Gratz Albs on Relic Raid!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 20, 2004
For those saying it was non-primetime raid and "alarm clock raid". If mids had given up sooner we would have ended it sooner. So blame yourself for defending relic too long .) I got online 18.00 gmt. Started sieging bled around 19.00 gmt with fg while mid zerg was busy at hlidfaste and Ase did helluva job controlling the cg. I took over after ase logged and we got Bledmeer.

You better believe I wont log if I start something so it was a battle of wits and gutts and many albs logged due to work, but the most stayed with us to the end. And we had the change to finish it sooner, but due to 50 albs doing nottmoore distraction we had too few force in relic gate at first try (tbh I didnt have a clue how strong those relic guards were). So I was there from 19.00 gmt to 03.00 gmt leading /cg, Ase coordinated /cg before that and made helluva job giving us the opportunity. 03.00 gmt we got the last relic to the shrine with some Boat difficulties ^^. It was Very LONG, FRUSTRATING, nervekilling and finally rewarding fight :) And you mids better believe we knew what we want from the start. Just didnt want you to defend so good :p

Big grz for mids pushing us back from the relic keep first. Big grz for Hibs keeping mids busy and big minus for hibs taking out so many albs :C . Big grz for albs finishing their job. And By all means Mids can try to take it back, but Even if you get it we will come again ;) Maybe next time it can be finished earlier. I dont like the idea of alarmclock raid, but as its 24/7 game its all part of it. And if some ppl have the time for that. So be it.

GRZ and /HUG to everyone!!!
Tappi the friar 50


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thanks to both Hibs and Albs to taking str relic(s) hopefully we will now go to power ones instead (hint hint)

Give more credit to hibs tho,you would have not succeeded withouth them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Cracked said:
Take the relics without defenders early in the morning, or take the relics without defenders in the middle of the night/really early hours in the morning, whats the diffrence?

10 lv50 albs vs 200 mids online at 6am with 10 minutes notice to get to relic keep compared to 9 hours of rvr in your frontiers with your keeps/towers engulfed in flames or painted a nice shade of red/green.........and you wonder why everyone is laughing at you cracked :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Herjulf said:
nightime relic raid etc, feel open to the same.

I doubt we'll leave our keeps in your hands for as long as you did. There was basically no attempt at all to retake Bled - instead, it seemed like you prefered to battle around Notts. Even when we took Hlid for the first time and opened the relic gates, which happened about 10.30ish GMT, the forces you had around Notts didn't move to retake Bled - and the group that you used to retake Hlid didn't defend it. I guess that like lots of us, you weren't aware which keeps opened the relic doors.


Aug 19, 2004
Esran said:
Ooookaaay. Hello, Middie here. Firstly a quick message to all those who are insisting on whining about our recent loss being an "alarm clock" raid.


Ahem, thankyou.

Were you there? Or are you just looking at the times? I was on from 21:00 GMT right through to 02:30 GMT. Mids were getting a pounding all through that. There were people trying to call to arms before midnight GMT from memory. Before the relic itself was under threat, but is was obvious we were in some serious trouble.

What do you expect the Albs to do? After the first wave through the milegate were defeated and it was gone 23:00 ... check watches and go "oh well, better put the kettle on for a hot drink and tuck myself in for some serious sheep counting". Or instead, keep on running on that good 'ole adrenalin, realise they've still really got the upper hand and keep on hitting! What would you do?

Mucho gratz to Albs for seeing it through.

Mucho commisserations to Mids. Lets learn something from this and try not to have a BG with (as previously mentioned) 40 solo and about 20 groups all with 3-4 people in!

Your post would have had much more leverage had you not put in a "Ahem" .

I was like, shit this guy is da bad mtherfocker!! STFU!!11 and then..."Ahem, thank you"


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 20, 2004
1 more thing. If all mids would have stayed and defended Hlidfaste we wouldnt have relic. But then again Hibs could have power relic. It was really tough day for mids. Cheer up and meet you at our relic guardians whenever u feel like it :) they are excpecting you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Big thanks to tappi!

Especially against overwhelming odds - not so much the mids but it seems every Alb wants to lead!

Note for future keep takes/raids. We need 1 leader OK? We don't need half a dozen donkeys yelling out different instructions. Tappi has done a grand job over the past week.

