Eve Online


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Once again, the arse end of Nulsec..the south is going to see a war of biblical proportions.
pandemic legion took Test Alliance under their wing and went to the south for "good fights". The southern coalition have spat their dummy out and decided to hit Test Space and we cant have that!


As we can see, The agressors are, Against All Authorities, Red Overlord, Nulli Secunda, Vera Cruz, Red Alliance and Stain/Coven etc. Also, Raiden (BOB) are joining in. So we are all full deployment to the south starting tomorrow. This war is gonna last for months.

The russians have also decided to hit tech moons in Geminate but thankfully, Northern Coalition and Ev0ke are holding them off so they will stay in Geminate.

Current tech distribution is Goons (CFC) 48%, pandemic legion 18%, Evoke 12% and Northern Coalition 22% so the "Tech cartel" currently owns every tech moon in game

Seems that at last, the entire population of Nulsec who arent allied with us (goons) are gonna try and take us down. Lol, good luck.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I really wish that CCP would start rotating the tech moons again. Whining on the forum aside, it made for some decent relocation wars.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Gotta love EVE.

So on the morning of the proposed invasion, a Pandemic Legion spy who had made his way into being a Nulli Secunda director, flips sov and the station in the southern coalitions staging system AND steals the entire Nulli Secunda ship reimbursement wallet, sending the SOuthern forces into dissaray before a shot has even been fired in Anger!


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
Matt Friar winds up Eve devs.
massively.com said:
CCP: It's 'deeply wrong' to assume that repetition is the way forward
by Jef Reahard on Jun 25th 2012 3:00PMFantasy, Sci-fi, EVE Online, Game mechanics, MMO industry, News items, Sandbox, The Elder Scrolls Online0

CCP's got opinions. This isn't news. The Icelandic developer behind EVE Online isn't afraid to share its opinions, which is also par for the course. MMO developers rarely comment on other games, though, and so we read lead EVE designer Kristopher Touborg's thoughts on The Elder Scrolls Online with some interest.

PC Gamer provides the setup, in which the magazine shares a quote from TESO's Matt Firor with Touborg. "At this point in the evolution of MMOs, every MMO has tried something at one point or another that you're going to do in your game. There aren't any more truly innovative features," Firor said.

Touborg's response was lengthy and fills out most of the source article listed below. "It's kind of waving a white flag. Like, yeah. I don't like that statement. Because I think that's part of why there's such an attrition with MMOs. People go in and play an MMO for a month and they just want to throw up because they've leveled to 60 in ten different titles," Touborg says before going on to express his hopes that developers try something new. "Otherwise the same [MMOs] are just going to continue on the trend we see every time, where they sell a load of boxes and people play it for three months and then they go somewhere else. There has to be something else out there."

Tags: bethesda, bethesda-softworks, bethsoft, ccp, ccp-games, ccp-soundwave, daggerfall, design, elder-scrolls, elder-scrolls-online, eve, eve-online, factions, internet-spaceships, kristoffer-touborg, matt-firor, mmo-design, morrowind, oblivion, please-dont-suck, pvp, rvr, sandbox, sci-fi, skyrim, soundwave, spreadsheets-online, tamriel, tes, teso, the-elder-scrolls, the-elder-scrolls-online, themepark, three-faction-pvp, three-way-pvp, zenimax, zenimax-media, zenimax-online, zenimax-online-studios


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
massively.com said:
EVE Online Inferno 1.1 opens for business
by Justin Olivetti on Jun 25th 2012 5:00PMSci-fi, EVE Online, Patches, PvP, Sandbox0

Patches are serious business. Just ask CCP, which has deployed its first major post-Inferno update to EVE Online's space cowboys and their cute toy ships. Inferno 1.1 is nothing to sneeze at, with its expanded loyalty point stores, increased visuals, and a cargo hold full of fixes and tweaks.

Players sucking up to one of the four militias in the game now have more merchandise to drool over. The loyalty point stores now include factional uniforms that come in both male and female varieties. Alternatively, you can drop real-world money for other uniform variants that have been added to the NeX store.

The Minmatar ships finally receive a dose of graphical love in 1.1, with V3 shader upgrades for their hardware. Due to popular demand, players are now able to watch a target area for a while after the target's been blown to kingdom come.

