Things that would be cool



I have been thinking alot latley on things that would make the game even cooler then it is to day.. here are some points..

1) Frontier Market place
Where u can get weapons and armor from diff realms
ex: as alb u can buy mid swords and armor and the other way round. (and of course this place wouldent be a rvr and pvp place its a place to meet and trade.. (this place could be deep inside the fronter so only highlvls could go there only and the price on things would be pretty high too.)

2)Group Quests
Harder bigger and longer quest that can only be made and given to grps. (with players at serten lvls) with nice lot too and money.

3)Spell and style buying..
Spells: Ye buying speciall spells some where with in camelot etc.
Of coure there would be serten spells for serten classes maby u as wiz (fire specced ) could buy some nice ice or earth spells or even some realy speciall fire spell that aint trainabel.

Same goes with styles

maby u as cleric would love to have some crush styles or wiz have some cool staff style.. (think this would own)
To limit this abit this wouldent be open until u reached a serten lvl (30 or something maby 25) and cost about 5g for the first style then +5g then 10g for next style.. or even hight to limit it more.

4) tournyment place with in camelot ect..
Yeah u know in old knight movies your often see tournymnets (cant remember how it spells sorry) being hold in diffrent styles as sword, bow ect. why not have a pvp place within each realm where players can face each others and win money or items (and some exp). Have a little ide how this would work and it goes like this..

some where in camelot (mystic) makes a arean style house and out side there is a NPC dude that sells the places within the tournyment (cost about 20s) to enter the league and the fight begins (winner stays).

sword vs sword,axe,rapier,hammer (duel)
sword & sheild vs same or duel weild (duel)

class vs same class (duels)

bow vs target (diff range)

grp vs grp (grp with most ppl left wins :D )

and btw the fights will be sorted by lvl so not a lvl 50 will
duel a lvl 20 :p

aa make this the end of my ides to day maby write more if this topic is liked :p give me some nice anwsers now maby u have had the same ides ..

btw my english suckes as u see..



1) i find this irrellevant for me, since i dont know what i need a mid sword for, when i can use an alb blade. also, would be just another high level thingamabob

2) this is a VERY good idea.

3) bad bad bad idea.
gives power players an extra edge, they dont need. theres a reason why, a cleric has no crush styles, and a why infils cant spec cross bow, etc etc

4) Mythic designed it like this, because they didnt want regular dual spots.
you will get PvP server someday. but thats the closest you'll ever get.

but the quest thingy would rock :D


Talking about Group Quests, my guild got involved in an event last thursday, it seemed the Gamesmasters were about and we were given a group quest to do. A mobs Chief had been taken hostage by arachnites and we had to get him back. It involved Warewolves as well, was a very refreshing change and hugely enjoyable, got 20 gold as well as a reward.

More of this would be great.


Mythic have acknowledged that people want a duallin arena....


It would be nice to see a GM on Mid once in a while.
Sometimes I do it just to amuse myself

/who CSR
no matches

/who GM
no matches


Originally posted by Blacktorn
I have been thinking alot latley on things that would make the game even cooler then it is to day.. here are some points..

1) Frontier Market place
Where u can get weapons and armor from diff realms
ex: as alb u can buy mid swords and armor and the other way round. (and of course this place wouldent be a rvr and pvp place its a place to meet and trade.. (this place could be deep inside the fronter so only highlvls could go there only and the price on things would be pretty high too.)

2)Group Quests
Harder bigger and longer quest that can only be made and given to grps. (with players at serten lvls) with nice lot too and money.

3)Spell and style buying..
Spells: Ye buying speciall spells some where with in camelot etc.
Of coure there would be serten spells for serten classes maby u as wiz (fire specced ) could buy some nice ice or earth spells or even some realy speciall fire spell that aint trainabel.

Same goes with styles

maby u as cleric would love to have some crush styles or wiz have some cool staff style.. (think this would own)
To limit this abit this wouldent be open until u reached a serten lvl (30 or something maby 25) and cost about 5g for the first style then +5g then 10g for next style.. or even hight to limit it more.