Bet Ardamels really p****d now tho :)))


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
noaim said:
At 6am a saturday most people are asleep. At 3am (or 2am for the "its a uk server so gmt pls" people) a wednesday most people have to be asleep, due to work etc. So what is the difference between sleeping and having to sleep, can you please explain it to me? Ofc it wasnt an AC raid, no clocks were set, but it was still not very different from one.

Ok. Alarm clock raid. Pre-organised. Timed to kick off without any notice at a time when there will be few defenders. Defenders have no chance as they're not even logged in.

Whilst last night's raid finished off well past normal sleepy time it started much earlier. So defenders had the choice to stay on and keep defending.

Which a lot of us did.

Now, if the Alb raid got bolstered by people who'd had some sleep earlier and set their clocks for midnight that would be an alarm clock raid. But as it was they had a strong force from the start and kept going longer than the mids.

I stayed up long after I should have gone to sleep. I was having fun and I wanted to try and help defend my realm. I'd have done the same were I on the offensive. I would not have thought "ooh, midnight. are there less albs around? are they logging for sleep? oh well, i guess i should stop having fun now, curtail this incomplete but still ongoing raid, and go to bed then."

Another name for my list of people to quote when I suggest we abort any relic raid that isn't done and dusted by midnight.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Calo said:
heh grats!

*off to wow anyway*

btw arent all the ppl with a job sleeping @ 3am ?

Most common question in the CG towards the end of the raid was "what excuse can I give my boss for going in late????" :)

Thank god I'm self-employed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Grimmen said:
I still cant believe how we repelled that first attack on relic keep and my grp was with the force that took back Hlid. Was some pretty exciting stuff last night. :)

Absolutely, even if we hadn't have got the relics I'd have had a blast. You should have heard the swearing in the CG when we got to the relic gates and, just as a few groups got through, Hlids was retaken and they closed - leaving us standing outside getting slaughtered.

Shame you couldn't defend Hlid though - we had a LOT of people log at that point, and I think if we'd have met much resistance at Hlid most would have gone to bed. Anyway, glad you enjoyed it as much as we did :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Esran said:
Ok. Alarm clock raid. Pre-organised. Timed to kick off without any notice at a time when there will be few defenders. Defenders have no chance as they're not even logged in.

People that went to bed cause they have work were not logged on either.

Esran said:
Whilst last night's raid finished off well past normal sleepy time it started much earlier. So defenders had the choice to stay on and keep defending.

Which a lot of us did.

Yes, noone is forcing people to sleep at 6am a saturday either, the have the choice to play whenever they want, but most people chose to sleep anyways, just as most people chose to sleep at 3am a wednesday.

Esran said:
Now, if the Alb raid got bolstered by people who'd had some sleep earlier and set their clocks for midnight that would be an alarm clock raid. But as it was they had a strong force from the start and kept going longer than the mids.

And as I said, it was no alarmclockraid.

Esran said:
I stayed up long after I should have gone to sleep. I was having fun and I wanted to try and help defend my realm. I'd have done the same were I on the offensive. I would not have thought "ooh, midnight. are there less albs around? are they logging for sleep? oh well, i guess i should stop having fun now, curtail this incomplete but still ongoing raid, and go to bed then."

For most people, work is more important than defending the realm, but I suppose you are an exception then.

Esran said:
Another name for my list of people to quote when I suggest we abort any relic raid that isn't done and dusted by midnight.

Why would you suggest that, after stating that its fine to do it?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Xajorkith said:
With the largest population, with the Hibs helping Alb why couldn't Alb actually do a proper raid like Armadals previous one?

FFS I thought NF would mean Albs would actually do reasonable raids, I guess not, typical lame Albs.

We started the raid at 8ish, took three keeps in total, opened the relic gates not once but twice, and carried on fighting even after we'd been beaten back from the relics once. The second battle at the relic gates alone felt like it took 20 minutes (and Yaruar, please stop hitting me with seige weapons!).

Had the number of well-known Mids who are whining now actually turned up to defend earlier, or to lead keep retakes, you'd still have the relics.


Jan 22, 2004
gratz albs

mids own fault that defence was to late.
ruathian had a good defense bg at the first place. but only with mostly lfom alliance result: we kicked albs out of hlids with 100ish ppl vs 150albs + 60hibs on our back. short after that we lost bled, but we had only one average force running.

when other alliances called cta it was allready to late.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Framfall said:
Your post would have had much more leverage had you not put in a "Ahem" .