As always, there are too many changes to summarize in a few short paragraphs, so check out the patch notes to get the down low on Inferno 1.1!
Tags: 1.1, ccp, ccp-games, eve, eve-is-sexy-and-it-knows-it, eve-online, inferno, inferno-1.1, internet-spaceships, loyalty-point-store, loyalty-points, nex-store, patch, patch-1-1, patch-1.1, patch-notes, sandbox, sci-fi, spreadsheets-online, unforms, uniform, update, update-notes, v3, v3-shader

So, er... here are said patchnotes. Anybody got images of the new minmatar look?

http://community.eveonline.com/updates/patchnotes.asp said:
Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1.1

To be released on Tuesday, June 26, 2012.

  • Fixed an issue with the Phantasm shader looking jaggy under some lighting conditions
User Interface
  • The Cargo Bay and Drone Bay indicators in the fitting window now show the amount currently occupied/total capacity.
  • Directors now see the ally icon with the '!' exclamation mark next to a war to indicate they have offered assistance to that war.
  • The new Utility Menu in the war lists will no longer show Declare Mutual, Open for Allies, and the Send Surrender Offer options when a war has ended.
NeX Store and Aurum
  • Duplicate offers on the Noble Exchange (NeX store) have been removed.
  • The memory usage of the main screen in Captains Quarters has been improved.

Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1

To be released on Monday, June 25, 2012.

Unified Inventory
  • The tree view in the Inventory has been updated with unique icons to help identify different Inventory locations; this includes but is not limited to: all specialized ship bays, POS structures, Corporate hangar divisions and Member hangars, Active Ship and Station Delivery. The active ship now has a green background both in the tree view and window view.
  • Increased the minimum scroll speed when navigating extremely long lists in the Unified Inventory tree view.
  • The "My filters" section of the Index tree in the Inventory will now remember if it has been collapsed. The collapsed state in station and in space are remembered separately.
  • Clarified the difference between the Primary main window and Secondary windows. All Secondary windows will now collect under a new location on the Neocom. The Inventory button will only be used for the Primary window.
    • The Primary Window is the Inventory window opened up from the Neocom button Inventory (ALT + C). This windows displayed contents will change based on the Inventory location a user has selected to view.
    • Secondary windows are those opened via SHIFT + Click (including via right contextual menu) that open up with their index tree view collapsed by default. These windows will remember their size, position, icon view state and stack based on their type and/or if they are unique.
War Declaration
  • Ally contracts now have a fixed length of two weeks.
  • Allies now cannot be part of mutual wars – defender cannot hire allies into mutual wars and existing ally contracts are cancelled with a 24 hour grace period.
  • War declaration costs have been capped at 500 million ISK regardless of the amount of members in the corporation or alliance.
  • New UI control has been added for war options in war lists.
  • Added cost for hiring multiple allies for a war – hiring more than one ally now incurse a cost that goes to CONCORD. The cost rises exponentially the more allies are hired into the same war.
  • More information is available in the blog 'Inferno 1.1 Changes to the War Dec System'.
  • The following ships have been added to the game as prizes for the winners of the Alliance Tournament X. More information can be found in the dev blog 'Alliance Tournament X - Full Schedule, Prizes and Streaming Changes'.


    Slot layout: 6/6/3

    The Etana came into existence as one of numerous secret projects under Tibus Heth's rule. As part of those revolutionary and paranoid times in the Caldari State, political emphasis on technological research was split between a need for inexpensive improvements in warfare and a need for advances in espionage and the arts of secrecy. One of the outcomes of that research was an improvement on the Osprey, whose versatility and low manufacturing cost made it a natural candidate for improvements. The resulting vessel maintained the shield defenses known among similar ships of its type, while adding an array of remarkable black ops capabilities. In fact, it is reputed that initial prototypes were employed to spy on interstellar activities near the recaptured Caldari Prime, as part of Tibus Heth's continually growing espionage initiative.

    Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus:
    • 160% bonus to Shield Transport and Energy Transfer Array range and 20% bonus to Shield Maintenance Bot transfer amount per level

    Logistics Skill Bonus:
    • 17% reduction in Shield Transport and Energy Transfer Array capacitor use per level

    Role bonus:
    • 40% reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules, 50% in CPU need for Shield Transporters, and in power need for Energy Transfer Arrays
    • 99% reduction in CPU need for cloaking devices
    • The Etana can be bridged by a Black Ops ship


    Slot layout: 4/5/3

    The Cambion is the result of Caldari State Executor Tibus Heth's insistence that modern weapons of war be able to continually outperform previous standardized versions. While that effort is rumored to have been hit-and-miss (resulting in great scientific advances at the cost of a stunning array of misfortunes), it is absolutely undeniable that the Cambion has been one of its great successes, a feat that likely could not have been achieved in a different political milieu. The Cambion an out-and-out brawler. Taking note from the Merlin – a versatile combat frigate in its own right – this ship is intended to rush in, overheat everything it runs, hit hard with everything it has and get out moments before death can find it.

