Gratz Albs on Relic Raid!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004

Im not shocked by his response m8 to want to hold a RR when all parties can participate nor do i disagree with this opinion. I did state in my post that I agreed with him that RR's should (at least try to) be organised for a time when everyone can enjoy them (and this raid did start during a resonable time), but you cant compensate for how long raids will take as im sure Herbal understands aswell. So seen as the raid started during primetime and the gates went down before 12am why should people stop (if they wish to continue) just because it has gone carried on by a nightly hour?

The question though was would he quit from the RR if it went past a certain time although he had spent most of the evening trying to complete a goal and it was in sight. If he would because he didnt agree with taking a RR passed say 12am because the opposition could not muster a defence, then I feel he does deserves respect for standing by his views. But i wouldnt blame others for wanting to continue.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 20, 2004
I'll add my own opinions to make this thread 423 answers long. I'll give the goals that I had that night and some reasons.

Logged in around 18.00 gmt and made a gg. Hlidfaste was in trouble so we thought that hibs blocking so nicely at blendrake that even if we loose hlidfaste mids cant come fast to help on bled. started to siege Bledmeer with 1fg. Started to tell about this to cg and asked help from those who wasnt in Hlidfaste. Soon we got ppl joining and when hlid falled we got all the albions from there and pounded Bled to the ground.

After that i send scouts to hlidfaste and they told its about level 1-2 keep without defenders. We decided to take 1 tower from nottmoor as distraction. Then we meetet at caer Benowyc and made warboats. After i heard no defenders at Hlid, I told everyone we are taking relics if we can. We got into hlid. No defenders. We took it in 15 min and about 11.30 gmt relic gates opened. We gathered all we could get in hlidfaste and went to relic keep. I didnt know at that time that 50 albions was still doing "distraction" in Nottmoore. Our first attemtp failed, would been success with few more ppl, but cant success on everything with first try I quess :) Meeted ppl at bledmeer thru portal. Went for another try but then mids found out that we left hlidfaste without defence and relic gates closed with me+few other albions inside :D Embarracing... This was the place than most ppl logged. I told everyone that hlid was still lowkeep and undefended. And told everyone who can to meet there for 1 last try for relic.

Finally we got there. Opened relic gate. I lead ppl to the gate and this was the point when 50 albs from nottmoore joined us couse they got that keep down. We went in with nice amount of albions and took the relic around 01.30 gmt. It took us 1.5 hours to make it back since we had MAJOR problems finding the ones who carry relics (lolz) and driving the boat to albion (lolz). So you could call it a n00b raid, but we just used the changes midgardians gave us and made it relic raid. And that was the goal all the way after we got bledmeer. Thx for listening and I hope this is nice review from the raid

Some ppl asking why not POWER RELIC. WHY DID U TAKE STR RELIC. Thats becouse power relic wasnt in our reach at that time. STR relic was in the gold platter. Waiting for someone to pick it up

Tappi the friar 50 (kinda "rr raid leader")


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Cracked said:
It's no use takeing the relic, Alb's will just redbull raid us again.

Hehe, it works. Redbull raid or short RB raid.

Like mids did at 8:00 am CET last time they visited Excalibur castle?? :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 20, 2004
And even tho we didnt get relic with first try. Albions are not loosers who quit on after first try!! And we lost ppl due to work too, but I quess some ppl was more motivated at that time to stay on longer ;) Becouse after all, RR isnt a everyday thing in Camelot , wont u agree? :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Tappi has emerged as a leader in NF, and after this success cg organisation has become much better. Yes we still get group spam and heal requests and ffs rez pls and the rest. but life is so much easier with one person directing attacks and resource allocation. Now more and more Albs are filtering out the mini napoleans and listening to one person we're going to cause you many more problems :)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Smilewhenyousaythat said:
Tappi has emerged as a leader in NF, and after this success cg organisation has become much better. Yes we still get group spam and heal requests and ffs rez pls and the rest. but life is so much easier with one person directing attacks and resource allocation. Now more and more Albs are filtering out the mini napoleans and listening to one person we're going to cause you many more problems :)

Totally agree m8, if Alb stand united the other realms dont stand that much of a chance without co-operating themselves, but tbh I doubt albs will unite that much.

