- Thread starter
- #181
Originally posted by old.windforce
yep they overpowered, good players etc
roll a stealther like the rest of us and wait till 1.63 if the asd spam is what annoys you and till 1.65 if you want slightly less uber savages
i can see the replies like
>>>cry more n00b
>>>use tacktiks
>>>learn to play
>>>asd is working like intended
>>>nerf infils, DF, 2.5 specpoint, mincers
>>>boooeeewaaa i had a zerk / shadowzerk and are no longer uber
>>>I have a thane (ok, ok i feel sorry for you)
allready forming, but the current situation is that Albs have only 1,5 active rvr group out (most RR4) and mids have 3-4 RR7-10
some ppl rolled savages on excal and are makeing 300k+ a week.
some ppl roll stealthers
some ppl craft
some ppl PvE
some ppl quit (hi, Fader)
and only very few RvR the old fashioned way and feed BO, Everadd, BaF (which also refers to Bring a Friend, LOL) with rps
<irony starts here>
only one solution imho
and i don't mean only 4 fg but at least 12 full groups. rps for everyone, 27 rps is better then none.
The ubergroups cannot function without fgs to prey on. fg vs fg is not fair if you run an optedgroup who is used to playing with each other. zerg!!!! pick a leader and listen to him. Kill anything with a small shield, they are the support classes
</irony stops here>
Could not said it better myself
Tho if albs could learn that they should only make thrust mercs, sorc, clerics, minstrels, paladins, thrust polers might be a diff sit