    Caldari Frigate Skill Bonus:
    • 5% bonus to shield resistances per skill level.

    Assault Ship Skill Bonus:
    • 5% bonus to light missile and rocket rate of fire per skill level.

    Role Bonus:
    • 115% bonus to light missile and rocket kinetic damage and 50% reduction in heat damage taken by modules.
  • The following Minmatar Republic ships have had their shaders updated to the V3 shader set:
    • Industrial
    • Battleship
    • Battlecruiser
    • Cruiser
    • Destroyer
    • Frigate
    • Shuttle
  • The Caldari Drake model has been redesigned.
  • Changed the way camera focus works when you board or lose your ship.
  • Flares were added to missiles, making them visible when the camera is zoomed out.
  • All V3 ship materials are now a bit brighter.
  • Character portraits are now captured in 1024x1024 resolution (was 512x512 before).
NeX Store and Aurum
  • Multiple new clothing items have been added to the NeX store. These items are from our historical collection and will be priced at new price points of 100, 300 and 500 Aurum. Current clothing lines remain unchanged in price. Additional information can be found in the dev blog 'Clothing and Aurum additions for Inferno 1.1'.

Factional Warfare
  • Removed all E-War NPCs from Factional Warfare capture sites. This includes NPCs using tracking disruptors, ECM, sensor dampeners, target painters, stasis webifiers, warp scramblers and energy draining / neutralizing.
  • Added highly expensive clothing offers for Factional Warfare LP stores (base price is 100m ISK and 100k LP each)
    • 24th Imperial Crusade: Men's 'Sterling' Dress Shirt (gold leather) and Women's 'Sterling' Dress Blouse (gold)
    • State Protectorate: Men's 'Sterling' Dress Shirt (gray) and Women's 'Sterling' Dress Blouse (graphite)
    • Federal Defense Union: Men's 'Sterling' Dress Shirt (white/blue) and Women's 'Sterling' Dress Blouse (black/white)
    • Tribal Liberation Force: Men's 'Sterling' Dress Shirt (red/black leather) and Women's 'Sterling' Dress Blouse (red satin)
  • The following changes to Incursions introduced in Escalation to Inferno have been reverted:
    • Lowering the reward for vanguard sites by 10%.
    • Increasing the system influence change rate.
  • Additional information can be found in the dev blog 'Incursion Changes'.
  • The skill "Target Spectrum Breaker" has been renamed to "Target Breaking Amplification" and its description changed as follows:
Improves the continuous reflection of active target spectrum breakers, resulting in much improved defenses against all those who wish to target any vessel in the vicinity.Reduces duration time and capacitor need of Target Spectrum Breakers by 5% per level.

  • The Reactive Armor Hardener will now reset its resistances when using a stargate.
  • The transition between systems when jumping through a stargate has been improved; the camera will point at the same nebula area between jumps.
  • The wormhole graphic in the Promised Land system has been altered.
  • Extra geometry elements on the Wolf have been removed as they were causing intersections with turrets and launchers installed on the ship.
  • ECM modules now have a graphic effect in space. It’s the same effect as Tracking Disruption and Sensor Dampening.
Agents & Missions
  • Fixed the description for the Leviathan wreck present in the second deadspace pocket of the Guristas Epic Arc mission "Foxfire".
User Interface
  • Changed the way timestamps are displayed in the wars lists. You will now be able to easily read when the war starts or finishes, as well as when your ally is expected to join the fight.
  • The Area of Effect attribute now states that the value is a measurement of radius for extra clarity.
  • You will now receive a better warning message when fitting a rig to a ship.
  • In an effort to improve the efficiency of German fleet communication by about 3.12% at the expense of entertainment value, we have changed the translation of "Doomsday Device" from "Maschine des Tages des Jüngsten Gerichtes" to "Doomsday-Waffe"
  • Audit Log Secure Containers anchored in space are now valid targets for drones, just like regular Secure Containers.
  • There is now a 'jumping to beacon' message when jumping to a cyno/jumpbridge, similar to the 'jumping through stargate' notifications.
  • Planets are now displayed in a correct order in the solar system information window.

