Gratz Albs on Relic Raid!


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2004
Grats to whover managed to persuade hibs to help you and whoever managed to keep that zerg awake at an insane hour :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Sendraks said:
Actually, I think we're damn close to a definition of an alarm clock raid now.

Alarm Clock Raid - Def: - Any raid to take relics, thats "planned" to begin at such a time when there is minimal enemy presence online to respond the raid and it is not possible for the target realm to alert others to the attack and mount a defense.

alternate definition - Any raid to take relics, thats "planned" to begin at such a time when there is minimal enemy presence online to respond the raid and intends that the majority of opposition to the raid shall comprise computer controlled NPCs, not players.
I quite like Flim's 'Redbull Raid', and think we should add an official definition for that:

Redbull Raid - Def: - Any raid where the attacking players maintain their offensive beyond the normal limits of human endurance, risking the wrath of the boss the following day, while the defending force gradually dwindles as its players give up and go to bed. It is assumed that the attackers have consumed vast quantities of caffeine based products in an effort to contine playing long after the opposition have collapsed at their keyboards from exhaustion. Also known as a caffeine raid or 'try not to wake the misses at 5am when you eventually crawl into bed' raid...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Alithiel said:
I quite like Flim's 'Redbull Raid', and think we should add an official definition for that:

Redbull Raid - Def: - Any raid where the attacking players maintain their offensive beyond the normal limits of human endurance, risking the wrath of the boss the following day, while the defending force gradually dwindles as its players give up and go to bed. It is assumed that the attackers have consumed vast quantities of caffeine based products in an effort to contine playing long after the opposition have collapsed at their keyboards from exhaustion. Also known as a caffeine raid or 'try not to wake the misses at 5am when you eventually crawl into bed' raid...


And so true on the 'try not to wake the misses at 5am when you eventually crawl into bed' raid.....


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Naugi said:
Think it would be better to leave that part out. That sounds like there are others online that would be available to defend if only they could be alerted, which of course isn't the case in an alarm clock raid because there are no 'others' to alert in the first place.

Yeah, I was trying to get that across but it didn't work out.

it is not possible for the target realm to alert others to the attack and mount a defense - as they are in bed, asleep and have been for a number of hours.

This would cover raids that begin in the early am and the late am/early morning.

Alithiel - love that definition! You could probably put something in about both sides having the opportunity to consume caffiene. The side with the most caffiene wins.

And I've been there for that frosty moment at 5am where you get into bed and you know the missus is pissed at you. :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
Runolas said:
I played to 01.00, we had just lost Hild, Bled was still ours and we had defended the first atempt on the relickeep.


if u still had bled, the relic milegate wouldnt have been open ... and u wouldnt have defended the first attempt ...



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I would understand the whining about the Time Pre-NF. I posted this earlier but i try again. The Game has changed. Alone normal Keep Raids could take hours of siege. Now you have to take Keeps to open the Relic Gates. Its a constant battle in the Frontier until the Gates open. The Time you need from taking the Keeps until the Relic Gates open are about 8 hours > several Days.
You can't just stop because its getting late.This Way the Relics would never change the owner. Atleast now you have the Chance to defend the Relic even at 5am because you know since hours they are coming.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
No chance I am wading through 23 pages to see each and everyone's point of view (I can just imagine it anyway), I'll just settle for a simple "grats, Albs". :) I imagine relics might change hands some more now, especially when we get 1.71(?) in Europe.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Killrake said:
193 albs on Nott/Bled. 90 hibs roaming arround Hlid, Mids was 127 in BG (those who wanted to defend). Two front wars is never easy, then albs split up in 2, so it was 3 fronts.

Sooner or later with those forces it was domed to fall, IMO I think its better for the game that relic change hands, it was very boring as it was before, Mids 3 strenght and Hibs 3 Power.

Albs deserve to have them, they have not even seen them for long while.

Grats Albion /salute

Now let the Midtroops explore Albion :wub:

The part about (those who wanted to defend)
Gratz on having a old Albion problem.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Vindsjel said:
Grats to whover managed to persuade hibs to help you and whoever managed to keep that zerg awake at an insane hour :kissit:

You seemed to have perfected the art of being a twat.