4) tournyment place with in camelot ect..
Yeah u know in old knight movies your often see tournymnets (cant remember how it spells sorry) being hold in diffrent styles as sword, bow ect. why not have a pvp place within each realm where players can face each others and win money or items (and some exp). Have a little ide how this would work and it goes like this..

some where in camelot (mystic) makes a arean style house and out side there is a NPC dude that sells the places within the tournyment (cost about 20s) to enter the league and the fight begins (winner stays).

sword vs sword,axe,rapier,hammer (duel)
sword & sheild vs same or duel weild (duel)

class vs same class (duels)

bow vs target (diff range)

grp vs grp (grp with most ppl left wins :D )

and btw the fights will be sorted by lvl so not a lvl 50 will
duel a lvl 20 :p

aa make this the end of my ides to day maby write more if this topic is liked :p give me some nice anwsers now maby u have had the same ides ..

btw my english suckes as u see..


some brill ideas there .

1/ i think unless im wrong darkness falls has a similer thing where the loot that drops can drop for any realms that has control of it and same with the vendors inside there eq can be worn/used by all realms who have the specifics for that particuler item . "i know this because ive heard about middys and alb snipers using same bow that drops in df"

2/ that idea would be excelent . would be great to have group quests/tasks/epics maybe that couldbe an idea for higher lvls . cos kill tasks stop at lvl 20 so group kill tasks for groups ? woot woot

3/ also from what i can gather is there in future patches will be spell crafting with trade skills . "i dunno if its magic as in adding magical properties to player made items . or actuall spells ." only time will tell i suposse .

4/ although a general good idea to have sorta likejoustinf tournamens and archery tournaments . i dont think it would work due to the difference in classes .

waste of time posting ideas here anyway because goa dont read these boards and take them seriously . maybe if you goto camelot herald "usa version" and email them a few of your ideas they might take note sit up n introduce some of em cos that group task/quest thing would rock


Originally posted by Blain
It would be nice to see a GM on Mid once in a while.
Sometimes I do it just to amuse myself

/who CSR
no matches

/who GM
no matches

hehe...aye, I find myself doing that every so often...just incase a GM is online, i can go to the place, so that If an event does start I won't miss it ;)


Duel arena coming if I remember correctly but that is still far away even in the US.
The buying spells/styles....nah, don't like the idea.
Frontier trading place wouldn't work? With each realm having different specs...
Group quests are a very good idea tho.


why 'o why have all those patches to be translated? if we just would keep it english we would have the same version as the US.
boohooohoo :eek6:


Things I would like to see:

1. Some form of teleportation device to get you from Lyoness to Camelot. It takes a good 15 - 20 mins of horse ride to get back to civilisation from there. It would have to cost a fair bit so it is only accessable by high level chars (to stop lower levels abusing it to do quests). Once you hit level 30 and the quests suddenly dissapear, and you have done that horse route 1000's of times before, it really starts to annoy me. I have seen people commit suicide to get back to their bind point after levelling, rather than subject themselves to the journey to get to Castle Sauvage to go RvR.

2. A better grouping interface, system etc. Nobody uses the LFG flags (although I always do!) You should be able to select a member of a group and see some details about it, i.e. Who is leader, is it full, what levels are the people in it (con post 30 is pretty vague). Just save time, stop people running around yelling 'Level blah blah LFG! PLZ!'

3. Flame & Ice arrows, I know its been said time and time again but I loved the feature in AC. Would adds a new Alchemy tradeskill too so you can add bonuses to arrows. There would be some major balance issues with this, but i'm sure they could be resolved :)

4. Some lower level epic mobs, i.e nice collection of drops when killed, but can only be killed by people of or below a certain level. Dont know how it would work 100% because you could always get higher level chars to help you out or something. But I have always fancied getting a collection of friends together, maybe a few groups and going to kill a 'boss' so to speak. Spend a good 20 mins battling. Shame I have to wait till i'm level 45+ to even think about it.

5. Sleep mode, like sitting but everything regenerates twice as fast, but if anything hits you, instant death. Also you would not be able too see anything around you, even chat (obviously your sleeping!)

6. Another quickbar! or just the ability to place icons round the screen UO style. Dunno about you lot but annoys the hell out of me having to switch between bars, esp Cleric, the number of times I have given someone a strength buff instead of healed because I didnt notice which quickbar was up.