Character Creation and New Player Experience
  • Outdated text has been updated in the Placing Recruitment Adverts tutorial.
  • The Exploration tutorial has received a series of grammatical improvements.
  • Multiple text errors in the Certificates tutorial have been resolved.
Science and Industry
  • Items that had a reprocessing yield of 0 for some minerals now have this information removed from the corresponding user interface window.
  • The Carthum Conglomerate, Viziam and Khanid Innovation manufacturer logos have been applied to the appropriate Amarr ships.
  • Graphic corruption on the warp disruption bubble has been resolved.
  • Minmatar booster locators on the Bellicose and its variants have been moved closer to the engine exhaust.
  • Fixed an issue with intersecting turrets on the Prophecy model during warp.
  • Sealed a small geometry hole in the Minmatar Maelstrom model.
  • Resolved a bug that would stop the warp tunnel from displaying when a player logged into space and their ship started to emergency warp.
  • Minmatar Tempest has been bandaged together with duct tape and glue resolving unwelded vertices.
  • All Thukker developed ships except capitals now have consistent colour schemes.
  • The Tormentors turret locators have been aligned to be more aesthetically pleasing.
  • A texture assignment issue has been resolved with the "Blood Ship Debris" object.
  • Minmatar booster locators for the Cyclone and its variants have been moved closer to the engine exhaust.
  • Minmatar booster locators on the Tempest and its variants have been moved closer to the engine exhaust.
  • The booster locators on the Rupture and its factional variants have been moved closer to the engine exhaust.
  • Booster locators on the Typhoon and Panther have been relocated closer to the engine exhaust.
  • Booster locators on the Minmatar Peacekeeper frigate have been improved.
  • The Caldari LaiDai material preset has been update to be more consistent.
  • Launcher models have been modified to fix issues with intersecting graphics.
Factional Warfare
  • Fixed a case where Factional Warfare dungeons would sometimes fail to complete properly when captured, and so would not respawn until after downtime.
  • Fixed an issue where users would not get a Loyalty Points payout when capturing a Factional Warfare complex despite being within range of the beacon.
Unified Inventory
  • Fixed an issue where the inventory would not load and stall under a number of different circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where items would get locked when dropped into a container, even if the container was set to Unlocked.
  • Fixed an issue where secondary windows would not close when moving out of range. Player Owned Structures, other player ship locations such as Ship Maintenance Bays, objects in space such as Containers and Wrecks will now close if open in a secondary window when moving off grid.
  • Changing the name of your ship will refresh Inventory windows with the new name.
  • Improved the performance when locking or unlocking a large number of items.
  • View mode and sort by are now persisted per window type. The primary window persists one set of values while every secondary window will persist its own set of values on a per window basis.
  • The option to Split Stack from the contextual menu when right clicking a stack in a Player Owned Structure has been removed. This option never functioned and should not have been displayed. Shift dragging stacks will still allow the user to separate stacks. The right click option should only be available in stations.
  • Fixed an issue where locked items would not display as locked when changing the view mode between icons, list and details in the Inventory window.
  • For ships with no bays, the label in the Inventory tree view has been updated to read "No additional bays" instead of "None".
  • Fixed an issue where “rubber band” and Ctrl+click selection would not update the item count and Est. price in the inventory window.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not copy table data from within the Inventory when viewing items in the list or details view.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Nothing Found" text would continue to display after moving items into an empty Inventory location, when using the List or Details view mode.
  • Fixed an issue where a number of error messages would prevent moving a package from the corporations Market Deliveries folder in the Inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where the Capacity Bar for an Inventory location would get stuck, when moving more of the same item into that same location.
  • We now store separate settings for the Primary Inventory window in space / station for both the entire tree panel width and the filter panel height.
  • Fixed an issue where users could see the contents of a division they had no access rights to after dropping items into them.
  • The Unified Inventory now visually differentiates between containers that are within access range and those which are out of range.
  • Station Hangars now open correctly, previously when double clicked the ship hangar was incorrectly opening.
  • Fixed a problem where the Inventory would not display the Corporate hangar and/or its divisions despite having an office rented in the station a user was in.
User Interface
  • Custom Alliance logos are now visible in the UI if you have UI Scaling set to more than 100%.
  • Changing UI Scaling settings will no longer remove the text labels for "Camera Center" and "Camera Speed".
