World of Tanks


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
I *finally* got the good gun on my Churchill and immediately got ace-tanker badge first game playing it. ok, the rest of the team was crap, but heyoooo the good gun really is GOOD :D

Started the russian meds yet? :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Yeah. I have a non premium T-V med waiting for a crew atm. Bought it during the last discount round. I have the plan to loiter around this tier until I have crews in their second skill level. In battles with my KV1-S and Churchill that touch T-VII I notice you get absolutely raped if you have low skill crews or if your commander lacks sixth sense.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
For big fat slow heavies, sixth sense is nice. I have it on my high tier Russian and American tanks, but not on my German heavies. It haunts me sometimes, but not as often as you would think. Once you are engaged, its use decreases.

Best bet when facing higher tiers is to not be on the immediate front line. Let the big boys take the hits while you add value by supporting them. Of course, not always possible, I had one game in my T29 vs tier 9's where I had to carry my team for almost entire match. I got a lot of clan offers after that one, and not just from my own team!

Also, I got an email with a code for 3 days free premium, was nice of them!


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Sixth sense is vital on everything.

Even in a big fat slow heavy, you can infer so much from when you aren't spotted.

In the middle of a brawl it might not be useful, but as you get to the end game it is a game changer.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Vital? Nothing is vital. Once you die enough, you learn where the enemy is and you stop short of that point :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
whoop whoop broke into my second crewskill in my KV1-S. Reset skills on my commander, chose 6th Sense for the insta-100% and am retraining recon. Fuck me I get spotted lots :-(


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
as Jingles says, there are no teams who can't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
T9 and no sixth sense?!?!

Like I said above, Sixth Sense is not vital to tanking success. Just have to be a bit more cautious, chose routes with cover, and learn the maps and engagement ranges. My best German crew is on my Tiger II, they might have it now, will have to check when I am done patching.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
tbh 6th sense is making me paranoid. that said, it is a good stopgap to remind me to move after shooting if the enemy team has any kind of arty. you'd be surprised but if the blood lust's on me I zone in ridiculously far. simple things like keeping moving or twitching back into cover is strangely low on my twiglist :-(


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
So my Tiger II crew didn't have it. Have re-trained, so I now have Brothers in Arms, Sixth Sense and Repair at 30% or so. Will see if it makes a big difference. If it does, I'll swap my Panther crew (who have 3 skills) with my E75 crew, which has just one.

I'm loving the new sounds and physics. My Tiger's sounds kinda naff, but the KV with the derp gun.... BOOOM!


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I bit the bullet and got the (currently discounted) KV-85. I moved my 2-skill KV1-S crew into that, and moved a bit of a rag-tag bunch of 100%/1-skill people into the old 1-S after selling a T-III LT. I'm kind of smarting after spending all the gold on retraining everybody, but hey ho I had some fun games already in the '85. I'm *very* used to my KV1-S though, and while the '85's stock gun packs a helluva punch I am already longing for the 100mm boomstick. Too bad the 122mm derpcannon only fires 3 rounds per minute :eek:

edit: it surprised me a lot how used you get to high(er) skilled crews so fast. one game in my KV1-S with my lower skilled crew and I was noob bbq gtfo! :eek:


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I went to brunch on Saturday, had a bunch of drinks, came home, and decided that driving my Tier 10 would be a good idea. It wasn't. My bad driving caused massive team rage, and when I told them I'd had a few too many, was promptly told: "Don't drink and drive you useless <insert swear word here>!" :drink:

Then I played a lot of games in my IS-3 and all was well in the world.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Hehe same thing happened to me during the weekend. I made a poor but well meant choice to support a flank I perceived as weak only to get screamed at for 10 minutes in chat, threats of reporting, etc etc. In a tier 6 game too...pfff.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Finally unlocked the Ru251 and sold the sp1c. Happy days! :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I decided to invest in some XP so I turned two of the personal things I had on, 100% crew XP and 100% extra XP. Naturally I jinxed myself and played ridiculously poorly for over 2 hours.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I decided to invest in some XP so I turned two of the personal things I had on, 100% crew XP and 100% extra XP. Naturally I jinxed myself and played ridiculously poorly for over 2 hours.

I swear the game can tell. As soon as I enable premium, I get 2 days of horrid match making. Like My tier 5's will get 20 straight games versus tier 7's. Soon as it expires, I am top tier 2/3 of time.

Lethul, Ru251, is that zippy russian light tank right? What's the top speed on that? It made my 59-16 seem slow.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Lethul, Ru251, is that zippy russian light tank right? What's the top speed on that? It made my 59-16 seem slow.

