DayZ Standalone


Mar 11, 2004
Been playing standalone with some mates.

The game is much prettier now, animations are better but not perfect yet. Loot is sparse, things you would expect to be common, clothes, rotting food, are common. Tinned food is a bit harder to find (for a group of 3)

We've got a pistol with no ammo, a rifle with no ammo, assorted melee weapons, a camping stove, gas bottles, firewood, matches etc etc etc. We've all got a medic kit, now i like these as they are mini bags. You get 6 slots inside it for medically stuff. Saline, blood bags, IV starters etc.

Best thing we've had happen so far, was coming across a guy in Berez, holding him at empty gun point. Cuffing him. Filling all our blood bags, throwing him some keys on the ground and running off. As yet no blood type seems to be ingame as a function, or the guy happened to be the same blood type as each of us...who knows :p

Liking the better steam integration for joining games.

Only seen a few people with guns so far, people seem to be a bit running around happy tho. We've been sat on the edge of town watching, seeing loads of people running around looking for each other/gear. Then running into someone they didn't expect and mad axe chases then occurring. From a spectator point of view its all pretty funny.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
certainly looks like its improving, bought it, played it for 10 mins to make sure its working, and waiting on updates atm


Mar 11, 2004
They rolled out a patch yesterday that was on experimental for a while, reduced the numbers of weapons spawning in, some other stuff aswell.

however you still get hungry every 5 seconds which is fairly annoying.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
They rolled out a patch yesterday that was on experimental for a while, reduced the numbers of weapons spawning in, some other stuff aswell.

however you still get hungry every 5 seconds which is fairly annoying.

yea i saw that
i mostly bought it to get it cheaper really i wasnt expecting it to be playable for a while :D


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
They rolled out a patch yesterday that was on experimental for a while, reduced the numbers of weapons spawning in, some other stuff aswell.

however you still get hungry every 5 seconds which is fairly annoying.

REDUCED?!?! Shit there aren't any anyway! :(


Mar 11, 2004
Thats what the patch notes said :)

So far in the three of us we've found 4 weapons. But not so much ammo for any of them. Food however seems to eb more scarce after the patch. Roamed around for an hour last night and found 2 tins of tuna and one spaghetti, not so good as we used up 4 cans of food :/


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
in my brief playing ages ago, i found loads of guns, just no ammo.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ofcourse Pyrion does exaggarate a "bit" in his so called guides, but yeah :p


Mar 11, 2004
DayZ is not a game for everyone.

There are servers that enforce PvE gameplay. Killing someone is a automated k/b and they do some sort of jiggery poker to restore your character, i'm not entirely sure how.

So far i've been shot a grand total of zero times, but have died 4 times now :p First death was to a horde of zombies about 5 mins into the game as i attempted to loot a house.
Second death came on Sunday morning, where i apparently launched into the sky while walking down some steps :p (According to one of my game mates....although he is sporting my lovely chest holster now :()

Third death was due to me wondering "what'll happen if i eat rotten food" upon respawning from the above death. Slow, agonizing noisey death occured.

Fourth death was the winner comedy wise tho. While looting a house, the server crashed. Upon reloading into another server, I was inside a door that'd i'd opened on the other server. Both my legs break. Crawled for 10 mins into the ocean to drown myself :p

I've learnt some loot spawn location tricks in dayz now, so i can regear up fairly quickly in most towns. Building have a certain type of loot spawn inside them generally. There are also certain places where a weapon (axe etc) will spawn more often than other places.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
The idea behind DayZ is solid, don't get me wrong, but it has a long way to get there(to be called standalone, not just a glorified mod ;).


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
DayZ is not a game for everyone.

There are servers that enforce PvE gameplay. Killing someone is a automated k/b and they do some sort of jiggery poker to restore your character, i'm not entirely sure how.

So far i've been shot a grand total of zero times, but have died 4 times now :p First death was to a horde of zombies about 5 mins into the game as i attempted to loot a house.
Second death came on Sunday morning, where i apparently launched into the sky while walking down some steps :p (According to one of my game mates....although he is sporting my lovely chest holster now :()

Third death was due to me wondering "what'll happen if i eat rotten food" upon respawning from the above death. Slow, agonizing noisey death occured.

Fourth death was the winner comedy wise tho. While looting a house, the server crashed. Upon reloading into another server, I was inside a door that'd i'd opened on the other server. Both my legs break. Crawled for 10 mins into the ocean to drown myself :p

I've learnt some loot spawn location tricks in dayz now, so i can regear up fairly quickly in most towns. Building have a certain type of loot spawn inside them generally. There are also certain places where a weapon (axe etc) will spawn more often than other places.
PvE servers are shit though.. That's just boring :3

The best server I played on was like 30 man prime time, running around as a 5 man crew for ages not getting attacked, then the next week or so, the server filled to 50, so we were loaded to shit, and we just over watched Cherno or Elektro, not killing everyone, but the dicks, counter snipering etc :D


Mar 11, 2004
PvE servers are shit though.. That's just boring :3

The best server I played on was like 30 man prime time, running around as a 5 man crew for ages not getting attacked, then the next week or so, the server filled to 50, so we were loaded to shit, and we just over watched Cherno or Elektro, not killing everyone, but the dicks, counter snipering etc :D

Read the posts like 2 above mine, thus why i mentioned those servers :)


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Read the posts like 2 above mine, thus why i mentioned those servers :)
I did, but I was pointing out that there's no point playing them, it's like playing a MMO and playing on PvE servers only, that's just gay...