  • Icons for fleet broadcasts are now displayed in more sensible locations in space, in most cases above or left to the bracket of the object. Expanded stacks of brackets are being pushed down a bit, if they would extend beyond the upper border of the screen.
  • Very, very long names will now clip in the fleet Watch List so that the Shield/Armor/Structure bars are visible at all times.
  • Long petition titles will no longer overlap the petition text field.
  • An issue with the speed indicator in the HUD not updating correctly in some cases has been fixed.
  • The calculator now allows you to save numbers on clients with localized decimal separators.
  • When editing a contact, labels assigned to them will no longer disappear.
  • You can once again drag search results (Corporations/Alliances/etc.) from the search window directly into the To field of an EVE Mail.
  • Fixed capitalization error in the text when attempting to donate too many Loyalty Points to a Factional Warfare Infrastructure Hub.
  • When an Ally Offer is declined, a notification is now sent to both the defender and the corporation/alliance offering help.
  • You should now be able to rename your notes in notepad once again. So, what are you waiting for? Rename all the notes!
  • Fixed an issue where the Factional Warfare capture bar would display white if it was over the threshold required to make a system vulnerable.
  • Increased the highlight on the plus icon in the My filters header.
  • Corrected minor capitalization discrepancy in Factional Warfare tooltips for different system statuses.
  • For players not enlisted in Factional Warfare, the Factional Warfare page will now display statistics based on the station the user is in or the Factional Warfare system they are in. Otherwise the characters bloodline will be used. The information displayed for characters already enlisted is unchanged; it will always show your own conflict.
  • Sorting by Capture status in the Factional Warfare main window will now order systems in correct ascending or descending order.
  • The message when a user cannot see the contents of a specific division has been clarified to read "You don't have the required role to view these contents" and will also now be displayed in red.
  • Text alignment for the tab names has been improved.
  • Corporation and alliance names will no longer stay highlighted in the "All wars" list after using the mouse scroll wheel.
  • Removed the "Move HQ Here" button from the Station Services window if your corporation HQ is already in the station.
  • Fixed an issue where the flag icon in the Factional Warfare window was not displaying when the user was enlisted in Factional Warfare.
  • Minor improvements were made to the Contact Management window, especially for adding pilots to the watchlist.
  • Removed the deprecated “Open Cargohold” option from the radial menu of your own ship.
  • When attempting to send more than one surrender offer, you will receiving a message telling you that there is an active negotiation currently pending.
  • When searching for a Corporation/Alliance that has no active wars, the window will state so.
  • Trying to open a Factional Warfare "War Report" will open the correct window.
  • Mutual Wars will no longer show under the Assistance Requests filter in the All Wars list.
  • Long Corporation/Alliance names will no longer leak over into the Allies window.
  • Changing the shader quality no longer causes problems to the transparency of some UI elements (background of the Neocom, FW progress bar, ...)
  • An issue causing irregular overview updates has been resolved.
  • Fixed missing engine sounds on the Noctis.
  • Camera distance on undock is now universal in the game client.
  • Increased the drop rate of the Initiated Ion Field ECM I to bring it in line with other ECM devices of the same meta level.
  • The client will now install DirectX when the system no longer contains the DirectX components needed to run Eve. This makes it easier to copy the client from one machine to another.
  • Fixed a grammatical error in the capture text when securing a location in Factional Warfare.
  • Using Approach or Jump after the target was Kept at Range or orbited now works correctly.
  • An issue where cloaked ships would attempt to jump/dock/enter wormhole before they had being decloaked is now fixed.
  • Standardized the values for Brynn's, Cormack's, Setele's and Tuvan's Modified Power Diagnostic System to bring them in line with their meta level and other officer power diagnostic modules.
  • Corrected the spacing issue in the description for the Magpulse Thruster.
  • The "Dmg/Job" column has been made wide enough for localized Japanese clients to correctly display the string.
  • On the German client, the description of "Brynn's Modified Armor Thermic Hardener" is now displayed in the correct language again.
  • On the German client, the description of the Wolf now shoes the correct bonuses
  • The term "Capacitor" is now consistently translated with "Energiespeicher" on the German client.
Weapons & Ammunition
  • Missile animations are no longer halted by switching processes.
  • Fixed initial missing laser visual effects when undocking your ship.
Corporations & Alliances
  • There was an issue that could cause some ally negotiations to fail, or to have incorrect allies attached to wars. This has now been fixed.
  • Stacking penalty for Inverted Signal Field Projector Rigs now works correctly.
World Shaping
  • Warp-in locations for moons in wormholes J140133 and J112041 have now been fixed.
CONCORD and Kill Mails
  • Jump Clone destruction Notifications originating from destroyed Capital ships now have working links.
Copyright © CCP 1997-2012


