Gratz Albs on Relic Raid!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Smilewhenyousaythat said:
Okay middies.

Any excuses left?

Any at all?



Then gj Albs, nice raid and cu mids in hadrians soon.

Actually it was all down to the fact I had stubbed my toe earlier in the day. I was constantly having to take eyes of screen to rub it. This resulted in my uber Shammy healing powaz not being available at crucial moments to save my friends. Sorry chaps, I'll me more careful doing the housework next time.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Redbull Raid = a raid where lengthy keep attrition makes the amount of caffeine in the players bloodstreams the deciding factor.

Add vodka for the older ones among us :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Gordonax said:
Sorry, but that's not right. Bled was taken by us well before 10pm (I think it was about 9pm GMT) and never left our hands.

nono - we lost Bledmeer arround 23.30-24.00 CET. I started playing at rougly 21.00 last night. You had 2 towers there yes, but not the main keep.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Runolas said:
nono - we lost Bledmeer arround 23.30-24.00 CET. I started playing at rougly 21.00 last night. You had 2 towers there yes, but not the main keep.

bled was on my rw map as portable for most of the evening, no?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Votan said:
Add vodka for the older ones among us :D

would explain my healing abilities....

having the raid wipe because the only cleric is off being sick can be a pain though...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Runolas said:
nono - we lost Bledmeer arround 23.30-24.00 CET. I started playing at rougly 21.00 last night. You had 2 towers there yes, but not the main keep.

I logged just before 23:30 CET and we had just taken another Bled tower; the main keep had fallen 45 minutes earlier. I know because I was looking at my watch when the tower fell (not much else to do due to the incredi-lag i was experiencing at the time).


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
as i said before it wasnt a alarm clock raid, im just finding it entertaining how many alb kids pop out the woodwork to flame :)

gratz on the relic u deserve it since i have never seen a alb force persist for so long in OF, may not have been perfect but got there in the end

gona enjoy taking them back all the same :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Chronictank said:
gratz on the relic u deserve it since i have never seen a alb force persist for so long in OF, may not have been perfect but got there in the end

traditionally the server woulda gone "boom" about the time we charged bledmeer ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Fragoverrule said:
Voting for Heath being most retarded person on FH and excal.. no one cares what ur saying..

[NO]Magmatic agree to the str relics imo... u see more and more casters in rvr ..

Well, that would involve me taking that title off you. So, as you seem to be doing a damn good job of holding onto it..i wont bother trying.

If nobody cared,,,why did you come on just to nominate me ??.

I have posted about 2 or 3 times...none of them slagging of everyone in Mid...just the whiners. If you dont like it..ignore it. Don't start making out i am retarded on FH or Excal if you know nothing about me. What did you base this on??... The only one who is coming across as retarded at the moment is you. I have siad, or done nothing to insult you,,,but you insult me. Not big, and not clever. And, in your words
Fragoverrule said:
no one cares what ur saying..

Your other realm mates can live with the RR..why can't you ?

Vaas Harkonnen

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
gratz honoured enemies :p

Gratz albs, on to the six ;)

my alarmclock goes off at 4:15 when i need to go on my work :puke: with my bike in these colddarkwinterdays :(


Loyal Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
LOL which time zone do the mids actually live in? Mids time sync = gmt+xyz(generally whatever time mids feel like adding on)

I logged in last night around 10pm, bled was portable to at that time, jesus what do we have to do take screenies of every keep all along the way that we take and use a non PC based time synced web page to prove to you that this was the case.

Amazing, mids whining that 1-2am on a weeknight is alarm clocking, (nvm that the raid started well before and str relic milegate was open 11pm), but its all well and fine that you turn up to raid nottmoor off us at 4am on Saturday when it was the only keep we had outside our own frontier.

If your gonna alarm clock then dont come up with excuses for christ sake it makes it all the more worse, just say your gonna alarm clock cos you want the relics, and cant see yourselves taking them in primetime.... fair enough.... fair reason imo, but then when alb do the same back dont whine about it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Runolas said:
nono - we lost Bledmeer arround 23.30-24.00 CET. I started playing at rougly 21.00 last night. You had 2 towers there yes, but not the main keep.

No, you're definitely wrong there - I had to boat to Bled at the start, and the last towers had just been taken as I arrived, which is why I remember it - I was cursing having taken a boat :). I'm 99.9% sure that wasn't later than 9.30pm GMT. You might be confusing it with Nott, which fell later.

Is there any log of this anywhere? Nerf Goa and its lack of ream stats! :)

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gordonax said:
I'm 99.9% sure that wasn't later than 9.30pm GMT. You might be confusing it with Nott, which fell later.

