Diablo III


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I know I've posted some negative stuff about design and system decisions they've made but I still wanted to give the game a fair shake so I had a bash at the beta weekend.
I completed the act w/ 2 classes and half way with a third, and I think the visuals are nice especially w/ the system requirements , it has nice voice acting and seems very polished.... but. and this is big but....
It just wasn't fun.

Running around killing shit, was not fun.
And that's the whole point of diablo.


( and if it was fun I would be perfectly capable of saying so - so don't start the fanboy shit )


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
I know I've posted some negative stuff about design and system decisions they've made but I still wanted to give the game a fair shake so I had a bash at the beta weekend.
I completed the act w/ 2 classes and half way with a third, and I think the visuals are nice especially w/ the system requirements , it has nice voice acting and seems very polished.... but. and this is big but....
It just wasn't fun.

Running around killing shit, was not fun.
And that's the whole point of diablo.


( and if it was fun I would be perfectly capable of saying so - so don't start the fanboy shit )

i would add to that, i find it a bit dull anyway.. its the WITH FRIENDS that is what interests me, and i dont know if its bugged or not in or whatever, but friends list wasnt working so couldnt play beta with any mates, which is a massive part of why i will get it (and i prob will)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
( and if it was fun I would be perfectly capable of saying so - so don't start the fanboy shit )

Ok, not your cup of tea, everyone doesn't have to like it and if you're not having fun, don't play.

Bashing a game you don't enjoy, or even have any intention of getting, seems like wasted words though.

Running around and killing sh*t is the basis of a lot of games though ;)


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
( and if it was fun I would be perfectly capable of saying so - so don't start the fanboy shit )

I've not been able to try the beta due to work commitments this weekend but, can I ask, do you like any game?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I've not been able to try the beta due to work commitments this weekend but, can I ask, do you like any game?

I like lots of games.
I loved Diablo 1, Diablo 2, Torchlight, Bastion, and a fajillion other games in the hacknslash genre - games where just running around and killing shit is actually fun because of the game mechanics.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Oh right you meant in that way, sorry ECA, thought you didn't like running around killing sh*t.

So in diablo 3 it's not fun? Could it be that you've grown out of it? Not judging, just speculating mind you.

Or can you analyze what isn't working? Is it just a general meh, something amiss, or is there a certain area?


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Was thinking the same as toht.. Perhabs you've grown out of it?

I will probably buy it, play around with it when I get the time to actually play it(august most likely when it is cheaper and I have more time)

Really have high hopes for it


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I know I've posted some negative stuff about design and system decisions they've made but I still wanted to give the game a fair shake so I had a bash at the beta weekend.
I completed the act w/ 2 classes and half way with a third, and I think the visuals are nice especially w/ the system requirements , it has nice voice acting and seems very polished.... but. and this is big but....
It just wasn't fun.

Running around killing shit, was not fun.
And that's the whole point of diablo.


( and if it was fun I would be perfectly capable of saying so - so don't start the fanboy shit )

So Diablo hasn't actually done anything wrong then?

It sounds like you just didn't get on with the game due to growing out of the genre itself?


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Hard to judge the 'funness' of the game mechanics from the beta imo. It's so short and the characters barely grow at all. D1 and D2 are so familiar by now that the beginning of D3 is just treading over old ground. I didn't find the beta spectacular either personally, but conversely I do believe it shows enough promise that it will get better and better as the characters and enemies develop and get more interesting.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 8, 2004
Played this yesterday and this morning and tried out demon hunter and witch doctor. Having not really ever played D2 i quite enjoyed it, liked messing around with different skill setups and too great pleasure in shredding everything with DH's rapid fire before it could get anywhere near me :D gonna try a barb now just before the beta ends in a couple hours.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Hard to judge the 'funness' of the game mechanics from the beta imo. It's so short and the characters barely grow at all. D1 and D2 are so familiar by now that the beginning of D3 is just treading over old ground. I didn't find the beta spectacular either personally, but conversely I do believe it shows enough promise that it will get better and better as the characters and enemies develop and get more interesting.

For sure the game doesn't even get going by the time you have finished the Act.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I really liked it, the change to the quick bar is very welcome, though it could be bigger! The health orbs are a nice touch too, they speed things up a bit. The graphics are decent. Looking forward to the real life auction house, I just wish they had the same in WoW - I could fund my drinking from it!

Getting it for free so will play it on release, won't have lost anything if I don't play it for long.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
I really liked it, the change to the quick bar is very welcome, though it could be bigger! The health orbs are a nice touch too, they speed things up a bit. The graphics are decent. Looking forward to the real life auction house, I just wish they had the same in WoW - I could fund my drinking from it!

Getting it for free so will play it on release, won't have lost anything if I don't play it for long.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Getting it for free so will play it on release, won't have lost anything if I don't play it for long.

Don't think paying a years sub for WoW is getting it for free tbh mate.. :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
ofc it's free. I would be paying the same amount every month anyway.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Yup bring on the 15th. It's getting close now.

Also, only got the 16th-18th off so no doing a long stretch at release day :p


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
15th can't come quick enough, I don't expect to be playing the game for months and months I'll play it for as long as I think its fun.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
ofc it's free. I would be paying the same amount every month anyway.

Yeap, same here. No loss and msot likely a pure gain of an awesome game.

Or if you add it to the sub,it makes wow subs cost 7/month for a year, which is rather cheap.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I paid for the annual pass for D3 + the Tyrael mount tbh :p Tyrael mount might be frowned upon as being a welfare mount but XX months down the line when its no longer available it'll be pretty cool to have.