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
This is the news:
massively.com said:
CCP addresses EVE faction warfare exploit, players punished
by Brendan Drain on Jun 28th 2012 2:30PMSci-fi, EVE Online, Economy, Events, in-game, News items, Dev Diaries, Sandbox0

Last week we brought you the story of five EVE Online players gaming the new faction warfare mechanics to produce trillions of ISK worth a total of $175,000 US. The players who found the exploit did report it for developers to fix, but not before abusing it for a full two weeks. CCP Games spent the week deliberating and today released its official statement on the exploit and the punishments those involved will face.

As market manipulation has always been a legal part of EVE's sandbox gameplay, the lines between exploit and gameplay were not as clear in this case as they could have been. The accounts of those involved will remain in good standing but all of their ill-gotten gains will be completely removed. The five offenders will essentially be rolled back to where they were before the exploit happened. CCP reminded players that there are rewards for reporting an exploit to developers, and that abusing an exploit before reporting it is not considered responsible disclosure.

Tags: Aryth, bug, ccp, ccp-games, devblog, eve, eve-online, exploit, exploits, faction-warfare, factional-warfare, sandbox, sci-fi


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Far better than any marketing video CCP can make


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Really nice video that. Wish more and longer ones were released.

CFC won't have a lack of target practice that's for sure.

Almost makes me want to resub for a bit just to sneak in and watch the fights in my cov ops. :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Really nice video that. Wish more and longer ones were released.

CFC won't have a lack of target practice that's for sure.

Almost makes me want to resub for a bit just to sneak in and watch the fights in my cov ops. :)

Mate, we havent even started yet and already Delve is on fire. Last nights we had 8 full fleets, yes 8! AAA can go fuck themselves. Mittani doing his "state of the goonion" at midnight tonight to give the coalition details of whats going to happen. There will be thousands of goons alone online for it.

I dont think EVE has ever seen a potential war of this magnitude before. The CFC/Pandemic Legion have moved over 6,000 carriers of ships and items. 6,000!!!!! THis is before Jump Freighters or empire logistics. Say what you want about goons but our infrastrcutre is second to none. Staging system of 1DH in Delve already has thousands of Alpha Maels, Schimis and Drakes fully fitted to coalition doctrine on contracts.

If you wanna resub, I can throw a PLEX your way, I have Billions of isk


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Thanks for the offer, i'l think about it. Though my toon is parked in Amarr so it feels a bit "ugh" to get up to delve from there, not to mention that i probably can't afford to lose that ship. Lost most of my ships and ISK last i played because i got stupid and kept coming back for more lol....

And my second account is trapped in a wormhole without the skills or items to find his way out... >.<

Speaking of nothing, is battleclinic kill/loss stats broken? I just checked my 2 toons and the stats are *way* off....


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Dunno mate if its broken, mine seem fine.

By the way, im hoping im wrong but this war might turn out to be just a complete walkover. We were just in a tengu fleet (80 Tengus/40 schimis/25 hugins) and we camped 400+ Southern Coaliton into a station while our cap fleet went to work on structures 10 systems out. Seems the SoCo dont want to engage


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
All bark and no bite eh? :(

Somehow that doesn't surprise me...

Owell, hopefully they grow a pair sooner rather then later...

Anyway, Battleclinic might be off for me as i haven't played in 2:ish years...


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
http://www.eveonline.com/ said:
alliance tournament x – full schedule, prizes and streaming changes
reported by CCP Navigator | 2012.06.01 11:21:00 | Comments


Alliance Tournament X will start in a little over four weeks on Saturday June, 30 and we are here to tell you about what you can expect to see in this upcoming event. The Alliance Tournament team and commentators are ramping up to bring you the biggest and most exciting tournament to date. This year we changed the format for team sign ups with 32 teams entering through a random draw and 32 teams through an auction process. During the CSM summit this week, members of the CSM conducted a random draw to pair the teams as follows:
Team pairings and schedule

64 team Pre Qualifying Round 1 – Saturday, June 30, Sunday, July 1

64 team Pre Qualifying Round 2 – Saturday, July 7, Sunday, July 8

32 team Group Stages – Saturday, July 14, Sunday, July 15 & Saturday, July 21

16 team Finals – Sunday, July 22

The random draw carried out by the CSM is:
Qualifying round 1 - Day 1 - 30th June (All times in UTC)

15:00 Agony Empire vs. Exiled Ones

15:20 Solar Fleet vs. Dead Terrorists

15:40 Lone Star Partners vs. Raiden.

