Troll in Albion [Conclusion]

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n00b 79

well i want to start of by saying that Freia sounds like a pretty smart guy/girl (i dont know shit about computers thats why) and i thought it was interesting to read his/hers posts about the hacking etc :wub:

and guys


i just feel sorry about myself not dinging lvl 50 after 3 months of lvl 45+


Originally posted by Cornell
The main thing that I had a problem with was nothing to do with daoc or whether he deleted Brannors characters or just played with them, it's the fact he broke the law in doing what he did.

If I knew I could go out, beat up one man, steal from another and then smash someone elses car up (i.e. COMMIT A CRIMINAL OFFENCE), then when the police come round they punish me by deleting my daoc characters I'd probably be as smug as Kr0n right now.... so in effect.. no.. deleting some data related to some computer game I really don't see as adequate punishment for hacking... hell if Brannor decided that now he doesn't feel secure enough and is paranoid he could probably make some kind of court case here :) but let's not take it too far :p
Then again here is how I differ in opinion, hard to explain although I tried earlier... in this case for example the thing that I didn't like was that it was a nuisance to another player, not the fact that this was breaking the law. Nuisance to a player, not talking about which player it was since opinions about Brannor obviously differ.
People break the law to this extent all the time, imho this extent... some might of course think this is much more serious than under-age drinking and smoking, or speeding. Although those things have much worse consequences. So I am not bothered about the legality of some minor scanning of someone's computer or whatever but that's just me.

As for your example, criminal offences vary in severity (yes, imho there can be not-so-bad-crimes and a-bit-worse-crimes)... your smashing of cars is worse imo than hacking someone's computer with just the simple intent to steal passwords to someone elses account in a computer game.
So on the same level I'd say the punishment is enough, but anyway what does it matter? GOA have made their decision about the case so :eek:

Generic Poster

SFX, wtf is your point?

I've been letting you get away with it thus far, but spout anymore bullshit and I will slap you! I don't care if Krons your auntie or whatever, I can't take it anymore.

You're trying to say there are different and worse sorts of crime. You're also saying that he's been punished enough. Fair enough, but why must you make 7+ posts stating the same thing over and over?

Dammit man, move on and add something of interest.

Originally posted by Lochlyessa
Guild was founded by Gideon, and run by Gideon for a good while. However, since his account is canceled, and he's pretty much severed all ties within the guild, so I think in fairness, SotL is not his guild anymore.

Didn't you once say that if Jamza was removed from sotl, you and others would leave also? I don't see Jamza in the guild, but I still see you. That is, unless, you're trying to be funny and '/gc quit' for the night.

Note that Gideon had already left sotl, but still had Jamza removed. So one assumes he still has a connection to the guild and possibly another reason to announce kron's misbehaviour, so as to break his ties with sotl.

If you disagree with him that's fine. But there are ways to argue, and ways to make yourself look like a child by flaming.


Originally posted by Generic Poster

Didn't you once say that if Jamza was removed from sotl, you and others would leave also? I don't see Jamza in the guild, but I still see you. That is, unless, you're trying to be funny and '/gc quit' for the night.

Note that Gideon had already left sotl, but still had Jamza removed. So one assumes he still has a connection to the guild and possibly another reason to announce kron's misbehaviour, so as to break his ties with sotl.

If you disagree with him that's fine. But there are ways to argue, and ways to make yourself look like a child by flaming.

a) Nop, I never said that, since I've never known Mckfly, so I couldn't really comment on whether I'd want him in guild or not. However, I may've said others will leave, since that is what they said.

b) Gideons account is, according to him, cancelled, ie not renewed, and we've moved the site from his webspace to elsewhere. When Jamza was removed his account was still active, when kr0n's acc was deleted by GOA, it wasn't.

c) So because I state my opinion on a public forum I'm a child? mkay, I do like your logic there, but can you please refresh me on why this is so?

Oh and btw, if anyone hasn't realised this yet - These are my views and are not representative of any official opinion held by SotL.Or even unofficial tbh.


So - a confession at long last, after all the posturing false machismo bullshit. And so many of SoTL who are actually standing up for the deluded child? Get a grip! As a previous poster has said - have some respect for the founder of SoTL and do some growing up.

1. None in SotL supports kr0n or what he did.
2. You are not in the Guild, You dont have a clue whats going on in the guild. so please, spare us the Respect crap.
3. If I think my former Guildmaster did wrong then Im telling him that, I dont support wrong doing.