Hibs were constantly niggling away at Alb defence on Bled. They were also a bloody nuisance around our warships near Hlid.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Smilewhenyousaythat said:

And so true on the 'try not to wake the misses at 5am when you eventually crawl into bed' raid.....

she woke _me_ up :(


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Alithiel said:
I quite like Flim's 'Redbull Raid', and think we should add an official definition for that:

Redbull Raid - Def: - Any raid where the attacking players maintain their offensive beyond the normal limits of human endurance, risking the wrath of the boss the following day, while the defending force gradually dwindles as its players give up and go to bed. It is assumed that the attackers have consumed vast quantities of caffeine based products in an effort to contine playing long after the opposition have collapsed at their keyboards from exhaustion. Also known as a caffeine raid or 'try not to wake the misses at 5am when you eventually crawl into bed' raid...

can't claim credit - Castus coined the phrase :) but good definition.


Dec 23, 2003
Cracked said:
Hehe, attacked before midnight... on a weekday... common, that is not primetime. Mid took Hib Strength relic @ 21.00 CET that's 20.00 GMT, now that IS primetime and that is after been in the Hib frontier the whole day. Infact i would like to call Alb's raid now a alarmclock raid.

sure, but with hibs having 2 keeps in our own frontier, 200+ albs lurking about, and noone knew how porting/relics worked. :)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Icebreaker said:
I would understand the whining about the Time Pre-NF. I posted this earlier but i try again. The Game has changed. Alone normal Keep Raids could take hours of siege. Now you have to take Keeps to open the Relic Gates. Its a constant battle in the Frontier until the Gates open. The Time you need from taking the Keeps until the Relic Gates open are about 8 hours > several Days.
You can't just stop because its getting late.This Way the Relics would never change the owner. Atleast now you have the Chance to defend the Relic even at 5am because you know since hours they are coming.

nicely put.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bracken said:
A NF relic raid consists of 2 stages:

1) The taking of keeps
2) The actual picking up of the relic.

You cannot have part 2 without part 1. Last night part 1 was completed before 11.00pm. Part 2 commenced at 11.00pm and finished at somewhere between 2.00 and 3.00 am (dunno for sure as I was in bed by midnight).

The main bulk of the raid was 100% primetime. At no point did Midgard retake any of their keeps - something which they are well capable off when they can be bothered (I feel sorry for those who did put up a fight :( ).

The fact that the raiders didn't stop at midnight and you are using that to try and say the raid was unacceptable is ridiculous. Do you really think for one minute that at midnight Tappi could have said "Right lads, it's midnight. Raids over."?. I'm sure everyone would have just downed tools and left the relic standing there... :rolleyes: If midgard raids us primetime, takes some keeps and we fail to take them back I'll have no complaints if the relic is gone in the morning. But if (and I'm tempted to say "when") Midgard all log in at 6am, take 3 keeps and have the relic home before breakfast then it will just confirm our stereotypical view of the realm.

Cracked cracks me up. :D

(Boldfaced by me)

Your wrong in that mids didnt retake any of our keeps - we did retake Hlid to close Relic gates. Then alot of mids loged since we thought the threat was over for the night. Albs took it again after midnight etc, thus reopening the relic gates again.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Skilgannon said:
It was Midgard's inability to raid primetime that started the rot on Excal..
Yey more Alb propaganda! Complete utter rubbish.

Albion was the first to do Alarm clock raids. This is an irrefutable fact.

Somewhere on this board is a list of raids and you'll see Alb did more Alarm Clock raids than Mid and started the Alarm clock raid.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Glottis said:
I was on the raid attacking Nott, and enjoyed the lord fight a lot. Damn, all that Mid aoe made it hard, but luckily Brommix's reaver and Jpeg fecked over the Middies well with tha suicide bomb...
I think most Albs where not too keen to get the Strength relics. Mids where certainly more determined to keep their power relics.
First rush at 23:30 cet or so at the relic gates kind of failed as those twat Hibbies insisted on schrooming a slow ass warship with 2fga in it... If those Hibbies could for once leave us poor underpowered Albs alone, we would have easily taken the relic before 24:00 cet.
The raid was being led by Tappi, and he did an ok job, but no where near perfect. NF is kind of too new, and most people did not know what to do.
And even when we did take the relic, the "zerg" was small, maybe 5fga. Really not that hard to stop.
I was chatting to Stt/Tts and we where a bit worried about the low numbers :(
Anyway, I ended up with a relic I don't really care for much.
Regards, Glottis

"Poor us albies, we are so underpowered, and hibs shroomed us".
Hibs rather helped you as other albs have posted, with holding the keep and roaming around.

