Diablo III


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
Fired up Diablo II for first time in years, actually pretty fun. Only slight annoyance was the fact that as soon as i made a game, i thought "hmm maybe i'll let some other players join if they want" so i set the player amount to something like 4-5.

Within 2 seconds of starting the game i ended up getting boned by bots spamming the crap out of me, so have to now play the game in 1 player mode effectively. So lame. Enjoying it though!


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Another thing I like about D3 is the value that (ingame) money has. Similar to the chest, your money is shared across all characters instead of being stored in the chest (you don't drop coin when you die). There are multiple uses for the money such as the new crafting NPCs blacksmith / jeweller. Admittedly I've only played up to level 13 but the blacksmith seemed very fun. Essentially you salvage magic items from your travels for components and you use them at the blacksmith to craft items. The interesting thing is that the blacksmith gets levelled up by training him (paying money) - it starts off cheap but ramps up.

From listening to various developers talk about their adventures at the higher levels they have been saying they are dying a lot and that the most valuable commodity for them is money in order to repair gear / buy pots.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'm attending a conference instead, so no week long Diablo 3 binge, oh well


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Ah well my week off won't exactly be Diablo 24/7 as no doubt the wife will have a couple of day trips planned.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Fired up Diablo II for first time in years, actually pretty fun. Only slight annoyance was the fact that as soon as i made a game, i thought "hmm maybe i'll let some other players join if they want" so i set the player amount to something like 4-5.

Within 2 seconds of starting the game i ended up getting boned by bots spamming the crap out of me, so have to now play the game in 1 player mode effectively. So lame. Enjoying it though!

Curious how bot spam will be in D3 tbh, with the RMAH they'd have to literally adjust their gold prices every minute just to stay ahead of all the competition... not only that but now it being 4 players only or 2 players + 2 npcs they'll hardly have a huge market :x even more so due to how joining public games works, you cant pick the game like you could in D2 it just auto joins via a random system Blizzard setup so they might even end up joining each others game.

Pretty clever how Blizzard thought of all this tbh :p botting/illegal gold sellers will still exist but it'll be dramatically diminished imo.


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2008
I just wish they would reveal some more about the general PvP and PvP arenas.

For me playing Diablo II in the same community as Xanatea, Belgarion and loads more ex high profile daoc'ers it was all about the PvP. Makes my head spin reading the d3 forums and hear casuals talk as if Diablo is an item only and pve only game.

The pvp to me was the most important one, and atleast in our community we had our own tournaments, own cash / item prizes and ruleset for duels/3v3/4v4.

I just hope they do not ruin the pvp and make it all carebear / casualized like WoW is. Nothing was more fun then jumping into a HC game going hostile and then trying to kill other people, or just in softcore where you sometimes ( very often ) had to hostile people in pub games and fight over the good exp spots.

All the sh*t talking in the #pvp chat and taunting people / talking smack etc, then jump into a game with a few spectators and prove your worth, if you loose you got humiliated if you won you got glory, good way of getting the old pump going.

Really hope they have this in mind when making/creating/finalizing the pvp experience, after all the endgame was always about pvp in d2 item whoring got dull very fast, and just as daoc people aimed for a "good" enough template/item assortment then went into pvp at around lvl 87-92 when you could hold your own even against the lvl 98-99 dudes.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
If Blizzard stick to their guns D3 PvP will just be a bit of fun in an Arena like they showed at Blizzcon, they already said Diablo 3 would never be focussed on PvP, not like WoW has been with Arena rankings etc and rightly so tbh.. we'll all miss the days of raping peoples HC chars with our own twinks but I'd rather that never happen again than see Diablo 3 taken down the same route WoW has with Esports etc.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Sneakers, PvP is not a priority in D3, as is obvious since it's not shipped at release. There will only be these Arena style games with all equipment allowed. There won't be any open world PvP at all, because that's a feature of D2 that isn't fun for most of the players. D3 devs have time and time again said that they cut features if it's not perceived as fun.

I would not get my hopes up for any PvP heaven in D3.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Aye, if its a PvP game your after Sneakers you're probably better off with Guild Wars 2.