Is there any log of this anywhere? Nerf Goa and its lack of ream stats! :)

Almost.. it fell 10pm GMT.. (23.00cet) I had to log after that.. you know work etc.. or maybe you don't :p


Dec 26, 2003
Runolas said:
I played to 01.00, we had just lost Hild, Bled was still ours and we had defended the first atempt on the relickeep.
if you live in Australia aye.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
yaruar said:
They may have opened at 10:45 but until most mids had logged to go to bed you couldn't actually take the relic ;)

lol - fair point, but the middies didn't have to go. Excuses can be used for going to work late, etc. Everyones done i in the past. ;)

Alternatively, you could be construed as saying you handed them to us ?

I doubt it tho, as was stated in previous posts, mids could have easily stopped a raid occuring by doing their 'thing' to the albs / keeps long before the doors opened.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Formash said:
lol - fair point, but the middies didn't have to go. Excuses can be used for going to work late, etc. Everyones done i in the past. ;)

its just a game.. real life (including work) really is more important.. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aussie said:
if you live in Australia aye.

And strange how "logged at 1:00 CET and Bled had just fell" became "Bled fell at 23.30-24.00 CET" later on ;)

Don't know about you, but wouldn't really call 23:30 "just" before 1am :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Urme the Legend said:
Almost.. it fell 10pm GMT.. (23.00cet) I had to log after that.. you know work etc.. or maybe you don't :p

Aye it fell 10pm GMT, hardly late by anyone's standards if you live in the GMT timezone.

Just because its 11pm for you means diddly squat to me. Look at it this way, I don't get home from work usually until around 6:00pm (7:00pm) GMT. That means anyone in the CET timezone who starts play at say 6pm CET, has got an hours head start on me.

So should I cut my evening short to give you an extra hour, or do you want to hold off playing until those of us who work in the GMT zone are ready to log on?

Of course not, thats silly.

Bled was down and portable by 10pm. Thats not late at night.
If it was 11pm GMT, I'd see your point.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Ill just say what the Albs said after our 17:00 - 04:00 CET raid that Albs called "alarmclockraid," but from the Mid point of view; "Albs are lame + other random whine."


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
noaim said:
And really, what is the difference in AC and this raid? Had it been weekend, ok, but on a Wednesday? People simply cant stay up to defend all night, not even knowing IF they will have to defend. They have jobs etc. So not being awake, or not being able to be awake...whats the difference?
Alarmclock doesn't make you fall asleep. That's the difference. Some people apparently have no idea what alarmclocks are used for, and most of them are mids? Which really confuses me since i thought they for sure would know. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Octo said:
Ill just say what the Albs said after our 17:00 - 04:00 CET raid that Albs called "alarmclockraid," but from the Mid point of view; "Albs are lame + other random whine."

Whoever said that does not speak for all of Albion, just as you do not speak for all of Midgard.

I don't agree that a raid that begins at 17:00cet and finishes at 4:00CET is an alarmclock raid, providing you were on the ALbion mainland and attacking our keeps before 10pm GMT (I get the impression from your earlier post that you weren't).

If you were not and didn't mount your offensive until after that time, then I still wouldn't call it an alarmclock raid. If you started your raid after Midnight and were not besieging any Alb keeps before that point, then yeah, it would qualify as an alarmclock, as you're waiting for the number of enemies online to decrease before starting an attack.

But you're being sparing with the details, I'd be grateful if you'd provide some more?

Actually, I think we're damn close to a definition of an alarm clock raid now.

Alarm Clock Raid - Def: - Any raid to take relics, thats "planned" to begin at such a time when there is minimal enemy presence online to respond the raid and it is not possible for the target realm to alert others to the attack and mount a defense.

alternate definition - Any raid to take relics, thats "planned" to begin at such a time when there is minimal enemy presence online to respond the raid and intends that the majority of opposition to the raid shall comprise computer controlled NPCs, not players.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
To everyone calling albs lame for doing a non prime time raid - get a grip. It started early in the evening and just happened to finish late at night. You are stupid if you can't see the difference between a long siege that goes on into the night and a raid where you get up at 5am solely to get the relics with little / no resistance.. something Midgard has mastered.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Sendraks said:
it is not possible for the target realm to alert others to the attack and mount a defense.
Think it would be better to leave that part out. That sounds like there are others online that would be available to defend if only they could be alerted, which of course isn't the case in an alarm clock raid because there are no 'others' to alert in the first place.

Otherwise those are the definitions of an alarm clock raid that any sane person should be using.



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
i still prefer to get some hours sleep till population in enemy realms drop and then go take relics , 12 hour raids hurt my eyes and my back.
guess alb population with their still young bodies and ample supply of red bull dont suffer from those signs of the aging process yet ;)

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