Troll in Albion [Conclusion]

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Originally posted by old.Atrox

I dont think the question is if it right to name'n'Shame, rather was it right of Gideon to Name'n'Shame ? IMO no

I still refer to what I said in that post. Is it "right"? Perhaps not in a moral sence. Does he deserve what is coming to him? Hell yes!! (With him being kr0n...)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hmm... I guess kr0n being kr0n for the rest of his life is punishment enough.



Originally posted by SFXman
A person who gets hold of someones account could just delete all characters while they are at it or drop all equipment on the ground or whatever... and how come this wasn't done? :rolleyes:

Hmm... perhaps because pr0n was trying to make Brannor look bad? Trying to make it seem as if he, the one who does stand up for the rules of the game and CoC, had broken a rule and got into Albion and started killing people. Don't you think if his equipment and everything was destroyed like his characters and what-not, people might suspect a hacker?

And in my opinion, pr0n shouldn't be able to play in any shape or form. Although, he might be at home on the PvP server, eh?


Originally posted by Danyan

I'm well aware of the ins and outs of port scanning and hacking services running on open ports. I didn't feel the need to get into an internet security discussion here though as it adds little to the discussion. I was merely pointing out that afaik Brannor wasn't trojanned, kr0n exploited an open port to gain access.
If you want a real analagy, an open port is like a locked door - with a little effort you can unlock it and go in to "pick all the apples, then take a swim in the pool." :p
Happy now Blood, or do you want to jump to more false conclusions?

If you dont want an internet security discussion then get it right. I cant stand ppl making faulty comments about those things.

Try something like: IF the door constructor was stupid enough to hide the key under the doormat or construct a lock that is easy to unlock with a screwdriver or something _then_ an open port might be like a locked door, that is like NOT COMMON on home windows systems. Stop spreading misinformation. Open port means that the computer is listening for connections, it is entierly depending on the software that opened the connection and handles the traffic on it if the open port can be used as a way into the computer. It might just read one byte at a time and discard it for all you know.

I can open 65535 ports on my box and you try to "unlock my computer with a little effort", whaddayasay ?
Good luck!

PS. Every single thing you do on the internet, like checking mail or surfing to a webpage (or playing daoc) requires that a port is open somewhere or you would have no way to do these things.


/me opens a port to Freia and sends some love :)

(my statement about 0 evidence was in regards to the people posting in this thread, not GOA)

Generic Poster

For people like Atrox and Lochy.. etc. You need to understand that sotl has been around for longer then you have. There is an old community on Prydwen and although the bonds may be fickle, we at least owe each other some truths.

Gideon is a serious player, perhaps too serious, but if his word was put against Krons the majority of people would believe Gideon. When he said that kron confessed to him, there's little doubt about the incident and no matter what Kron does or says to deny it, not many will believe him.

The fact that you're saying it was not right for Gideon to tell everyone, gives further proof of kron being guilty and although kron may be trying to suggest he was innocent, you've already convicted him more-so than Gideon has.

You don't even give any respectable reasons of why it was wrong to name kron on here.

Also, why did kron not just delete Brannors characters?
It would have been too easy and GOA would have replaced them eventually. At least kron had the sense to make good use of Brannor's account!


Also, why did kron not just delete Brannors characters?
It would have been too easy and GOA would have replaced them eventually. At least kron had the sense to make good use of Brannor's account!

No, 'cause Im not that evil. Didnt want to do anything permanent, just to shake out that little pedestal Brannor has put himself. And since GOA said on "Friday-News" earlier, each character has 4 backupslots, thus if you remake characters long enough its not restoreable. Shame I didnt think this through. Wouldve deleted 'em prolly If I knew all the fuzz whats happened.

Oh, and PS, I didnt hack anyone. He shared his files to everyone. I just happened to scan him when I was bored.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by kr0n

No, 'cause Im not that evil. Didnt want to do anything permanent, just to shake out that little pedestal Brannor has put himself. And since GOA said on "Friday-News" earlier, each character has 4 backupslots, thus if you remake characters long enough its not restoreable. Shame I didnt think this through. Wouldve deleted 'em prolly If I knew all the fuzz whats happened.

