DayZ Standalone


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
will buy it in a month or 2 when its more stable :p but yes, a freddys crew sounds interesting @Nate


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah no one say anything wrong about the game i bllindly think is good because it -has- to be good so i get some validation ;)

It's a shitty game even for an alpha, with dean making promkises he can't keep because his fans lap it up like lesbians in an orgy and the whole thing being a concealed warZ farse only kept alive by the rabiid fanboism around it.

And that's saying it politely :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm just saying, it doesn't matter what you think. if you don't like or ever play the game, you need to be posting somewhere else, about something else.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah, like i said, don't talk bad about the game, only nice things because if you're not licking the rockets arse then it doesn't matter what you think :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You are actually incapable of reading what anyone else writes aren't you?

For the record, I'm not even that fond of the standalone (yet), it seems pretty slow to me, I'm missing the mod version really. Even that, I only play that once or twice a week. But I do play it, and have bought it, which is why I posted in this thread. The idea of posting in a thread about a game I don't own, with such strident opinions as yours, mystifies me to be honest.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 8, 2004
I bought it and atm (since i never played the mod) I'm quite enjoying the slow pace and getting to know the map and the game.

I just had the good fortune to wander into Zelenogorsk as the server reset - had a completely uncontested loot of the miliitary base and am now geared up. Unfortunately I'm now scared to go out and lose it so I sat on a bunk and read some of Hamlet :(


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
I bought it and atm (since i never played the mod) I'm quite enjoying the slow pace and getting to know the map and the game.

I just had the good fortune to wander into Zelenogorsk as the server reset - had a completely uncontested loot of the miliitary base and am now geared up. Unfortunately I'm now scared to go out and lose it so I sat on a bunk and read some of Hamlet :(

yea thats the atraction/problem with it.. NVG, GPS, ghille suit, silenced sniper rifle.. aaaaaaand you died :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 8, 2004
Also is it just me or have they increased the zombie cap a little bit today - seems like ive met a lot more today than I did yesterday just randomly roaming.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 8, 2004
So I adventured to the top of the comms tower near Zelenogorsk, and as I was looking at the view i accidentally vaulted off the edge.

Oh well.



Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
So I adventured to the top of the comms tower near Zelenogorsk, and as I was looking at the view i accidentally vaulted off the edge.

Oh well.


Sounds like when I took an epic plunge down from the balcony of an appartment. I was only trying to get the red hoodie :(


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Managed to get decently kitted out twice now only to get myself killed. Need to be more careful. Enjoying it so far though. Only complaint is they definitely need to tone down the hunger/thirst, it's absurd that I can drink from a well/pump then walk to another town 10mins away and my toon is already whining at me. I like that they're making it harder with having to have a can opener/knife etc, but equally I don't need to eat 18 meals a day.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
they got anything better than tents for "housing" ?

and dont they have water bottles any more ? Oo


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I thought they were going to add proper bases and whatnot at some point - may be mistaken though (may even be another game!)


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
@Mabs you can get both refillable plastic bottles and canteens. Seen/looted both.

Player structure/housing is planned sfaik, you're supposed to be able to create 'settlements' of some sort I'm sure.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Managed to get decently kitted out twice now only to get myself killed. Need to be more careful. Enjoying it so far though. Only complaint is they definitely need to tone down the hunger/thirst, it's absurd that I can drink from a well/pump then walk to another town 10mins away and my toon is already whining at me. I like that they're making it harder with having to have a can opener/knife etc, but equally I don't need to eat 18 meals a day.
I've read that you can over eat, but if you get it at the sweet spot it regens your blood level, my visions all gone grey but I'm not hungry or thirsty. Nothings changing :upyours:


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You are actually incapable of reading what anyone else writes aren't you?

For the record, I'm not even that fond of the standalone (yet), it seems pretty slow to me, I'm missing the mod version really. Even that, I only play that once or twice a week. But I do play it, and have bought it, which is why I posted in this thread. The idea of posting in a thread about a game I don't own, with such strident opinions as yours, mystifies me to be honest.

Not at all, i hear loud and clear that you don't wan t outsiders here. Don't give a f*ck implied.