16:00 The Kadeshi vs. The Space Police

16:20 Hun Reloaded vs. Perihelion Alliance

16:40 Babylon 5.. vs. Nulli Secunda

17:00 Noir Mercenary Group vs. Elysian Empire

17:20 Red Overlord vs. R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N.

18:20 Fearless. Vs. Sleeper Social Club

18:40 Darkside vs. RAZOR Alliance

19:00 Get Off My Lawn vs. RvB

19:20 Why So Serious? Vs. Against ALL Authorities

19:40 Exodus vs. Bruderschaft der Pilger

20:00 Goonswarm Federation vs. Brick Squad

20:20 Out of Sight vs. Pure Madness

20:40 The Veyr Collective vs. Northern Coalition.

Qualifying round 1 - Day 2 - 1st July (All times in UTC)

15:00 Dark Taboo vs. Alpha Volley Union

15:20 Manifest destiny vs. Verge of Collapse

15:40 Shadow Cartel vs. Tribal Conclave

16:00 Dystopia Alliance vs. Pandemic Legion

16:20 Heretic Nation vs. Romanian Legion

16:40 Evoke vs. Wormhole Holders

17:00 The RONIN vs. Dirt Nap Squad

17:20 Gypsy Band vs. Curatores Veritatis Alliance

18:20 Fatal Ascension vs. Kill it with fire


19:00 Capital Punishment. Vs. Suddenly Spaceships

19:20 Black Legion vs. Mildly Intoxicated

19:40 The Forth District vs. The Gorgon Empire

20:00 No Holes Barred vs. Team Liquid

20:20 Chokepoint vs. Fluffeh Bunneh Murder Squad

20:40 The G0dfathers vs. Test Alliance Please Ignore

Further details of match schedules will be available on the Alliance Tournament page.

Streaming of Alliance Tournament X and Commentary

I am GM Alvaldi/CCP Bro and I‘m going to tell you a bit about the Alliance Tournament stream this year. We are happy to announce that we are partnering up with own3D.tv to cater to all of your AT needs. If you don‘t know who they are then I recommend that you check out www.own3D.tv as fast as humanly possible. Not only will we be bringing you all the action from AT X live we will also be kicking off the party by streaming all the Alliance tournaments since AT VI during the weekends leading up to the tournament.

But we won‘t stop there. In our tireless effort to bring you entertainment in the form of spaceships shooting each other, we hope that through the partnership with own3D.tv that we here at CCP as well as you, the community, can create stories and events that make EVE such a great game, live in front of thousands of people!

If you have any questions then feel free to post them in the comments or on twitter @CCP_Bro

The former alliance tournaments will be broadcast as follows:
Alliance Tournament VI Replay

Saturday, June 2 and Sunday, June 3. Stream begins at 12:00 UTC with days 1 to 4 of the tournament on Saturday and days 5 & 6 with studio segments on Sunday.
Alliance Tournament VII Replay

Saturday, June9 and Sunday, June 10. Stream begins at 12:00 UTC with days 1 to 4 of the tournament on Saturday and days 5 & 6 with studio segments on Sunday.
Alliance Tournament VIII Replay

Saturday, June 16 and Sunday, June 17. Stream begins at 12:00 UTC with days 1 to 4 of the tournament on Saturday and days 5 & 6 with studio segments on Sunday.
Alliance Tournament IX Replay

Saturday, June 23 and Sunday, June 24. Stream begins at 12:00 UTC with days 1 to 2 of the tournament on Saturday and days 3 & 4 on Sunday all complete with studio segments.

Stuart Saw, the Director of Content and Strategy for own3D.tv has these words for the players of EVE Online:

‘The opportunity to work with CCP for the Alliance Tournament has had everyone very excited. We've got a few EVE fans within our midst and we're all looking forward to seeing it played out in competition. own3D.tv is the best place for large HD video game streams, our scalable infrastructure and monetisation options house some of the biggest gaming streamers on the planet and we look forward to welcoming CCP & The EVE community to that club.’