All that said! its almost May /fapfapfapfapfap


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
So anyway! as it draws closer anyone care to share their Real ID's for some d3age? can pm them obv rather than posting them here.


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2008
Sneakers, PvP is not a priority in D3, as is obvious since it's not shipped at release. There will only be these Arena style games with all equipment allowed. There won't be any open world PvP at all, because that's a feature of D2 that isn't fun for most of the players. D3 devs have time and time again said that they cut features if it's not perceived as fun.

I would not get my hopes up for any PvP heaven in D3.

For shame if thats true.

Pvp have been apart of Diablo since the beginning, seems to me like an odd way to go by cutting it out of the game. People are gonna grow insanly tired of the PvE within a few months, in the end alot of people like to compare themselves to real people and not scripted A.I.

Guess we will see, still hoping for something awesome though, arenas as showed on blizz con seems poor and pointless but hopefully thats not the final version.

GW2 seems meh to be honest, no /stick no /face and movement ain't like daoc but more like WoW wich means headless chicken type of movement and people running around in circles during pvp like spastics.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
It wont change, its one of the things Blizzard said it would 100% stand by :p they will never allow open world PvP on a larger scale because

1) they'd have to fiddle with server settings/game settings to support more than 4 players at a time.

2) they'd have to make HC easier (who wants to go through 4 difficulties just to get ganked by someone or beaten in a duel?) this won't be like D2 where you could be maxed out in hours from constant Cow level or Baal runs etc.

It just wouldnt appeal to people anymore.. not in the way you're hoping for anyway Sneakers :p you'll have to make friends with Arena if you want to PvP but don't build up your hopes for a ranking system as they've already said they don't want Diablo 3 to be apart of the eSports scene.


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2008
It wont change, its one of the things Blizzard said it would 100% stand by :p they will never allow open world PvP on a larger scale because

1) they'd have to fiddle with server settings/game settings to support more than 4 players at a time.

2) they'd have to make HC easier (who wants to go through 4 difficulties just to get ganked by someone or beaten in a duel?) this won't be like D2 where you could be maxed out in hours from constant Cow level or Baal runs etc.

It just wouldnt appeal to people anymore.. not in the way you're hoping for anyway Sneakers :p you'll have to make friends with Arena if you want to PvP but don't build up your hopes for a ranking system as they've already said they don't want Diablo 3 to be apart of the eSports scene.

Well I havn't been following the twitters, reddit and other sources of info on the game at all so you probably know more what they have and have not stated etc.

Just hope your wrong and that pvp does get a large focus on since I cannot see any type of hack and slash to have longevity unless you find a way to pit people against eachother where items, experience, build, tactics and luck is part of the outcome of the fight.

Diablo ii was brilliant in this aspect before they launched the expansion wich pritty much killed off the high end pvp side of the game. Oh well time will tell I guess.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Just have to wait and see I guess :p it wont be the first time Blizzard have changed their mind if they do allow more pvp focus.. another reason they didnt want to focus on it was the balance issues it would impact pve aswell.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Sneakers, seems to me that the game you want to play is DAoC tbh :p

Lots of people still play D2 and not because of PvP. But because of the "gotta catch em all" item game.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004

Witch Doctors are ready for launch.


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2008
Just have to wait and see I guess :p it wont be the first time Blizzard have changed their mind if they do allow more pvp focus.. another reason they didnt want to focus on it was the balance issues it would impact pve aswell.

Well, the argument that PvP balancing would effect PvE shouldn't really be an issue unless the actual balance between classes and monsters and inbetween classes are skewed to begin with.

If you look at the skills of each classes you realize that their powerfulness will greatly be affected by itemization, and that is something any dev could balance up and down quite easily to find the proper balance to not make combinations too good/easy or very poor and useless. Doubt anyone would want combinations of items+class+skills that one shotted very powerful PvE bosses and steamed through inferno alone either. PvP and PvE balance is connected and don't necessarly work against eachother.

To me Diablo 2 classic was a very well balanced game where every class could kill eachother depeneding on player, skill and itemization. Every class also worked well in PvE, some did better in perticular situations and some did worse in others, but that is BALANCE to me and each class had its pros and cons.