Glottis your post are allways tha best.

Anyways to the rest of you, grats Albs and Hibs. Actually need to agree with Glottis on one point, it was fun at Nottmoor.
/salute to the Mids defending, should have been more though, but oh well. More battles will come.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
shit time to rr kinda low imho

<- ashamed to call himself an alb these days

also what muppet decided to go for str and not power :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Fana said:
(Boldfaced by me)

Your wrong in that mids didnt retake any of our keeps - we did retake Hlid to close Relic gates. Then alot of mids loged since we thought the threat was over for the night. Albs took it again after midnight etc, thus reopening the relic gates again.
Yep, this is really important, because it's exactly what happened, and flies in the face of the albs that said, "we had to carry on cos we opened the gates".


Dec 26, 2003
Xajorkith said:
Yey more Alb propaganda! Complete utter rubbish.

Albion was the first to do Alarm clock raids. This is an irrefutable fact.

Somewhere on this board is a list of raids and you'll see Alb did more Alarm Clock raids than Mid and started the Alarm clock raid.
thats funny,
after the 2 primetime raids of Herbal you retook them in the morning
after my 2 engage raids, you retook them in the morning



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Aussie said:
thats funny,
after the 2 primetime raids of Herbal you retook them in the morning
after my 2 engage raids, you retook them in the morning


alarmclock for him = 7pm.

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Herbal said:
shit time to rr kinda low imho

<- ashamed to call himself an alb these days

also what muppet decided to go for str and not power :touch:

All albs should listen to Mr. Albion himself!


Dec 26, 2003
there was never a raid planned. just because of the help of hibs and the zero defence of mids it turned out on a RR


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
I think the reason was Herbal that we had taken Hild and Hibs Blend in the afternoon yesterday, this meant that only Bled was needed in order to open the Str Relic mile gates, if we had gone for power we would have needed to have had Nott and Glen.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
I bet the mids crying here are the ones that said it was ok to take the relics at 7am (the last time they took them) because they started taking keeps during "primetime" the previous day

Shut your mouths you maggots


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
nice that you feel that you have to justify something you dont have to...


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Herbal said:
shit time to rr kinda low imho

<- ashamed to call himself an alb these days

also what muppet decided to go for str and not power :touch:

Great attitude mr albion, mr allstar or what ever gay name your calling yourself these days. Im sure Tappi would of gladly let you take over and get the power relics.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Herbal said:
shit time to rr kinda low imho

Really? Going after a relic, starting with action when the enemy realm is fully aware that you are attacking their keeps, is low?

Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer a RR to take place during the day on a Saturday or Sunday when I can participate in it to the fullest, but there was nothing "low" about last nights efforts. If they'd started to RR at 10pm or 11pm, I'd agree with you, but they didn't. The action was under way well before that.

I have greatly enjoyed the RRs of yours I have attended in the past Herbal, but your comment here is well out of line and does a great disservice to those people who stuck with the action to the end.

As I said earlier, its to my shame that I was not one of them, but sleep and work beckoned.

Xajorith said:
and flies in the face of the albs that said, "we had to carry on cos we opened the gates".

Don't see how it flies in the face of what has been said. Albs got the gates open. Once they realised they could get the gates open in the first place, it clearly seemed logical to go for a second try.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Marc said:
Great attitude mr albion, mr allstar or what ever gay name your calling yourself these days. Im sure Tappi would of gladly let you take over and get the power relics.
Never called myself any of the above names so fuck knows how you came up with that one.

2 am is lame no matter what realm your from always has been always will.

And as for strength relics lol useless fking things power>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> str

You can't hold all 6 for any decent length of time and you just let midgard get what it wanted no str relics, so it can concentrate on power relics good going.

Perhaps if you wheren't such an inbred chav from st helens you'd understand that.........

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