Well...there goes the life.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
If Terran goes mech, go air. Your Void Rays will eat tanks and Hellions and Marauders for breakfast. If he spams Vikings to protect his army, back your VRs up with a healthy amount of Stalkers. Also be ready for Viking harrass in your mineral lines. Stalkers are generally pretty good vs Vikings. Also Phoenixes are great for taking out tanks, if you can micro them well and back them up with other units. Generally i tend to win if Terrans try to go mech against me.

My biggest problem with Terrans is the quick MM and MMM builds. I'm still not good enough with the micro to utilize High Templars to good effect, so i'm stuck with trying to outrace them in the aggressive department. I've not tried the whole Colossus path yet though, but mainly, again, this is because i suck at microing land forces so always prefer to go air. :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Anyone have an idea how to get those co-op/single player vs AI achievements?

Just made a multiplayer game with bro, 2v2, but it didn't count :eek7:

Should it be on custom setting or some such?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There is a co-op mode when you make a custom game - it has to be set to them.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Against Terran mech you need a boat load of immortal. They have a passive shield that reduces any damage they would have taken to 10. So for example, a siege tank shells does 50, if it hits an immortal it only does 10.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Phoenix is great against tank/viking, and thors are too immobile to really counter.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Gah, I've lost 4 in a row now, some really bad luck.

Last game I should have won easily, but I held back my attack and then got buttfucked.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Gah, I've lost 4 in a row now, some really bad luck.

Last game I should have won easily, but I held back my attack and then got buttfucked.

Same here, i'm at something like 20+ games(25?), 7 wins. It's not worst, but it sure shows how unprepared i've been for rushes.

Ofcourse 4 of those losses were in the placement games, where i was completely noobified by bunker rushes, reaper rushes etc.

LAst game i played, was a good long game, lot of attacks back and forth, Terran on terran, me nuking atleast 20 times, but failing to capitalize with my viking fleet(which was holding back a battlecruiser army).

Eventually ran out of minerals as the cattlebruisers took out my bases.

I've gotta try a new tactic for my nukes, though i'm qutie sure i'll fail;

5 nukes, 2 for the off-base and three for main(three usually drop a base), keep 'em secret until the launch, keep building marauder/marine combo at base (partly to fool the enemy) and then use those nukes for some good old fashioned shock and awe :flame:

Note: Yes if you play against me, i love ghosts, for all purposes.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
It's difficult at times because in the Bronze league it's just so unpredictable. The other player could really do anything.

I also really really hate marine rushes early on.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I've gotta try a new tactic for my nukes, though i'm qutie sure i'll fail;

5 nukes, 2 for the off-base and three for main(three usually drop a base), keep 'em secret until the launch, keep building marauder/marine combo at base (partly to fool the enemy) and then use those nukes for some good old fashioned shock and awe :flame:

Note: Yes if you play against me, i love ghosts, for all purposes.

Ghosts are very easily exposed by a savy T player with scans and ravens. The 20 second call down for a nuke can seem like an eternity. I quite like using heli's as backup for the ghosts, as they can all be sent in cloaked.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah, i pretty much by default bunker up(ironically without bunkers) and set up a few turrets even ebfore i make my moves.

Just cover all bases, if i see that they are doing the same, i get the second base out(on an island if there's one), then bide my time and let the enemy try and win before making one big push.

Ofcourse if things change, gotta change with it ;)

One thing i want to try with protoss is to gather a relatively small army, then use a massive hallucination army with it to try and overrun the enemy.

Something like hallucination army at front door, blink stalkers to the back etc.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ghosts are very easily exposed by a savy T player with scans and ravens. The 20 second call down for a nuke can seem like an eternity. I quite like using heli's as backup for the ghosts, as they can all be sent in cloaked.

Yeah i usually scan for turrets, if there's none, i send in 3 vikings per ghost group(as i only need one dropship per group) just to destroy ravens if any. I usually end up sacrificing units to nukes, jsut to make sure they land.

also i do have to change my tactic for nukes to use them ONLY at main attack. First head troops to the door, then while the enemy scatters to defend, send in the nukes.

Even if my army gets totalled, the income drop of the enemy is huge.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Late to edit;

Also i've noticed that in bronze games, if you can fight off the initial rush, usually those players don't play very strong macro. Alot of players just want a quick win. Rather "easy" to counter, only problem is finding a way to counter all the cheese :p

Oh and; You know when you've played too much stacraft when you see the feedback section and think...yeah :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
Cool to see that some daoc players is also into sc2 :)

If anyone is up for a chat or an 1v1 give me shout !!
My nick is Bondoila in sc2 as well.
Started playing the game the last two weeks of the beta and I like the game as much as I did with sc1.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I so suck at zerg. 2nd time play, got the zerg macro achievement but hell, two bases and the attack failed more then a shipment of justin bieber albums :(


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I really really suck against protoss :(

Still couple of wins since my last post, but I really, really need to react faster to the enemies tech choices.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Couple of wins, one against terran with zerg(my 3rd zerg game, like riding a bike i guess), air superiority won that.

