Boycot Rvr

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Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Savages which is so incredible bugged and overpowered and in no way balanced (light tank with tank ras o_O? joke).

Compared to mercs and bms and zerks that are also light tanks and are on the hybrid RA table or what do you mean?

Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by Kahland
do i smell excal noob ? :E

As a matter of fact yes ,p
gave up prydwen 4 months after release or so and every time i check back it's just soo booring :z

Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by lissandra
Compared to mercs and bms and zerks that are also light tanks and are on the hybrid RA table or what do you mean?

Nothing other then it's a joke from mythic ,x implementing a "support" class with tank (like warrior, thane, paladin, arms, champion etc) ra's :p.

(those tanks don't have the tank ra's even if they should though)

My point is that mythic implemented those ra's every calss need on a class that was balanced without it but ain't with it.

Lomald Umilinn

As it should be.
But a savage or a zerker? When not a friar or a reaver gets it?
simular in hib as well , allthough blademasters will be insane in the future.

You see my point. Tanks should have it, not light tanks. What makes savages so incredible overpowered are based on pretty many things though.

Damage bug (what mythic said), Quad rate bug (still looking for the time a savage dont tripple or quad me), Savagery+buffs, overpowered RA table on top of that (all classes need det and cheap ras).

Not entirely the class itself, but when it stacks with a lot of other things in game that class gets so sick you can put a 100M cement wall in front of it and it will still break through it.

And on top of that they can bring 4 savages where as albs can only compete with 2 mercs, 3 if they leave soemthing out.

Same problems hibs/albs have. Mids had zerkers first, and now savages. If mids are skilled or not should only be said if they don't abuse savages :). PBAOE groups etc have really nothing to be ashamed of ... but fotm guilds abusing savages in midgard all over the world should in no way deserve respect and in no way be officially known as skilled players.

I /leveld a savage yesterday to check out the class personaly and I have to admit its one sick killing machine... reminded me of pre-1.39 archers. But we all know what happend to archers.

finally a mid that agreed?


Thankyou Lomald you have also proved my point-
and i also agree - i have a savage & healer /leveled on mid/excal - and when in sav/heal grps - WE DO NOT LOSE EVER !!

Lomald Umilinn

Well you do loose, it just takes a zerg to kill a normal fotm mid group :p afte ryou've wasted all your extremely cheap instant win ras on 8 classes in that group someone might actually kill you eventually ;p.

but 2-3FG vs 1fg fotm mid group = mid wins easily.


killed them before. will kill them again. they arent unbeatable 1vs1 you just need to pick the RIGHT targets and all ASSIST on that target. Right group with right RA's can win.

However the zerg works as long as you kill the healers first


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
And on top of that they can bring 4 savages where as albs can only compete with 2 mercs, 3 if they leave soemthing out.
if u use 4 savages you leave skald and warrior out and thats a gimped setup imo. Of course against random albs like the one in my sig that randomly attacks every enemy you see it might work but when u meet players that think a bit you are dead.


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
As it should be.
But a savage or a zerker? When not a friar or a reaver gets it?
simular in hib as well , allthough blademasters will be insane in the future.

You see my point. Tanks should have it, not light tanks. What makes savages so incredible overpowered are based on pretty many things though.

Damage bug (what mythic said), Quad rate bug (still looking for the time a savage dont tripple or quad me), Savagery+buffs, overpowered RA table on top of that (all classes need det and cheap ras).

Not entirely the class itself, but when it stacks with a lot of other things in game that class gets so sick you can put a 100M cement wall in front of it and it will still break through it.

And on top of that they can bring 4 savages where as albs can only compete with 2 mercs, 3 if they leave soemthing out.

Same problems hibs/albs have. Mids had zerkers first, and now savages. If mids are skilled or not should only be said if they don't abuse savages :). PBAOE groups etc have really nothing to be ashamed of ... but fotm guilds abusing savages in midgard all over the world should in no way deserve respect and in no way be officially known as skilled players.

finally a mid that agreed?

Lomald you dont even know which classes have tank RAs do you?

BM/Merc/zerk/savage/warrior/hero/armsman all ahve tank RAs so please post more bollocks.

also why would a friar and reaver who are hybrids have tank RAs no other realm does, and a reaver with tank RAs would be way to powerful and they would prolly be facing a nerf with savages.


Originally posted by Aussie-

I guess retards are everywhere, except that Alb/Exc is overwhelmed by those. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Aussie-

ive seen enough of excal/alb when i watched that rr10 wizard noob movie.....

perfect example of "if you dont have the skill (as far as it is required) then you at least gotta have the RA's"

Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by lorric
Lomald you dont even know which classes have tank RAs do you?

BM/Merc/zerk/savage/warrior/hero/armsman all ahve tank RAs so please post more bollocks.

also why would a friar and reaver who are hybrids have tank RAs no other realm does, and a reaver with tank RAs would be way to powerful and they would prolly be facing a nerf with savages.