I'm free to judge this game without playing it and perhaps persuade someone not to waste money on it(second time that is, since no one bought arma 2 for arma 2 :p). There's absolutely nothing out from the stand alone that makes it look like a stand alone. It's a glorified and overpraised mod 1.1, not even 2.0 and in many parts the original was better.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Feels clunky as fuck tbh, regardless of it being Alpha still its pretty disappointing considering how long its taken them to bring it out. As for the crafting, need to eat and drink and all that shit if it gets overcomplicated people simply won't play it, plenty of DayZ clones will likely be appearing in the next year or so.. only a matter of time before one of them hits the nail on the head and plows DayZ into the ground.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
I'm enjoying it personally. Yeah, there are a lot of elements that need improving but so far I feel it's a step above the ARMA2 version. I do agree that the consumption of food and drinking feels overwrought at first, but the problem is that the UI misleads you currently, with the hungry/thirsty icons only appearing when you're actually really low on however the game is quantifying your need too eat or drink. By constantly 'topping off' whenever I find food/drink rather than waiting for the indicators I've been able to run all the way from Balota to the NW airfield without consuming anything.

Only thing I'd say right now is the game feels rather pointless and empty, but I think that's mainly due to people sticking to Cherno/Electro given there's almost no reason to run north due to the lack of available items/other stuff. I ran north, stopping off at the Pavlovo military base on the way, and came back with 100% perfect gear (full camo, rifle with scope, ammo, food/drink, med kits etc etc) and it took me about 2 hours. Now I'm just kinda running around aimlessly hoping to find people to kill but it's ultimately unrewarding because I get nothing from it due to not needing any items more or less. Not sure about the technical side of it, but it definitely feels right now like 60-80 man servers would make the game more exciting.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm enjoying it personally. Yeah, there are a lot of elements that need improving but so far I feel it's a step above the ARMA2 version. I do agree that the consumption of food and drinking feels overwrought at first, but the problem is that the UI misleads you currently, with the hungry/thirsty icons only appearing when you're actually really low on however the game is quantifying your need too eat or drink. By constantly 'topping off' whenever I find food/drink rather than waiting for the indicators I've been able to run all the way from Balota to the NW airfield without consuming anything.

Only thing I'd say right now is the game feels rather pointless and empty, but I think that's mainly due to people sticking to Cherno/Electro given there's almost no reason to run north due to the lack of available items/other stuff. I ran north, stopping off at the Pavlovo military base on the way, and came back with 100% perfect gear (full camo, rifle with scope, ammo, food/drink, med kits etc etc) and it took me about 2 hours. Now I'm just kinda running around aimlessly hoping to find people to kill but it's ultimately unrewarding because I get nothing from it due to not needing any items more or less. Not sure about the technical side of it, but it definitely feels right now like 60-80 man servers would make the game more exciting.

You're right, though I am yet to find any ammo for any gun.

I still prefer the mod version at the moment.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
You're right, though I am yet to find any ammo for any gun.

I still prefer the mod version at the moment.

Best place for ammo is army tents, but yes it's really scarce right now. One thing I almost made a massive boob over was having the ammo for my Mosin but not realising I had to take it out of the packet before loading it... ha. The M4 ammo comes already in a clip (or at least that's how I've found it so far) though.

Mosin ammo unpacked:
Mosin ammo packed:

You just right click it in your inventory and 'empty' it, then you right click the rifle and load the ammo. Hot key to reload doesn't seem to work right now which is a royal pain.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Nar I've found three M4's, none of them had ammo :( I ran up to a bloke today and pointed my pistol at him, and said gimme all your stuff! I didn't reply, just stared at me.

I didn't have any ammo for the pistol, so I took out me axe and hit him on the head with it :)


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
More of you should buy it already - let's bring back the gang. It's pretty easy to get up and about, the zombie mechanic is better (albeit bit bugged now). I have yet to make it to the airport and around, but you become self-sufficient in under 20 minutes, with an axe, backpack and food/drinks.

I've tried being a pacifist, it worked more than i had expected, tbh. Not in the sense of actually helping people or playing together, but leaving them to their thing and not attacking on sight. Some "get it" and leave you alone aswell, others will be dicks and engage regardless. This one guy says "friendly, friendly!", then as he gets close to me he starts a fist fight, with me wielding a firefighter axe. One hit and he's dead, I thanked him for the backpack and compass, and went on.

Twice I died without seeing or hearing my assailant, most likely sniped from afar. But most cases, if you leave people alone, they will not bother you, i found. I now have a map and compass, a loaded Magnum (pretty useless against zombies, axe is the most effective), enough food and drinks to carry me anywhere on the map, and some other useful stuff like alcohol (used for cleaning wounds, heals sickness), painkillers, etc.

Btw, there is a anti-cheat measure in place, i've tested it. If you logon and off in the same place more than 3-4 times, it'll respawn you naked, as if you had died. Prevents people from server hopping and clearing army tents on empty/low pop servers.

Get in!


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
I'm somewhere on the east coast with a full inventory of food, meds and about 200 rounds for my M4. North east airstrip was a gold mine and well worth the run. :p

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