People need to man up and deal with the competition, it's not hard to gear yourself up and compete.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
PvE servers are shit though.. That's just boring :3

The best server I played on was like 30 man prime time, running around as a 5 man crew for ages not getting attacked, then the next week or so, the server filled to 50, so we were loaded to shit, and we just over watched Cherno or Elektro, not killing everyone, but the dicks, counter snipering etc :D

Yeah, that's the thing, if you're geared up and owning everyone then ofcourse it's not boring, but if you're one of those guys who get 5 feet off the shore *SNIPE!* Get 5 fee *SNIPE!* Get 5 feet off the shore, possibly even find an ax*SNIPE!*

You get the idea ;)

There'a s difference in competitive, manning up and getting into PVP and plain old grief-fest.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
DayZ is not a game for everyone.

There are servers that enforce PvE gameplay. Killing someone is a automated k/b and they do some sort of jiggery poker to restore your character, i'm not entirely sure how.

So far i've been shot a grand total of zero times, but have died 4 times now :p First death was to a horde of zombies about 5 mins into the game as i attempted to loot a house.
Second death came on Sunday morning, where i apparently launched into the sky while walking down some steps :p (According to one of my game mates....although he is sporting my lovely chest holster now :()

Third death was due to me wondering "what'll happen if i eat rotten food" upon respawning from the above death. Slow, agonizing noisey death occured.

Fourth death was the winner comedy wise tho. While looting a house, the server crashed. Upon reloading into another server, I was inside a door that'd i'd opened on the other server. Both my legs break. Crawled for 10 mins into the ocean to drown myself :p

I've learnt some loot spawn location tricks in dayz now, so i can regear up fairly quickly in most towns. Building have a certain type of loot spawn inside them generally. There are also certain places where a weapon (axe etc) will spawn more often than other places.

All I want to do is kill people, so that wouldn't be much use for me :)



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
I have been playing Dayz SA quite a lot lately. I enjoy the game but there are too many annoyances, too much KoS..

One of the worst experiences i had in the game was running into 3 unarmed guys, i was not even pointing my M4 at them, was gonna fuck with them a bit and then give them some provisions, but they attacked me like enraged zombies trying to knock me down with punches (beware, in Dayz one punch to the head can drop you uncoscious for a few seconds, just enuff for the attacker to take your gun and put a bullet on your head). It took me completely off guard, most ppl just runs away or stands down, so i tell them to stop it and start spraying bullets on the ground betwen us while walking backwards to try to stop their advance, they just keep sprinting trying to sorround me until one of them lands the first punch, for which he run into my spray of bullets, his legs got broken and he dropped to the ground, the other two keept trying to punch me, at this point it was enuff, i shot them down. Was then that the guy with his legs broken finally started talking, altho he wasnt exactly into the RP thing, he bandaged himself and keept crawling towards me trying to punch my legs (lol), he started insulting me, my mother.. and since i fired a few more shots on the ground to try and make him stop moving towards me, the fool started mocking me because im such a bad shooter.. guess he never realized i was not trying to hit them, but i didnt bother explaining, i just lured him deeper in the woods away from anything while he raged out until, at some point, he stopped moving and intensified the insulting daring me to kill him if i had the balls. So finally i told him to fuck off back to modern warfare, battlefield or whatever else but a survival RPG, dropped him a can of tuna and left him there to starve to death, he didnt stop screaming while i walked away.

Zombies are not even a threat but you just cant get too attached to your character cause you will die instantly at some point, most likely someone will gun you down on sight or you will glitch tru a wall and fall to ur death. Its however very immersive and fun, there will be priceless moments in which you will be thrilled. Im sure in the future it will be an awesome game.

I have a few friends playing but whenever i join them up i die in boredom, they are too afraid to loose their "precious" gear so basically they constantly hide in the woods, check and double check every bush with long scopes before taking a step... As a previous poster said its not for everyone, specially at its current alpha state.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
makes the rest a bit redundant ?

not rly, if u can read..

i mean, right now there is not much u can do in the game, when you encounter ppl you have got to interact with them, joke around, question them.. whatever you feel like, thats what i mean when i say i was gonna "fuck with them a bit" its not as if i was gonna rob or torture them.. and i would end up helping them out, giving them some food etc.. but their behaviour and lack of comunication forced my arm and ruined the "encounter", what part of the picture did you miss?

thats what the game is about, not a shooter in which you just attack everything that moves..


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It's either way you like it to be, its as sandbox as you can get a shooter to be. There is no real objective but gathering stuff and surviving, be that against people or zombies.

Quite frankly I would like to see servers that have no zombies at all but perhaps have a higher player count. Perhaps much higher. Players could get together and control towns. Raid each others towns, stash stuff in places that aren't as obvious as tents and so on. The sub-genre has a hell of a lot of possibilities really.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
tbh it read like you were power tripping over noobs who couldnt fight back and it didnt play out to your liking /shrug /care


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
It's either way you like it to be, its as sandbox as you can get a shooter to be. There is no real objective but gathering stuff and surviving, be that against people or zombies.

Quite frankly I would like to see servers that have no zombies at all but perhaps have a higher player count. Perhaps much higher. Players could get together and control towns. Raid each others towns, stash stuff in places that aren't as obvious as tents and so on. The sub-genre has a hell of a lot of possibilities really.

problem is how do you make a game without constraints conform to an idea. it could be a lot better, but with retards, and gankers, who wants to take the risk of walking up to someone and saying "hi" cos you will get sniped by his mate.

design vs playerbase fail

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