Gratz Albs on Relic Raid!


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sendraks said:
Really? Going after a relic, starting with action when the enemy realm is fully aware that you are attacking their keeps, is low?

Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer a RR to take place during the day on a Saturday or Sunday when I can participate in it to the fullest, but there was nothing "low" about last nights efforts. If they'd started to RR at 10pm or 11pm, I'd agree with you, but they didn't. The action was under way well before that.

I have greatly enjoyed the RRs of yours I have attended in the past Herbal, but your comment here is well out of line and does a great disservice to those people who stuck with the action to the end.

As I said earlier, its to my shame that I was not one of them, but sleep and work beckoned.

Don't see how it flies in the face of what has been said. Albs got the gates open. Once they realised they could get the gates open in the first place, it clearly seemed logical to go for a second try.
Aye lets win not by tactics and planning but by staying awake longer GO ALBION!!!!!111


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
All this arguing about "alarm clock raids" is silly.
Pre-dawn raids have been a tactic employed in all conflicts since the dawn of time, and this is no different.

It's War! All's fair.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Whether you think the acquisition of the Str relic is of use or not, its an achievement worthy of praise.

I find it rather demoralising, as I suspect others who were involved last night, that known individuals from our realm would rather do what has been achieved down, than show some solidarity and celebrate it.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Herbal said:
Aye lets win not by tactics and planning but by staying awake longer GO ALBION!!!!!111

I believe the Mids were putting up a defence to the end and from what I saw in the BG, clearly tactics and thought went into what happened.

You might not like it, but thats the way it was.


Dec 26, 2003
relic gate was open before 24. mids retook hild. which made it close again. gotta be a retard to go to sleep with 100 albs in cg and only a green keep to go


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
RS|Phil said:
All this arguing about "alarm clock raids" is silly.
Pre-dawn raids have been a tactic employed in all conflicts since the dawn of time, and this is no different.

It's War! All's fair.
It's a computer game not war, comparing it to war is retarded.
Relic raids arnt about the pixles to me i couldnt give a crap about the relic bonus thats just extras. The whole point about a rr and the game in whole for me is both sides having fun.

Having to get only 3 hours sleep before work is not fun. Waking up at 8 am to go to work to find the enemy has taken your relics you spent alot of time and effort getting at primetime is not fun. By alarm raiding those sad enough to do it are ruining the fun of those people who choose not to stay up till 3am or get up at 6 am or simply can't due to work...........

I'd much rather take relics when the majority of both realms involved can join in ad have some fun, taking relics when the other realm can bring similar numbers to defend is fun. Its a challenge unlike waiting until the otherside goes to sleep so you vastly out number the enemy realm. That doesnt take planning,balls or skill any random gimp can get a relic when you outnumber the enemy 3:1. I myself prefer the challenge route.

Don't know or care if many will agree with me on this it's how i play/used to play, just thank god i'm inactive atm because the albion i played in used to have pride and balls unlike the current state of the realm



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Herbal said:
Aye lets win not by tactics and planning but by staying awake longer GO ALBION!!!!!111

Summon 400 albs, strong tactics mr albion.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Marc said:
I bet the mids crying here are the ones that said it was ok to take the relics at 7am (the last time they took them) because they started taking keeps during "primetime" the previous day

Shut your mouths you maggots

And the same albs that whined about those raids, are here thinking this raid was ok. I think those maggots should shut their mouths too?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Herbal, its the nature of the NF and DAOC now...

If you have lost a keep, and don't try to reclaim it before you go to bed, you leave your self exposed, so the route to your relics are open. the RR started the minute Midds lost their first keep. Thats what the keeps are all about.

So the morale is "Don't lose your keeps"

If your were to put yourself in the Raiders boots, start raiding at 6 pm, take a keep, have lots of fun, take another keep, its 10-11 pm, take a 3rd keep, then go to bed, and ignore the open relics. I don't think so..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Herbal said:
By alarm raiding those sad enough to do it are ruining the fun of those people who choose not to stay up till 3am or get up at 6 am or simply can't due to work...........

I think we've concluded that this was not an alarm raid and that we've also concluded that alarm raids are not fun.

Herbal said:
I'd much rather take relics when the majority of both realms involved can join in ad have some fun, taking relics when the other realm can bring similar numbers to defend is fun.

So do I. I'm sure a lot of people in Albion do. I couldn't see the raid all the way through to the end and indeed, I probably couldn't have if it started at 4pm instead of 6pm. But that doesn't detract from the fact that I think the people involved did a good job, were not underhand about it and deserve a measure of respect, rather than being done down by people from their own realm.

Herbal said:
Its a challenge unlike waiting until the otherside goes to sleep so you vastly out number the enemy realm.

Which isn't what happened last night. People were fighting the enemy for control of keeps and just kept going. No one "waited" for the enemy to go to bed before moving on the Middy keeps, things had been well underway for some 5 hours.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Please drop the alarm raid debate already,they were on keeps early evening so they sure as heck didin't wake up at 1am


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Aussie said:
relic gate was open before 24. mids retook hild. which made it close again. gotta be a retard to go to sleep with 100 albs in cg and only a green keep to go


mids act like: oke guys have to sleep to get early up for work, see ya tomorrow!
albs acts like : i dunno how they act but they didnt went sleeping all for their own reasons ofc but its plain normal that ppl go sleep for work etc..