Mids on the other hand seemed to always be very organised, saw it majority of last week, will be good to see what happens in the long run.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Sendraks said:
Whoever said that does not speak for all of Albion, just as you do not speak for all of Midgard.

I don't agree that a raid that begins at 17:00cet and finishes at 4:00CET is an alarmclock raid, providing you were on the ALbion mainland and attacking our keeps before 10pm GMT (I get the impression from your earlier post that you weren't).

If you were not and didn't mount your offensive until after that time, then I still wouldn't call it an alarmclock raid. If you started your raid after Midnight and were not besieging any Alb keeps before that point, then yeah, it would qualify as an alarmclock, as you're waiting for the number of enemies online to decrease before starting an attack.

But you're being sparing with the details, I'd be grateful if you'd provide some more?

Actually, I think we're damn close to a definition of an alarm clock raid now.

Alarm Clock Raid - Def: - Any raid to take relics, thats "planned" to begin at such a time when there is minimal enemy presence online to respond the raid and it is not possible for the target realm to alert others to the attack and mount a defense.

alternate definition - Any raid to take relics, thats "planned" to begin at such a time when there is minimal enemy presence online to respond the raid and intends that the majority of opposition to the raid shall comprise computer controlled NPCs, not players.

So you redo earlier alarmclockRR-definition to make your night relicraid not an alarmclockraid..
As for the Mid pre-NF raid into Alb, as mentioned earlier we started keeptakes in Albion 23:00 (CET) after defending our frontier from Alb RR, no waiting or anything.. just continued keeptakes after retaking Bledmeer (and camping AMG for abit ofc). By Alb definition we did an alarmclockraid when we eventually stood outside Excal gates 04:00 in the night.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Octo said:
So you redo earlier alarmclockRR-definition to make your night relicraid not an alarmclockraid..
As for the Mid pre-NF raid into Alb, as mentioned earlier we started keeptakes in Albion 23:00 (CET) after defending our frontier from Alb RR, no waiting or anything.. just continued keeptakes after retaking Bledmeer (and camping AMG for abit ofc). By Alb definition we did an alarmclockraid when we eventually stood outside Excal gates 04:00 in the night.

Half the truth there

You didnt defend your own frontier against albs mainly because you didnt have anything to defend (Aussie's relic raids finished with strenght relics at excalibur w/o any opposition, call it lame if u want). Apparently your realm leaders could not stand the fact of playing for a while w/o melee bonus and with the help of tons of cafeine, your relic raid started at midnight and didnt stop ( "Redbull" any1 Cracked?? ) untill you got em back at 9am CET in the morning, with several keep takes and retakes during the whole 9hrs+. About being at 4:00 in the morning outside Excalibur, well i will just let it pass or i would start counting as relic raids attempts being with 16 ppl in front of a relic keep.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Herbal said:
it goes against what i beleive is the spirit of the game, which is having fun with the most amount of folk (from all 3 realms) as possible.

I don't disagree with you about that, but I think you're missing out on the completely different way relics are won and lost in NF. Lightening raids are a thing of the past, unless you're lucky and someone else opens the gates for you.

And Tappi's raid *did* include the maximum number of people from all three realms, because everyone who fought during the six or more hours that that raid took contributed to either the attack or the relics (and the Hibs to buzzing around causing trouble for both sides). Although there was probably only 5fg or so Albs there at the end (I actually can't remember, but it wasn't that many) many many more had fought to win and keep Bled and Hlid, or to distract the Mids at Notts. Mids had fought all the way through until the end - their only mistake was to leave Hlid unclaimed and unguarded after they won it back.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Originally Posted by Herbal
it goes against what i beleive is the spirit of the game, which is having fun with the most amount of folk (from all 3 realms) as possible.
So what you're saying is that during all that time since the RR started, people couldn't participate on the fun?

Please explain then what the attacking and defending was.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Cracked said:
I think the "Redbull raid" statement was spot on, i go with that, lol. :clap:

Let's try it in a phrase:

It's no use takeing the relic, Alb's will just redbull raid us again.