Anyway this thread are finished.
We got the conclusion, we all were feed with a blacksheep to greif on and practice personalflames on.

please mods lock this thread



Originally posted by Jenkz
not going to get into the wrongs or rights of this, but from what i see kr0n has admitted to gaining access to brannors account without consent, and this was done via a trojan distributed over IRC.

kr0n is an operator in the #daoc.prydwen channel on quakenet (where i guess this took place). Blood in the light of kr0ns admission here do you think it is appropriate he be assisting the running the official IRC channel for prydwen on quakenet?

Official? Please...

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Lochlyessa
a) However, I may've said others will leave, since that is what they said.

c) So because I state my opinion on a public forum I'm a child? mkay, I do like your logic there, but can you please refresh me on why this is so?

a) Just a pity your old forums have been changed. I remember something on those lines, by you.

c) Let me explain this again, slight deja-vu but anyway...
You can argue, state your opinions no matter how absurd or even flame people. But there are ways of doing it, so as not to seem like a child. You see?

Read over your first few posts and you'll see the aggressive tone which stood out for most of us. So you don't agree with Gideon, nothing wrong there and no one will blame you for it. But whinge and whine and all sorts and people are less likely to take you seriously.

You are not in the Guild, You dont have a clue whats going on in the guild. so please, spare us the Respect crap

I'm always up for hearing the latest gossip and what not. If you have any juicy info, feel free to PM me. That goes for anyone else, I pay good money for the latest news! :D

What I'm thinking is, if you guys don't respect Gideon as the former GM, then why are you in his guild? Are you really soo desperate to be in the Uber'ist guild that you will forget your own principles.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
What I'm thinking is, if you guys don't respect Gideon as the former GM, then why are you in his guild? Are you really soo desperate to be in the Uber'ist guild that you will forget your own principles.
For some, yes. :(

SoulFly Amarok



What I'm thinking is, if you guys don't respect Gideon as the former GM, then why are you in his guild? Are you really soo desperate to be in the Uber'ist guild that you will forget your own principles.

In what way do I disrespect Gideon ?
In what way do I forget my Principles ?

I wont state my reasons to join SotL, but I can tell you that I didnt join to be shutup when my former GM does something that I disagree with.



err this isnt a "hackers for dummies" forum.... theres even links to hacking tools websites on this thread..... tut tut....


Originally posted by Generic Poster

I don't see anyone turning this into an anti-sotl campaign. Quite the opposite, infact. If it helps you to understand this thread better by marking it as 'anti-sotl', then by all means do so.

If you would prefer to know the truth, it goes something like this:
- Gideon exposes Brannor's attacker.
- A couple of sotl players thought this was uneccesary, which isn't so bad, except for the way they expressed themselves.
- Some non-sotl players reminded them of whose guild they live in

Indeed - it's more of a pro-sotl campaign, considering non-sotl people were supporting Gideon.

Can you understand this now?
If not, ask someone else to explain it to you. I only have so much patience.

Read, understand, reply. My post was directed to Turamber who claimed there were "so many of SoTL who are actually standing up for the deluded child", us being "the guild all the 'leet' wish to join" and how "Many people have remarked how your guild in general has declined since he hung up his <insert clerical attire here>". Might be just me, but that didn't sound that pro-sotl at all. Just let it be clear that everyone except 1 or 2 of our members don't agree with Gid telling it, the rest certainly does. Same goes for the amount of people respecting Gid and all he did to make this guild what it is today.

People claiming they'd leave if Jamza was kicked? Quite the opposite actually. People standing up for kr0n? Seriously, doesn't matter how long you play in Alb or whoever you are, but either don't reply at all or stop trying to patronize people based on your obvious lack of knowledge about our guild's internal affairs.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by old.Atrox

In what way do I disrespect Gideon ?
In what way do I forget my Principles ?

I wont state my reasons to join SotL, but I can tell you that I didnt join to be shutup when my former GM does something that I disagree with.

Afaik gideon has nothing to do with us anymore so .__.

SoulFly Amarok

and please, do make a sotl flame thread instead of turning this to one, pweeeees, now, ill quote myself, everyone, shuut uuup :eek:


Not BS, reality. The only safe computer is one that's switched off. :p Having said that, the chances of being hacked are low, in the same way the chances of having your house broken into are low. Doesn't mean it can't happen though.