As a matter of fact I do know that, have i ever said any other class had tank ra's? read again before you post, i said the classes that are supposed to have tank ras don't the calsses that ain't even a tank have it .... enough said

and reavers with tank ras = what alb needs to fight savages.
but of course you can't ever admit that, can you? becuase savages are sooo balanced with tank ras ,p? give it to reavers and you will cry more n00b nerf reavers .. the way we cry on teh n00b savages at moment.

Let's face it .. we whine on savages becuase they get det + their support damage.

You would whine if hib or alb would get a support damage with self buffs (like reaver) with tank ra's simple fact. Would only be fair to give reavers tank ras for 5 months to compensate the fotm n00bs in midgard. but you will never admit that, becuase you as all mids would still agree that the savage don't need a nerf, they are not overpowered and that they deserve cheap tank ra table. (fuck of the DAoC joke by mythic).


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
As a matter of fact I do know that, have i ever said any other class had tank ra's? read again before you post, i said the classes that are supposed to have tank ras don't the calsses that ain't even a tank have it .... enough said

and reavers with tank ras = what alb needs to fight savages.
but of course you can't ever admit that, can you? becuase savages are sooo balanced with tank ras ,p? give it to reavers and you will cry more n00b nerf reavers .. the way we cry on teh n00b savages at moment.

Let's face it .. we whine on savages becuase they get det + their support damage.

You would whine if hib or alb would get a support damage with self buffs (like reaver) with tank ra's simple fact. Would only be fair to give reavers tank ras for 5 months to compensate the fotm n00bs in midgard. but you will never admit that, becuase you as all mids would still agree that the savage don't need a nerf, they are not overpowered and that they deserve cheap tank ra table. (fuck of the DAoC joke by mythic).
You have no idea what is a hybrid and what is a tank, do you?


Reavers are killing machines give them Tanks RAs and they would of been nerfed along with the savages who needed nerfing and as whisp says give a alb hybrid tank RAs giev all Hybrids the same.


in responce to the origonal poster:

It is possiable to win against mids so long as you use the right setup and play in a group that has played with each other before. Sticking your head in the sand untill the whole of midgard is nerfed to the ground wont realy provide much of a challenge.

I think we all know that savages are overpowered, i think we all know that in its current state midgard have a slight advantage.

BUT this advantage isnt that much the main reason, it is so difficult for casual players to get along (and also for some not so casual players :p ) is Mid has several well organised rvr guilds who are higher realm rank and more used to playing as a team than the people that they face, so they rarely lose.

In responce to the "healers are extremely hard to kill":

Yes healers are almost impossiable to kill if to other healers are healing them the whole time....then it dosnt matter how much you slam its not going to die. However if the other two healers have a pet on them or a minstrel/thurgist interupting them then it tends to make things easyer. Especialy if SoS is up so they have no way of escaping you, and your clerics can blow rasberrys over their sholders at the savages. The only way albions clerics can compare is to BoF and to run like the wind

Its right when you say groups with 3 or 4 healers are very tough but wouldnt groups with 3 clerics be that aswell?

yes, you would be very tough but you would have no teeth. As Mid CC is also on the primary heal class their cc'r is also their healer. However clerics have buffs + heals (smite is not a very viable option since the nerf) so you will have a lot of heals but you will have to sacrrifice either a merc or your CC to have this so you either wont be able to frontload enough dammage to kill the first healer or you wont be able to stop the oposition from healing (and so again wouldnt be able to kill the first healer), or slow the enemy tanks down with roots/mez/debuffs.

When it comes down to it its who can kill who's support in the fastest time and with 3 healeres are better at surviving than two clerics and a sorc, and savages do more dammage than mercs/arms. However when BoF and SoS are up i would say its fairly even, in this case it comes down to skill and realm rank (and if Mid RA's are up your toast whatever).

Anyway thats my view formulated in a relativly short time in playing in an "opted group". If your in a "random group" you cant realy expect to beat anyone in a guild group. Thats like my m8 taking his sup'd up escort to silverstone :rolleyes:

In respone to the hib perspective:

imo any hib group who can beat a fotm alb/mid group gets my upmost respect :clap:

/edit for spellings (if there are any more then i appologise, its not exactly my strong point)


My experience with my 50 merc RR 4L4 is that he dies in less then 8 seconds running into a sav/healer grp so forget Det 4 , It doesnt work...even if I'm not stunned insta mezzed I still die in less then 8 seconds against a savage. When I hit for 100 right hand and 30 left hand and Savage hits for 360+ it's very easy math who will die first....