80 KPH according to WG wiki..

Also faster than most HT's in reverse with 34 KPH.. :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Had a great game just now in my T29 on Live Oaks. I went bridge with 4 others, and we cleaned up pretty well, but my entire team was murdered in the town. So it's 7 vs 3 (KV-1, T1 Heavy and myself), and they are all within reach of our base. My team is shouting at me to go back, and it was some pretty serious abuse too. At that point I'm like, FU, we deserve to lose after ranting like that. Anyway, their arty was pretty damn good, we'd just get murdered if we went back. So we push on to their base and kill their arty. And then we camp as the capture timer is going up. True to WoT nature, people are friggin idiots, they stop capping and come for us. KV-1, two KV-2's, VK30.01 H, Tiger. Should have capped. Instead they run into a well positioned T29 turret they can't penetrate. At the end, I tell my team GG and they all rage some more haha :D


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I now have the 100mm gun on mt KV-85. It's great. I still suck, but the gun is great :D


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I *finally* got past the Crusader in the UK tank lines. I suck at tanks in general but nowhere harder than in the UK lights Cov and Cru. That grid was just terrible :(

Bit of a rage day today. I am very much a noob, but I get the rage when I see people doing shit that I don't even do, and ofc the WOT just being a dick cycle. A random selection:

- I was peeking round a corner in my scout, spotted two tanks and tried to pull back behind cover. Someone had come up and parked directly in line behind me, I couldn't get back or even move anywhere but out of cover...annnnnd I got spotted and derped. I had seen him on the mini-map but I thought he was next to me.
- I was in a great sniping position with my T-V Russian medium when a heavy rumbled up behind me and pushed me out in to the open. He was so big he didn't even fit behind the rock I was using. I then got insta-derped while trying to run the hell away, and so did he.
- Less accurate guns being so ridiculously random in their inaccuracy. There is no way at all to compensate, it's all RNG. I had a game were I was so insanely accurate with my KV-1S's 122mm derpcannon that I could shoot things half way across the map, and was punished for every game after with wild randomness.
- WOT crashing twice in a row the instant I poked out of cover causing me to just trundle forward and get shot (I imagine). I came back twice into dead tanks, and the third time it crashed I didn't even bother and went to get some food.
- Charging down a path in my Crusader next to an equally fast heavy, because well, UK light tanks have shit engines, but anyway, the heavy decided to suddenly take a right turn and rammed me off the path and into a rock.
- Same as above except in light tanks. The guy then stopped, reversed and shot 20HP off my health for no reason.
- Hating the T-IV and V UK lights so much that I almost had a special moment when I finally had enough XP to get the fucking Cromwell. (note: I don't hate them because they're shite, I hate them because everything else is better. I love the Russian least they're fast)
- People who are screaming in chat how much of an idiot you are when they're dead with 0 kills and you're alive with 3.
- Getting derped juuuuuust before the cap timer runs down, or the team kills the last guy.
- Getting spotted while sitting in a bush, in a really high camo tank, not shooting or moving, by tanks 100+ meters away (aka how the actual fuck did he see me?)
- Reverse of the above, eg staring down a lane for hours and hours only to give up and move only to insta-spot a TD who was practically on top of me and have him coolly derp me while moving and I was cutting diagonally across his field of view. (aka how the actual fuck did I not see him?)
- People just spamming gold ammo at everything because they think it's....better or something? I keep an eye on my damage log and I see a lot of people spamming APCR at me and failing to pen / no damage on certain tanks I have. Ofc they DO pen a lot too. Today I lost my KV-1S to some dude who two-shotted me with HEAT ammo. I was like....waaaaaaiiit, what? Only 2 or 3 mins into a match too :(

Luckily I got some good moments otherwise I would have succumbed to despair :( Fave moment of the day: me pushing a KV-1 up a hill in my KV-1S and him thanking me for my help in German. We then proceeded to own everything together. I came in 1st for damage and XP. Good times.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Crusader is a t5 medium with camo basically, loved it :) crommie is a beast tho!

Not all apcr is gold ammo, there are tanks that have it as regular ammo (prolly not at t5 tho)

Read up on spotting mechanics, takes away a lot of frustration and lets you abuse it :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Wasn't my cup of tea tbh. I read comments from lots of people saying they liked it. Only thing I liked about it was the gun.

Re spotting, in that particular case I was very surprised to be spotted. I don't have the replay handy or I'd look it up.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Also, lots of my gripes stem from playing tanks like the crusader in T-VII games. My shiteness and the fact my crews level was fairly low at ~175% seems to work against each other.

I was reading a post by a guy discussing the relativity of the skill bonuses, focusing on around the 75% mark. He argued there's a marked dip -comparatively speaking- at that point. 5% either way will be noticeable.

I like that, but mostly I think it's due to me being shit at WOT :)


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Uff, horrible horrible games for me. Playing arty guaranteed city map, light city map, kv-1s guaranteed hilly map... :(


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Got a brothers in arms in a platoon that actually worked out. good stuff :) I'm training up a medium team for my shiny new Cromwell. I don't want to use it until I break in to my second skill on the crew, but Wargaming know their stuff: I can't move in my Matilda crew, due to the roles not being the same, I can't buy a premium to fast-track a crew. Imma have to check out the low tier meds to see if I can match up crew roles....pffff :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I hated my British light tanks until I started playing them as Tank Destroyers. Use mobility and camo to get to a good spot, and wait it out. If you get spotted, find a new spot. Once you get camo net + camo perks on the Crusader, it's a nice little terror.

Lethul, I have the same feeling. Playing my teir 7 AMX light tank and my 59-16 for two hours, I had no arty for any of the games. I was just blapped by tier 8's and higher over and over in city maps. I play my KV-1 for an hour and it's Tier 7's all around, open hill maps and deserts, including tier 6 and 7 arties that seem to go for me before anyone else.

I traditionally hated my T25 AT, but now that I finally got my 1st perk to 100%, it's not as bad as it used to be. I need another 10 games or so before I can retrain for sixth sense, which will give it some much needed survivability.

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