Second game against protoss, with protoss(playing random to learn) and it was a doozey(saved replay if someone wants);

Basically it starts with me getting owned by a protocannon rush, relocating, building a backup base, building carriers and mothership at backup base(which he knows nothing about), him taking out my mining outposts all the time until his mainfleet tries to take over my main, which at this time has a mothership, 6 air fighters and i think 6-8 carriers and i think 3-3 upgrades.

I drop a vortex at his ground troops, take out air, take out rest, get sucked into my own vortex and he announces well played and surrenders :D


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hmm, 37 games and 12 wins. That's not good enough :(

Though i'm guessing the win section will rise after a while and i doubt the higher players have a 0 streak :D


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Gah this has been a frustrating day. I've been all-in'd repeatedly and failed to deal with it. On top of that my internet connection has been dodgy and keeps dropping me so overall I've lost like 150 points. Time to ragequit and sleep I think. I'm gonna have nightmares about reapers, 6pools and photon cannons at my ramp though.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Hmm, 37 games and 12 wins. That's not good enough :(

Though i'm guessing the win section will rise after a while and i doubt the higher players have a 0 streak :D

It's not great, but you aren't focussing on one race, so chalk it up to practise, there will come a point where you outgrow the bronze division and go on a win streak - well at least that's what I'm hoping will happen to me!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I had a horrible night yesterday too! Racked up like 5-6 losses in a row against everything from Platinum to Bronze players using lots of cheese. And my 4 gate rush cheese didn't work against their cheese, so i decided for a new tactic. The turtling Protoss. And it worked! In my last game the Terran built up his usual goddamn bio ball with 'vacs and all, but when he realized i had gone for the FE and cannoned myself in, he must have gotten confused because he just sat at his base and built an even bigger ball..

In the end I had 3 well protected bases and ate him up with 16 upgraded carriers, a mothership and some other random troops for kicks.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
I think the problem for me is that lower rated players seem to almost always cheese me, so as soon as I start to slip it places me vs lower rated people who cheese me and make me rage which causes me to play even worse and keep losing :(

I had a horrible night yesterday too! Racked up like 5-6 losses in a row against everything from Platinum to Bronze players using lots of cheese. And my 4 gate rush cheese didn't work against their cheese, so i decided for a new tactic. The turtling Protoss. And it worked! In my last game the Terran built up his usual goddamn bio ball with 'vacs and all, but when he realized i had gone for the FE and cannoned myself in, he must have gotten confused because he just sat at his base and built an even bigger ball..

In the end I had 3 well protected bases and ate him up with 16 upgraded carriers, a mothership and some other random troops for kicks.

I'm not sure how well FE wall in does in PvT but in PvZ 2gate pressure + wall-in expand or gate/forge FE with cannons does well. As a zerg player the 2gate one is far more obnoxious to deal with since you have to deal with early zealot pressure meaning you can't expand yourself, whereas the forge expand lets me FE too, take map control and pump drones like mad. Vs Zerg they aren't viable on maps with open natural expansions though, but I reckon vs T you could get away with it because they don't have as much speed as zerg.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Can you freaks do me a favour and give me a glossary of terms for your last two posts, so I have a clue what the fuck you are trying to say? Ta.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Cheese is a term players use when someone ses something unorthodox, like bunker rush, build a barracks(rax) at the other base etc.

Even viking rush is cheese ;)

PvT etc is ofcourse P for tossers, Z for creepies and T for meatsacks.

Terran ball is marines, marauders. They clump up in a ball.

FE i'm assuming is fast expansion, which means you don't try anything cute, or rush, but build defenses and try to get several bases quickly to boost economy.

And vac is a medivac.

Think that's all.

Oh and btw, i love desert oasis;

TvT game, bunkered up in my base, build two command centers, sent to to the islands, boosted my economy up and built a mass of air units(without cattlebruisers) and kept the enemy at bay with vacs and 5, yes 5, nukes :D


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Haha, I won a good one today. Early harrasment from mass marine raids early on while I turtled two bases, had to move my whole main base before it got overrun. But had an amazing comeback, and forced a surrender after I kept killing his unprotected expansion bases, and taking out his fleet of battleships :D

Best bits were, sending 10 vikings in against his fleet of 6 battleships that were waiting just outside my base defences. He wasn't paying attention, and I got them to follow me into my screen of missle turrets. I did this twice :) Also he did a Thor rush just before quitting, 10 Thors got taken out by cloaked banshees and two thors being repaired by 6 scv's :D


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
FYI; 10 nukes is considered "WTF?!" :p

Got a bit of a ragequit early this morning going.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously? I've got to question the stupidity of a player who has not got a raven or two defending his base against ghosts, along with some air power to take down the vac. I've only been succefully hit by a nuke once, and I just moved my structures and scv's out of the way to stop any damage.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It wasn't against a terran though, zerg, on three different bases while my airforce was just attackmoved to the main.

Also i do have some experience by now from using nukes anyway, so it's not just "drop off at base and launch" ;)

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