when hardly any enemy defenders could defend.

not to be confussed with the Log in method , ie , all logging on mains at designated point at a more respectable time then at some ungodly hour when most ppl are asleep .

my favourite raid was by the mids, the famous "World Cup Raid" , when most albs were watching footie.

P.S. ... to my alb realm mate's, don't be surprised to log in on Boxing Day, and find u have been Santa Clause'd raided :)

anyway , back to eq2 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Octo said:
I think its a pretty stupid definition of alarmclockraid, but its your own realm that gave that damn definition, including some of your leaders, when we did a raid of same kind against Albion. Go discuss with your old realmm8s.

Octo I don't think you're grasping the point that we DON'T have to accept or discuss a definition made by other members of our realm or any alledged "leaders."

Not our fault if you don't get this. But we're being far from stupid.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Heath said:
I think that when you look at NF and OF, the difference is amazing. The planning that needs to be done, Yes Calo...planning. 3 keeps (and possibly towers) need to be taken, and defended enough to keep the relic gates open, the main force needs to push to the relic, get through the mid/hib defence. Then, needs to stay at the relic keep long enough for the pillars to come down. Get the relics and get home safe.

If you think that sheer numbers alone will do that...look again. A massive army will bring with it massive egos, everybody will want to be a leader.

So your saying that ego's are the only barrier to an overpopulated realm taking the relics? We have ego problems too, as I am sure do the hibbies, so I guess that means you are in agreement with me ;)

Btw you don't have to take my word for it, you only have to look at the US servers where the overpopulated realm (in most cases Albs) ended up with the vast majority of the relics.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Now eventually this thead has proven one thing,
that albs are really sad, i mean they just keep on crying about something that happened 1 year ago. U albs have no idea how much we laugh with u, really... u think we fucking care if u tell us we suck? seriously u think there's 1mid who actually believes anything u say? I just have to put 1 post on this forum to let 50% of the albs get angry and hate the game!

this forum is really great entertainment :wub:


Dec 26, 2003
Calo said:
U albs have no idea how much we laugh with u, really... u think we fucking care if u tell us we suck?

after every retake attempt mids do on nott/bled i have the same feeling


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Calo said:
Now eventually this thead has proven one thing,
that albs are really sad, i mean they just keep on crying about something that happened 1 year ago. U albs have no idea how much we laugh with u, really... u think we fucking care if u tell us we suck? seriously u think there's 1mid who actually believes anything u say? I just have to put 1 post on this forum to let 50% of the albs get angry and hate the game!

this forum is really great entertainment :wub:

And you reckon theres a single Alb player that gives a flying one about how much you whine, how many excuses you find or how much QQing goes on?

I like the new mid frontier - so much better than th old emain. I think we'll stay - so get used to playing defence.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Heath said:
b)..NF brings on new sieges, challenges and tactics, long drawn out ones.

New sieges, but the challanges in the game have lessened.. only anti zerg nowadays, while in OF u could pick between zerging, FG v FG or cruising in DF. The only tactic Ive seen Albion use so far on this server is the well known "bring alot more ppl and siegeweapons then your opponent have"-tactic.

Heath said:
c)..Alb/Hib/Mid will all play and relics WILL change hands once we get to grips with it.

No. Think Albs will get them and keep them.
Even Mythic says Alb classes make too powerful zergs compared to Mid/Hib ones.. not good when u combine it with Albion having more ppl online and in the field 24/7.

/exit DAoC
/enter WoW


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Leel said:
Funny how much albs whine in their own relic raid thread.

shh dont say! let ppl like smilewhen*** do their thing, its really funny :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Overpowered said:
Even Mythic says Alb classes make too powerful zergs compared to Mid/Hib ones..

Citation please! Or have you just made that one up?

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