Anyway, there are several good threads going on at b.net forums both eu and us discussing the pvp aspect so the interest is obviously there even if the cummunity is split.

Have a look



I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
They just won't do it, people will feel compelled to spend $$$ on the RMAH just to stay on par with people in the better gear (this obv does not apply to HC characters as they do not have access to the RMAH) at the end of the day they could/will add an Arena but beyond that I highly doubt they will bring open world PvP back. Going by what Bashiok said they just don't want Diablo III to go down that open world ganky/griefing path which is exactly where it will go if they allowed the same type of open world PvP as D2.

Not disagreeing with you nor am I agreeing with you, just don't see it happening unless literally 50%+ of the people that bought D3 ask for it (which I can't see happening)


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2008
They just won't do it, people will feel compelled to spend $$$ on the RMAH just to stay on par with people in the better gear (this obv does not apply to HC characters as they do not have access to the RMAH) at the end of the day they could/will add an Arena but beyond that I highly doubt they will bring open world PvP back. Going by what Bashiok said they just don't want Diablo III to go down that open world ganky/griefing path which is exactly where it will go if they allowed the same type of open world PvP as D2.

Not disagreeing with you nor am I agreeing with you, just don't see it happening unless literally 50%+ of the people that bought D3 ask for it (which I can't see happening)

Don't think anyone really strives for a greifing gank enviroment where people who WANT to pvp prey on those who DO NOT want pvp.

But a good pvp stage wanted I think, could be a mix of "arenas", pvp events like capture the flag ( capture w/e object ), larger maps/game types where people can join and maybe 10-15 people can hang around talking to eachother, duelling, having team vs team battles and so on.

Ladders, blizz run pvp events and so forth is not something that anyone need, if people want that they can create, admin and organize that themselves right?

I'm just praying blizz will give the players the tools to and the freedom to pvp in a rewarding and interesting setting then we can organize tournaments and whatnot within our own cummunities.

Fingers crossed :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Well if its not ganking you want I don't see the problem with just the arena, you can do everything in an arena you can do in open world PvP, the only differences is space (which shouldnt be an issue for good players) and the fact you can't gank people at will. They can easily add more later like Capture the flag or assault the base/enemy boss like Alterac Valley type stuff, just have to give them time, give the game time to develop :p until then start prepping your characters.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Well if its not ganking you want I don't see the problem with just the arena, you can do everything in an arena you can do in open world PvP, the only differences is space (which shouldnt be an issue for good players) and the fact you can't gank people at will.

FYI and this applies to most MMOs as well - I hate this idea.

One of the best things about open world pvp is the tension, danger and drama it adds to a game.

Having to be hyper aware of your surroundings, always position yourself to escape if attacked etc etc adds so much to a game.

Particularly in mmos where otherwise it's 12345 12345 for 40-200hrs to hit the level cap. blah , I just hate that direction ( and not hating on D3 in particular here - but Blizzard did basically start the deletion of world pvp in WoW because it "wasn't fun" for casuals - even though PVP/PVE servers were already seperate.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
That is essentially what open world PvP is tho? one big arena with lots of players, bring the scale and player count down and you've got a small arena with 1-4 people in (no idea if they plan on allowing more than that, havent really looked into arena on D3) i'm really trying to stay neutral for all of this but i'm starting to find it hard because none of the arguments for open world pvp are compelling enough to sway me that way, change my mind with a more indepth analysis ECA :p i'd be happy to read it.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There is constant tension while levelling in a game with open world pvp - this is the biggest thing. Nothing is boring faceroll farm because of the possibility of attack.

It just heightens the fun of playing because of the danger, constantly being alert - it's also huge fun. Aion did open pvp in pve areas awesomely well and they really made the game an enjoyable experience while there was downtime from major events.

eg, enemy rift opens in your highest level area - the guild goes out to help stomp the PKers going after your factions levellers and usually turns into massive alliance vs alliance stomps.
without it.. just zzz 1,2,3,4,5 for the levellers and no fun for the high levels and no reason not to sit in town waiting for siege timers. ( or in other mmos pve instance resets ).


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Sure thing, but Diablo 3 does not and will not ever include these elements! There's no point discussing them

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