Just don't try to say that open port equals a way to get total access to a computer cause its simply not true. If someone tries to make ppl believe that they gotta be either pretty clueless, pretty paranoid or a firewall manufacturer :)

Isn't that what I said? :p I said they go for easy targets, you said they look for vulnerable targets, seems like the same thing to me...

What i kinda meant was they dont sit there and search for 'easy targets'. They set automatic scanners that checks a series of hosts for one certain type of vulnerability. Its requiers no skill.


Mercy! Please! Someone!!




Originally posted by Freia
What i kinda meant was they dont sit there and search for 'easy targets'. They set automatic scanners that checks a series of hosts for one certain type of vulnerability. Its requiers no skill.
Skill isn't usually part of a hacker's armoury, no. Mostly they just follow a set of procedures by rote - scanning etc. are the usual. A lot of them don't have any idea how the tools they are using actually work, just that they can use them to gain access to vulnerable machines.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
SFX, wtf is your point?

I've been letting you get away with it thus far, but spout anymore bullshit and I will slap you! I don't care if Krons your auntie or whatever, I can't take it anymore.

You're trying to say there are different and worse sorts of crime. You're also saying that he's been punished enough. Fair enough, but why must you make 7+ posts stating the same thing over and over?

Dammit man, move on and add something of interest.
Diggity damn, yeh yeh... just that it was so hard to explain and people kept misunderstanding it :p
Easy to explain IRL what I mean but in text it aint. I just easily catch on to some peoples ridiculous ideas and thus the posts :p

Anyhoo, this doesn't concern me anyway so I'll just get the popcorn and enjoy the soap opera.


lol :clap:

kkthx reminded me of typical Diablo chat:
"^^ GG
POTAL POTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
ME BIG BABA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11"

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Coren
My post was directed to Turamber who claimed there were "so many of SoTL who are actually standing up for the deluded child", us being "the guild all the 'leet' wish to join" and how "Many people have remarked how your guild in general has declined since he hung up his <insert clerical attire here>". Might be just me, but that didn't sound that pro-sotl at all.

Oh dear. We've not been paying attention, have we?
Based on one person's post, you label the whole thread as anti-sotl. Do you have any idea how many people have posted here... a slight exageration wouldn't you say?

So Turamber may have done the same by suggesting many sotl members were against Gideon. But you make a similar assumption based on one post.

Would you deny that many of the hardcore player a.k.a 'leet' players want a piece of sotl?

Are you also denying sotl has started recruiting heavily, since Gideon's depertaure, which statistically lowers the overall quality of the guild?

I don't care one way or the other, you brought these points forward and I'm pushing them back. Live with it. Or call me anti-sotl if that makes you happy. Ironically, the only negative attention sotl is getting, is from you guys.

Originally posted by Coren
People claiming they'd leave if Jamza was kicked? Quite the opposite actually. People standing up for kr0n? Seriously, doesn't matter how long you play in Alb or whoever you are, but either don't reply at all or stop trying to patronize people based on your obvious lack of knowledge about our guild's internal affairs.

I was directed to a thread on sotl's forum, which involved McFly's confession, quite amusing at the time. Now some people were threatening to leave the guild if Jamza was kicked. I believe Gideon logged in anyway and showed him the door, /respect to that.

There are some issues, where if you take a voice, you cannot remain neutral. You are either for, or against. Anyone against the decision to expose kron, is supporting his right to remain annonymous. Now if you bothered to read this thread at all, you would realise there is more here then Turamber's extreme and totally unfounded flames at sotl. Now I leave with the impression that you have less knowledge of your guild, then I do!

Originally posted by Coren
Read, understand, reply.

I couldn't agree more.

Generic Poster

As a rule, I refrain from using profanity on forums unless the situation commands it:

For anyone who wants this or other threads closed, understand that no one is forcing you to read it. If the contents disagree with you, kindly fuck off.


I've never understood why people ask for threads to be closed. Makes no sense at all.

Like Generic said, if you can't be assed with this thread anymore, just go away and don't bother clicking on the link anymore.


omg, this has been posted again!? why? what was the point in that... conclusion wtf? i dont think so.

Look, hacking is a lot harder than some people think. here is my IP, hack me all you want. The truth is you cant.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
Oh dear. We've not been paying attention, have we?
Based on one person's post, you label the whole thread as anti-sotl. Do you have any idea how many people have posted here... a slight exageration wouldn't you say?

