I have been thinking alot latley on things that would make the game even cooler then it is to day.. here are some points..
1) Frontier Market place
Where u can get weapons and armor from diff realms
ex: as alb u can buy mid swords and armor and the other way round. (and of course this place wouldent be a rvr and pvp place its a place to meet and trade.. (this place could be deep inside the fronter so only highlvls could go there only and the price on things would be pretty high too.)
2)Group Quests
Harder bigger and longer quest that can only be made and given to grps. (with players at serten lvls) with nice lot too and money.
3)Spell and style buying..
Spells: Ye buying speciall spells some where with in camelot etc.
Of coure there would be serten spells for serten classes maby u as wiz (fire specced ) could buy some nice ice or earth spells or even some realy speciall fire spell that aint trainabel.
Same goes with styles
maby u as cleric would love to have some crush styles or wiz have some cool staff style.. (think this would own)
To limit this abit this wouldent be open until u reached a serten lvl (30 or something maby 25) and cost about 5g for the first style then +5g then 10g for next style.. or even hight to limit it more.
4) tournyment place with in camelot ect..
Yeah u know in old knight movies your often see tournymnets (cant remember how it spells sorry) being hold in diffrent styles as sword, bow ect. why not have a pvp place within each realm where players can face each others and win money or items (and some exp). Have a little ide how this would work and it goes like this..
some where in camelot (mystic) makes a arean style house and out side there is a NPC dude that sells the places within the tournyment (cost about 20s) to enter the league and the fight begins (winner stays).
sword vs sword,axe,rapier,hammer (duel)
sword & sheild vs same or duel weild (duel)
class vs same class (duels)
bow vs target (diff range)
grp vs grp (grp with most ppl left wins )
and btw the fights will be sorted by lvl so not a lvl 50 will
duel a lvl 20
aa make this the end of my ides to day maby write more if this topic is liked give me some nice anwsers now maby u have had the same ides ..
btw my english suckes as u see..
1) Frontier Market place
Where u can get weapons and armor from diff realms
ex: as alb u can buy mid swords and armor and the other way round. (and of course this place wouldent be a rvr and pvp place its a place to meet and trade.. (this place could be deep inside the fronter so only highlvls could go there only and the price on things would be pretty high too.)
2)Group Quests
Harder bigger and longer quest that can only be made and given to grps. (with players at serten lvls) with nice lot too and money.
3)Spell and style buying..
Spells: Ye buying speciall spells some where with in camelot etc.
Of coure there would be serten spells for serten classes maby u as wiz (fire specced ) could buy some nice ice or earth spells or even some realy speciall fire spell that aint trainabel.
Same goes with styles
maby u as cleric would love to have some crush styles or wiz have some cool staff style.. (think this would own)
To limit this abit this wouldent be open until u reached a serten lvl (30 or something maby 25) and cost about 5g for the first style then +5g then 10g for next style.. or even hight to limit it more.
4) tournyment place with in camelot ect..
Yeah u know in old knight movies your often see tournymnets (cant remember how it spells sorry) being hold in diffrent styles as sword, bow ect. why not have a pvp place within each realm where players can face each others and win money or items (and some exp). Have a little ide how this would work and it goes like this..
some where in camelot (mystic) makes a arean style house and out side there is a NPC dude that sells the places within the tournyment (cost about 20s) to enter the league and the fight begins (winner stays).
sword vs sword,axe,rapier,hammer (duel)
sword & sheild vs same or duel weild (duel)
class vs same class (duels)
bow vs target (diff range)
grp vs grp (grp with most ppl left wins )
and btw the fights will be sorted by lvl so not a lvl 50 will
duel a lvl 20
aa make this the end of my ides to day maby write more if this topic is liked give me some nice anwsers now maby u have had the same ides ..
btw my english suckes as u see..