Thats not to say I havent been playing WoW, i've played it on and off for like 6-7 months, its been idle alot tho aswell.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah my wowwing is on/off too, but i play enough to warrant it, especially with the freebies. I'm just not sure if i want the CE or not, it has some nice swag and not a bad pricetag.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Well that's why you get D3 free for paying for a whole year up-front. Sometimes you don't play all the time, so it's kind of like being a passive member


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
It really has been a long time since i played Diablo II, but i really did love it when i played it. I wonder if they will have things like the Cow Level, or events such as summoning the Diablo Clone. I remember having loads of fun trying to "find" the right place to cause Diablo Clone to spawn.

I do wonder though, will Diablo III be the same setup as Diablo II when starting/joining games? I remember back when you'd join the bnet chat and it would have a whole host of games that where playing with a number of different people and the reasons in which they where playing. Can you join anyones game (If they allow you to) and just progress that way, or is it entirely possible to solo the games.

Though in honesty i do remember struggling like hell in the game when i first started, bosses kicking the shit out of me. Thankfully at the time family and friends where playing the game as well so i was able to get into it properly then once i geared off them.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Most likely public and private games like in D2, atleast i hope it is, that way i can play through the story all by myself, then hop into groupaction.

Kinda like a prewank :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It really has been a long time since i played Diablo II, but i really did love it when i played it. I wonder if they will have things like the Cow Level, or events such as summoning the Diablo Clone. I remember having loads of fun trying to "find" the right place to cause Diablo Clone to spawn.

I do wonder though, will Diablo III be the same setup as Diablo II when starting/joining games? I remember back when you'd join the bnet chat and it would have a whole host of games that where playing with a number of different people and the reasons in which they where playing. Can you join anyones game (If they allow you to) and just progress that way, or is it entirely possible to solo the games.

Though in honesty i do remember struggling like hell in the game when i first started, bosses kicking the shit out of me. Thankfully at the time family and friends where playing the game as well so i was able to get into it properly then once i geared off them.
There will probably be some sort of "cow level", maybe not with cows though.

You can join anyones game, but you can't choose which. You click to start playing and it matchmakes you to a game that's at the same step in the quest you have chosen.

But you can create a party with your friends or join a friends in-progress game directly (if they allow it).

Sadly there's no list of games to choose with a topic (mf run, trade, baal run etc). So you'll have to go out of the game and reach out to other diablo3 players if you want specific type of games.

It is entirely possible to solo all the way from the start of normal difficulty to the end of inferno difficulty and you can play entirely alone if you wish, public play is optional.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
I absolutely loved the beta. I took a barb through the first act solo at first to experience the story on my own terms (looked for the lore books, watched the cutscenes in full) and enjoyed it. Once I had finished act 1 i jumped in a game with 3 friends on teamspeak and that's when i fell in love with the game. It was fantastic.

I really liked the ability to see which battlenet friends are playing, and to join their game at any stage they're on. I knew this would be the game for me when I realised I had spent about 30 minutes in New Tristram just chatting with friends running through act 1 about items they've found, gear they've got and general chit chat - I really felt the social connection which i've not felt since the times of DAoC.

My breakdown of the classes (played all to level 11ish) are as follows:

Barbarian: Great fun and felt so visceral smashing skeletons half way across the screen. I'll be rolling this on release.
Monk: Very similar to the Barbarian in terms of visceral feel but with some very interesting skills (a teleportation punch with 0 cooldown) - this is the class I would pick for release but I felt I had to click to much due to the extremely high attack speed.
Witch Doctor: Didn't like it one bit - maybe due to the low levels I felt it was a bit meh (and the D2 necro was my favourite class)
Demon Hunter: Again, a bit meh - nothing really new, it's basically an Amazon with a few gimmicky skills
Wizard: The class I played the least - felt it was a bit underpowered at the early levels.


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
Since i'm not in the beta, time to fire up Diablo II to get some hours in i think.

I remember coming back to this game a few or so ago, and i couldn't get used to how the graphics/movement were, really messed me up!


Thinking about it i just remember about Diablo II, it was an utter pain in the arse trading items between characters, muling. You where always at a risk of losing items either through realm crash or ninja'ing as you had to leave the items and shit on the floor.

Warcraft dealt with that by in-game mailboxes, but does DiabloIII do anything to counter this issue, especially as the Diablo III world won't have as many (any) players on your realm.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Thinking about it i just remember about Diablo II, it was an utter pain in the arse trading items between characters, muling. You where always at a risk of losing items either through realm crash or ninja'ing as you had to leave the items and shit on the floor.

Warcraft dealt with that by in-game mailboxes, but does DiabloIII do anything to counter this issue, especially as the Diablo III world won't have as many (any) players on your realm.
Yes they realised that and designed for that. Ingame you have a chest like in D2, the difference is that it is shared between all your characters.

You start with 14 squares to store your items and can unlock more with ingame gold. 10k gold for 14 more squares up to max 4 times. With a total of 70 squares. You can then unlock a new tab for 100k. There are a total of 3 tabs.

You can access the shared stash through the auction house interface aswell and sell and buy items directly from and to there.

Don't think you can transfer items from your shared stash to your characters, without being in a game, though.

Looks like this (prices are adjusted)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Glad they did that with the chest/made it shared tbh :p got sick of mule games on D2.

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