Oh, and PS, I didnt hack anyone. He shared his files to everyone. I just happened to scan him when I was bored.

I guess that's as good a confession as we'll get in public...



Originally posted by kr0n

No, 'cause Im not that evil. Didnt want to do anything permanent, just to shake out that little pedestal Brannor has put himself. And since GOA said on "Friday-News" earlier, each character has 4 backupslots, thus if you remake characters long enough its not restoreable. Shame I didnt think this through. Wouldve deleted 'em prolly If I knew all the fuzz whats happened.

Oh, and PS, I didnt hack anyone. He shared his files to everyone. I just happened to scan him when I was bored.

Pathetic. Wanted to shake him off his pedestal? Would that be the pedestal that reads 'honest player'? Because he sure as hell was standing on it, and you're not, and never will be. Jealous, perhaps? As far as I see it, you were trying to discredit Brannor by repeating an act you'd already pulled off in Midgard (albeit without the killings) and I find it very funny in an ironic way that it's back-fired on you this way. Even though Brannor's acount may a have a black mark against it, I reckon it's you that people will be wary of in future. Even if they weren't before, because you're frankly an idiot.

Anyway, as I say, pathetic. Have fun on the PvP server.


Sigh, might as well say something still... I for one know that kr0n is not the kind of person who'd cause permanent damage to someones property, I highly doubt that he'd do this sort of thing again since he is a sensible person or is that too hard to believe after all this?
I could actually go as far as saying that this whole thing was blown out of proportion. Might sound extremely shocking to some considering there was some "hacking" involved but I just think so, so in other words that is just my humble opinion. No, that had nothing to do with the fact that we are cousins but I just find this whole fiasco a tad bit amusing in a sense.
As to it being blown out of proportion, by that I am talking about the banning of his computers access to the game entirely. Imho the punishment is enough, easily. Sure Brannor's account is marked now but he is such a reasonable person that he'd never get another mark on it? Ok, sure it is not nice to have a marked account when you didn't even get it there but you understand my point...
Sorry about the horrible structure of my post but it was a mere stream of conciousness.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by SFXman
I for one know that kr0n is not the kind of person who'd cause permanent damage to someones property...
However, he still did it, still brags about it, sits there smug and still doesn't apologise? This makes him a "good" person?

Oh kr0n, nice to know part of your account banning was because of spying. But you deny that, and of course, we all believe you. :sleeping:



Originally posted by Murcalumis

Pathetic. Wanted to shake him off his pedestal? Would that be the pedestal that reads 'honest player'? Because he sure as hell was standing on it, and you're not, and never will be. Jealous, perhaps? As far as I see it, you were trying to discredit Brannor by repeating an act you'd already pulled off in Midgard (albeit without the killings) and I find it very funny in an ironic way that it's back-fired on you this way. Even though Brannor's acount may a have a black mark against it, I reckon it's you that people will be wary of in future. Even if they weren't before, because you're frankly an idiot.

Honest? My ass. More like man who's head has filled with golden liquid with the responsibilites he's been granted. You see a man who respects the laws. I see a man who gets kicks outta telling the teacher that his classmates smoked a cig behind the school building, who tells the boss some of his co-workers occasionally play tetris when they're supposed to do work. Thats what I think, thats what I will think.

Why am I even explaining this shit to you? I dont give a fuck, I just hate when people assume, say things that arent true at all.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Oh kr0n, nice to know part of your account banning was because of spying. But you deny that, and of course, we all believe you. :sleeping:


Sez the man with 2 accounts on different realms on same server... :sleeping:

Generic Poster

I can't speak for Brannor, but I'd imagine the psychological damage to him is more important then the black-mark on his account. I was trojaned a few years ago and there is a real sense of violation.