So Turamber may have done the same by suggesting many sotl members were against Gideon. But you make a similar assumption based on one post.

Wonder why you think I'm labeling the whole thread as anti-sotl, since the post where I mentioned it was a direct reply to Turamber's post (hence the quote in that post). Have to agree that labeling the entire thread based on 1 post would be a bit exagerating indeed. Go a few pages back and check for yourself. Read, understand, reply.

Would you deny that many of the hardcore player a.k.a 'leet' players want a piece of sotl?

Hardcore and 'leet' are 2 totally different things as far as I know. 'leet' being the most annoying/irritating/childish one.

Are you also denying sotl has started recruiting heavily, since Gideon's depertaure, which statistically lowers the overall quality of the guild?

I'm not denying that, we just had many other people leave/going inactive at the same time as Gideon and merely filled up the ranks. Still have the same number of active people as we had before Gid's departure.

I was directed to a thread on sotl's forum, which involved McFly's confession, quite amusing at the time. Now some people were threatening to leave the guild if Jamza was kicked. I believe Gideon logged in anyway and showed him the door, /respect to that.

People were threatening to leave the guild if Jamza wasn't kicked, since a lot of them had problems with him in the past and weren't as forgiving as some of the others that were neutral about it.

There are some issues, where if you take a voice, you cannot remain neutral. You are either for, or against. Anyone against the decision to expose kron, is supporting his right to remain annonymous. Now if you bothered to read this thread at all, you would realise there is more here then Turamber's extreme and totally unfounded flames at sotl. Now I leave with the impression that you have less knowledge of your guild, then I do!

I'm quite aware of what this thread is all about, don't worry. My opinion about this whole affair was already known to the people involved and I didn't feel the need to post it on some public forum, yet seeing Turamber's post made me reply to it, not even mentioning anything about the entire hacking affair. Just about his asumptions being totally wrong. And that's where you jump in with your claim about me labeling this entire thread as anti-sotl and adding some false facts to the thread.


Maybe I should've added a think before 'understand' aswell.


Originally posted by old.Aralik
omg, this has been posted again!? why? what was the point in that... conclusion wtf? i dont think so.

Look, hacking is a lot harder than some people think. here is my IP, hack me all you want. The truth is you cant.

Well I just did and all I'm gonna say is Gary Glitter would be proud of you mate!

Generic Poster

Coren! No wonder you're confused, you've been misquoting Turamber all along!
Didn't I mention something about dealing with issues by labelling them as anti-sotl, and helping you to understand it?

Anyway, I'm getting tired now but I'll do this one last time... only because it's you. ;)


Originally posted by Turamber
Without Gideon's way of doing things you'd not have the fearsome reputation you now enjoy, and wouldn't be the guild all the 'leet' wish to join.

Your bastardised version:

Originally posted by Coren
My post was directed to Turamber who claimed there were "so many of SoTL who are actually standing up for the deluded child", us being "the guild all the 'leet' wish to join" and how "Many people have remarked how your guild in general has declined since he hung up his <insert clerical attire here>".

Might be just me, but that didn't sound that pro-sotl at all.

No shit.

After twisting his words to suit yourself , it's no wonder they take on a different tone. Looking at the original quote above, you will notice Turamber was infact complementing sotl by saying it's a guild which the 'leet' players want to join. As you yourself have observed, there is no difinitive description for the word 'leet', however it's derived from the word Elite(or so I'm told). One can assume he meant the hardcore/powerlevellers, and among such players, you will find assholes as standard.

So serious gamers and freaks of nature alike, want to be part of sotl. This is down to it's reputation, as pointed out by Turamber, which equates to a compliment, not a flame.

You are right, there were people in the 'Jamza' thread who said they would leave if he didn't, but there were also those who said they would leave with him. I'm only interested in the latter, the former showed loyalty to their guild and should not be involved here.

Originally posted by Coren
And that's where you jump in with your claim about me labeling this entire thread as anti-sotl and adding some false facts to the thread.

Naturally, I was right on both counts. There are those who've begun to think of this as an anti-sotl thread, for which you only have your own corrupting influence to blame and although you may have unintentionally juggled some words, it did result in false statements.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by [Cerebus]

Well I just did and all I'm gonna say is Gary Glitter would be proud of you mate!

How much scarier can it get? :eek6:

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