7. Some more emotes! AO had mooney, that would rock, 20 highlanders all doing moonies out on the RvR battlefield at some middie invaders (remind you of anything?)

8. Beer, drink lots and u start to wobble about (stupid but its these little things that keep people interested)

I can think of many more but i'll leave it at that coz u will get bored of my rambling eventually ;)


More ides !!

Well what can i say nice to see so many posts under my topic :D

Some more hardcore thoughts on the grp quest thing..

Would be cool if the enemy AI was based on the (player/players lvl) and if it would be then high lvls could grp with low lvls and still have fun


ex. grp with 8 ppl (6 low lvls 10 - 20 and 2 highlvls 25 - 35) goes to we say tepok. normaly the low lvl player would be owned here but as the highlvls are in the grp the ai controler of the mobs (calculate bla bla bla and respawns a grp of mobs that mixed but in the same or even abit higher then the low est in the grp) witch would result in a nice balance fight and good exp :D..

well i have lunch now so need to go....

need some f***king sun too great weather here in sweden ...Wihooooooooooo

cya ppl..


Boobie traps. Explosive runes. Anything like that would be great :) Imagine setting up a trap as some ranger guy, seeing an enemy ensnared by it (like kind of an AOE snare or mezz, but only affecting one person), then shoot him down. Or magic landmine-runes that explode when you trip on them. Only difficulty is that such things would end up being placed on both sides of the milegates and in front of keep doors all the time, which would suck badly somehow.


Only difficulty is that such things would end up being placed on both sides of the milegates and in front of keep doors all the time, which would suck badly somehow.

But on the other hand Scouts/Assasins could have a new 'Disarm Trap' skill, could be cool .. send your Scouts ahead to check for traps, adds to the whole teamplay aspect of DAoC RvR .. which at the moment I have to say seems like a bit of a freeforall.


The epic quests in patch 1.49 (Starting at 43 and ending on level 50), are groupquests.. no way you can do everything on your own. (Purple monsters to a 50.. ;)

I'm looking forward to this! :)


Had a quick flick thru the posts. Lots of nice ideas.

One thing I saw and can reply to is about different type of arrows.

They are adding Fire, Poison, Stun, Light. But about the same time as spellcrafting. I think probably u have to spellcraft the arrows or something. Got this info from one of the posts on


they should REALLY REALLY have a gladiator pit in each of the capitals or near the capitals where people can fight each other in the same realm as competitions and lose nothin from em having to pay a fee to enter the arena and people could place bets etc.

Hope some mythic guy reads this it would own :clap:


Originally posted by Kladen
they should REALLY REALLY have a gladiator pit in each of the capitals or near the capitals where people can fight each other in the same realm as competitions and lose nothin from em having to pay a fee to enter the arena and people could place bets etc.

Hope some mythic guy reads this it would own :clap:

Hope so too m8 :D


LMAO! "bow vs target" would be duelling? ;)

"Ok, m8. You run and I'll shoot ya, k? If i miss, then I'll get another shot. Aggreed?"


Originally posted by Gef
7. Some more emotes! AO had mooney, that would rock, 20 highlanders all doing moonies out on the RvR battlefield at some middie invaders (remind you of anything?)
ROFL, would be quite damn indeed!



How about a in-game map for me, since i can't stand printers, ive had 2 in the last month and they keep breaking!!!

the little map i got with the game is not good enuth, the only realm i know well enuth is Albion, so am scared to start anywere else :(

So come on give me a in-game map:clap: :clap:


i would like to get a pet that can pick up my loot for me ( when the pet has killed it some distance from me) and maybe also carry loot or ram parts ;) to increase my enc level.


Re: Ummmm

Originally posted by Ganon
So come on give me a in-game map:clap: :clap:
Ultima Online had a third party program Auto-map and it was totally legal... then again UO was allowed to be run in windowed. These kinds of things really made things too easy though... especially when UOAM had all treasure spots marked and everything else like that.


There is actually a program you can get that lets you run DAoC in a window. Cant remember the name now, but it hasnt been totally condemned by Mythic. They have had lots of problems with people using things like virus checkers etc that keep flipping users out of the game, so they do have some sympathy. But apparently it is very buggy and slows the game down somewhat.

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