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aussie said:
relic gate was open before 24. mids retook hild. which made it close again. gotta be a retard to go to sleep with 100 albs in cg and only a green keep to go

So I'm a retard because I needed some sleep before work the next day? ... I wonder who the retard is in this situation.... :eek2:


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Herbal said:
Never called myself any of the above names so fuck knows how you came up with that one.

2 am is lame no matter what realm your from always has been always will.

And as for strength relics lol useless fking things power>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> str

You can't hold all 6 for any decent length of time and you just let midgard get what it wanted no str relics, so it can concentrate on power relics good going.

Perhaps if you wheren't such an inbred chav from st helens you'd understand that.........

Well come on then Mr Albion. Go spend your 6 months planning for how we can take pow relics and then when it fucks up you can go blame all the "noob" guilds. I wasnt there when albions took the strength relics, but from reading this forum it sounds like an oppurtunity arose and albion took it. Its ok for Mr Albion cos hes got his 6 months worth of planning to fall back on, but in the heat of things, the leaders are hardly gonna say

/bc WAIT! I need to go find Mr Albion and see if we are allowed to take the str relics without him throwing his fisher price toys out of his mothercare pram.

Rather than show, your overbearing jealousy that someone other than yourself (yes, i know Aussie has done too, but he wasnt in charge of 150+ people) managed to co-ordinate a successful relic raid, why not bite your tongue (would make a change from the pillow your biting) and congratulate him.

And as for 2am, Aussies engage Raids werent far off that time :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Hey Herbal Hibernia needs members so go there if you're "ashamed" to be an alb after last nights raid. :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Herbal said:
It's a computer game not war, comparing it to war is retarded.
Relic raids arnt about the pixles to me i couldnt give a crap about the relic bonus thats just extras. The whole point about a rr and the game in whole for me is both sides having fun.

Having to get only 3 hours sleep before work is not fun. Waking up at 8 am to go to work to find the enemy has taken your relics you spent alot of time and effort getting at primetime is not fun. By alarm raiding those sad enough to do it are ruining the fun of those people who choose not to stay up till 3am or get up at 6 am or simply can't due to work...........

I'd much rather take relics when the majority of both realms involved can join in ad have some fun, taking relics when the other realm can bring similar numbers to defend is fun. Its a challenge unlike waiting until the otherside goes to sleep so you vastly out number the enemy realm. That doesnt take planning,balls or skill any random gimp can get a relic when you outnumber the enemy 3:1. I myself prefer the challenge route.

Don't know or care if many will agree with me on this it's how i play/used to play, just thank god i'm inactive atm because the albion i played in used to have pride and balls unlike the current state of the realm


Actually thats well put:) Altho tbh i`ll be bloody glad when all relics are albside so we can get rid of 24/7 cta spam in alliance and having to keep going back and back and back........... think CTA has been up for 4 days solid now:p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Epervier said:

if u still had bled, the relic milegate wouldnt have been open ... and u wouldnt have defended the first attempt ...


sry - I was confusing Bled with Nott. What I meant was that I logged arround 01.00 CET and Bled + Hild + Blend was on enemy hands. Nott I belive was not taken yet, just the 2 towers. I rushed to relicwall - we beat the Albs there and I logged.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Marc said:
Well come on then Mr Albion. Go spend your 6 months planning for how we can take pow relics and then when it fucks up you can go blame all the "noob" guilds. I wasnt there when albions took the strength relics, but from reading this forum it sounds like an oppurtunity arose and albion took it. Its ok for Mr Albion cos hes got his 6 months worth of planning to fall back on, but in the heat of things, the leaders are hardly gonna say

/bc WAIT! I need to go find Mr Albion and see if we are allowed to take the str relics without him throwing his fisher price toys out of his mothercare pram.

Rather than show, your overbearing jealousy that someone other than yourself (yes, i know Aussie has done too, but he wasnt in charge of 150+ people) managed to co-ordinate a successful relic raid, why not bite your tongue (would make a change from the pillow your biting) and congratulate him.

And as for 2am, Aussies engage Raids werent far off that time :m00:


Comprehensively owned by "the chav" I think Herbal.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Marc said:
Well come on then Mr Albion. Go spend your 6 months planning for how we can take pow relics and then when it fucks up you can go blame all the "noob" guilds. I wasnt there when albions took the strength relics, but from reading this forum it sounds like an oppurtunity arose and albion took it. Its ok for Mr Albion cos hes got his 6 months worth of planning to fall back on, but in the heat of things, the leaders are hardly gonna say

/bc WAIT! I need to go find Mr Albion and see if we are allowed to take the str relics without him throwing his fisher price toys out of his mothercare pram.

Rather than show, your overbearing jealousy that someone other than yourself (yes, i know Aussie has done too, but he wasnt in charge of 150+ people) managed to co-ordinate a successful relic raid, why not bite your tongue (would make a change from the pillow your biting) and congratulate him.