Flaming back and forth will not solve much now.

Brannor, hopefully you've already disabled file-sharing, and installed a firewall. WinXP comes with it's own, but I'd not use it myself. Zonealarm is easy to configure and quite reliable.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by kr0n
I just hate when people assume, say things that arent true at all.
lol :clap:

LISTEN to yourself. You speaking about other people? Or your previous paragraph?



if only I still had the confession from the sotl boards offline somewhere..... hmmm maybe I do.

brb ;)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by kr0n
Sez the man with 2 accounts on different realms on same server... :sleeping:
I've proved to countless people, and GOA, that I don't spy. You on the other hand have done little to disprove that you do.



I just want to know that how does one prove that he doesn't spy? "Honest, I don't spy. Cross my heart." ?
Can I just ask that does one have to prove that he hasn't done something, if they haven't then why do they have to prove it? It should work itself out.


How can you prove you DIDN'T do something? I dont know how I can prove that I havent spied, why try then... I cant remember If I've ever done /who emain on some mid/hib acc, I think I've played 1-2 mid accs... I might've done that, but I cant remember, but I have never spied in the real meaning of that word... You believe what you want, I know the truth.


So - a confession at long last, after all the posturing false machismo bullshit. And so many of SoTL who are actually standing up for the deluded child? Get a grip! As a previous poster has said - have some respect for the founder of SoTL and do some growing up.

Brannor did not deserve for this to happen to him! We all have people we dislike, but we do not have the right to take measures against them. Just because someone can do something does not mean he should do it. Without that fundamental rule of basic human decency we'd all be running around beating and killing the people we don't like ... just because we can.

Sure Kr0n could have taken more aggressive action against Brannor - but what he did was a CRIMINAL offence. Do you comprehend what that means? And now he says he wishes that he had deleted Brannor's characters. No apology, precisely the opposite in fact.

And yet Brannor has a marker on his account and Kr0n can keep on playing. Kemor I hope you are reading this thread, and I hope you will do something about this utterly ridiculous situation.


Originally posted by Freia
If you dont want an internet security discussion then get it right. I cant stand ppl making faulty comments about those things.
I could say the same to you....
You can't open 65535 ports on your computer, the system can't handle that many.
Reading email etc. only opens an outgoing connection, not a listening port, you cannot connect the the port someone is checking their mail on and send them data, it doesn't work like that.
Almost any service that leaves a port open in a listening state can be exploited to gain access to a computer. About the only secure program is the read 1 byte and discard it service. For instance Brannor had the windows messanger service running on his computer, this is on by default on windows installations, and accessable to anyone on the net. The chances are it can be exploited to gain access to the machine (I'm not 100% sure as I haven't researched it much).
Most home windows systems, if they have no firewall software, have open ports that can be connected to by anyone on the internet. Windows is inherently not a secure system. If you want to be secure run a firewall, or use a hardware firewall (router/'nix box).

Freia, if someone wants to hack your machine, chances are they are going to hack you, whether you open 65535 ports or not. It's incredibly difficult to safeguard against all possible attacks. Luckily most people that hack computers look for easy targets rather than trying to beat their way in through firewalls and the like.


Originally posted by kr0n
Oh, and PS, I didnt hack anyone. He shared his files to everyone. I just happened to scan him when I was bored.
Did Brannor give you permission? If not then it's hacking. By analagy - just because someone leaves their house unlocked doesn't give you license to steal all their stuff.


Originally posted by kr0n

Honest? My ass. More like man who's head has filled with golden liquid with the responsibilites he's been granted. You see a man who respects the laws. I see a man who gets kicks outta telling the teacher that his classmates smoked a cig behind the school building, who tells the boss some of his co-workers occasionally play tetris when they're supposed to do work. Thats what I think, thats what I will think.

Why am I even explaining this shit to you? I dont give a fuck, I just hate when people assume, say things that arent true at all.