Feedback from Alliance Tournament IX highlighted that players were unhappy that the qualifying rounds were not streamed so this year we are streaming every match. The first two weekends, which are the six man qualifying rounds, will be broadcast with commentary provided by kil2, Raivi, Michael Bolton III, Zastrow and Lazarus Telraven.

So down to the nitty gritty of why everyone is here – the prizes. This year the tournament is sponsored by the Caldari State who has spared no expense in creating two extremely powerful and versatile ships in their class. These ships will be based on the Osprey and Merlin hulls.

The Osprey hull is Etana. The name is drawn from the same branch of mythology as the Gallente Ishtar and the AT8 Utu, and has a nice connotation with some ancient Caldari-Gallente history involving Caldari Prime. This variant, which is the first prize, is a pioneering logistics ship with the added capacity to fit a covert ops cloak along with some very powerful skill bonuses.

The Merlin hull is Cambion. The name comes from a half-demonic entity which ties in nicely in with the description of a crazy, fiery rocket brawler with mad overheating bonuses plus it's believed that the Merlin of wizard fame was either a cambion or descended from one.

Design on graphics and bonuses for both of these ships are ongoing and may be subject to change. CCP Soundwave and the Alliance Tournament team will bring you full details on the ships during the live broadcast.

That is all from us here on the Alliance Tournament team and we look forward to bringing you all the action from AT X in the coming weeks.

New to EVE? Start your 14-day free trial today.
Returning pilot? Visit Account Management for the latest offers and promotions.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I would sub again if I didn't have to stare at a progress bar for the next 18 months.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
SO the whole of nullsec is at war. Yellow and Orange v Red and Green


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
I would sub again if I didn't have to stare at a progress bar for the next 18 months.

We nurture newbies. There are loads of newbies taking part in this war. So you can only fly a rifter? Great, get in fleet and be a hero tackle


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Haha! Shadoo took his Titan to SoCo's staging system on his own with no back up, warped to their station and blapped a carrier and they still wouldnt undock dics/hics to tackle him


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
700 supercaps and Titans deployed by the CFC and Honeybadgers lol


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
So he wants good fights but doesn't want the enemy to have a proper chain of command. Sounds like he doesn't want good fights.

I think you might have misheard. Test and PL went for goodfights but the Delve residents batphoned the entire Southern Coalition so Test and PL batphoned the CFC and now Mittani has his excuse to take Delve, Querious and Period Basin to give to Test


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
So instead of sorting it out and ACTUALLY get good fights TEST and PL overreacted like a 5 year old kid?

Yeah that sounds about right for the average EvE player... ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Well what a damp squib this war is turning out to be. The SoCo wont fight. They just stay docked up in 319. We had 1400 camping their staging station and there was 3700 in local so they had 2300 people docked up and wouldnt engage. We are even using trainee FC's in this war and people like Shadoo, Vee, Boat, Laz, Vee and Vily have been stood down from FC duties to let the trainees handle it and the SoCo still wont fight us.
Most of the SoCo are chomping at the bit to fight, but AAA are complete faggots and wont let them engage, so I expect Delve, Querious and Period Basis to fall within about 2 weeks as our supercaps/titans are grinding Sov/Stations with no fear as we just hell camp the staging station


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Well, 900 more won't make much of a difference when you're camped in a station. They would just get owned as they undock wouldn't they? You would probably see them way faster when they all undock and they would not only have to load their own ships on grid but yours as well...

So basically you're asking them to suicide on you... :)

So if you're raring for a fight, give SoCo a chance to give you one. In other words, talk to your leadership and persuade them to pull back or something. And failing that, ignore them and pull back anyway... :p

Otherwise you're gonna waste the chance to have one of the biggest wars ever, and instead have one of the most BORING wars ever...

This is just as much CFC's fault as it is AAA's.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Well, 900 more won't make much of a difference when you're camped in a station. They would just get owned as they undock wouldn't they? You would probably see them way faster when they all undock and they would not only have to load their own ships on grid but yours as well...

So basically you're asking them to suicide on you... :)

So if you're raring for a fight, give SoCo a chance to give you one. In other words, talk to your leadership and persuade them to pull back or something. And failing that, ignore them and pull back anyway... :p

Otherwise you're gonna waste the chance to have one of the biggest wars ever, and instead have one of the most BORING wars ever...

This is just as much CFC's fault as it is AAA's.

Scouts reported they had these numbers 2 hours before we hit 319. We got bored of waiting

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