Hehe, it works. Redbull raid or short RB raid.

LOL it works perfectly. I feel like I've been in on DAoC history - an entirely new insult invented :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Given the new nature of the game its understandable that the players the other night continued with the raid until they got the relics.

But maybe there should be some sort of "gentlemen's agreement" with regard to all of this. Maybe during the week if you have the gates open and under attack at say Midnight UK time then you can continue onto the relic keep at what ever time you get there. But if the defenders defeat you and the gate is closed there then the raid for the relics is considered at an end (i.e. all the attackers are defeat requiring them to regroup). On a weekend this doesn't apply.

I however don't really agree with the above, for me the game is 24/7 and therefore you can take the relics at any time you wish but doing at a time where the most fun can be had on all sides is preferable. The owning of relics isn't the main part of the game, its the attacking and defending that is the main part of it and therefore all realms should aim to relic raid at suitable times when there is likely to be large attacking and defending forces.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
ffs plz all ... stop the whining bout the ac stuff ...

for starters, ac means avalon city for an alb ... as has been mentioned before ...

second, everything u say is old news ... its history ... its past ... its done ... its over ... it means shit.

Anyone here remember actually what happened 2 years ago, exactly the way it happened? No, i dont coz i wasnt there yet, you dont coz it just is too long ago ... noone has the whole picture, not even goa with all the logs ... the game moved on, u should too.

just quit it ... noone can win this, and all u do is annoy me coz i've started reading this and i'm just too stupid to stop ... :m00:

last but not least, this was a thread about a fun keeptakeraid that brought home some relics ... so thx all, for the fun, the rps and the adrenaline (and now plz just stop this :p ).



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 24, 2004
Vasconcelos said:
Like mids did at 8:00 am CET last time they visited Excalibur castle?? :m00:

EDIT: nah, can't type that. LoL! I'll prolly end up banned because i tried to be funny. :D

All i can say is that was in your eyes a AC raid (AlarmClock). U did a RB raid (Redbull). :clap: And i must have missed our latest excalibur raid then, i never been on a raid starting @ 8.00 CET.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Gibbo said:
But maybe there should be some sort of "gentlemen's agreement" with regard to all of this. Maybe during the week if you have the gates open and under attack at say Midnight UK time then you can continue onto the relic keep at what ever time you get there. But if the defenders defeat you and the gate is closed there then the raid for the relics is considered at an end (i.e. all the attackers are defeat requiring them to regroup). On a weekend this doesn't apply.

I do not agree with that either, as for example..the other night..we tried and failed on the 1st attempt..but, Hild was left totally unguarded and undefended..we still had the momentum to carry on..and people wanted to. If Middies or Hibbies had to log for bed...well, tough titties tbh. Loads of us had to as well..but made the choice to carry on. You cannot expect us all to stop when the chance of taking them is there within our grasp. And, to see a totally open Hild..ready to be taken to reopen the gates..well...if the shoe was on the other foot, what would you do??. Simply log and let us guard, defend and repair?. Like hell you would. You would be on that keep quicker than a chav on a spliff.

Gentlemans agreements are all well and good, but there are people who can only play at certain times/days etc. By saying enough is enough at certain times is alienating those from the fun and games. And, as they will tell you quick enough..they pay their money..the same as you and me. They have a right to go for stuff when they want.

Nobody can expect that if you raod all day and take the required keeps, that come bedtime, you will just stop and watch all that effort go to waste.

And, lastly to "Mr Albion"...Tappi did a cracking job..we all did. For you to come on here and moan at us for the time we took them...screw you..You were not there, you know nothing about the time and effort that went into this. I stayed to the end and was proud as hell for all of us.
Take your stupid views of down tools cos its late and stick them...this is called NEW in NEW..not your old ways. New methods..sieging keeps and towers x 3 will not take a few takes hell of a lot longer...and to then get to the relic gate..get through, kill stuff, get the relics and get home...longer still. Why not plan a NEW raid and if it goes over "bedtime"...stop, and see what people think of you then. Until then, gratz the people who need it, laugh at the whiners, but do not ever slag the realm down for seeing the job through to the end.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Heath said:
I do not agree with that either, as for example..the other night..we tried and failed on the 1st attempt..but, Hild was left totally unguarded and undefended..we still had the momentum to carry on..and people wanted to. If Middies or Hibbies had to log for bed...well, tough titties tbh. Loads of us had to as well..but made the choice to carry on. You cannot expect us all to stop when the chance of taking them is there within our grasp. And, to see a totally open Hild..ready to be taken to reopen the gates..well...if the shoe was on the other foot, what would you do??. Simply log and let us guard, defend and repair?. Like hell you would. You would be on that keep quicker than a chav on a spliff.