I was like, shit this guy is da bad mtherfocker!! STFU!!11 and then..."Ahem, thank you"

I'm a pretty easy going person and don't usually rag on like that, hence the "Ahem". I'm just disappointed that there is so much criticism of what, from where I was sat, was some really good and umtimately successful raiding.

:clap: Albs

TappiTheFriar said:
1 more thing. If all mids would have stayed and defended Hlidfaste we wouldnt have relic. But then again Hibs could have power relic. It was really tough day for mids. Cheer up and meet you at our relic guardians whenever u feel like it :) they are excpecting you.

Guess this is a feature of NF. Previously if albs were raiding mids then hibs would have just wondered why Emain was so quiet. Now they can see what is happening and have a pop at the other relic at the same time. Ouch :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bracken said:
Define a reasonable raid? Taking your keeps through the evening to open the relic gate by 11pm isn't reasonable? Accept that Mids failed to defend properly (I'm sorry but spending the night sat in relic keep then whining on NF doesn't constitute proper defence), learn the lesson and try to get them back. If you spend the evening taking keeps, open the relic gate in primetime and proceed to snatch the relics I'll have no complaints.

If there's one lesson from last night for all realms, it's that the old tactic of packing the relic keep once your know a raid is on no longer works. You HAVE to retake the key keeps, or you will lose the relics.

Bracken said:
Sadly we all know you won't do anything of the sort. You will set your alarmclocks for 6am, take 3 Alb keeps before 8am, snatch the relics and come up with some anal justification. 3 years into the game and we all know the mid mentality.

I thought 8am = primetime in CET ;)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Cracked said:
There will have to be frontier action before, u need a few keeps before u can even take the relics nowadays.

aye I'm meaning keep takes starting at 4am or whatever :)

no alarm clocks were used - there were defenders at all the keeps being attacked and at the relic.

Sure it ended late and more so for the predominantly CET people in midgard (but you lot get to start before we get back from work in return :p) but calling it an alarm clock raid is way off the mark. If someone starts attacking you at 2am whilst you're safely tucked up in bed you don't know anything about it to do anything about it. If they've been battering on your keeps for the previous 6 hours you've had a chance to fight back and push them out.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Esran said:
Guess this is a feature of NF. Previously if albs were raiding mids then hibs would have just wondered why Emain was so quiet. Now they can see what is happening and have a pop at the other relic at the same time. Ouch :(
Not really

Check the list of which keeps are required to open the relic shrines. Between the power & str relics only 1 keep is shared (the old merchant keeps: DC/Bled/Beno).

Trying to have a go at the 'other' relic while a RR is in progress would typically require taking another 2 keeps first, which should slow things down enough to give you at least a chance at defending both.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Grats Tappi. Good job well done.

I Can hear the Mid Alarm clocks being wound up now,


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I have noticed that the trend seems to be calling it an alarm clock raid, simply because it finished late. Noaim seems to be quoting 3am a lot of times, Cracked is just living up to his name. Luckily i work nights, and last night was my night off. So, staying up late is not a problem for me. I was on the raid last night, and was one of the first people back at hild to retake it after we lost it and the relic gates shut.

I can honestly say, with my hand on my was deserted, I got the first hit on the tower door, as there was about 6 people there with me at that time. No resistance at all. We took 2 towers..and started on the keep..i perfected my battleram making skills and we took down the first door...still no inc mids. We got the 2nd door inc mids. we even stayed there to take another tower after we took Hild...still no inc mids. And all of this was before midnight. So, if some of you have not got the possibilty of staying up late to get the job done, don't whine about the people who can.

Or, are you these type of people who get given a job to do, but at your normal knock off matter what at what stage you are??...I stay to get the job done..if it runs what. At least i can go home and sleep satisfied. Pretty much like last night..after logging out in Excali, with the relics home safe and sound..i did log out for sleep.

To the mids who are whining, we know what is don't bother, and also, you can see why you lost them if your attitude is "well, we didn't want them anyway..we want Power Relics"...if you need the bonus that deserve to lose.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
UKM_Thorgrim said:
Grats Tappi. Good job well done.