Okay... so the fact he reported people (he reported you, didn't he?) for abusing bugs or cheating in some way makes him a dishonest player? Ha! I'd do the same, quite frankly. If I saw a Celt running around Albion, I'd report him. That makes me a dishonest player? Hmm... think about it. If that's not beyond you, that is.


Originally posted by Turamber
And now he says he wishes that he had deleted Brannor's characters. No apology, precisely the opposite in fact.

And yet Brannor has a marker on his account and Kr0n can keep on playing. Kemor I hope you are reading this thread, and I hope you will do something about this utterly ridiculous situation.
I'd just like to say that if you read kr0n's post more precisely you can notice that he said that due to the fact about how this has worked up into a ton of threads and posts that just go on and on... plus all the other talk that's around. Also, I'd take into consideration that sarcasm and other forms of exaggerative talk seem to be arising... people shouldn't take all posts so seriously. Just my humble opinion though.
About Kemor changing the situation, I highly doubt it... I for one don't even see that it is utterly ridiculous that kr0n gets to keep playing with another account, thus a new subscription, after losing all those characters and a good bit of money in un-used subscription fees.


Originally posted by Murcalumis
Okay... so the fact he reported people (he reported you, didn't he?) for abusing bugs or cheating in some way makes him a dishonest player? Ha! I'd do the same, quite frankly. If I saw a Celt running around Albion, I'd report him. That makes me a dishonest player? Hmm... think about it. If that's not beyond you, that is.
Hehe, another post arised while I was writing a post.
I doubt he meant it this way really, little things... not things that are so major. Small things that are ever so common but someone still bothers to annoy some certain individuals by reporting/"telling on" them.


Originally posted by SFXman
I for one don't even see that it is utterly ridiculous that kr0n gets to keep playing with another account, thus a new subscription, after losing all those characters and a good bit of money in un-used subscription fees.

Will you please stop sticking up for Kr0n? Blood maybe thicker than water but, apparently, it's not thicker than your head SFX.

What your kin [(C) Laird] did is a CRIMINAL matter. It is undefensible. In just having his subby cancelled he got off lightly. Or would you prefer that the police had been to see him and kept him over night in a cell?

Uncle Sick(tm)

Listen to the man, SFX.

Sticking up to your retarded cousin will only make you look bad.


Sure I too have thought that this was completely uncalled for, the whole act of hacking etc. I thought that it was even downright fucking idiotic most of the time considering how much work goes into levelling characters to 50 and then losing them for something like this?
The point in my posts, which obviously came out wrong, was about my opinion on how some felt about the matter... just the way I am IRL. I am one of those who thinks that some people take some things a bit too far imho, that's it basically. (For example in the recent case with some hippies breaking into some navy submarine area for whatever their ideology/reasoning was I am the one who is shaking his head and smirking at them thinking "Oh ffs" and generally thinking of them as daft extremists).
So if I found some people's stances on the matter a bit daft, of course this will be taken as direct defense of kr0n.
Misunderstandings or badly though-out posts, got to hate them.


Originally posted by Turamber
So - a confession at long last, after all the posturing false machismo bullshit. And so many of SoTL who are actually standing up for the deluded child? Get a grip! As a previous poster has said - have some respect for the founder of SoTL and do some growing up.

Brannor did not deserve for this to happen to him! We all have people we dislike, but we do not have the right to take measures against them. Just because someone can do something does not mean he should do it. Without that fundamental rule of basic human decency we'd all be running around beating and killing the people we don't like ... just because we can.

Sure Kr0n could have taken more aggressive action against Brannor - but what he did was a CRIMINAL offence. Do you comprehend what that means? And now he says he wishes that he had deleted Brannor's characters. No apology, precisely the opposite in fact.

And yet Brannor has a marker on his account and Kr0n can keep on playing. Kemor I hope you are reading this thread, and I hope you will do something about this utterly ridiculous situation.

sorry but who are you to say who we should show our respects to?
people posting here are posting there own opinions not the opinions of our guild etc.
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