Gentlemans agreements are all well and good, but there are people who can only play at certain times/days etc. By saying enough is enough at certain times is alienating those from the fun and games. And, as they will tell you quick enough..they pay their money..the same as you and me. They have a right to go for stuff when they want.

Nobody can expect that if you raod all day and take the required keeps, that come bedtime, you will just stop and watch all that effort go to waste.

And, lastly to "Mr Albion"...Tappi did a cracking job..we all did. For you to come on here and moan at us for the time we took them...screw you..You were not there, you know nothing about the time and effort that went into this. I stayed to the end and was proud as hell for all of us.
Take your stupid views of down tools cos its late and stick them...this is called NEW in NEW..not your old ways. New methods..sieging keeps and towers x 3 will not take a few takes hell of a lot longer...and to then get to the relic gate..get through, kill stuff, get the relics and get home...longer still. Why not plan a NEW raid and if it goes over "bedtime"...stop, and see what people think of you then. Until then, gratz the people who need it, laugh at the whiners, but do not ever slag the realm down for seeing the job through to the end.

hmm, lets see:
mids take hib relic because 2 realms attack hib and no defence @ str relic
albs take str relics because 2 realms attack mid and lots of ppl didnt care or went to get some sleep.

GOD , those rr's were so mighty good! lots of tacks! like hmm none?
tbh leading a ml3 is harder then doing such a rr, u just have to make the ppl listen, thats all.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Cracked said:
EDIT: nah, can't type that. LoL! I'll prolly end up banned because i tried to be funny. :D

All i can say is that was in your eyes a AC raid (AlarmClock). U did a RB raid (Redbull). :clap: And i must have missed our latest excalibur raid then, i never been on a raid starting @ 8.00 CET.

No m8, the raid didnt started at 8CET in the morning, u need more comprehensive reading, it ENDED at 8am after 9hrs of keep taking n retaking at Albion frontier.

Sorry to spot your punny attempt of joke, but was actually Ardamel (or any FoM leader) who invented the "Redbull" raid style the last time albs got strentght relics :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Vasconcelos said:
No m8, the raid didnt started at 8CET in the morning, u need more comprehensive reading, it ENDED at 8am after 9hrs of keep taking n retaking at Albion frontier.

Sorry to spot your punny attempt of joke, but was actually Ardamel (or any FoM leader) who invented the "Redbull" raid style the last time albs got strentght relics :rolleyes:

I dunno who was first, but when you raided while necros were bugged, it also was alot of fighting till late night, and you went for relics when most mids had logged, so the last raid from mid was not the first of that kind, thats for sure.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 20, 2004
Calo said:
hmm, lets see:
mids take hib relic because 2 realms attack hib and no defence @ str relic
albs take str relics because 2 realms attack mid and lots of ppl didnt care or went to get some sleep.

GOD , those rr's were so mighty good! lots of tacks! like hmm none?
tbh leading a ml3 is harder then doing such a rr, u just have to make the ppl listen, thats all.

Hahaha.. You just have to make ppl listen, Is that really all it takes? wow.. i wonder why there aint more relic raids around then(counterstriking sarcasm with sarcasm)? :clap: Thats the hardest part my friend. You could do really brilliant tactics in paper and split 2fg:s to every strategical locations, but its impossible if you dont have control over EVERY GROUP in rvr. If you get control over ppl then you can try better tactics. Try to lead rvr sometimes. Go and /yell ur strategies in /cg. Try if you can make any strategie work. Simple=easier to follow. If you have full control over groups then you can plan smart things and can do nice things with smaller amount of ppl.