And as for 2am, Aussies engage Raids werent far off that time :m00:

:clap: :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Runolas said:
sry - I was confusing Bled with Nott. What I meant was that I logged arround 01.00 CET and Bled + Hild + Blend was on enemy hands. Nott I belive was not taken yet, just the 2 towers. I rushed to relicwall - we beat the Albs there and I logged.

See...just there is the problem....we beat the Albs there and i logged.

Not you in particular though..the same thought that went through all the collective middie minds.

Even though the Albs went back to get a totally undefended, unclaimed and uncared for Hild. !!!. Did you log off thinking..hahaha, we are safe??. Or, ffs, i wanna stay cos we are gonna lose the relics but i gotta go to bed???.

Lots of Albs were saying they had to log, but when we got Hild taken again, with no effort whatsoever, and the doors opened again..what on earth are you thinking??...Did you really think that after getting that far we would just stop suddenly because peeps had to go to bed?. Be real, not everybody had to go to bed.

100% of Middies did not log..there were enough defending the relic keep, and to keep us on our toes all the way back.
100% of Hibbies did not log..there were enough to cause trouble to both mids and had trouble with them going for a keep..we had trouble with them ganking us and camping our ships.
100% of Albion did not log...there were enough to try, try and try again to retake Hild, get all the way back to the relic keep..stay there (and chase of defending middies again) and manage to get all the way back to Excali.

It was not an alarm clock raid, as nobody had to get up to the alarm and log in to take them. You cannot critcise us for it "running over time" is "over time" ..i did not know that at a certain time of night all RvR or RR should stop dead. It was a very long, hard drawn out battle...if you didnt want it to go on for so should have left us to take them without any aggro.
If you didnt keep going for us, we would have had them back and you could have all gone to bed at a decent time. You only have yourselves to blame. (o:

And, even though i have just logged still dont have Bledmeer and Nottmoor...or any of thier towers. That is from 24 hours ago. i honestly thought they would be back in your hands by now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Runolas said:
sry - I was confusing Bled with Nott. What I meant was that I logged arround 01.00 CET and Bled + Hild + Blend was on enemy hands. Nott I belive was not taken yet, just the 2 towers. I rushed to relicwall - we beat the Albs there and I logged.

Ahh, yeah, that's right. I'm not sure we took Nott until the relic was nearly taken - we had a few groups there keeping a lot of Mids tied down fighting until the gates opened for a second time.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Heath said:
See...just there is the problem....we beat the Albs there and i logged.

Not you in particular though..the same thought that went through all the collective middie minds.

Even though the Albs went back to get a totally undefended, unclaimed and uncared for Hild. !!!. Did you log off thinking..hahaha, we are safe??. Or, ffs, i wanna stay cos we are gonna lose the relics but i gotta go to bed???.

actually yes, it was more like, oke i gotta get some sleep cause i wanna work decent tomorrow as THAT is rl and daoc is just a game which i do for fun so it doesnt matter that much anyway.

u blame us for that?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Calo said:
actually yes, it was more like, oke i gotta get some sleep cause i wanna work decent tomorrow as THAT is rl and daoc is just a game which i do for fun so it doesnt matter that much anyway.

u blame us for that?

Strange: you weren't saying that when a group of your realm mates chose to get up at 5am in order to take completely undefended relics :)

(A cheap shot, I know, but I couldn't resist!)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Gordonax said:
Strange: you weren't saying that when a group of your realm mates chose to get up at 5am in order to take completely undefended relics :)

(A cheap shot, I know, but I couldn't resist!)

Wasnt that a weekend?


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Heath said:
And, even though i have just logged still dont have Bledmeer and Nottmoor...or any of thier towers. That is from 24 hours ago. i honestly thought they would be back in your hands by now.

well u must understand that its not that easy to take those keeps back because albs have a big zerg to, albs have alot more casters, also alot more high rr casters because they always been a caster realm while midgard is a tankrealm and all that matters in tower & keepstuff are casters... tanks are useless and mean most of the time nothing but free rp...


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Gordonax said:
Strange: you weren't saying that when a group of your realm mates chose to get up at 5am in order to take completely undefended relics :)

(A cheap shot, I know, but I couldn't resist!)

I was never on any of those ac raids so dont look at me, i was sleeping well :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
noaim said:
Wasnt that a weekend?

iirc, no. May be wrong though.

Mind you, 5am on a weekend is even worse - it's usually about an hour after I've got to sleep. And ain't NOTHING waking me up on a weekend :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Gordonax said:
iirc, no. May be wrong though.

Mind you, 5am on a weekend is even worse - it's usually about an hour after I've got to sleep. And ain't NOTHING waking me up on a weekend :)

Still, most people dont go to bed early because they have work ;)

But lets just face it, most people are hypocrits in one way or another when it comes to relicraids, and what they whine at/cheer at depending who does them, including me ofc. But one thing is for sure, an RR-thread always generate alot of discussion and whining on FH, but tbh, it beats the fucking grats- and quit-threads by far :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2004
In the end what counts is number and at one point albs had more peeps beating us down in midland than middies had lvl 50's online =(...

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