I Can hear the Mid Alarm clocks being wound up now,

Yes you can hear them now cause your own just went quiet.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
Just for the record, when mids were taking hlid back (dunno when precisely, but definitely before 10 pm CET), we took bled to 50%-ish with only 1fg ...
And when u got hlid back after milegates opened first time, u didnt defend it and didnt claim ...
Hibs were a pain ... for mids and for albs ... they like messing things up :flame:

Big gratz to albs who were around and especially to the SPT :p ...



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Cerberos said:
Yes you can hear them now cause your own just went quiet.

Ok, think that people went to bed and their alarm clocks went off at midnight to log on and take the relic??....OOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooookay...wake up muppet.

After a DAY of had all the chances in the world to repel alarm clocks were used. Get used to it. It was a long, hard fought battle..but in the end we had more stamina to stay awake. With the end that close in sight no many of us...even the ones who had to work, were gonna log and screw up what we had been fighting for for about 6-7 hours before hand.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Heath said:
I have noticed that the trend seems to be calling it an alarm clock raid, simply because it finished late. Noaim seems to be quoting 3am a lot of times, Cracked is just living up to his name. Luckily i work nights, and last night was my night off. So, staying up late is not a problem for me. I was on the raid last night, and was one of the first people back at hild to retake it after we lost it and the relic gates shut.

I can honestly say, with my hand on my was deserted, I got the first hit on the tower door, as there was about 6 people there with me at that time. No resistance at all. We took 2 towers..and started on the keep..i perfected my battleram making skills and we took down the first door...still no inc mids. We got the 2nd door inc mids. we even stayed there to take another tower after we took Hild...still no inc mids. And all of this was before midnight. So, if some of you have not got the possibilty of staying up late to get the job done, don't whine about the people who can.

Or, are you these type of people who get given a job to do, but at your normal knock off matter what at what stage you are??...I stay to get the job done..if it runs what. At least i can go home and sleep satisfied. Pretty much like last night..after logging out in Excali, with the relics home safe and sound..i did log out for sleep.

To the mids who are whining, we know what is don't bother, and also, you can see why you lost them if your attitude is "well, we didn't want them anyway..we want Power Relics"...if you need the bonus that deserve to lose.

yea its like everybody from midgard supports alarmclockraids!!

Hi im heath and i know shit from midgard but im gonna claim that all of midgard are lame and want to do alarmclock raids(yet again i dont know shit about that either but thats because im just dumb and say thing before anything is done, perhaps to look cool to my imaginary friend)

Now go camp ur precious relics cause i know thats all what matters for u.

Grats for the rest of albion, was a nice raid, i wasn't logged on anyway cause NF is just boring like hell.
After more then a year, albion finally has some relics :clap: deserved


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Esran said:
Ooookaaay. Hello, Middie here. Firstly a quick message to all those who are insisting on whining about our recent loss being an "alarm clock" raid.


Ahem, thankyou.

Were you there? Or are you just looking at the times? I was on from 21:00 GMT right through to 02:30 GMT. Mids were getting a pounding all through that. There were people trying to call to arms before midnight GMT from memory. Before the relic itself was under threat, but is was obvious we were in some serious trouble.

What do you expect the Albs to do? After the first wave through the milegate were defeated and it was gone 23:00 ... check watches and go "oh well, better put the kettle on for a hot drink and tuck myself in for some serious sheep counting". Or instead, keep on running on that good 'ole adrenalin, realise they've still really got the upper hand and keep on hitting! What would you do?

Mucho gratz to Albs for seeing it through.

Mucho commisserations to Mids. Lets learn something from this and try not to have a BG with (as previously mentioned) 40 solo and about 20 groups all with 3-4 people in!



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Cerberos said:
Yes you can hear them now cause your own just went quiet.

You don't read so good do you?

Was 6 hours of keep attacks not enough of a hint? What do you want - 4 weeks notice and a parade outside your window?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Calo said:
Hi im heath and i know shit from midgard but im gonna claim that all of midgard are lame and want to do alarmclock raids(yet again i dont know shit about that either but thats because im just dumb and say thing before anything is done, perhaps to look cool to my imaginary friend)

I played mid/excal, i know for a fact most mids don't mind alarm clock raiding albs, hell i even remember the night before the alarm clock raid i saw in /gu someone quote ardamel's reason for the alarm clock raid was "to bring some morale back to middy".

7:30am gmt next morning excal was under attack, i think NP and a few others has took 1 or 2 keeps from around 5:30am, this is on a sunday morning btw.

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