Tappi the friar 50


Dec 26, 2003
lame ninjaraid
lame engageraid
lame redbullraid

it's always something :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
First sign of any enemies in your frontier, my guild had renaris:
A scout from your outpost has been killed with 258 enemies in the area

Time at first message 5:03 am GMT
/who 50 shows 38 albs

Now that's a proper alarm clock raid, all the rest are just pale immitations ;)

Anyways gratz to all that had fun, and gratz in advance when mid take them back


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Aussie said:
lame ninjaraid
lame engageraid
lame redbullraid

it's always something :eek:

You have a point, personally I thought the ninja raid was good initiative, followed by similar thinking on the engageraid.

Early morning raiding is a bit lame though, but then I can't honestly see it becoming the norm so there will probably only be various isolated incedents, no biggy.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Aussie said:
lame ninjaraid
lame engageraid
lame redbullraid

it's always something :eek:

To some mids anything that involves them losing will be lame (l33tz0r Midd00d: wtf u mean we lost . I rolled ubahl33tmid because they always win! wtf!! i want my money back!).

If we gave them two months notice, let them choose the time and place and a three day headstart they'd still whine that it was lame.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Killrake said:
Then Wittor my friend u take this game damn to serious :)

I wasent even there .. :p
(well I arrived when the relic went neutral)
and do you think that I would givf every alb 1plat? xD
got like 5plat :(

ps: Kerith got owned :D


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Vasconcelos said:
Half the truth there

You didnt defend your own frontier against albs mainly because you didnt have anything to defend (Aussie's relic raids finished with strenght relics at excalibur w/o any opposition, call it lame if u want). Apparently your realm leaders could not stand the fact of playing for a while w/o melee bonus and with the help of tons of cafeine, your relic raid started at midnight and didnt stop ( "Redbull" any1 Cracked?? ) untill you got em back at 9am CET in the morning, with several keep takes and retakes during the whole 9hrs+. About being at 4:00 in the morning outside Excalibur, well i will just let it pass or i would start counting as relic raids attempts being with 16 ppl in front of a relic keep.
Tbh its so long ago I dont remember if we had one, two relics or none, mite have been one of the Alb farmraids. It started as a 50 man revengeraid into Alb some time before Midnight (23:00 CET) after retaking Bledmeer and camping AMG, and ended up getting zerged by large outlawzerg outside excal (04:00 CET), after which most ppl logged happy with getting their revenge ;) . It didnt set any mark in history other then a massive Alb alarmclockwhine on Bw.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
TappiTheFriar said:
Hahaha.. You just have to make ppl listen, Is that really all it takes? wow.. i wonder why there aint more relic raids around then(counterstriking sarcasm with sarcasm)? :clap: Thats the hardest part my friend. You could do really brilliant tactics in paper and split 2fg:s to every strategical locations, but its impossible if you dont have control over EVERY GROUP in rvr. If you get control over ppl then you can try better tactics. Try to lead rvr sometimes. Go and /yell ur strategies in /cg. Try if you can make any strategie work. Simple=easier to follow. If you have full control over groups then you can plan smart things and can do nice things with smaller amount of ppl.

Tappi the friar 50

yes, what other brilliant thing did u use? u didnt even know it was going to be a rr, u just had some idea and many albs had that idea to..
don't come here trying to act like u did some brilliant idea, like EVERY alb said, if we mids didnt went sleeping or did some organisation ur raid would have failed horrible.
Now it didnt went that way and u got the relics, very well done.

Oh and yes i'v done raids with more then 100 ppl and they all did listen to me. Just not rr's because i really can't be arsed with that.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
wittor said:
I wasent even there .. :p
(well I arrived when the relic went neutral)
and do you think that I would givf every alb 1plat? xD
got like 5plat :(

ps: Kerith got owned :D

erm mister wittor



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
well strategy-wise there was a distraction at nottmoor, a decision to go via boats to hlidskialf (and not run there from bled)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Danya said:
Glad I hadn't eaten recently eggy, you bastard. :(

Urm it was Kerith that posted it, not me - that's why he's banned :p

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