Now to my 50 sorc RR 3L9.... I debuffed and dd'd a Savage in the courtyard at Beno the other night from a distance, the Savage came for me with 4 albs on him and he still was able to catch me and killme with 1 hit even though I was running away....wasnt even a healer close ... And a Sorc's ae mezz holds a sav/heal grp for maybe 5 seconds if it holds at all . usually savages run right through mezz. Doesnt even matter if We are 2 Sorc's in grp casting ae mezz. And it takes 2.5 seconds to cast ae mezz and if you dont see the sav/healer grp at least 2.5 seconds before they see you..well maybe even 5 seconds because you usually have to cast ae mezz twice for it to hold 5 seconds....hehe you are insta'ed and dead in less then 10 seconds... So you experts tell me why I need purge / Det4-5??because in my opinion it 's just a waste of rp skillpoints the way it is now.


Originally posted by caiuga
So you experts tell me why I need purge / Det4-5??because in my opinion it 's just a waste of rp skillpoints the way it is now.

Well, you answered that yourself.

Originally posted by caiuga
And a Sorc's ae mezz holds a sav/heal grp for maybe 5 seconds if it holds at all . usually savages run right through mezz.

Determination are equally good for both realms. Albion has the best mezz IF we manage to land it.

The good savage groups that are causing frustration are probably the optimized 3 healer 1 shaman 1 skald 2-3 savages and maybe a warrior. They are good because of:

a) 4 seers (people who can heal)
b) Strong damage-dealers
c) Some extra candy like disease and such

To think that you can take on these groups without an equally optimized Alb group is foolish. And keep in mind, Albion has utility more spread, but our RAs are better. So:

a) Get 2 clerics and a good Sorc.
b) Get good damage dealers (mercenaries / polearmers)
c) Pray that your RAs are up.

Use BOF / SOS wisely. Never BOF / SOS same time.


Originally posted by old.Morchaoron
ive seen enough of excal/alb when i watched that rr10 wizard noob movie.....

perfect example of "if you dont have the skill (as far as it is required) then you at least gotta have the RA's"

that was Lac , r7 ish wiz. played in group with r10 wiz .

seems like you got good sources :ROFLMAO:


Originally posted by caiuga
My experience with my 50 merc RR 4L4 is that he dies in less then 8 seconds running into a sav/healer grp so forget Det 4 , It doesnt work...even if I'm not stunned insta mezzed I still die in less then 8 seconds against a savage. When I hit for 100 right hand and 30 left hand and Savage hits for 360+ it's very easy math who will die first....

dood, get rid of that training sword and get yerself a fork, you will hit harder with it.


Originally posted by caiuga
My experience with my 50 merc RR 4L4 is that he dies in less then 8 seconds running into a sav/healer grp so forget Det 4 , It doesnt work...even if I'm not stunned insta mezzed I still die in less then 8 seconds against a savage. When I hit for 100 right hand and 30 left hand and Savage hits for 360+ it's very easy math who will die first....
Um, 100 main and 30 offhand? WTF weapons are you using? I'm thrust and usually hit for about 150-200 main and 80 off on savages, more on healers and shammies.

Originally posted by caiuga
Now to my 50 sorc RR 3L9.... And a Sorc's ae mezz holds a sav/heal grp for maybe 5 seconds if it holds at all . usually savages run right through mezz. Doesnt even matter if We are 2 Sorc's in grp casting ae mezz. And it takes 2.5 seconds to cast ae mezz and if you dont see the sav/healer grp at least 2.5 seconds before they see you..well maybe even 5 seconds because you usually have to cast ae mezz twice for it to hold 5 seconds....
Red sorc mez on my merc with det 4 and 50% resists lasted 14 seconds. It'd be about that on most savages. Even det 5 only reduces it to about 12 seconds. That's not a "walk through" situation. As for cast time on AE mez, if you're buffed and have some mota, you can get it down to below 1.5 secs.

Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by lorric
Reavers are killing machines give them Tanks RAs and they would of been nerfed along with the savages who needed nerfing and as whisp says give a alb hybrid tank RAs giev all Hybrids the same.

And so are savages, why do you think they need nerfage? A savage is a reaver with tank ras. and obviosly you don't know what a tank is yourself i you continue to say savages are balanced with tank ras.


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
And so are savages, why do you think they need nerfage? A savage is a reaver with tank ras. and obviosly you don't know what a tank is yourself i you continue to say savages are balanced with tank ras.

no a savage is on a tank table = tank a reaver is on a hybrid = not tank its not hard, Also i never said savages are balanced i said they deserved there nerf learn to read.


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
And so are savages, why do you think they need nerfage? A savage is a reaver with tank ras. and obviosly you don't know what a tank is yourself i you continue to say savages are balanced with tank ras.
A Savage is a Berserker without Prevent Flight and Frenzy and access to H2H instead of LA and with lower weaponskill and doesn't have a power pool = tank.
A Reaver is more like what a Thane should be, they have spells and a power pool making them Hybrids.

And nerfage, yes - they should and are getting nerfed, and you are still whining. ( if you check some of the savage whine threads over on Excali you'll find what I've said about the entire issue ).
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