dont go ground vs bcs.
What good zerg untis can inn the beginning of the game, compete with Maruders?
What good zerg untis can inn the beginning of the game, compete with Maruders?
Gah gah gah, from beating Zerg without effort, I am now getting wtf pwned by their air.
What the hell can I do to defend against zerg air? They can mass units faster than I can void rays, and they are faster, and more powerful :/ Tried ground defence, air defence and a combination.
Fast mutalisks are really annoying. I've been having problems with it too, but i think if i was better at microing i would try blink stalkers.
Alternatively, maybe try uber quick aggression with a quick 4 gate build mixed with early phoenixes to harrass him even more as well as help against the mutas?
Or, and perhaps the easiest way.. maybe just cannon yourself in at your ramp so as not to get 6 pooled, then rush for void rays and attack his base when you have 2 of them (just 1 might die against a queen). Then keep pumping chrono boosted VRs and send them to reinforce.
As said though, i'm not sure what's the best cure against quick mutas tbh, as i still get owned by it too whenever i try something that's not Void Ray cheese.![]()
Best defense is offense, sadly true.
Scouting(whenever you prefer), adjusting, taking out spires and limiting resources is the way to keep the zerg overwhelming you.
Zerg is basically, basically, useless before they get a good economy and hives to boost out 20 mutas at once. (You need atleast two hives to get enough muta-replenish to be efficient).
Keep the bugs in check and build your choice of hivebusters.
Most zerg forget dark templars exist, so go go stealth drone hunters
Also if you're already in the situation where mutas are roaming the sky, and you're unwilling to go with carriers, cannons to hold 'em back and blink stalkers + focus fire.
4 gate seems really strong except when i come up against a good zerg player. If they scout my base with an overlord and hit me with early speedlings I always lose. Going to work on a 2 gate into 4 gate set up against zerg. My god I sound like such a nerd![]()
Haha, was playing a Zerg player today, I thought I had the early advantage, had a few small disruptive raids on his base. He had two big attacks that were fucked by dark templars.
So anyway, I was expanding into my 4th base and needed to pee, this was after about 25 minutes. So I had a quick look around, no danger, so I left. I come back a couple of minutes later to see him swarming my base, my DT's were on hold so had let them all past :/ So I lost most of two bases, ran with my DT's and probes to set up another, fortified it. About 10 minutes later he took that one. I was on the jungle map with two isolated islands in top and bottom corners, I had one base on a corner already, set up a second on the other.
For some reason the idiot didn't twig, and kept moaning at me to quit, while he built up lots of mutalisks that were flying aimlessly around.
After an hour, during which time I had deployed more DT's all over the map to raid him, he quit claiming he didn't have time for this.
LOL, I grinded my way to victory. I don't understand why the hell he just did not go all out at rush me, what a tool.
Got a lot better, but still lost a silly game after getting 50+ points today, and then lost 2/3rds of them
I'll never get out of Bronze league, the highest I've been is 50th place, and those above me have 100's of points, I just don't play it enough.