Wow, it has basically the best T6 medium gun and you opt out of it for a substandard howitzer? Try the top gun for 5 games and if you don't average more dmg in that than in 5 games with howitzer I will eat my hat.
Hope you didn't feel I was having a go at you when I watched you play. I am trying to give helpful advice but I forget how I found the game when I had only played a few thousand games. I have got lots of Tier 4 - 6 tanks that are either fun to play or I want to grind the line.
Of course the time I died before you was when you went link dead and I had to deal with two mediums in my non turreted TD by myself!
The problem with those stats sites is you often get creamed repeatedly by being in random games with daft people who just want to rush and get a kill, over stretch and leave the team/base vulnerable. Also leveling up you are not in the best setup available for quite a while. I'm starting to get my stats up a bit but going to take a while before they looks anything close to respectable.
The problem with those stats sites is you often get creamed repeatedly by being in random games with daft people who just want to rush and get a kill, over stretch and leave the team/base vulnerable.
That'll only be an issue until you're good enough to see it coming and can react accordingly.
Remember it is x5 for first victory over the weekend.
Managed to get 18k crew exp in a single game with rudy
Nice! How much raw experience was that? I had a 1400 base experience game which got me over 7000 experience. I guess if I had a premium account that would have been 11500 and then a further bonus for premium for crew experience might get me closer?
It was 1300 base, x5, prem, prem tank and both exp and crew xp reserves activated
know what you mean, must of been last tank alive on the team 5 times yesterday in 10 games. Everyone just rushing off up the flanks for a quick death when your supposed to be protecting the base (game mode 1 base). You kill anyone and you get the "FU you suck!" responses from 6 yr old morons. Actually put me off playing. The community over the weekend was about the worst I've seen in any online game.Im still furious since yesterday. x5 weekends bring out the worst in everyone!